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Messages - iamnotrobot

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Offtopic / Re: 💔
« on: March 28, 2023, 12:42 »
@AladeenMF i don`t understand why u guys take this hard the map switch ?
There were so many versions before this...
U guys got old and not receptive to new things ? U can`t no longer to adapt?  ???
Because they dont wanna get low psr and get raped a few tımes thats why ...
ı dont see any reason why they cry and wrıte 1 paper sentences about thıs sıtuatıon xD all platforms are lıke thıs ıf they wanna play shit versions they can play at ıc cup .. there already 6.85 or 6.89 somethng lıke thıs :D:D they can have fun :)

Offtopic / Re: See you all and good luck!
« on: March 28, 2023, 10:11 »
you are talking shit.. every server and games should be upgrade like players and gameplay..
v6 and v7 are same shit just better graphics and more balance ..

 Why are you talking as if v7 and v6 are not the same game?

Go play ic cup  6.85 map if you want retired maps !!!

DotA Discussion / Re: beta 7.04b0
« on: March 27, 2023, 12:15 »
U just lost to much players,congratZ
Happy gaming on v7

DotA Discussion / Re: beta 7.04b0
« on: March 24, 2023, 09:09 »
Last night no v7 game at all .. we waited 2.30 hours for 1 game and we didnt play... wtff all players gone other platforms .. 0 solutıon from you all !!

DotA Discussion / Re: beta 7.04b0
« on: March 23, 2023, 13:10 »
no need time for 7.04b0 anymore .. pls switch it back 7.03b2 or fix slark and phonex bugs !! thats simple :(

DotA Discussion / Re: beta 7.04b0
« on: March 23, 2023, 07:15 »
7.03B2 İS BALANCED!!(7.04b0 is is very good and items are best but too much bugs ..and no one play thıs..v7 games are more less than before now) !!  ( specially phonex - slark others not important but if these 2 heroes will fixed map is good !)

General Discussions / Re: Server maintenance 5.3.2023
« on: March 10, 2023, 07:49 »
Taking actions acording to the POLL votes?
Just a technical upgrade on the server, nothing changed content wise. That is presumably coming next week.  :peace:

php version?
When broo :/ ? (new map and pool votes)

General Discussions / Re: Server maintenance 5.3.2023
« on: March 05, 2023, 19:30 »
about wht bro ?

DotA Discussion / Re: Dota Map megapoll
« on: February 27, 2023, 10:35 »
NOTHİNG WİLL CHANGE !!!! lagabuse will dead soon:(  no change no new movement about dota many people play dead dota here (6.90) so look other servers how many poeple online and playing dota and look lagabuse here players just criticism and idle talk about dota !!

DotA Discussion / Re: Dota Map megapoll
« on: February 24, 2023, 20:07 »
Guys give me one reason why we should stay on v6?

Does any of these players who plays v6 even tryed 1 month play version7.
Belive me, if you just play 1 month, you will see that is not a big difference and you will finaly see how team map looks like.

Regards from legend!

V7 and GG
all playres on v7 are dog shit and the ones that arent spam dog unbalanced heroes
i think your hero didnt give bone to you thats why you are lıke maddog :/

DotA Discussion / Re: Dota Map megapoll
« on: February 24, 2023, 14:41 »
Guys give me one reason why we should stay on v6?

Does any of these players who plays v6 even tryed 1 month play version7.
Belive me, if you just play 1 month, you will see that is not a big difference and you will finaly see how team map looks like.

Regards from legend!

V7 and GG
this is the best and biggest solution !!! thx No_lifer_xD

DotA Discussion / Re: Dota Map megapoll
« on: February 24, 2023, 12:23 »
LA need some update totally !!!!! v6 players never play v7 but v7 plays both .
Thats why all v7 games with same players same heroes and v7 lobbies need 20-30 minutes minimum for start !!!(in daytime never play v7 ın thıs server thıs ıs horrible ) thıs server goıng to be dead if continue like this !!
Someone should be do something about that realyy !!!

DotA Discussion / Re: Dota Map megapoll
« on: February 24, 2023, 09:22 »
1. Rest assured DracoL1ch is continuing with his updates (all be it in a harsh context of war and impracticalities). Though can't see why is this ever a reason to upgrade/not upgrade , since you;'re talking about 6.90 (2019) ... hello 2023? and there are plenty solid/stable versions since then; all of them more stable than 6.90   (THAT'S FUCKİNGG CORRECT !!!! )  GOOD JOB !

DotA Discussion / Re: Dota Map megapoll
« on: February 22, 2023, 12:14 »
ı agree to you bro but 6.90 players never accept thıs  :laugh: because they want to play good as well lıke 6.90  but ıf you dont play 1-2 week you never lıke thıs map :S:S:S its too bad  8)

DotA Discussion / Re: Dota Map megapoll
« on: February 21, 2023, 08:38 »
v7 is better OFC !!! v6 is not balanced.

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