Player: larsa1exxander

Player Name: larsa1exxander Realm: eurobattle (
Total games: 1060
Ladder games: 126 Custom games: 934
Player is not banned.
Player has no warns.
Total ladder games: 126 Current PSR: 1500
Wins: 0 (0%) Highest PSR: 1500
Loses: 0 (0%) Kills / Deaths:
Draws: 0 (0%) Assists / Deaths:
Observed games: 0 (Kills + Assists) / Deaths:
Left games: 0 (0%)
-EM games: 0 (0%)
Average kills: Kills: 0
Average deaths: Deaths: 0
Average assists: Assists: 0
Average creep kills: Creep kills: 0
Average creep denies: Creep denies: 0
Average neutral kills: Neutral kills: 0
Average tower kills: Tower kills: 0
Average rax kills: Rax kills: 0

Player hasn't played any ladder games.

Total custom games: 883
Date Game name Type Map
14-03-2019 20:05:49 HLW PUB HLWNG 27.0.w3x
14-03-2019 19:43:35 HLW rmk PUB Hero line war special edition.w3x
14-03-2019 18:38:39 ANGEL ARENA HVH JOIN ALL PUB U9_Hell vs Heaven Custom 1.65.w3x
14-03-2019 17:59:41 WINTERMAUL PUB Wintermaul DV 4.w3x
13-03-2019 22:57:43 ENFO PUB Enfos_MT_V193.w3x
13-03-2019 21:30:27 X HERO SIEGE #1 PUB X_Hero_Siege_3.45.w3x
12-03-2019 00:49:21 X Hero Siege #13 PUB X Hero Siege v6.34b.w3x
11-03-2019 03:48:06 TROLL AND ELVES PUB Troll and Elves Final.w3x
11-03-2019 02:46:52 oldschool troll and elves PUB Troll and Elves Speed x2.w3x
11-03-2019 01:47:52 new wintermaul PUB Wintermaul One Revolution v1.3.w3x
11-03-2019 01:05:12 new wintermaul PUB Wintermaul One Revolution v1.3.w3x
11-09-2015 02:45:00 slide PUB Slide Ninja Slide - NumbEncore.w3x
08-09-2015 23:04:55 Troll and Elves Speed x4 #3 PUB Troll and Elves Speed x4 v1.w3x