Ban & Unban Section => Ban Requests => Topic started by: HowTo... on July 10, 2022, 01:51

Title: bug abuser
Post by: HowTo... on July 10, 2022, 01:51
1: Your NickName?
2: NickName of the player that you want to be banned?
3: What rule did he/they break?
bug abuser
4: When was the Rule (Time of The Game) Broken?
since he got lvl 6 with tuski
5: Explain to us your general vision about the situation.
he clearly knew of tuskar bug, and even tho he kept abusing it.... which is clearly in contradiction with rule 5a.
17:29   jurys   [All]   so much skill required to abuse that bugged ulti
17:30   ^FaST^   [Allies]   go sprziv
17:41   jurys   [All]   was expecting a bit more self-respect from you
17:46   KomandantBerova   [Allies]   lele krivo mu e :D
18:01      [All]   [KomandantBerova]Dota7.00 killed Fortepsai
18:02   ^FaST^   [All]   its funny to play
18:03   ^FaST^   [All]   ^^

18:11   ^FaST^   [All]   Still more bugged hero
18:12   oflis   [Allies]   zeus if fucking empty
18:13   ^FaST^   [All]   ees
18:14      [All]   [KomandantBerova]ME.CHUPA killed Dota7.00
18:16   jurys   [All]   well, at u least u know u are abusing it
18:17   ^FaST^   [All]   like kunka
6: Link of the game? (if applies);sa=game;gid=6471612
Title: Re: bug abuser
Post by: TheJOkerBoy on July 11, 2022, 01:59
17:19   ^FaST^   [Allies]   oh
17:21   ^FaST^   [Allies]   v
17:29   jurys   [All]   so much skill required to abuse that bugged ulti
17:30   ^FaST^   [Allies]   go sprziv
18:02   ^FaST^   [All]   its funny to play
18:03   ^FaST^   [All]   ^^
18:11   ^FaST^   [All]   Still more bugged hero
18:13   ^FaST^   [All]   ees
18:16   jurys   [All]   well, at u least u know u are abusing it
18:17   ^FaST^   [All]   like kunka
18:51   ^FaST^   [All]   whats the point of ap
18:54   ^FaST^   [All]   every game

18:57   ^FaST^   [All]   pudge tiny skeleton

We agree yes. Why do you play ap games? you go play poker.

yeah I also tested it and it's confirmed that warlus punch does more damage when it's used manually, meanwhile it does normal damage when the toggle is enabled.

the normal crit is 3.5x but the bug counts it as about 5x crit so the more dmg tusk gets the higher crit dmg becomes.

about the solution; idk as of now, there isn't really a solution that solves the problem but we'll most likely sanction ppl who obviously try to take advantage over this bug

Sorry to disturb but +1 for song in test :D

and yes, the song was a 10/10, added to my playlist xd

According to Ingame Rules 5a) Abusing inner DotA bugs will be considered as cheating.

^FaST^ (;sa=player;sid=1;nick=%5Efast%5E) !Banned 2 weeks + 5 warn points due to Cheating.