General Section => Suggestion Board => Topic started by: Zerind on June 16, 2010, 20:45

Title: ban from hosting
Post by: Zerind on June 16, 2010, 20:45
Is there a way to ban ppl only from hosting, but not from playing?
There are several retarded kids hosting playdota games. They are OK players, but horrible hosts. If you say something they don't like ("Lol that was not a steal", "CD man, told u!!!", "don't go suicide noob", "Hi how are u?" etc.), or u kill them in a close combat, they mute u. Very irritating. Also, I know u don't care about hosts picking their team in lobby, but it is very irritating too for most of the players.
Also, I've seen some hosts muting global chat in an unbalanced game, and keep going in eg. 3v5 for stats.

So, I think these guys with an obvious social disorder (the only way for them to feel powerful is hosting a game, then abusing "power") should be blocked from hosting PD games.

I think this worths a discusson.
Title: Re: ban from hosting
Post by: dudicc on June 16, 2010, 20:48
hmm u can report that idiot for mute abuse and look at the rules you will see all .. for what u can report  for what u can get banned or other
Title: Re: ban from hosting
Post by: Zerind on June 16, 2010, 20:52
Y-y, but I think he should be allowed to keep playing (maybe dota is the only fun in life he gets :) ).
So a regular ban is not really the solution I think.
And banning ppl. from running commands on playdota bots is not that difficult I think (I mean, technically).

But yes, I'll post a ban request for the tard who muted me this time for "stealing" in a 4v4 battle, where everyone is giving all he's got. :)