Strategy Discussion Section => DotA Discussion => Topic started by: jeandarc on November 08, 2012, 17:31

Title: Searching for pubbers
Post by: jeandarc on November 08, 2012, 17:31
Well, since dota stats reset, I want to create a team so we can stack in pub games and have some fun.

You don't have to be mega gosu proer to be part of my team. I just want you to be friendly, to buy chicken (+ upg if possible :D) from the beginning and ofc you have to be nolifer (just kidding xd).

Answer these questions:

1. What's your server account?
2. How many games can you play daily?
3. Why do you want to become part of my team?
4. What about your manners and Dota skills? (Be honest)

Oh and I almost forgot, you will get one free unban every week xD
Title: Re: Searching for pubbers
Post by: Blind_Joker on November 08, 2012, 17:35
If you need I can
Title: Re: Searching for pubbers
Post by: xMan-Y on November 08, 2012, 17:35
Oh and I almost forgot, you will get one free unban every week xD

Title: Re: Searching for pubbers
Post by: ColdWorld on November 08, 2012, 17:55
Dude, me and xmany= Win. Take us. I'll carry your games and we will use my friend Aca as chick. Save 270 gold. :D

Send pm if you want us. XD

Title: Re: Searching for pubbers
Post by: jeandarc on November 08, 2012, 18:18
Answer the application questions if you want to get in.
Title: Re: Searching for pubbers
Post by: xMan-Y on November 08, 2012, 18:44
Dude, me and xmany= Win. Take us. I'll carry your games and we will use my friend Aca as chick. Save 270 gold. :D

Send pm if you want us. XD

hahaha fu EQ :)
Title: Re: Searching for pubbers
Post by: Rio^ on November 08, 2012, 18:54
1. What's your server account? AS.Maelk
2. How many games can you play daily? 20
3. Why do you want to become part of my team?  8) You wanna win, I wanna win.
4. What about your manners and Dota skills? (Be honest) Pro ofc  8) Mute all on start, and play.

Title: Re: Searching for pubbers
Post by: thelostvoice on November 08, 2012, 19:53
1. T.L.V.

2. i guess 2-3, depends as i must study a lot, and mainly im on at 15:30 til 21 if im free for the day.

3. Because this score reset is bullshit, u cant be sure if the people you play are good or bad;hackers or not. I just want a fun game, dont care about game end.

4. My manners? im happy and good if the game is going smoothly, aka. if both teams are doing their best and playing good. Love those 60min+ games *_* and i just ignore feeders and flamers without flaming them, waste of time. Skills are rather close to an average dota player, or a tiny bit above it. Im not the 40-0 sf player, but mostly i like semi-carries and gankers(sb,bs,naix,slard etc.)
Title: Re: Searching for pubbers
Post by: shpura on November 09, 2012, 22:26
2. How many games can you play daily? 20 20 20

Title: Re: Searching for pubbers
Post by: vaikiss on November 10, 2012, 02:47
2. How many games can you play daily? 20 20 20

rosh lvl 1 > instapush mid > rax on minute 4 > mega creeps on minute 8-12 > win game within 14 minutes

14 x 20  = 5 hours of gaming only ? !?@?!@?!@?!@?
Title: Re: Searching for pubbers
Post by: Rio^ on November 10, 2012, 05:48
2. How many games can you play daily? 20 20 20

rosh lvl 1 > instapush mid > rax on minute 4 > mega creeps on minute 8-12 > win game within 14 minutes

14 x 20  = 5 hours of gaming only ? !?@?!@?!@?!@?

Some1 smart finally :*
Title: Re: Searching for pubbers
Post by: hot10000 on November 10, 2012, 09:30
i've played with dreadlord he's not pro at. sadly our fifth player refused to play because balance was 77/23 and we lost it. 0/20 naix O.o
Title: Re: Searching for pubbers
Post by: ColdWorld on November 10, 2012, 09:34
Im playing alone or with my friend MUP. I cant believe that ppl stack teams on 1500 psr. Just epic.
Title: Re: Searching for pubbers
Post by: hot10000 on November 10, 2012, 09:43
we had some decent game on 1500.
Title: Re: Searching for pubbers
Post by: ColdWorld on November 10, 2012, 09:45
Same here, but games with ppl from IHRL. Another games, just shit for now. You always get noob who is feeding, feeding, feeding.
Title: Re: Searching for pubbers
Post by: Rio^ on November 10, 2012, 09:52
Im playing alone or with my friend MUP. I cant believe that ppl stack teams on 1500 psr. Just epic.

Why not?!  Easy PSR, 100% win, game about 15 min. 2h of playing u will have 16XX PSR.

Title: Re: Searching for pubbers
Post by: ColdWorld on November 10, 2012, 10:34
Im playing alone or with my friend MUP. I cant believe that ppl stack teams on 1500 psr. Just epic.

Why not?!  Easy PSR, 100% win, game about 15 min. 2h of playing u will have 16XX PSR.
Why yes? Low skill ppl will get high psr and later they will just fcked up good games. I didnt saw any stack team with 5 good players. There is always one good or max 2 and its still enough to pwn nabs.
Title: Re: Searching for pubbers
Post by: jeandarc on November 10, 2012, 14:59
Stop spamming my thread, I don't give a crap about the other games. I just want to play games with normal people where ALL of us will have fun. If you don't like this idea, then I kindly ask you to fuck off.

Btw, tonight I will send an invitation to those who made application and explain my decision.
Title: Re: Searching for pubbers
Post by: dRagoLjuB on November 10, 2012, 15:04
1. My account is 50Euro
2. 1-3
3. I dont want to play always solo and get some teammates like i m cm i go mid i farm i steal kills
4. My manners are really good (you can check my stats page) about skills, its acceptable but i m imba support player :D
Title: Re: Searching for pubbers
Post by: shpura on November 10, 2012, 17:11
I just saw you are noob, so no thanks.
Title: Re: Searching for pubbers
Post by: rocka's#1fanboy on November 12, 2012, 15:31
Jean sux, dont play,with him xd
Title: Re: Searching for pubbers
Post by: iErnesto94 on November 19, 2012, 23:24
1. iErnesto94
2. 3-5 daily , 4-8 weekendv
3.  Cause i want good team players and not random players that can ruin the game with their failer. Also
4.  (Be honest) Kind and never get pissed of or going mad . I had 9-5-1190/12/25 on the previous stats ( 1940 psr ) . Now 1650 , 11-5-9 110/12/30 . I am skilled player and i play for the win and not for the kills ( ex. if i am sup i give the kill to carry )  . One extra reason that i want to be in a pro team . its crazy that u can see support godlike and carry with 1kill and 9 assist!!!

Title: Re: Searching for pubbers
Post by: BLOODYALBOZ on November 19, 2012, 23:35
1. BloodyAlboz
2. I play like 5 or more games a day . On weekend i play a lot more
3. I don't want to play with ignorant "im mid" teamplayers , cause playing with them is removing the
pleasure from dota
4. I'm good manared , never flame , sometimes i get on rage ( rarely ) but i keep my mouth shut and say things like retard , idiot , stupid .
Title: Re: Searching for pubbers
Post by: Falca on November 20, 2012, 18:35
jeandarc is noob. back in the day I played 1v1 with him and raped him hard lol =)
Title: Re: Searching for pubbers
Post by: BLOODYALBOZ on November 20, 2012, 18:54
jeandarc is noob. back in the day I played 1v1 with him and raped him hard lol =)
there is a big difference between 1vs1 and 5vs5 ;) team play makes that difference .
Title: Re: Searching for pubbers
Post by: iErnesto94 on November 21, 2012, 01:05
jeandarc is noob. back in the day I played 1v1 with him and raped him hard lol =)
there is a big difference between 1vs1 and 5vs5 ;) team play makes that difference .
Title: Re: Searching for pubbers
Post by: vaikiss on November 21, 2012, 01:10
jeandarc is noob. back in the day I played 1v1 with him and raped him hard lol =)
there is a big difference between 1vs1 and 5vs5 ;) team play makes that difference .