General Section => Suggestion Board => Topic started by: Sphinix on May 16, 2011, 01:42

Title: 1000 branches
Post by: Sphinix on May 16, 2011, 01:42
Well this is how it went:
In game enemy broke through our middle and then ObeY (one of my team mates) sold all his items and buyed "million" ironwood branches.
Is this allowed? Is it bannable? (

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Title: Re: 1000 branches
Post by: Astaroth on May 16, 2011, 09:25
Imo it is bannable:
7. Player must not ruin the game
    - Refusing to play
    - Sabotaging Teamates - I'm not sure about this rule, but he sold his items to get worse items so he get weaker. I guess it could be Sabotaging Teamates.
Title: Re: 1000 branches
Post by: Melissa on May 16, 2011, 13:43
imo no ban because you lost the game
mid broken and up too
small chance to win :p

but by rules = ban
Title: Re: 1000 branches
Post by: kingW3 on May 16, 2011, 16:03
ban ofc
Title: Re: 1000 branches
Post by: mrNiceguy on May 16, 2011, 17:19
That is bannable.
Title: Re: 1000 branches
Post by: nicu on May 16, 2011, 17:22
maybe some tard didn't type ff, so what to do stay and watch on walls? the game was lost anyway so.. no sens ban or not...
Title: Re: 1000 branches
Post by: totally_screwd on May 16, 2011, 19:25
It depends on when a user does it. If it affects the game it is bannable,if not then no

It is better that you ask those questions to moderators by using PM instead of creating topics.And dont forget moderators can have different judgement,opinions.

You can report him to the ban request section and check the result
