Strategy Discussion Section => Strategy => Topic started by: Canin on April 17, 2010, 05:13

Title: Lobby guide for pros,godlikes and beyond.
Post by: Canin on April 17, 2010, 05:13
Hey guys!

Since I have nothing better to do, I want to share couple of tricks I learned about waiting in the lobby.

Ok ok my guide will blow you away. You'll be speechless, I shit you not.(Commander Anderson, The Rock)

Double click on Frozen Throne exe. wait...

That's not it.

Double click on  Euroloader.exe
Yeah now we're talking.
Then, click "Battle Net"
Type your username and password and log in.

Now we're at a crossroad please read carefully

1.If you plan to host a game click on "Channel" and type the following: and when you join the channel you do all that mambo jombo stuff to host a game.
- If you don't want to host a game and listen to people flaming you for stuff it's out of your hands(lag for instance) BUT... (There is a "BUT" people!) You know a guy who's willing to host(or we call just call him your friend) go ahead and click on "Custom Game"

Almost there, I'm so excited :D :D :D


Find his server and join.

The crossroad is behind us.

As a host, you're expected to check every member if his stats correspond to the game you're hosting. So you do that, you check for ping and stats. When 10 people join your game logically you start checking them for their stats.

The Sentinel:
Host(You): who cares.
(if friend is hosting) who cares, (if you're the host, read above).
Bob:60/4. Bob doesn't have a life but he is accepted, his stats correspond the game he is in.
Have fun Bob, you're in for an epic game.
[WAA]■ÆπæÖ:10/0. You're on a roll mate.
You: Welcome to the team, also let me use this opportunity to say awesome nick! What does WAA stand for?
[WAA]■ÆπæÖ: We Are Awesome.
You: Ah, how do you pronounce your name?
[WAA]■ÆπæÖ: .... stfu.
You: k
[WAA]╩L%ªÖÆL:10/0 Welcome.
That's 4 or if someone else hosts 5, but for sake of my time lets say your friend hosts and use your imagination about the 5th member if you're the host.

The Scourge:
Angelface: 27/9
Hisbrother: 3/19
Umoml0l: 0/10
Notaleaver: Notaleaver hasn't played any games in the current season
Iownyou: 5/5

Of course, it's in our nature as human beings to always complain so chances are Angelface will go OMG MY TEAM ARE NOOBS, IS THIS A PRO GAME OR WHAT?
At this point, you're like... He's probably a leaver and you kick him(unless he leaves before you can do that)

While you're waiting for another pro,godlike and beyond player..... the rest of the scourge are like +1 and GO.
Canin(hypothetical situation, I'm tired of creating people.) joins the game and immediately types the spoof check command and he checks the people for their stats but what Canin doesn't know is that the host pinged few times and he decided to start the game.

On behalf of all the intelligent people, supporters and deputies of Captain Obvious

I thank you for reading my guide.


Picard was wrong when he said:  "Space the final frontier".

Title: Re: Lobby guide for pros,godlikes and beyond.
Post by: ek0 on April 17, 2010, 12:11
This is a story, not a guide.
Title: Re: Lobby guide for pros,godlikes and beyond.
Post by: Canin on April 17, 2010, 13:53
We can call it whatever you like.
Title: Re: Lobby guide for pros,godlikes and beyond.
Post by: mrNiceguy on April 17, 2010, 21:45
My opinion that there is 1 - 10 % of all pro players of dota that will leave any similar situation in his game! I am talking about scourges score!

Anyhow my proposal is from long time : DO NOT LEAVE THE PLAYERS WITH NO STATS AT PRO GAMES, nvm they say it is new account ( that means either his old account is banned, or he had so bad score that he has changed his nick ) so KICK THE GUY WHITOUT STATS!

And I always ask the player with best stats is he satisfied with his team!

And third:

Read first sentence!

80% of pro players will not leave players with bad stats at his game!