Strategy Discussion Section => Strategy => Topic started by: ek0 on May 06, 2010, 21:00

Title: Anti Mage - Magina
Post by: ek0 on May 06, 2010, 21:00
As discussed in this topic (,4402.0.html), I think guides by the players can be created.
So I will start posting topics like this one. Every week I will post a new topic with a new hero. Every member can suggest item build, skill build, gameplay... (and other). I will edit the first post with the best suggestions.
The first hero will be Magina.

( Mage - Magina

At level 1At level 25Gain per level
Damage49 - 53116 - 120
LocationAgility Sentinel
Morning Tavern
Attack range100 - melee
Sight Range1800 / 800
Hero introduction
Magina wasn't nicknamed the Anti-Mage for no reason. His passive Mana Break attack allows him to deal extra damage and cripple a caster's mana supply. With a great understanding of the spiritual realm, he becomes more resilient against magical attacks using his Spell Shield, along with the ability to Blink across short distances for superb maneuverability. Seeking out weary casters, he uses Mana Void to inflict immense damage for high amounts of missing mana. Although he will be at a natural disadvantage to casters early on, as his powers grow, there is none better suited for bringing the greatest of spell casters down to their knees.
Background Story
Twin sons to the great Prophet, Terrorblade and Magina were blessed with divine powers: Terrorblade granted with an unnatural affinity with life forces; Magina gifted with energy manipulation. Magina's eventual overexposure to the magics gradually augmented his elemental resistances and bestowed him the unique ability to move faster than light itself. Now, broken by Terrorblade's fall to the dark side, Magina answers the Sentinel's call in a desperate bid to redeem his brother. Every bitter strike turns the Scourge's evil essences upon themselves, culminating in a finale that forces his enemy to awaken to the void within and spontaneously implode.

( Break
Type: Passive
Each attack burns mana based on skill level.
LevelMana burnt per attack
This skil works on units with mana. This skill doesn't work on magic immune units. This skill is an orb effect. Each mana point burned will deal 0.6 normal damage to the target.
Type: Active
Short distance teleportation that allows one to move in and out of combat.
Mana Cost: 60
LevelCooldownMaximum Range
This skill has a global cast range. If you target a point over the maximum range, you will be teleported 4/5 of the maximum range.
( Shield
Type: Passive
Magina learns to protect himself with an anti-magic shield. Increases his resistance to magic damage.
LevelMagic damage reduction
( Void
Type: Active
Creates a powerful void in an enemy unit caused by a lack of mana. For each mana point missing, the unit takes damage.
Cooldown: 70
Casting range: 600
LevelMana CostStun DurationDamage for each mana point missing
All units in 325 range of the targeted unit will take the same damage, but will not be stunned. Deals magical damage.

When to...
When to pick Magina
Nothing written, yet!
When to repick Magina
Nothing written, yet!
When to ban Magina
Nothing written, yet!

Skills build
Nothing written, yet!
Item build
You should start with a defensive item - Vanguard (
While building Vanguard, you should buy boots - Power Treads (Strength) (
Mana Break deals normal damage, so you can lifesteal the HP you take with it with an aura (a lifesteal orb will not stack with Mana Break) - Vladmir's Offering (
Next you have to decide what you want:
Yasha ( - Gives you movespeed and can be used for Manta Style (
Cranium Basher ( - This is your main item.
The Butterfly ( - Increasing your power of a carry hero.
Ethereal Blade ( - Buy this only if you use Mana Void frequently.
Assault Cuirass ( - Gives you attack speed and armor.

Gameplay (5 vs 5)
From level 1 to level 5
Nothing written, yet!
From level 6 to level 10
Nothing written, yet!
From level 11 to level5
Nothing written, yet!
From level 16 to level 25
Nothing written, yet!

2010-05-06: The first post.
2010-05-06: Added formating.
2010-05-11: Added an item build.
2010-05-14: Released.

Some pictures are from the Official DotA Website (
Title: Re: Anti Mage - Magina
Post by: AgressiveNewbie on May 06, 2010, 21:24
Due to lack of hit points early game i suggest vanguard.
With magina you blink toward enemy to burn their mana , sometimes forcing creeps to attack you.
Then finish power treads and vladimir.
Next item depends on situation. It can be attack speed -> Butterfly and then basher.
Optional is 1st yasha-> then Manta -> then Basher -> then butterfly.

Definetely core items cannot be Battlefury, Monkey King Bar , or Cuirass
Title: Re: Anti Mage - Magina
Post by: mrNiceguy on May 06, 2010, 21:28
Offcourse you dont have to be so smart to know that this is the nice items for magina!

+30 damage
+6 Strength
Bash (passive)

+300 HP
+6 HP/sec regeneration
Damage Block (passive)
p.s. ek0 mybe this thread will be the same thread like this (,563.0.html) one?
Title: Re: Unfinished :: Anti Mage - Magina
Post by: X-PLODE on May 07, 2010, 15:01
all u need is bf and ghost stick, optional are dagger and crystalis.

i stopped buying vanguard when they updated it.

like the time i owned this clan by buying 4 bf on weaver, they died in 2 or 3 hits.
Title: Re: Anti Mage - Magina
Post by: Shade on May 07, 2010, 21:14

p.s. ek0 mybe this thread will be the same thread like this (,563.0.html) one?

not the same  , there are ideeas , i was talking about a guide , a full guide like eko is starting .. how to use skills , items , a short introduction of the hero and his spells.  nice start   :)
Title: Re: Unfinished :: Anti Mage - Magina
Post by: ek0 on May 07, 2010, 21:17

p.s. ek0 mybe this thread will be the same thread like this (,563.0.html) one?

not the same  , there are ideeas , i was talking about a guide , a full guide like eko is starting .. how to use skills , items , a short introduction of the hero and his spells.  nice start   :)
As said in the first part of my post, this guide will be made by pd users.
As discussed in this topic (,4402.0.html), I think guides by the players can be created.
So I will start posting topics like this one. Every week I will post a new topic with a new hero. Every member can suggest item build, skill build, gameplay... (and other). I will edit the first post with the best suggestions.
Title: Re: Unfinished :: Anti Mage - Magina
Post by: FatalityMk on May 08, 2010, 03:14
just power treads (on strength ) vanguard, vlad (always) and a couple of bracers or bands should do the trick for at least 20 minutes....but note that u should always go last in battle, from behind to catch the range, maybe inteligence heros off guard to burn mana....
Title: Re: Unfinished :: Anti Mage - Magina
Post by: Roronoa^^Zoro on May 08, 2010, 16:46
Why not MKB? It gives you great DPS and IMO it is much better than basher, because with basher U need more hits to kill opponent which prolongs killing. And not to mention it is very useful if U have opponents such as Riki (no misses during smoke). Just my thinking, U dont´t have to agree. ^^
Title: Re: Unfinished :: Anti Mage - Magina
Post by: FatalityMk on May 08, 2010, 17:13
yeah i agree although i dont know what DPS and IMO means :D lol but nvm
it is better then basher 100% but it is almost 2000gold more expensive then bash and it gives slight attack speed advantage over bash...
Title: Re: Unfinished :: Anti Mage - Magina
Post by: KillMasterCZ on May 09, 2010, 21:23
I think vanguard and vladimir are the must have items. Also basher in the late, than some butterflies...
Title: Re: Unfinished :: Anti Mage - Magina
Post by: FatalityMk on May 11, 2010, 18:05
I think vanguard and vladimir are the must have items. Also basher in the late, than some butterflies...
well everyone goes for bash, but look at oposing teams heroes first before choosing bash, you just might need avatar more then u need bash...everything revolves around certain situations before u can make ur item build..
Title: Re: Unfinished :: Anti Mage - Magina
Post by: [Shady] Polska on May 11, 2010, 18:16
I think vanguard and vladimir are the must have items. Also basher in the late, than some butterflies...
well everyone goes for bash, but look at oposing teams heroes first before choosing bash, you just might need avatar more then u need bash...everything revolves around certain situations before u can make ur item build..

Def agree with that, but i usually go for basher last, because most the time you attack to slow when you have bash so when they are stunned you still need to run after him. With butterfly you get everything you need in 1 item. Most the time people rarely attack you they just run, so so van vlad butter basher mkb and hyperstone armour ( w.e its called again)
Title: Re: Unfinished :: Anti Mage - Magina
Post by: hotbarbecue on May 12, 2010, 02:42
Why vlad so early? Lifesteal is useful when you already have some damage...
You can farm woods with vanguard, and farm/push lanes at ease with blink...

I think yasha=>manta is more important to empty someone's mana fast, which is Magina's first task. After that, butter/buriza for DPS, and linken/heart/bkb if getting disabled too much.

In a turtling strat, battlefury is good to farm woods like mad, if you can get it fast... and if you have some Magnus or Enigma with you especially.

If you need bashing lifestealing pwnzor machine, pick Slardar or Void, not Magina.

BTW Magina sux ballz since you cant fakeblink anymore :-(
Title: Re: Unfinished :: Anti Mage - Magina
Post by: FatalityMk on May 12, 2010, 10:34
dude u got it all wrong...vlad is the PERFECT item for magina, it does not give u just lifesteal, it gives u mana regen, hp regen for early game, slight damage increase...i have often found myself in situations without mana for blink and that 50% mana regen is proven to be useful..i often buy preservance orb cuz i really need some more mana regen...
p.s. i have to add some cookie items here, although i rarely try it... u can also buy dagon for magina, it is very usefull to finish off some heroes that u think might get away, like sylla, who has increased movespeed, u often need those kind of items more then u need bash/mkb...think about it, it is not just about the damage u do with ur attack but it is more about the total damage u can make...

try it, you just might like it :)
Title: Re: Unfinished :: Anti Mage - Magina
Post by: ek0 on May 12, 2010, 13:11
dude u got it all wrong...vlad is the PERFECT item for magina, it does not give u just lifesteal, it gives u mana regen, hp regen for early game, slight damage increase...i have often found myself in situations without mana for blink and that 50% mana regen is proven to be useful..i often buy preservance orb cuz i really need some more mana regen...
p.s. i have to add some cookie items here, although i rarely try it... u can also buy dagon for magina, it is very usefull to finish off some heroes that u think might get away, like sylla, who has increased movespeed, u often need those kind of items more then u need bash/mkb...think about it, it is not just about the damage u do with ur attack but it is more about the total damage u can make...

try it, you just might like it :)
Vlad gives +80% mana regen, not 50%.
About Dagon, I will add it to the item build if there is someone to prove this is useful.
Title: Re: Unfinished :: Anti Mage - Magina
Post by: FatalityMk on May 12, 2010, 16:18
soo let me get this straight.. u will make an official guide and this is just a test and all here have a say of what is good and bad?? hmm...that sounds interesting...i will post again if i have more info for magina...
Title: Re: Unfinished :: Anti Mage - Magina
Post by: ek0 on May 12, 2010, 16:29
soo let me get this straight.. u will make an official guide and this is just a test and all here have a say of what is good and bad?? hmm...that sounds interesting...i will post again if i have more info for magina...
This is the official guide. Tomorrow I will remove "Unfinished" from the first post and maybe something else (I'm not sure).
Tomorrow I will post a new guide like this one (about an other hero)...
Title: Re: Unfinished :: Anti Mage - Magina
Post by: FatalityMk on May 12, 2010, 16:44
aha...looks interesting...can u please make the other guide about nerubian assasin :) i would really like to put my say for that hero cuz i see often players make a very different and bad build for nerub...
Title: Re: Unfinished :: Anti Mage - Magina
Post by: AgressiveNewbie on May 12, 2010, 16:53
Imo Butterfly >> Cuirass

Magina is high base AGI hero and dont need that kind of powerup. I mean Cuirass.
Some tank from team will surely make it.
Title: Re: Unfinished :: Anti Mage - Magina
Post by: Slavi on May 12, 2010, 16:55
Mid : last hit + treads vangaurd battlefury manta butterfly basher.
Title: Re: Unfinished :: Anti Mage - Magina
Post by: FatalityMk on May 12, 2010, 17:00
yeah nice items, if you are left alone, untouched and farming like hell you will buy those items and singlehandly you can kill all 5 enemy heroes...but first check what heroes you are playing against, what heroes you have in your team, is there a tank in your team, is there an inteligence-spell caster, is there another carry in your must first see the situation and then think what you will build...but all in all magina needs vanguard and vladimir, those 2 items must be the first two things you make with magina...
Title: Re: Anti Mage - Magina
Post by: hotbarbecue on May 21, 2010, 00:28
I think I proposed stupid things and I'm sorry for that.

People, you should listen to the guy who buys Dagon on Magina to kill Syllabear. I think he's the best source of valuable information around.

Title: Re: Anti Mage - Magina
Post by: Sword_Master on May 21, 2010, 16:37
I hope people enjoy your strategy and that it helps all who wishes to learn his power. Magina is a hero that chooses when the fight starts and ends, he is a very powerful hero in this game we call DotA. Enjoy. :)
Title: Re: Anti Mage - Magina
Post by: dudicc on June 14, 2010, 13:57
Once I saw that he had bought antimage dagger .. he owned the game and at the end he did not know what will and he  bought dagger so that it no one could catch him, no one could escape: D
Title: Re: Anti Mage - Magina
Post by: Shagon on June 16, 2010, 17:56
You forgot to tell that if you can,cast ulty to hit other nearby units,well, i even saw on youtube in one of dota videos a tripple kill with ultimate,if you want i can link it,
Great job on making this!