General Section => General Discussions => Topic started by: Dark_Servant on March 23, 2010, 01:39

Title: TRIBUTE to's "BEST" player
Post by: Dark_Servant on March 23, 2010, 01:39
Nick: .balanar.
Games played: 160
Win / Lose : 31% / 69%
Score: -59.3
Current position on ladder: 20807 and going down day by day
Not to mention he has 0.1 deny per game :))

Now, I would not write this to offend him but when is saw this ( and then clicked on him to see what's wrong with him. I saw this (
If you take a closer look, you'll notice that more then 95% of his games have PRO in their name... So, I'm wondering what goes through this guy's head...

To lol at this or simply start crying and praying for his soul, that maybe one day, it finds peace and accepts it's not meant for him to play PRO games?!
Title: Re: TRIBUTE to's "BEST" player
Post by: iluv_meow on March 23, 2010, 04:07
tbh, i think he is quite ok..2 deaths for every one kill seems alright for me.
At least he is trying in "pro" games  ;) too bad he is last
Title: Re: TRIBUTE to's "BEST" player
Post by: Resor on March 23, 2010, 10:53
Check this one:
He plays noob games and gets pwned most of the times. Its ok when he try to learn some about dota. But he played almost 70 games only with this bot...
He managed to kill about 2 times and die around 7... In noob games? Maaaannn.... :D
Title: Re: TRIBUTE to's "BEST" player
Post by: night_must_fall on March 23, 2010, 13:49
Big words from pro players   :-X
He is trying ,, maybe he just started playing DOta,not every one is born with the GOSU ability like urself :D :D.Very rude of u indeed  >:(
Title: Re: TRIBUTE to's "BEST" player
Post by: Dark_Servant on March 23, 2010, 14:49
Big words from pro players   :-X
He is trying ,, maybe he just started playing DOta,not every one is born with the GOSU ability like urself :D :D.Very rude of u indeed  >:(

I can't wait for such mentaly retarded persons to comment on this, hopefully YOU was the one I was hoping to meet here. Next time, before making such senseless post, pls READ the post you are referring to.

On topic, I don't say I was pro since beginning, but way back then, when DotA had only handful of admirers I join NON PRO games, for the reason I was aware of my skills and didn't wanna see everyone owning me like some kind of newbie. Therefore, NOOBS ONLY games exist and I'm saying that he should be playing them instead of PROS.
Title: Re: TRIBUTE to's "BEST" player
Post by: night_must_fall on March 23, 2010, 22:42
Dear dear , u have a big mouth :o . U should pick the words u use , but probably those are the only one u know :D
I wont answer to that coz i see u got a little to upset ;D .

On topic !!!
I said that u make fun of him , which is what ur doing indeed, the point isnt about ur skill or about u at all, i said that is rude, + i see u play pro games thus ur at least trying to be one right?
Title: Re: TRIBUTE to's "BEST" player
Post by: Dark_Servant on March 24, 2010, 00:14
Too bad season ended and stats were reset.
You are not the one to whom I should prove my skills. Most of the ppl here know me, and ending as #15 on the ladder doesn't support you "big mouth" theory.

And if you call being ironic to make fun of someone, then yes, I'm making fun of him!!! The reason is that some ppl NEVER learn and will always join game which are not adequate to their skill lvl. So, if you find yourself offended by this accusation, stop crying to me! Go find your .balanar. pal and buy him a drink or two for joining PRO games.
You could even discuss some tactics, for example that if you want to DENY a creep you have to press "A" and click on it!! Just letting hero to auto attack won't help it, you know...
Title: Re: TRIBUTE to's "BEST" player
Post by: iluv_meow on March 24, 2010, 02:53
Title: Re: TRIBUTE to's "BEST" player
Post by: mrNiceguy on March 25, 2010, 23:56
I think that this discussion should go to offtopic!!
Title: Re: TRIBUTE to's "BEST" player
Post by: Dark_Servant on March 26, 2010, 00:07
I think that this discussion should go to offtopic!!

I took some time to think about where to put it, and the reason why I picked general forum is that Admins and GAME hosts do something about it! Mainly coz it considers DotA.

I hate when I come to some unknown host and I'm in scourge and he starts game without checking anybody from my team or even worse, when he checks and knows there are noobz and let them play on purpose, just so that he would easier get win!

This topic is also for all those who keep thinking of themselves as being PROs and keep joining PRO or EXPERT games, when, in fact, they are NooBs or simply lower average players who lack lane control, poor farming abilities as well as last hit and deny. Such people often stay at back and do nothing when real battle begins and are reason why one team got kicked in team fight
Title: Re: TRIBUTE to's "BEST" player
Post by: vaikiss on March 26, 2010, 02:55
lol even in my first time playin i had higer k/d  then these guys lulz

anyway keep up "pros  i love 50 min games with player who haz boots and bracer"
Title: Re: TRIBUTE to's "BEST" player
Post by: Dark_Servant on March 28, 2010, 22:27
It's about some common sense. You don't go to college if you dislike learning and are lousy student (well most of us do, but we shouldn't), you don't play football with guys who are experts if you can't manage to complete one pass. Same goes for all kind of sports as well as other things in your life. DotA is not excuse.

I suck at programming so I let other ppl do it for me. So if he can't manage to improve his skills, why he continues ruining PRO games? If you want something done and really want to learn, for example playing DotA, than more then 80 games are sure enough to see some progress.
Title: Re: TRIBUTE to's "BEST" player
Post by: ek0 on March 29, 2010, 13:01
If you want something done and really want to learn, for example playing DotA, than more then 80 games are sure enough to see some progress.
As we can see, there is no progress.
Title: Re: TRIBUTE to's "BEST" player
Post by: Dark_Servant on March 29, 2010, 15:55
For him, obviously not  :-\
Title: Re: TRIBUTE to's "BEST" player
Post by: ArizaelCZ on March 29, 2010, 16:01
One question - what reason can this silly mind have to produce post,just to humiliate some random guy with bad stats?
Title: Re: TRIBUTE to's "BEST" player
Post by: Resor on March 29, 2010, 16:05
One question - what reason can this silly mind have to produce post,just to humiliate some random guy with bad stats?

This random guy plays ONLY pro games. Do you want souch a PRO in your team? Or even opposite? Game will have to be rmked after he feeds well in couple first minutes.
Title: Re: TRIBUTE to's "BEST" player
Post by: ArizaelCZ on March 29, 2010, 16:10
One question - what reason can this silly mind have to produce post,just to humiliate some random guy with bad stats?

This random guy plays ONLY pro games. Do you want souch a PRO in your team? Or even opposite? Game will have to be rmked after he feeds well in couple first minutes.
Post ban request, Noob in Pro game. No need to take this his name on general
Title: Re: TRIBUTE to's "BEST" player
Post by: Dark_Servant on March 30, 2010, 00:22
Or maybe it is?! Some ppl never learn... I try other ways too, since conventional (ban) ain't working.
Maybe he'll see this post and reveal his true potential or at least reconsider playing PRO games..
Title: Re: TRIBUTE to's "BEST" player
Post by: ArizaelCZ on March 30, 2010, 01:22
Or maybe it is?! Some ppl never learn... I try other ways too, since conventional (ban) ain't working.
Maybe he'll see this post and reveal his true potential or at least reconsider playing PRO games..

500$ he isnt even registrated on forum. However i guess he wont be able to join much games now.
Title: Re: TRIBUTE to's "BEST" player
Post by: Dark_Servant on March 30, 2010, 20:46
And that was the core IDEA. He should join game suitable for his skill lvl (noob).
Title: Re: TRIBUTE to's "BEST" player
Post by: night_must_fall on March 31, 2010, 12:21
I think he will pwn us all some day :D
Title: Re: TRIBUTE to's "BEST" player
Post by: Resor on March 31, 2010, 17:47
With his ability to learn, it may be before end of the century ;P
Title: Re: TRIBUTE to's "BEST" player
Post by: midoelbasha on March 31, 2010, 20:30
so what, my bro gets pwnt in noob games some times but he still has fun trying n killing a pro who ruined their game by luck every now n then.
not every game should be won, not every game should be owned by you cuz you know how to farm to 25 in 25min.
however every game should be enjoyed, every game should be fun.
Title: Re: TRIBUTE to's "BEST" player
Post by: Dark_Servant on April 01, 2010, 23:46
so what, my bro gets pwnt in noob games some times but he still has fun trying n killing a pro who ruined their game by luck every now n then.
not every game should be won, not every game should be owned by you cuz you know how to farm to 25 in 25min.
however every game should be enjoyed, every game should be fun.
With this guy it's probably a nightmare for his allies, and a damn pleasure for his enemies. Though you can never know. Looks like I'll have to play one game with him on my side. I'll report how it went xD
Title: Re: TRIBUTE to's "BEST" player
Post by: Radian on April 05, 2010, 01:57
If host make a pro game, he should check stats of people who joining he's game.
That should prevent our "scarry at night" friend to ruining a pro game.
But from what I've observed most of hosts are interested only in stats of their sentinel fellows.
I see .balanar. played almost all games on scourge side whitch means one of two things:
1. Hosts swaping him to oposite team for better win% chance
2. He just like to be on the dark side :>
Title: Re: TRIBUTE to's "BEST" player
Post by: Dark_Servant on April 05, 2010, 23:09
If host make a pro game, he should check stats of people who joining he's game.
That should prevent our "scarry at night" friend to ruining a pro game.
But from what I've observed most of hosts are interested only in stats of their sentinel fellows.
I see .balanar. played almost all games on scourge side whitch means one of two things:
1. Hosts swaping him to oposite team for better win% chance
2. He just like to be on the dark side :>
I think second one is more appropriate in this situation.  ;D
Title: Re: TRIBUTE to's "BEST" player
Post by: iPlayForFun on April 06, 2010, 20:53
I report few ppl for noob in pro game and i get denied. he play with nerub asassin and he have 1-11, he miss with stun and he dont get even warn.  ??? i wont report any more noobs cuz they dont get warn
Title: Re: TRIBUTE to's "BEST" player
Post by: RiCh_GiiRL on April 06, 2010, 21:29
Omfg ... .balnar. is my brother -_- .
he must learn :P
Title: Re: TRIBUTE to's "BEST" player
Post by: Dark_Servant on April 09, 2010, 21:23
Omfg ... .balnar. is my brother -_- .
he must learn :P
Then go teach him something and tell him to play "noobs only" games. When he wins 4 in a row then he may enter "pro" ones.
Title: Re: TRIBUTE to's "BEST" player
Post by: 4GOTtheCONDOM on April 10, 2010, 16:36
viva la europe is the player u should fear entering ur game... trust me.... btw me pro :P
Title: Re: TRIBUTE to's "BEST" player
Post by: hunter^^^666 on July 20, 2010, 06:35
wow -59 score xaaxaxaxa
Title: Re: TRIBUTE to's "BEST" player
Post by: theNoobie on July 20, 2010, 23:43
There should be no discrepancies between noob and pro games. I find that rule completely stupid. Before playing dota with real people, I suggest doing AI and watching some vids and replays. No one likes a feeder ruining the game.

I recall someone who just played AI and learned how to creep block, deny, and last hit and when he played in a noob game, he completely stomped them. 
Title: Re: TRIBUTE to's "BEST" player
Post by: Z0Di4C on July 21, 2010, 00:15
There should be no discrepancies between noob and pro games. I find that rule completely stupid. Before playing dota with real people, I suggest doing AI and watching some vids and replays. No one likes a feeder ruining the game.

I recall someone who just played AI and learned how to creep block, deny, and last hit and when he played in a noob game, he completely stomped them.

...thats all good in theory but truth is most ppl arent actualy ppl - they are litle iresponsible , selfish , careless children without a concience...(this is related to all 1st time players who never even tried to play against AI to learn the basics of dota)...

...and that some1 that u mentioned will be an awesome play one day because hes smart and didnt ruin games in the process...  8)