Strategy Discussion Section => DotA Discussion => Topic started by: exterminator800 on April 27, 2010, 17:27

Title: bann rules
Post by: exterminator800 on April 27, 2010, 17:27
Either go wider with that bann rules, or it will end up to all of us to go playing HON. Games on playdota eu are unplayable.It is incredible.Why? here are few reasons.

80 % of my playdota games end like this.

Check my profile to see it.And i am not shiting without reason

Here are some

-Number one ( i create game, so i make rules, and u cant do shit  about it) (

Me and nooblike where asking like crazy to kick windrunner, he didnt want,Noblike eventualy unpluged, i lost nervs and left intentionaly.And got banned. Check replay for proof.

Hwos fault was it.Host kicks weaver couse he had 1-3,we ask wind to be kicked for 0-9,and he ignores
What would u do?

_Number two (gn noob, and se gameplay how noob they are,nm we just boosting stats,and u cant do shit about it) (

If this continues like this, u will loose big number of players.The syistem of rules on this comunnity looks very look a like of balkan governant system.And system is: get away as far if u can from it

Title: Re: bann rules
Post by: s1ckboy on April 27, 2010, 17:39
Man they can't do a shit about host abusing and stats biatching. Only way is to make some kind of host vouching system or playing with moderator each game -_-
Title: Re: bann rules
Post by: fawkz on April 27, 2010, 17:53
Yap, we already know each problem this community system has but it is the best we can do atm for a public ladder.
We appreciate your opinions, but useless if you dont give possible solutions.
Title: Re: bann rules
Post by: exterminator800 on April 27, 2010, 18:44
Maybe with adding some rules about hosting.So regular players have basic for reporting it.I play dota from beginning, and im no noob.I would host, but my net provider is very lame so...........

Playing like this u can only be noob.20 % games with abuse is tolerant,but i have exp that 80% on playdota are.

Anyway thx for understanding.
Title: Re: bann rules
Post by: Resor on April 28, 2010, 12:23
I told that hosting games with "NOOB" tittle and boosting stats its ABUSE.
Also hosting games with "PRO / EXPERT / GODLIKE / IMBALIKE" and allowing players with stats record that clearly shows player is a noob, is also ABUSE (90% hosts allows noobs in pro games ONLY in scourge side - game is won before it starts - MEGA ABUSE, STATS BOOST).

"NO !RMK abuse" - hosts plays 5/4 becouse this noob wich was allowed to play, just plugged (so common method of leaving for player who have 0-4 in first 10 mins). THEN NO !RMK. 5/4 after 10mins IS "PLAYABLE" ?!?!? Is that a joke? No. Host is unable to force his whole team to vote !rmk. If in sentinels play decent players there is a chance... but if not, you may forget about it.
Sentinels already have first blood and they are feeded enough to PWN rest of the game and boost some stats.

"No kicking mega-feeder abuse" - why to kick noob wich was allowed to play and feeds so nice for sentinels. !votekick comes only from scourge side, becouse none of sentinels want to kick this nice stats boosting object.

And there is much more...
We appreciate your opinions, but useless if you dont give possible solutions.
Wanna solution?
ALL punishement for breaking rules for HOSTS shall be DOUBLED (including WARNS) - regular player plug 10days+2warns. Hosts plug 20days+4warns. Regular player 3warns for something, Host for same thing 6warns.
Very simple and very tough idea dont you think? And I believe it will be EFFECTIVE.
Title: Re: bann rules
Post by: ek0 on April 28, 2010, 13:07
We appreciate your opinions, but useless if you dont give possible solutions.
Wanna solution?
ALL punishement for breaking rules for HOSTS shall be DOUBLED (including WARNS) - regular player plug 10days+2warns. Hosts plug 20days+4warns. Regular player 3warns for something, Host for same thing 6warns.
Very simple and very tough idea dont you think? And I believe it will be EFFECTIVE.
Who is 'host'? The game owner can be changed with the !owner command.
Title: Re: bann rules
Post by: ArizaelCZ on April 28, 2010, 14:31
Host is the person who creates the game in lobby. If the game owner is changed (and he agrees with it) then he can be considered "host" since he has the power to mute people, .drop people etc. and he has still some kind of authority over the game.
Title: Re: bann rules
Post by: X-PLODE on April 28, 2010, 18:05
The good players are already leaving PD.
Forum mods are all average players and most of the time have no clue how to decide on a ban/unban.
Fawkz needs to stop playing HON and get back to playing DOTA so he can see the state of his server.
Bans should only be 14 days and permanent until PD staff decides to wipe the banlist every so often.
This ladder needs some fucking admins banning people in public.
Stats are useless since most of the "top" players are just shitty.
Title: Re: bann rules
Post by: s1ckboy on April 28, 2010, 20:32
The good players are already leaving PD.
Forum mods are all average players and most of the time have no clue how to decide on a ban/unban.
Fawkz needs to stop playing HON and get back to playing DOTA so he can see the state of his server.
Bans should only be 14 days and permanent until PD staff decides to wipe the banlist every so often.
This ladder needs some fucking admins banning people in public.
Stats are useless since most of the "top" players are just shitty.

Title: Re: bann rules
Post by: Boramir on April 28, 2010, 20:49
'good players' are leaving to where?

and if they are really leaving , what s the big deal?

i dont think these bots are made for just bringing or keeping 'good players'.

It s free public bot. The best you can find. If you could find better, you wouldnt be here, would you?
Title: Re: bann rules
Post by: Resor on April 28, 2010, 20:53
The good players are already leaving PD.
Forum mods are all average players and most of the time have no clue how to decide on a ban/unban.
Fawkz needs to stop playing HON and get back to playing DOTA so he can see the state of his server.
Bans should only be 14 days and permanent until PD staff decides to wipe the banlist every so often.
This ladder needs some fucking admins banning people in public.
Stats are useless since most of the "top" players are just shitty.


Whatever... It wasnt a subject.
Host I mean current owner. Whoever possess control of the game and abuse this power shall be punished twice as a regular player.
I believe my idea is simple enough to get it into life as soon as possible.
Title: Re: bann rules
Post by: Resor on April 28, 2010, 20:59
'good players' are leaving to where?

and if they are really leaving , what s the big deal?

i dont think these bots are made for just bringing or keeping 'good players'.

It s free public bot. The best you can find. If you could find better, you wouldnt be here, would you?

Good question.
To leagues like ODL? More noobs than anywhere else. Creating game system sux.. before game being created all typing !add and !remove just after... you must have to wait ages to play.
Title: Re: bann rules
Post by: Obst on April 28, 2010, 21:04
If you want to make games here free of idiots, here are a few solutions:
1. Approved hosts. To be able to host on, you should ask for it in the forum, and the admins would give you that right, however, if the host abuses, he can easily be demoted. Game host would be responsible for his games and it would be easy to report skill abuse, etc.
2. Longer bans. Leaving should be punishable with at least 1 month ban. Plugging on purpose, i.e. while having a score of 0-8 and during death, etc. would also be punishable with at least 1 month ban
3. Bans on IP and on nickname. This is very imporant. Right now, all you gotta do is create a new account on xpam and you can play again. I don't understand, why is this not implemented.
4. Like some suggestions before, score limit for games. Not necessary, but still a good addon.

If you follow these few simple points, games would be a lot better imho.

oh and is not meant to be a serious gaming league for good gamers, it's just pubs... but leavers still suck, so some changes are needed
Title: Re: bann rules
Post by: El_Vanja on April 28, 2010, 23:26
'good players' are leaving to where?

Private bots and private games.
Title: Re: bann rules
Post by: Boramir on April 28, 2010, 23:49
'good players' are leaving to where?

Private bots and private games.

you can host your private game and invite those private ppl to pd bots too .. what s the difference?

For odl league, even their website dont work.
Title: Re: bann rules
Post by: El_Vanja on April 29, 2010, 16:38
Yes, but people on their own bots aren't so obsessed with stats, so it's more pleasant to play there.
Title: Re: bann rules
Post by: Resor on April 29, 2010, 17:56
YE. And game 5/5 lasts 10mins to first blood and couple of frags.
I'd played a lot on priv bots, and if you dont have 10 dedicaded players, better dont start the game. 90% of time game ends after 20mins 4/3 or 3/2.

Just too much disapointment in that.
Title: Re: bann rules
Post by: mrNiceguy on April 30, 2010, 00:12
YE. And game 5/5 lasts 10mins to first blood and couple of frags.
I'd played a lot on priv bots, and if you dont have 10 dedicaded players, better dont start the game. 90% of time game ends after 20mins 4/3 or 3/2.

Just too much disapointment in that.

Same thing played 2 or 3 times all the time same situation, leavers!!
Title: Re: bann rules
Post by: El_Vanja on April 30, 2010, 20:19
Like that never happens here...

That's exactly what I'm talking about, dedicated players. People simply get their own bot, customize it in what ever possible way they want and play games only with people they know. I've heard comments from a lot of people that stats ruined the gameplay, and I must agree on that one.
Title: Re: bann rules
Post by: mrNiceguy on April 30, 2010, 20:56
Like that never happens here...

Here they got ban,there they dont!

People simply get their own bot, customize it in what ever possible way they want and play games only with people they know.

And if they get owned they just !end the game, and here host can not do that!

I've heard comments from a lot of people that stats ruined the gameplay, and I must agree on that one.

Only from ppl who does not know how to improve it and then they want to delete it!

Not agree with you!
Title: Re: bann rules
Post by: El_Vanja on May 01, 2010, 03:15
Here they got ban,there they dont!
Untrue. Any decent host has a wide banlist. Including IP bans, so no new account can help.

And if they get owned they just !end the game, and here host can not do that!
I agree that there are infantile, selfish, dumb hosts out there with their own bots, but we're discussing good players here and I've almost never experienced that kind of behaviour with them. Any decent host will just ask for a fast finish if the game is total ownage.

Only from ppl who does not know how to improve it and then they want to delete it!
From what I can make out of your statement there... you're trying to say only people with bad scores complain about it? No. A lot of good players have spoken against it, and it's because they feel the same as I do - people became obsessed with their stats and started playing more selfishly. I feel there are more and more players looking after their score rather than looking after the team's benefit.

And for the end, please, don't understand this as a personal attack on I'm just making a few points. This server has it's advantages, but also brings out new problems...
Title: Re: bann rules
Post by: mrNiceguy on May 01, 2010, 11:46
I will not reply to this, not because u offend me with something, it is because I have no will to write anymore to this discussion.

I will only reply to the first and second quote:
I was speaking about odl games!
There is 1% of hosts who do that with their own bot, so you are not right there!

And that is all what will I say, there is lot of other stuff I could say, but I am tired of explaining again and again some stuff!

I would rather go to play to only bot here that does not have lag = bot!

Title: Re: bann rules
Post by: cerafil on May 09, 2010, 16:00
I hate the fact that I have to endure the longest inbalanced games while I always host with forced switches if I see that 1 team is owning to hard. (I only host noobgames, so that does make sense I think)
I think if playdota would make a pro and a noob bot hosting thingy then allot of these "grey rule area's" would be more easy to aply without any discussion needed. They could just have 2 different set of rules.

In the end I play dota because I like it and I wish to learn this by playing people arround my skill level.
Couldn't Playdota install a form of Levelblocking?[commandable] Some stats are just so easy to put boundaries on. Still pro's could mess up noobgames, but they would have to make a new name and wouldn;t be able to have a pro account "legally". Even better noobs could never fuck up pro games anymore.

exambles that I think would improve the bot
if it... "host decides the number" (examble)
*could deny a player with more then "x"(250) games to enter your game
*could deny a player with "x"(150%) K/A
*could deny a player with "x" (10) plugs/disconnects/leaves

Thats my input for the day x.X
Title: Re: bann rules
Post by: [Shady] Polska on May 09, 2010, 20:02
I hate the fact that I have to endure the longest inbalanced games while I always host with forced switches if I see that 1 team is owning to hard. (I only host noobgames, so that does make sense I think)
I think if playdota would make a pro and a noob bot hosting thingy then allot of these "grey rule area's" would be more easy to aply without any discussion needed. They could just have 2 different set of rules.

In the end I play dota because I like it and I wish to learn this by playing people arround my skill level.
Couldn't Playdota install a form of Levelblocking?[commandable] Some stats are just so easy to put boundaries on. Still pro's could mess up noobgames, but they would have to make a new name and wouldn;t be able to have a pro account "legally". Even better noobs could never fuck up pro games anymore.

exambles that I think would improve the bot
if it... "host decides the number" (examble)
*could deny a player with more then "x"(250) games to enter your game
*could deny a player with "x"(150%) K/A
*could deny a player with "x" (10) plugs/disconnects/leaves

Thats my input for the day x.X

Whats the point in this??

Yea it sounds like a good idea on paper, but think about the effects.
Good Players vs Good Players someone is bound to lose.
And most expert players are greedy, and wont finish so they can get more kills= other team stats go down
So now on your basis of ideas this actual good player can only play noob games where he/she go 35 and 1 with gondar. It doesnt make sense, you can't fix a issue that is almost unfixable. Rarely in games I play in people leave and "ruin" the game. Usually the leaver is the worst one so now we have a chance. Problem is people don't play dota the way they use to. People don't use there heros abilites to there advantage. They use them to kill. Exp Zeus ulti most of the time people use it to kill, well i use it to find everyone on the map so I know if i am getting ganked or i can push alittle more.  Also alot of people chase to get one kill, cause they need that 1 kill, no now you have time to push, while the other is healing. Problem is people make  PROS ONLY games, and then the host checks his team not the others. Or they play with all friends and can talk with one another. My games are sp, and I dont have these issues. Also I let anyone come in, this endes up being a good game and usually no leavers.

Problem is that people want to just keep kicking and banning people because of there stats or because they loose. 2 people leave its a 4v4 now thts playable, 1 person leaves someone else can leave for balance. But no everyone here wants to immediately give up. And ban the host for 3 weeks because he wont rmk, and ban the leaver for not reading gn or being a noob.  Bans like that are crazy week bans 15 days, for stat abuse?? come on, It is not hard to buy tree and go into forest let the idiots try to kill you, they will just end up killing themselves. The more rules the more problems and the more people get fed up.

Just deal with it, have the best bots on eurobattle. No lag issues for almost everyone. I live in Jersey now and I usually load first and stay around 40 ping, people from spain and portugal dont lag, polish russians, no one really lags.  But everyone acts like the mods suck and the bot sucks, so why do you continue playing here. Why do you make a new account everytime you get banned. The mods here are actually really understanding and know when to ban and not to ban.  You know these games arnt 5 min long, some last 70 80 min. Can you predict the future, you know whats going to happen to u in a hour. Some pople have to leave for a reason, some loose connection, n then you got pluggers who probably asked to leave wouldnt get banned, but rather plug so they do get banned.

Basically who cares, almost all who cry about these Stat problems is because there the ones who stack the teams and loose. And cant keep a 1 kd ratio. You should Apperciate that we have a pub host that we can all use because without them there would be no stats, and able to play 15 games a day and only wait in lobby for 3 min. You all would join random hosts rooms where they control what goes on, and there is no stats for you to strive to achieve higher.

Title: Re: bann rules
Post by: cerafil on May 10, 2010, 14:36
i do agree and if you cannot beat them then learn from them and join them.
The same thing happends all over the internet. Games never turn out how they were intended because the players do what they think is best for them.

I am a noob learning the game and one day Also I will know how to boost my stats without breaking the rules.