General Section => Suggestion Board => Topic started by: AF_Affliction on September 17, 2011, 21:52

Title: Drunk/ high players
Post by: AF_Affliction on September 17, 2011, 21:52
Yea.. it's me again.. i've encountered numerous people, blaming their missed spells, bad itembuild or general uselessness on being either drunk or high.. Shouldn't there be a rule against that too? I searched the rules section, but we're unable to find anything previously posted about such thing..

I mean, in a game where it's 5v4+1idiot that just had a joint and just felt the urge to go play dota asap...
I know you get what i mean... I can predict the responses like "how the F are we going to determine if the user is using performance deabilitating drugs etc." The solution is simple, ban people that admit it (or warn at least). I've just played a game where one guy was totaly lost.. when i asked him whats the matter, he said "i just smoked weed, dont worry, i dont play like this all the time.."

Title: Re: Drunk/ high players
Post by: GREED on September 17, 2011, 22:00
lols. u would ban 80% people man XD
Title: Re: Drunk/ high players
Post by: AF_Affliction on September 17, 2011, 22:06
so ure telling me, that by statistic, im the only one sober on my team?

*big sadface*
Title: Re: Drunk/ high players
Post by: GREED on September 17, 2011, 22:07
idk, my team is 50% :P
Title: Re: Drunk/ high players
Post by: DoctaSpock on September 17, 2011, 22:27
LOL, you wanna ban me ?  :'( ;D


greed epic sig ^^
Title: Re: Drunk/ high players
Post by: nermiee on September 17, 2011, 22:45
Actually, those guys who say things like : im drunk, im high etc, are all lying.
I mean, no1 is stupid enough to be drunk, and to come home and to play games? Or high either.

But yea, ban the liers :)

Edit: Docta bro, i know u are "highest" person here, but u are not high when u play right?  :O
Title: Re: Drunk/ high players
Post by: kingW3 on September 17, 2011, 22:51
A guy got high and came home to play dota?A guy came got after getting drunk,he would probably think that techies is alchemist.You can't blame people for making stupid excuses
Docta when you putted that sig you were high?
Title: Re: Drunk/ high players
Post by: farm2pwn on September 17, 2011, 22:58
Why that is so bad...I played with a "high" friend, and he told me that's like playing in 3D mode...he was laughing all the time xDD
Title: Re: Drunk/ high players
Post by: theMastermind on September 17, 2011, 23:10
Why that is so bad...I played with a "high" friend, and he told me that's like playing in 3D mode...he was laughing all the time xDD

Then he scrolled mouse wheel and said: Oh, look, I wasn't high at all... F*ck that, back to 3D ;D
Title: Re: Drunk/ high players
Post by: donjacrtasamir on September 17, 2011, 23:13
man when you're high or drunk you don't play dota you play with your little friend

fap fap fap
Title: Re: Drunk/ high players
Post by: DoctaSpock on September 17, 2011, 23:18
y, I used to play high sometimes, drunk also, so what? And why do you need to go outside to get high and then come back to play? I know alot of ppl who are smoking weed while playing.

Docta when you putted that sig you were high?

What sig? Kakashi sig?
Title: Re: Drunk/ high players
Post by: AF_Affliction on September 17, 2011, 23:20
Lol I'm starting to feel like a fucking nerd that doesnt drink / smoke etc, while the cool kids do lol :D

Oh well.. TBH, when i'm drunk, i play Are you retard, it's much more fun than dota, and by dieing all the time, you make other people laugh :D
Title: Re: Drunk/ high players
Post by: kingW3 on September 18, 2011, 00:05
Why should you get high/drunk if your just gonna play dota.About rule that is same as banning mh-ers for saying 'i am a mher'.
I thought about avatar
Title: Re: Drunk/ high players
Post by: DoctaSpock on September 18, 2011, 00:08
I played drunk/high only when I come home from some party :)

Title: Re: Drunk/ high players
Post by: dRagoLjuB on September 18, 2011, 00:09
I played drunk/high only when I come home from some party :)

same here :D
Title: Re: Drunk/ high players
Post by: joyjoy on September 18, 2011, 02:38
I played drunk/high only when I come home from some party :)

same here :D

same here but most time Im tired and go sleep but if you wanna play drunk/high get some easy hero like chen :DDD your super uber "fast" reactions will be useful to nice macro and team heal  ;D
Title: Re: Drunk/ high players
Post by: Natura Sonoris on September 18, 2011, 03:35
So i cant enjoy one nice joint filled with  skunk and pwn (also lose sometimes ) Btw speed gives you better concentraion duh
Title: Re: Drunk/ high players
Post by: Sirinity on September 18, 2011, 03:39
I played drunk/high only when I come home from some party :)

0_o Might be just me but when i drink (which is rarely) i get so wasted i can't even tell if its day or night yet alone play dota.
On a side note is it true that smoking a joint before humping the old lady gives you like +5 extra feeling?
Title: Re: Drunk/ high players
Post by: Sirinity on September 18, 2011, 03:46
So i cant enjoy one nice joint filled with  skunk and pwn (also lose sometimes ) Btw speed gives you better concentraion duh

I know it's a joke but you shouldn advertise heavy drugs like speed.
No u won't become superman nor get imba dota skills if you take that stuff.
Title: Re: Drunk/ high players
Post by: Natura Sonoris on September 18, 2011, 04:05
So i cant enjoy one nice joint filled with  skunk and pwn (also lose sometimes ) Btw speed gives you better concentraion duh

I know it's a joke but you shouldn advertise heavy drugs like speed.
No u won't become superman nor get imba dota skills if you take that stuff.

Never did speed and never will ^^ its crap ^^ weed is good ,but not for dota xd speed is for concentration but u r not god if u noob

Btw point is - if you are high (and mayne drunk bu rear ) it can be positive and negative. depends on ppl
Title: Re: Drunk/ high players
Post by: AF_Affliction on September 18, 2011, 05:03
Well i myself was talked once into a 1v1 by a friend, back when i was rocking Zero Hour.. i beat him so hard, yet the next morning, i couldn't remember that we played :D But yet, that was just for fun..

Yea i guess it was a bad idea, obviously the really drunk will either leave, or afk when they fall asleep or something like that lawl
Title: Re: Drunk/ high players
Post by: Sirinity on September 18, 2011, 06:18
Well i myself was talked once into a 1v1 by a friend, back when i was rocking Zero Hour.. i beat him so hard, yet the next morning, i couldn't remember that we played :D But yet, that was just for fun..

Yea i guess it was a bad idea, obviously the really drunk will either leave, or afk when they fall asleep or something like that lawl

I hope that wasnt the answear to my question 4 posts above xD.
Title: Re: Drunk/ high players
Post by: chelom on September 18, 2011, 08:54
Nah playing high its ok. U can still play good.
Title: Re: Drunk/ high players
Post by: lord_kurai on September 18, 2011, 11:44
nabs, I dont get high ( i know u wont believe me, but thats true :P ), and I rarely drink, only in special moments. however i have a bottle of my good old friend Johnnie, and I sometimes enjoy a glass when i am playing xD, but thats all. for me drinking its a matter of taste, i dont get drunk never, I drink for pleasure not for its effects , but everybody is different. I guess that to play high with techies must be a lot of fun
Title: Re: Drunk/ high players
Post by: DoctaSpock on September 18, 2011, 12:01
I guess that to play high with techies must be a lot of fun

You should see Icy-Svinja ;D
Title: Re: Drunk/ high players
Post by: Astaroth on September 18, 2011, 12:21
I don't play when drunk and I don't smoke at all. Sometimes I think about DotA when I come home drunk but then I realize they would flame me for my actuall "uber skill" so I go sleep :)

And "Don't play when hi/drunk" rule is bullshit, you can't find out if he is really drunken coz you can't see him in his FOH (Fog of Home) so you can't check his buffs ((
Title: Re: Drunk/ high players
Post by: LexMonster on September 19, 2011, 11:24
They will not take it in consideration, because of DoctaSpock and Icy-Svinja.
Title: Re: Drunk/ high players
Post by: Leo on September 19, 2011, 12:17
What the most common sentence a drunk person say? "I am not drunk!". A really drunk person does not parade with its "condition".
So why some people parade with such a thing ingame? First they feel proud of it.  Only a teen can be proud of such a thing.  But are they even so? Most likely not.  They do so, because they are failing and need something to put the blame on, because they think themselves for pros and admitting a failure is not an option.

To sum up: The people who claim that are drunk are noobish-thinking-themselves-for-pros  teens .
Title: Re: Drunk/ high players
Post by: ^omYota on September 19, 2011, 19:52
What the most common sentence a drunk person say? "I am not drunk!". A really drunk person does not parade with its "condition".
So why some people parade with such a thing ingame? First they feel proud of it.  Only a teen can be proud of such a thing.  But are they even so? Most likely not.  They do so, because they are failing and need something to put the blame on, because they think themselves for pros and admitting a failure is not an option.

To sum up: The people who claim that are drunk are noobish-thinking-themselves-for-pros  teens .
Leo you forget the situations when : omfg bara, this is the 6th time you are going to base to recharge and you are only lvl 4 : wtf are you a fucking retard or something.. [...] !rall . omfg the idiot has 1800 psr .
In this case ^^ you have to answer... srry man , chill ..i'm high as fuck and my buddy can't roll alone another one , he needs some help.

This kind of situations and similar ones are pretty frequent : he thinks he has a spider web on his face , he needs water , he can't speak anymore and needs to do something about it , he is really scared about the current dota action, he pick his hero and goes : omfg this is 3D " man you have a really good pc monitor "..etc.(lots of them)

Bottom line : it's horrible to play with really drunk/high people ..even me sometimes refuse to play with my friends ..when i know they are very high  ;D ;D ..
Title: Re: Drunk/ high players
Post by: GREED on September 19, 2011, 20:33
to conclude  all this up. its kinda better while u play with stone buff placer. game is more fun 4 you. u may suck, and team might hate u, but u have your fun. sometimes it leads to genius play and making some new cool moves, and sometimes it ends up with feeding and unintentional game ruining. simply your body&mindy are dazed and confused and you make your moves (or u fail to make right move couse missclicks) based on false perception.
anyways, its kinda having a big delay in game, and u cant ban someone couse of that..

be cool, regards
Title: Re: Drunk/ high players
Post by: permabanned on September 19, 2011, 22:26
heyu guybns i am drruunk nowww i had one bottle tequila yyeahjh i dryubnnk em  alkkll withh limeeeeee yeeaah heelll yeeahh oooo yeeeaaaa

Title: Re: Drunk/ high players
Post by: nermiee on September 19, 2011, 22:30
im high too, i took blunt, rolld it, and fkin stick it into my vein trolololol vein trololol. cool story bro.
Title: Re: Drunk/ high players
Post by: lord_kurai on September 19, 2011, 22:47
I guess that to play high with techies must be a lot of fun

You should see Icy-Svinja ;D

yes, like the game he ended like 4-16 and then he tried to summon hitler?????
i didnt know if i had to laugh or to rage, but the retarded swastika was funny as hell, he should have made a SS of it.

ps: for the guys who were not in game,it had no racism intention, he was just joking and almost making us lose.
Title: Re: Drunk/ high players
Post by: dRagoLjuB on September 19, 2011, 22:51
I guess that to play high with techies must be a lot of fun

You should see Icy-Svinja ;D

yes, like the game he ended like 4-16 and then he tried to summon hitler?????
i didnt know if i had to laugh or to rage, but the retarded swastika was funny as hell, he should have made a SS of it.

ps: for the guys who were not in game,it had no racism intention, he was just joking and almost making us lose.
hahahahaha yeeees icy with techies wants to summon hitler , soooo funny xDDDDD
Title: Re: Drunk/ high players
Post by: Natura Sonoris on September 19, 2011, 23:42
I guess that to play high with techies must be a lot of fun

You should see Icy-Svinja ;D

yes, like the game he ended like 4-16 and then he tried to summon hitler?????
i didnt know if i had to laugh or to rage, but the retarded swastika was funny as hell, he should have made a SS of it.

ps: for the guys who were not in game,it had no racism intention, he was just joking and almost making us lose.
hahahahaha yeeees icy with techies wants to summon hitler , soooo funny xDDDDD

Trollin deleted (Lex hold your self,this is last chanse given)

Yea that was funny ,but i dont know what hit me back than xd and yes there was no rasism xd swastika was just for fun and than i blew that up xd in theory blewin it up should summon lvl 25 hitler xd
Title: Re: Drunk/ high players
Post by: DoctaSpock on September 20, 2011, 01:24
yes, like the game he ended like 4-16 and then he tried to summon hitler?????
i didnt know if i had to laugh or to rage, but the retarded swastika was funny as hell, he should have made a SS of it.

ps: for the guys who were not in game,it had no racism intention, he was just joking and almost making us lose.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAH, yyy, I remember that game, it was epic, hahahahhahaha ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Drunk/ high players
Post by: Bart on September 20, 2011, 23:22
me always high.
Title: Re: Drunk/ high players
Post by: dark_mesiah on September 21, 2011, 00:49
I usually play better after few drinks  :D

It dulls my senses but increases my confidence, I'm bold and usually just get into the fight, and since it is night(00:30 to 02:30) and night produces better games/players. It works out nicely.
Title: Re: Drunk/ high players
Post by: crazzy on September 22, 2011, 00:09
dota is really fuckin funny in 3D mode dude , me and mineru do it all the time , we were the stonned ones that night :)))
its a big fuckin adventure , like now we r fucking high as a mofos , so back to 3D :))
join a sv so we can play
Title: Re: Drunk/ high players
Post by: Sauzer on September 23, 2011, 07:46
Normally i say to them "leave idiot noob feeder"  :)

When im drunk i come back home late night (after spending time with friends) and i got prob also in finding how turn on the pc
Play is impossible

If im alone home 1 or 2 beers are enough, so not drunk, nice noobs pub games

If i get drunk alone @ home i think "im so stupid?"

Title: Re: Drunk/ high players
Post by: mineru on September 23, 2011, 14:10
i dont really know who is the highest ppl here :)
but i cant tell that the last month i played only 3 games sober and the other 100 games ive been high on every one of them :D , u can ask [crazzy] or ^omyota how high do i get lately :) , its like i cant play dota sober anymore :))
ive got some games when im really scared and i see a lot of 3D , then i play good , but when im relaxed im the noobest in the game and i laugh all the time :D

now im taking a break of 2-3 days then back to high dota i guess :)

i can see that some players are writting about me and [crazzy] here and that makes me feel proud ROFL :D
Title: Re: Drunk/ high players
Post by: nermiee on September 23, 2011, 21:43
Oh cmon, stop talkin about stupid weed and beers, take some exXXXXxxXXx or get on LSD and npnpnpnp. I SEE RABBITS RUNNIN !! :P
Title: Re: Drunk/ high players
Post by: Bart on September 23, 2011, 22:16
u noobs need to get high or be drunk to play better or have better are sad guys, poor......
anyway u are nowhere to my godly skill so i rly dont care but just wanted enlighten you that with these "cheating" u will be only PUBBERS. my message to all of you.
lova ya. not all.
Title: Re: Drunk/ high players
Post by: Natura Sonoris on September 23, 2011, 22:20

Btw good dota trip when you are high is to see icefrog . Bad trip when he sees you.
Title: Re: Drunk/ high players
Post by: mineru on September 26, 2011, 12:09
i really dont play better when im high , usualy a total noob when im high , or i have max 1-2 good games in 10 lol
i just like geting high thats all :D , now im gonna take a break from those bad drugs rofl , wanna be clean for a short period of time at least , i cant remember a good night in last 2 months when i was sober lol :D
Title: Re: Drunk/ high players
Post by: dRagoLjuB on September 26, 2011, 14:24

Btw good dota trip when you are high is to see icefrog . Bad trip when he sees you.
looks like you were high again (when you tried to lock it) XD