Strategy Discussion Section => DotA Discussion => Topic started by: shpura on April 06, 2012, 23:04

Title: Nevermore
Post by: shpura on April 06, 2012, 23:04
what do you suggest?
lothar or dagger?
I usually buy lothar when there are no enemy trackers, because wind walk grealy increases my ulti dmg output and i have an escape mechanism. Also dmg and att speed don't hurt.
But i found myself in situations when i really need dagger so enemies escape...
I also find buying both lothar and dagger kinda stupid. I always go for bkb after.
Please post your opinions.
Title: Re: Nevermore
Post by: nermiee on April 06, 2012, 23:10
for me, dagger is so much better, cuz of my playstyle.. im not kinda person who likes to sneak behind and bam... thats ninja style, im samurai xD

so i go dagger, bkb, mantas

and when some1 is escaping u, trust me, imo its more easier to blink in front and use raze and kill him, i have milion replays that can prove dagger is better. But yea, u stay for like 1 more sec in lothar if u cast ulty and it can save from disables, but tbh, if u have some1 to initiate in fight, u dagger in activate bkb ulty > ultra kill rampage bla bla xD
Title: Re: Nevermore
Post by: ErectCock on April 06, 2012, 23:28
if enemy has few stuns u dont even need bkb...ur not supposed to go in first and ulti right away anyways. Only in situations where your teammates are retards you must go first (and if you go you must have bkb too cus even if they have 1 stun ur fucked). Also lothars is a waste when enemy roams with team of 5 with a gem or dust. thats my opinion.
Title: Re: Nevermore
Post by: shpura on April 06, 2012, 23:46
Title: Re: Nevermore
Post by: ^CaoZdravo^ on April 07, 2012, 00:31
what do you suggest?
lothar or dagger?
I usually buy lothar when there are no enemy trackers, because wind walk grealy increases my ulti dmg output and i have an escape mechanism. Also dmg and att speed don't hurt.
But i found myself in situations when i really need dagger so enemies escape...
I also find buying both lothar and dagger kinda stupid. I always go for bkb after.
Please post your opinions.

im not sf skillzor but dagger ofc...
Title: Re: Nevermore
Post by: Alucardo on April 07, 2012, 05:37
in pub games : make lothar
in private games : make dagger
Title: Re: Nevermore
Post by: FU I am PeNGuiN on April 07, 2012, 13:32
dagger+bkb all the way
Title: Re: Nevermore
Post by: glodar on April 07, 2012, 18:15
sometimes just farm fast bkb without dager or lothar
Title: Re: Nevermore
Post by: ColdWorld on April 07, 2012, 19:16
dagger ofc
Title: Re: Nevermore
Post by: GondarFuckHeRe on April 07, 2012, 20:09
dager + etheral(against fighters) / bkb (against int) = GG
Title: Re: Nevermore
Post by: [kosarkas] on April 07, 2012, 20:44
go dagger and lothars, and then forcestaff so u can chase and run as much as you want xD
Title: Re: Nevermore
Post by: brad_hawk on April 15, 2012, 10:10
Dagger better then lothar
Title: Re: Nevermore
Post by: Shitty on April 25, 2012, 16:33
No need to lothar.

In early game
2x wraith band, pt

goes to

pt, dagger, bkb, etheral or manta
Title: Re: Nevermore
Post by: sarp on May 02, 2012, 19:29
magic stick or pms,dagger,bkb,manta  (+sy)
Title: Re: Nevermore
Post by: Rio^ on May 02, 2012, 19:34
dust/gem = lothar sucks

Dagger - u can always escape, kill...

dagger, bkb, manta, skadi enough.
Title: Re: Nevermore
Post by: Pash4 on May 03, 2012, 14:57
I hate to play against barathrum cuz dagger sucks against bara anyway.
Title: Re: Nevermore
Post by: You.Suck on May 03, 2012, 16:54
In pub games it suck anywya to play with nevermore.
Title: Re: Nevermore
Post by: ColdWorld on May 03, 2012, 23:28
In pub games it suck anywya to play with nevermore.
Title: Re: Nevermore
Post by: mr 2 on May 03, 2012, 23:40
i've heard that dutch noob mark playz SF best on xpam
Title: Re: Nevermore
Post by: Natura Sonoris on May 04, 2012, 22:41
Depends , but i prefer lothar anyway. It is depends on how i farm. If i farm well , i ll go for lothar , because i will have extra dmg from souls + lothars dmg. When you get lothar , just stand next to hero , and after ulti si done , 3 or 4 hits are enough for kill. With dagger , you dont have dmg and you dont have element of suprise.Above all , with loth you gain MS to cover up that blink distance you would do with dagger.
Title: Re: Nevermore
Post by: Tupac Shakur on May 04, 2012, 23:45
Depends , but i prefer lothar anyway. It is depends on how i farm. If i farm well , i ll go for lothar , because i will have extra dmg from souls + lothars dmg. When you get lothar , just stand next to hero , and after ulti si done , 3 or 4 hits are enough for kill. With dagger , you dont have dmg and you dont have element of suprise.Above all , with loth you gain MS to cover up that blink distance you would do with dagger.

lol well jumping at somebodys ass and useing just single raze to kill is not surprise ? :P lol