General Section => General Discussions => Feedback => Topic started by: dzokavac on October 13, 2011, 19:54

Title: balkan moderators suck?
Post by: dzokavac on October 13, 2011, 19:54
hi guys i need some help account is locked before 5 days on xpam.i get that ,,ban" becouse i flame on chanel.but that chanel whas not playdota chanel or any other important chanel.some private chanel where i and 2 other guys flame each others.then 1 guy report me to mr.niceguy on balkan and my acc whas locked for 3 days on with that rly?they can do that ffs?i didnt flame on balkan i flame on bot and i flame on private i think that i should not get locked on xpam.and some other thing ban request who wrote mr.niceguy says charlie_sheen banned 3 days.that request whas before 5 days and my account is still locked!!!wtf???i pm then mr.niceguy and whe says to me database is ofline you must w8.again wtf!!!!????they must unban me manualy no autounban?rly that is suck.i just want to say in future that moderators from balkan should stop to ban players from pd.that isnt job that they should do.becouse of them i w8 now 2 days longer.
Title: Re: balkan moderators suck?
Post by: Natura Sonoris on October 13, 2011, 20:03
U have complain board.