Strategy Discussion Section => Strategy => Topic started by: FrostyShad on March 12, 2015, 15:22

Title: Supports Strategy Discussion - free games ( -ap mode )
Post by: FrostyShad on March 12, 2015, 15:22
Hello. First i ejoing to play at LA bot , in free games , -ap mode, for a Sentinels  usually for a Supports Heroes .
But i have to hight ping , that is non-stable and jumping from apprx 250ms - 700ms , and i can`t fix it  :-\ .

Crystal Maiden 

It`s a my favorite hero . I playing almost always at the bottom line , and most of time i had creating tripple line , and that does rage of my team :( .     
My farm is simple ,  i try to pull creeps to the 1st pack of forest monsters , and the to the 2nd .
Skills_build is simple :  1. Frost_Blast 2. Aura of Mana 3. Cold Feet
Items_build simple too:  1. Chicken , Circle of Nobility , Trees :)  . 2 Items that giving to CM Hit Points, like a Ghost Stuff etc.  .
3. many time i build unexpected items like a Cranium Basher, Diffusial Blade .


I dont like how it`s look, but i like pretty nice abbilities of this hero .  I never coming to the middline coz ping :(  .  I playing exacly like a CM , on bottom tripple line . 
Skills_build: 1. Death Pulse 2. Sadist 3. Death Pulse
Items Build : 1. Same to CM  . 2 Same to Cm . 3 in the most of games i like Sasha_Yasha , and Buriza sometimes :)

Zeus aka Merlini

If my team have a gankers like a Barathrum or Slark, Legion Commander, Mirana etc , i had usually picking this pretty hero .
Always i am farming creeps in the woods , but sometime harrasing opossing teams at the line :)
Skills_build: 1. Arc Lightning 2.Lightning Bolt 3. Static Field
Items Build : 1. Same to CM  . 2 Usually Ghost Stuff . 3 Black King Bar, or something to surviving


If opossing have a gankers like a Barathrum or Slark, Legion Commander, Mirana etc , i had usually picking this pretty hero .
Always i am farming creeps in the woods , but sometime resquing my teammates at the line :)
Skills_build: 1. Poison Touch 2.Shadow Wave 3. Shallow Grave
Items Build : 1. Same to CM  . 2 Bracers, or smth to HP . 3 Mjoilinr, Rdiance or something to surviving

Heroes that i can`t playing, coz i have hight and crazy ping: 
Mirana, Butcher, Ancient Aparation, Clockwerk, Nevermore, Puck, Invoker, Slark, Phenix, Lina, Skorpion, etc. . .

I wonna some adwice to my tactics and picking heroes . 

With regards, frostyshad.

Sorry for a my English lvl,  pre-intermediate , i`ll try to fix it.  :P

Title: Re: Supports Strategy Discussion - free games ( -ap mode )
Post by: MadMan on March 13, 2015, 10:16
Such very wow guide, troll us some more please.
Cause if you're not trolling than you're retarded ;D

Title: Re: Supports Strategy Discussion - free games ( -ap mode )
Post by: ilikedat on March 13, 2015, 12:07
he's funny guy madman,I like him allready  ;D
Title: Re: Supports Strategy Discussion - free games ( -ap mode )
Post by: iNevermore on March 13, 2015, 16:18
Let me see whats going on here...

Title: Re: Supports Strategy Discussion - free games ( -ap mode )
Post by: Rocka on March 13, 2015, 16:19
fucking noob starts with circlet
Title: Re: Supports Strategy Discussion - free games ( -ap mode )
Post by: DatFace on March 13, 2015, 16:34
Let me see whats going on here...


hahahhaha died hahaha XD
Title: Re: Supports Strategy Discussion - free games ( -ap mode )
Post by: jeandarc on March 13, 2015, 20:57
Stfu idiots, the guy bothored to write a post with more than 10 characters, unlike u uneducated fucks.

Oh and hi btw, long time no see

P.s. im back
P.p.s. i will be gone again soon
P.p.p.s. u better use thos chance to share this experience with living legend aka jeandarc
Title: Re: Supports Strategy Discussion - free games ( -ap mode )
Post by: FrostyShad on March 16, 2015, 02:01
Treant Protector

If ur team have a two or more gankers/Hight_killing_potential like a : Slark, Mortred, Huskar, Rikki , or jumpers/lotharists like a : Axe , Nevermore, Ursa and other hight mobile ganker heroes  - Rooftrellen IS A GOOD CHOICE .   And he is a second my favorite hero :) 
Use Living Armor skill to helping my gankers, and staying farm at bottom line with some pulling it`s a perfect tactics with my hight ping .
Skills_build is simple :  1.Living Armor 2. Leech Seed|Nature's Guise 3. Living Armor
Items_build simple too:  1. Chicken , Circle of Nobility , Trees :)  . 2 Radiance, but if game is hard something for team like a Mekasm . 3 . Heart of Tarasque 
But i dont know what an orb effect is usefull for this hero.  :o
Title: Re: Supports Strategy Discussion - free games ( -ap mode )
Post by: pHu^^thAi on March 16, 2015, 04:35
try this book

Title: Re: Supports Strategy Discussion - free games ( -ap mode )
Post by: Lagi on March 16, 2015, 06:29
Let me see whats going on here...

8)  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D +1
Title: Re: Supports Strategy Discussion - free games ( -ap mode )
Post by: CoMMoN1337 on March 16, 2015, 18:02
ITT: bunch of noobs that think if they behave like cunts they'll appear to be more "pro".

this poor lil innocent guy here is trying to discuss something and you just mock him, lol.

frostyshad, if you want to improve, you first have to abaddon (abandon, i made some dota joke here hah ha so funny) your flawed fixed ideas, such as, trying to come up with some universal mega perfect item-build or skill-build or gamestyle for any hero. THERE IS NO SUCH THING.
in dota, if you want to get close to the perfect level, you have to walk into a game with the mentality that you will have to adapt, to the enemy picks, to the way they play, to the items they go for, to how your team is doing, to what allies you have, and so on.

before you will be able to get close to the perfect level though, you will first have to get far from the complete beginner level, which you currently are at.
at this level that you are at the moment, if you want to improve properly, you should PLAY, and TRY things, NOT look for some answers on some stupid ass forum like this one, because here you will either be treated by these lil cunts with cunty behaviour, or you will maybe get some stupid ideas from people who have no clue how to play which are flawed and you will move backward instead of forward.

you first have to gain some gameplay knowledge and experience, which you can only properly get from playing, and to learn the basics, the very basics, before moving to the next steps.

again, stop trying to get fed answers, and try to use ur lil brain and find them yourself, in the long run it will be better.
Title: Re: Supports Strategy Discussion - free games ( -ap mode )
Post by: FrostyShad on March 16, 2015, 19:35
ITT: bunch of noobs that think if they behave like cunts they'll appear to be more "pro".

this poor lil innocent guy here is trying to discuss something and you just mock him, lol.
:P Thx .  I just dont like unproductive converstions , but also i like jokes.  AND i dont like angry  aggression

Thx for ur answer , i trying to play like that .    And i wonna improve my strategy for sentinels supports :) 
And i`ll try to create guide for  it, for @noobs@ like me, ofcourse   8)

1337 is mean "elita" i something hear about that . 
Title: Re: Supports Strategy Discussion - free games ( -ap mode )
Post by: FrostyShad on March 19, 2015, 17:33

Many times , pro players in AP free games picking a very danger hero  - Pugna ,  so if u wonna try to counter that mage  , or other simmilar heroes - Atropos is a perfect choise !  And his incredible abillity to decrease the enemy hero damage is a perfect VS such heroes like a Legion Commander , that is a mostly standard hero at AP free games  ??? . 
But plaing for this hero is pretty hard , he have no skills to farm creeps or push the towers so u are usefull only in ganks\deff :*(
Skills_build: 1. Brain_Sap\Nightmare    2. Brain_Sap    3. Enfeeble
Items Build : 1.If enemy team have a many harrasers , Magic Stick is useful so bying branches is a good start  . 2 Usually Ghost Stuff, Forse Staff, or other stuff :) if oppousing team have a invisiblers , u need a perfect artifact for this hero - Necrominomicron  . 3 Aghanim_Scepter , Black King Bar, or something to surviving
Title: Re: Supports Strategy Discussion - free games ( -ap mode )
Post by: iNevermore on March 19, 2015, 18:06

Many times , pro players in AP free games picking a very danger hero  - Pugna ,  so if u wonna try to counter that mage  , or other simmilar heroes - Atropos is a perfect choise !  And his incredible abillity to decrease the enemy hero damage is a perfect VS such heroes like a Legion Commander , that is a mostly standard hero at AP free games  ??? . 
But plaing for this hero is pretty hard , he have no skills to farm creeps or push the towers so u are usefull only in ganks\deff :*(
Skills_build: 1. Brain_Sap\Nightmare    2. Brain_Sap    3. Enfeeble
Items Build : 1.If enemy team have a many harrasers , Magic Stick is useful so bying branches is a good start  . 2 Usually Ghost Stuff, Forse Staff, or other stuff :) if oppousing team have a invisiblers , u need a perfect artifact for this hero - Necrominomicron  . 3 Aghanim_Scepter , Black King Bar, or something to surviving

HHH, anti me guide? :D
Title: Re: Supports Strategy Discussion - free games ( -ap mode )
Post by: Shadow on March 19, 2015, 18:19
Actually, i dont think this is meant to be real...
Title: Re: Supports Strategy Discussion - free games ( -ap mode )
Post by: FrostyShad on March 19, 2015, 20:23
Actually, i dont think this is meant to be real...
This tips is designed at my experiance , in bot , on AP mode free games :)

Pugna is hard hero for AP Free games , coz it`s easely pushing and killing not pro carries , but newbie heroes always take Legion|Rikki|Slark|Stryg| etc.  so Pugna is owning hero in free games, i many times had losing game vs good Pugna players .
Title: Re: Supports Strategy Discussion - free games ( -ap mode )
Post by: Astaroth on March 19, 2015, 21:39
Expecting Common to clarify that there are no good players.
Where is he when a man needs him, anyway?
Title: Re: Supports Strategy Discussion - free games ( -ap mode )
Post by: courierpower on March 19, 2015, 23:26
Buy observers= ez win  noone dewards at pub :D also, i dont see a point getting circlet very beginning of the game, you have slots spend less gold to branches and gain more stats lol, bur as common said, its all situational, even though there are extremely rare shit that does not fit in %99,9999999999999 of games, so dont try them if you are below %0,0000000 ..... 00001 of commons USED skills in pub  :D (p.s. lol I used to hate this guy when did I became such an asslicker :D )
Title: Re: Supports Strategy Discussion - free games ( -ap mode )
Post by: KeMCek on March 20, 2015, 08:06
Me pro
Title: Re: Supports Strategy Discussion - free games ( -ap mode )
Post by: FrostyShad on March 20, 2015, 19:36
Buy observers= ez win  noone dewards at pub :D also, i dont see a point getting circlet very beginning of the game, you have slots spend less gold to branches and gain more stats lol, bur as common said, its all situational, even though there are extremely rare shit that does not fit in %99,9999999999999 of games, so dont try them if you are below %0,0000000 ..... 00001 of commons USED skills in pub  :D (p.s. lol I used to hate this guy when did I became such an asslicker :D )
I am always buying Observe Wards , and  lose , and lose , and lose the games :(   
For me , +1 to stats at beggining is not so critical :)
Good players for INT heroes , many times taking Kalen`s Dagger, Euls Scepter, etc , and it`s a problem , and perfect Bane`s skills can do something with it :)

P.S. U have a nice picture under post , it`s so funny.
Title: Re: Supports Strategy Discussion - free games ( -ap mode )
Post by: FrostyShad on March 29, 2015, 16:59

( (

If ur team have some meele dmg heroes, and one or more INT , Pit Lord will be a PERFECT choice.  With him ability to push/antipush lines ,  good surveability , and very team-useful 6th level skill, this hero can be very danger oponnets vs such heroes like Zombie, Naga, Nessaj .

Abilities (aka Skills)

Items is depending on game or ur playing style , but i am in the most of game, prefere like that. 

First build:
Cyrcle of Nobility , Courier, Branch , Tango

Second build:
Bracer`s, Perseverence,  Power Threads, Vanguard or Observers, Dusts, Sentry`s

Third build:
Eye of Skady, Plate Mail , Heart of Tarasque, Shiva`s Armor or Assault Curiass, for hard teamply u need something like a Refresher :P

But this hero looks like pretty evil , and i dont like how it looks :S .
I hope this guide will help`s to some newbies, in free DotA games, AP mode.
Title: Re: Supports Strategy Discussion - free games ( -ap mode )
Post by: Asandir on March 29, 2015, 20:23

I teared up laughing at that part  ;D Otherwise, +1 for the effort  :)
Title: Re: Supports Strategy Discussion - free games ( -ap mode )
Post by: FrostyShad on March 30, 2015, 09:25
Yeah , pardon for my French :)    NECRONOMICON of course

Title: Re: Supports Strategy Discussion - free games ( -ap mode )
Post by: jeandarc on March 20, 2016, 01:13

U are the very definition of a pubber m8. The worst part about ppl like u is that they know nothing yet they think they know everything, which is really annoying.

P.s. u should farm some posts at ban/unban section before posting here invalid arguments
P.s.s. u should be honored that the legendary jeandarc quoted your post
Title: Re: Supports Strategy Discussion - free games ( -ap mode )
Post by: echelle on April 14, 2016, 15:37

U are the very definition of a pubber m8. The worst part about ppl like u is that they know nothing yet they think they know everything, which is really annoying.
rofl ahahahhaha
Title: Re: Supports Strategy Discussion - free games ( -ap mode )
Post by: Shadow on May 01, 2016, 14:38
This topic has already made my mood better once again.
Title: Re: Supports Strategy Discussion - free games ( -ap mode )
Post by: goblin on May 01, 2016, 15:03
Title: Re: Supports Strategy Discussion - free games ( -ap mode )
Post by: Nexxus on May 01, 2016, 15:39
A good support no matter of hero should have the next things

-Good map awarness
-Harrasment on lane on the opponents without aggroing the creeps
-Denying the creeps or atleast trying to deny so the wave won't be pushed
-Ward the map for map vision
-Buy courier at start/upgrade later
-Know who to support in teamfights for example if you are playing dazzle omni aa naga etc..etc..
-Buy supportive items at start, mekansm, force staff, wards in some situations even urn of shadows if no one has it in team
and the most important
-Carry a fucking tp around so if someone tower dives a lane you tp and save your friends and maybe help them get a kill or two fucking lowbobs, no one carries tps nowadays
Title: Re: Supports Strategy Discussion - free games ( -ap mode )
Post by: dotADRENALiNE on May 01, 2016, 16:10
A good support no matter of hero should have the next things

-Good map awarness
-Harrasment on lane on the opponents without aggroing the creeps
-Denying the creeps or atleast trying to deny so the wave won't be pushed
-Ward the map for map vision
-Buy courier at start/upgrade later
-Know who to support in teamfights for example if you are playing dazzle omni aa naga etc..etc..
-Buy supportive items at start, mekansm, force staff, wards in some situations even urn of shadows if no one has it in team
and the most important
-Carry a fucking tp around so if someone tower dives a lane you tp and save your friends and maybe help them get a kill or two fucking lowbobs, no one carries tps nowadays

I carry tps but the moment you start TPing they dont try to go for a kill, they run from that ursa while both of them are on 300 hp and no one has mana, instead of tryingto slow him down.
Title: Re: Supports Strategy Discussion - free games ( -ap mode )
Post by: maciekg9-slaveofBart on May 01, 2016, 19:22
Its funny how you clueless faggots are talking about supporting, there is only 1 simple rule: BE USEFULL, MAKE OTHER TEAMMATES- CORE HEROES FEEL YOUR POSITIVE PRESENCE
Title: Re: Supports Strategy Discussion - free games ( -ap mode )
Post by: jeandarc on May 01, 2016, 20:16
Maciekg i used to make girls around me positive about my presence back in highschool.

Translate for virgins: i make dry girls wet.
Title: Re: Supports Strategy Discussion - free games ( -ap mode )
Post by: maciekg9-slaveofBart on May 01, 2016, 21:29
more like u make wet girls dry ma nigga
Title: Re: Supports Strategy Discussion - free games ( -ap mode )
Post by: Lagi on May 01, 2016, 21:52
more like u make wet girls dry ma nigga
more like he make dry girls anime.