Strategy Discussion Section => DotA Discussion => Topic started by: Angel on February 09, 2012, 17:30

Title: Crime Scene Investigation: DotA
Post by: Angel on February 09, 2012, 17:30
I found out an interesting article on and wanna share with you guys.  I will reveal the answer 2 days later and add 2 new scenes. Please note that the answer is based on the author’s opinion and not myself. Have fun guessing the DotA hero!

Scene 1:

"He is a real killer!" Shadow Shaman said excitedly "No! He should be a battle master of 1 v 1!"

Detective Angel asked, "How is it?"

"You did not see it. The dead Earth Shaker only managed to release 1 fissure before he is killed, each time he raised his hand his skill is interrupted... when he felt overwhelmed and wanna run, he could not walk as fast as usual ~ Finally, ES released a fissure and run for his life! But within a few meters, the killer raised his hand, and ES fell..."

"Anything you wanna add on?” Detective Angel asked.

"No more...oh! Wait, wait, the hands of the killer never stopped!”

"Thank you for your cooperation...” Detective Angel said... looking at the ES’s blood-stained corpse, his proud totem was neatly cut into two, falling next to his body... "Damn! You can never escape!”

Who is the killer that Detective Angel said?

Troll Warlord

Scene 2:

12:20 noon, DotA Police Department received a report, a murder just happened near a river... Detective Angel rushed to the crime scene, and saw witness Viper who reported the crime standing next to a dead body. Detective walked towards the body and found out she was Luna the Moon Rider... her condition was very scary: the body is full of scratches, eyes were wide opened, as if she suffered a lot of fear before her death...

This is Viper’s description to the officer: when I crossed the river, I heard someone crying for help, and I rushed to where the sound came from. I saw Luna, and she saw me too. She used her ulti while running towards me. Suddenly sky became very dark, and I can’t see clearly, only to find out that the bared hand murderer suddenly chased even faster. I supposed he saw Luna used her ulti, became panic and used a skill that increase movement speed ... when Luna almost reach me, she suddenly collapsed on the ground... and the murderer escaped...

Detective Angel thought for a long time... and found that indeed there is such a bastard ... and he called on his officers: arrest XXX in suspicion of killing Luna.

Do you know who XXX is?

Night Stalker

Scene 3:

"Who? Who is this?!" Rylai the Crystal Maiden who was patrolling in the jungle cried painfully. She felt as if she was being cut by a sharp knife, but looked around, there was only trees and woods ...

“I must go to a safe place first...”CM quickly skilled crystal nova around her and ran towards the river... The murderer did not seem to catch up ...but when she looked back, she saw the murderer opened his big and fearsome eyes; she could feel him coming ... "Beasts! Eat my Frostbite!" CM quickly released the skill ... “Haha... can you...." Before she finished her words, she saw the murderer walked out from the ice block calmly; releasing some fearsome aura at the same time ... “How is that possible?! RUN!! "CM can only think about escaping now ... but she could not run, as if the murderer firmly grabbed her...CM had lost the courage to run now...waiting for her death as her boobs becoming smaller and smaller...

Who is the killer that CM saw?

Scene 4:

DotA jewelery shop business is good as always. Security guard Sven the Rogue Knight was happily watching the customers going in and out at the entrance.

"Wow, such a pretty babe!" Sven watched a gorgeous customer going into the store ...

However... “Robbery! Do not move if you don’t wanna die! "The customer revealed her true identity... with her roar, the shop became very quiet. Shopkeeper Vengeful Spirit certainly would not agree to such thing to go on, but she was unable to make any sound, and the magic missile in her hand became very heavy, could not throw out no matter what. “Now I can only press the alarm...hope that Sven can control the situation...”VS thought so and pressed the alarm button at the same time ...the alarm rang inside the shop... and Sven rushed in... locking the only exit of the shop on the way. (Can only unlocked by password, even Techies’s bomb cannot destroy it) He saw the thief is the angelic customer that made him felt very horny just now...but he was not affected by her beauty...sense of responsibility made him to throw out his storm bolt without doubt...DODGED!! Everyone in the shop was very surprised...and then they heard a sound “Have a sweet dream~ Hehe...”


When they woke up, every valuable thing inside the shop was gone...and the robber too...

Who is the robber?
Title: Re: Crime Scene Investigation: DotA
Post by: Templar on February 09, 2012, 17:42
XXX is Balanar?
Title: Re: Crime Scene Investigation: DotA
Post by: donjacrtasamir on February 09, 2012, 17:43
Scene 1 involker Scene 2 balanar
Title: Re: Crime Scene Investigation: DotA
Post by: vaikiss on February 09, 2012, 18:15
second one either slardar or  dark seer no other heroes can increase their move speeds
Title: Re: Crime Scene Investigation: DotA
Post by: Templar on February 09, 2012, 18:20
second one either slardar or  dark seer no other heroes can increase their move speeds
But when Luna uses ulti, day becomes night, and Balanar becomes faster...?
Title: Re: Crime Scene Investigation: DotA
Post by: Novak.Djokovic on February 09, 2012, 18:23
Scene 1 involker Scene 2 balanar
number one can be razor maybe
Title: Re: Crime Scene Investigation: DotA
Post by: vaikiss on February 09, 2012, 18:44
second one either slardar or  dark seer no other heroes can increase their move speeds
But when Luna uses ulti, day becomes night, and Balanar becomes faster...?
hmm might be balanar too then

and first one is invoker or  clock 
Title: Re: Crime Scene Investigation: DotA
Post by: [kosarkas] on February 09, 2012, 18:57
Scene 1 invoker----> cold snap, ice wall (or mby that's 2 obvious,so if not Invoker it's Troll ---> bash + he can slow now) scene 2 Lycan (ulti ftw + scratches) :)) Next scene u write will be Ursa (yes I can see the future bitcheZ) ;)
Title: Re: Crime Scene Investigation: DotA
Post by: Alucardo on February 09, 2012, 19:26
Scene 1 involker Scene 2 balanar

yeah same . so easy ..
Title: Re: Crime Scene Investigation: DotA
Post by: Templar on February 09, 2012, 19:31
yeah same . so easy ..
At 2nd thought, maybe its not Invoker. Could be Clockwerk. Mini-rockets interrupt Shaker's fissures, and when Shaker tries to escape, "the killer raised his hand", meaning he might have used the hook...?

What do you think?

Second one is Balanar 99%!
Title: Re: Crime Scene Investigation: DotA
Post by: [kosarkas] on February 09, 2012, 19:45
Why do you all think its balanar?
and templay it says he could not walk as fast as he can so does clock have any slow?
Title: Re: Crime Scene Investigation: DotA
Post by: Templar on February 09, 2012, 20:11
Why do you all think its balanar?
and templay it says he could not walk as fast as he can so does clock have any slow?
Mini-stun prevents him from walking as fast as he would normaly.
Slow isnt mentioned anywhere.
Title: Re: Crime Scene Investigation: DotA
Post by: mezun on February 09, 2012, 21:20
Scene 1 invoker----> cold snap, ice wall (or mby that's 2 obvious,so if not Invoker it's Troll ---> bash + he can slow now) scene 2 Lycan (ulti ftw + scratches) :)) Next scene u write will be Ursa (yes I can see the future bitcheZ) ;)

1st one prob troll, he stuns to interrupt casts, and after the last stun since es is few meters away he raises his hand and starts a range attack, (But within a few meters, the killer raised his hand)
no dude it says ''  when Luna almost reach me, she suddenly collapsed on the ground...''  i think which means it was a ranged spell so unless lycan has dagon : ) , it was balanar.
Title: Re: Crime Scene Investigation: DotA
Post by: Alucardo on February 09, 2012, 21:21
yeah same . so easy ..
At 2nd thought, maybe its not Invoker. Could be Clockwerk. Mini-rockets interrupt Shaker's fissures, and when Shaker tries to escape, "the killer raised his hand", meaning he might have used the hook...?

What do you think?

Second one is Balanar 99%!
invoker raise his hand in game from time to time =) and invoker change his skills .. earth thought he will run but sun strike on him ftw !!
Title: Re: Crime Scene Investigation: DotA
Post by: mezun on February 09, 2012, 21:22
Why do you all think its balanar?
and templay it says he could not walk as fast as he can so does clock have any slow?

eye of skadi  maybe : P
Title: Re: Crime Scene Investigation: DotA
Post by: vaikiss on February 09, 2012, 21:31
slark always rises his hand maybe he had abyssal blade or basher and stoped moving with pounce ?
Title: Re: Crime Scene Investigation: DotA
Post by: [kosarkas] on February 09, 2012, 21:40
eyes were wide opened, as if she suffered a lot of fear before her death... <----- Crippling Fear (stalker)
Title: Re: Crime Scene Investigation: DotA
Post by: donjacrtasamir on February 09, 2012, 21:48
Occam's razor, is a principle that generally recommends that, from among competing hypotheses, selecting the one that makes the fewest new assumptions usually provides the correct one, and that the simplest explanation will be the most plausible until evidence is presented to prove it false.

i think that the simplest solution would be involker and balanar.

Title: Re: Crime Scene Investigation: DotA
Post by: Alucardo on February 09, 2012, 21:52
Occam's razor, is a principle that generally recommends that, from among competing hypotheses, selecting the one that makes the fewest new assumptions usually provides the correct one, and that the simplest explanation will be the most plausible until evidence is presented to prove it false.

i think that the simplest solution would be involker and balanar.
+1  :D
Title: Re: Crime Scene Investigation: DotA
Post by: Templar on February 09, 2012, 22:34
1st one prob troll, he stuns to interrupt casts, and after the last stun since es is few meters away he raises his hand and starts a range attack, (But within a few meters, the killer raised his hand)
no dude it says ''  when Luna almost reach me, she suddenly collapsed on the ground...''  i think which means it was a ranged spell so unless lycan has dagon : ) , it was balanar.
When you mentioned suddenly colappsed one thing also came to my mind.
Bloodseeker. Also, it would explain the scratches, since Seeker only hits with left hand (I think) and that hand has mega long nails/claws
Title: Re: Crime Scene Investigation: DotA
Post by: vaikiss on February 10, 2012, 11:43
and raises his hands when using rupture or bloodrage also increases his move speed when oponent with low hp
Title: Re: Crime Scene Investigation: DotA
Post by: Angel on February 10, 2012, 13:39
Seems like most of you got the 2nd one but unable to find the 1st one (same as me). I’m not trolling lol my 1st guess was CG too. But you guys perhaps did not notice the keywords there. Troll is better in 1v1 than cg. Troll’s berserker rage perma-bashing ES, then whirling axe (ranged) to slow down ES. If its cg, it would be mini-stun which means stun, walk, stun and walk and not “could not walk as fast as usual” as mentioned. Also, ES’s body was cut into pieces. Troll’s axe sure cut well but I’m not that sure about cg…
Title: Re: Crime Scene Investigation: DotA
Post by: Templar on February 10, 2012, 13:51
Are you DamnYOU, or you just copy his posts? :)
Title: Re: Crime Scene Investigation: DotA
Post by: Angel on February 10, 2012, 14:05
I found out an interesting article on and wanna share with you guys.

And DamnYOU is not original author of this post aswell. Other guy from sgamer is writting them. But I don't see anything wrong in sharing them. I've pointed out the sources.
Title: Re: Crime Scene Investigation: DotA
Post by: Templar on February 10, 2012, 14:34
But I don't see anything wrong in sharing them. I've pointed out the sources.
Neither do I man! I love forum games.
I just noticed its exactly the same text as on GG forum, with lol, dots, comas.

Dont get this wrong, I was just curious.
Title: Re: Crime Scene Investigation: DotA
Post by: glodar on February 10, 2012, 18:39
more pls  :) its intresting its rly fun +1
Title: Re: Crime Scene Investigation: DotA
Post by: Angel on February 11, 2012, 11:24
2 new Scenes added. Enjoy!
Title: Re: Crime Scene Investigation: DotA
Post by: [kosarkas] on February 11, 2012, 12:08
Scene 3 Slark

Scene 4 Naga Siren
Title: Re: Crime Scene Investigation: DotA
Post by: rocknrolla on February 11, 2012, 12:12
Scene 3 Slark

Scene 4 Naga Siren
100% agreed.
Title: Re: Crime Scene Investigation: DotA
Post by: Alucardo on February 11, 2012, 13:23
Scene 3 Slark

Scene 4 Naga Siren
100% agreed.
agree x2
Title: Re: Crime Scene Investigation: DotA
Post by: vaikiss on February 11, 2012, 13:29
lol boobs  smaller and smaller :D slarked like np  in 3

and 4 most likely traxes cuz of silence
Title: Re: Crime Scene Investigation: DotA
Post by: glodar on February 11, 2012, 18:29
slark and naga
more pls
Title: Re: Crime Scene Investigation: DotA
Post by: Juggernaut99 on February 15, 2012, 20:51
scene4. Either traxex or Akasha
Title: Re: Crime Scene Investigation: DotA
Post by: M4rkl4r on February 16, 2012, 10:02
Scene 4:

DotA jewelery shop business is good as always. Security guard Sven the Rogue Knight was happily watching the customers going in and out at the entrance.

"Wow, such a pretty babe!" Sven watched a gorgeous customer going into the store ...

However... “Robbery! Do not move if you don’t wanna die! "The customer revealed her true identity... with her roar, the shop became very quiet. Shopkeeper Vengeful Spirit certainly would not agree to such thing to go on, but she was unable to make any sound, and the magic missile in her hand became very heavy, could not throw out no matter what. “Now I can only press the alarm...hope that Sven can control the situation...”VS thought so and pressed the alarm button at the same time ...the alarm rang inside the shop... and Sven rushed in... locking the only exit of the shop on the way. (Can only unlocked by password, even Techies’s bomb cannot destroy it) He saw the thief is the angelic customer that made him felt very horny just now...but he was not affected by her beauty...sense of responsibility made him to throw out his storm bolt without doubt...DODGED!! Everyone in the shop was very surprised...and then they heard a sound “Have a sweet dream~ Hehe...”


When they woke up, every valuable thing inside the shop was gone...and the robber too...

Who is the robber?

Defenitely Nagkasha
Title: Re: Crime Scene Investigation: DotA
Post by: div.ide on February 16, 2012, 13:03
I know! I figured out scene 4...

Just think...   A silence...  |  Stun dodge... |  Sleep themed spell...  | An ability to get trough unpathable closed door...
SPOILER       Waning rift  |   Phase Shift     |         DREAM coil         |               Illusory orb                 

... IT MUST BE PUCK IN FEMALE DISGUISE       *trollface.jpg*

@ above
Or Slithixxex ;)

But really, Naga fits if we assume Venge got ensnared outside Missle casting range, or Naga had Orchid (which I would consider supremely retardrd on her).
Title: Re: Crime Scene Investigation: DotA
Post by: [kosarkas] on February 21, 2012, 20:52
So what now ????????? Will we get the answer or what?
Title: Re: Crime Scene Investigation: DotA
Post by: [kosarkas] on March 04, 2012, 09:42
'ELO???? Can we at leas get teh answer for last 2 scenes :))
Title: Re: Crime Scene Investigation: DotA
Post by: hot10000 on March 04, 2012, 14:22
btw 4 is naga siren for sure he can dodge storm hammer with her skill when timed right and ulti sleeps all???
Title: Re: Crime Scene Investigation: DotA
Post by: nermiee on March 04, 2012, 14:31
mhmhm scene 3 - naix xD

cuz every1 said slark, i changed my opinion :D probably its not correct but who cares xD

scene 4 - naga slithice :o
Title: Re: Crime Scene Investigation: DotA
Post by: div.ide on March 04, 2012, 15:53
btw 4 is naga siren for sure he can dodge storm hammer with her skill when timed right and ulti sleeps all???

Nope, it sleeps enemies only :P

And I'll repeat again, Puck fits here surprisingly well even if it's obviously wrong answer ;)

C'moooon Angel, post correct answers and explain them Venge coudn't cast missle becase it has 500 cast range and Ensnare has 650. And Naga had TP scroll.
Title: Re: Crime Scene Investigation: DotA
Post by: MooseHead on March 04, 2012, 16:10
Scene 3: could be ROOF or SLARK coz they can both grab her :D and have invisibility

Scene 4: naga siren fits the profile, but she is not that hot if u ask me :D
Title: Re: Crime Scene Investigation: DotA
Post by: getPickled on March 08, 2012, 17:57
scene 4 maybe akasha or naga siren  :)
Title: Re: Crime Scene Investigation: DotA
Post by: getPickled on March 08, 2012, 18:02
Scene 3 its rooftrelen and Scene 4 is Naga  ;)
Title: Re: Crime Scene Investigation: DotA
Post by: hot10000 on March 22, 2012, 09:05
btw 4 is naga siren for sure she can dodge storm hammer with her skill when timed right and ulti sleeps all???
Title: Re: Crime Scene Investigation: DotA
Post by: Leo on March 23, 2012, 16:53
Scene 3:

"Who? Who is this?!" Rylai the Crystal Maiden who was patrolling in the jungle cried painfully. She felt as if she was being cut by a sharp knife, but looked around, there was only trees and woods ...(an invisible hero with a blade)

“I must go to a safe place first...”CM quickly skilled crystal nova around her and ran towards the river... The murderer did not seem to catch up ...but when she looked back, she saw the murderer opened his big and fearsome eyes("Empty eyes never blinking" from the lyrics of "I am Murloc); she could feel him coming ... "Beasts! Eat my Frostbite!" CM quickly released the skill ... “Haha... can you...." Before she finished her words, she saw the murderer walked out from the ice block calmly(Dark Pact dispells the negative buffs); releasing some fearsome aura at the same time (Dark Pact has an AoE and can be counted as "aura") ... “How is that possible?! RUN!! "CM can only think about escaping now ... but she could not run (grabbed by Pounce), as if the murderer firmly grabbed her...CM had lost the courage to run now...waiting for her death as her boobs becoming smaller and smaller...

Who is the killer that CM saw? Undoubtedly, Slark.
Title: Re: Crime Scene Investigation: DotA
Post by: Leo on March 23, 2012, 17:00
Scene 4:
Veng can't cast the missle because she is ensnared, Sven's bolt is evaded with the Mirror Image and all are put to sleep with the Song of the Siren.
Title: Re: Crime Scene Investigation: DotA
Post by: [kosarkas] on March 23, 2012, 19:09
Angel why do you start sth if u are not gonna finish it??