Strategy Discussion Section => DotA Discussion => Topic started by: Djerfi on April 07, 2010, 18:47

Title: Mana Bars
Post by: Djerfi on April 07, 2010, 18:47
Warcraft 3 Manabars is a tool which allow players to see Manabars of their Heroes and units in game, just underneath HP Bar. Normally, Warcraft 3 does not have option to view the Manabars of the units. This tiny piece of program will surely help DotA-Allstars players to check the manapool of their opponents during Battles, chasing, ganking etc.

Visit Dota Utilities ( site for more info and download.
Title: Re: Mana Bars
Post by: ek0 on April 07, 2010, 18:49
Is it legal?
Title: Re: Mana Bars
Post by: Quon on April 07, 2010, 18:50
does -ah command supports that ? Cause I know that if u use war keys program that u might get disconnected after -ah. But it would be great to see opponents's mp without clicking on them
Title: Re: Mana Bars
Post by: Djerfi on April 07, 2010, 18:54
It is legal, I checked ofc... I just checked it's even legal in some of the leagues!

-ah supports it!

It's just like DotaKeys... just a help, nothing more, no point in being illegal!
Anyway, we choose if it's legal here...
Title: Re: Mana Bars
Post by: Quon on April 07, 2010, 19:04
I was always thinking that war keys and similar programs are for lames. Clicking is also player's skill. More it is old school play more I like it :P Now it would be more easier for noobs  :)
Title: Re: Mana Bars
Post by: Djerfi on April 07, 2010, 19:50
As I said, we choose if it's legal here... Somewhere is legal, somewhere's not... But it isn't written anywhere it's illegal, and we can't prevent it, since we can't know if anyone's using it!
Title: Re: Mana Bars
Post by: susooo on April 07, 2010, 19:53
I used it a few days, it are usefull ;)
Title: Re: Mana Bars
Post by: Quon on April 07, 2010, 21:26
I tried it  :)  Too many bars IMO  ;D
Title: Re: Mana Bars
Post by: Dark_Servant on April 07, 2010, 22:51
Haven't tried it yet but I certainly will. Dunno whether so many bars would affect playing but if this is a cons then there must be many pros of it. Looking forward to see it.
Title: Re: Mana Bars
Post by: Deathfiend on April 09, 2010, 06:47
rofl see the mana bar of the opponents ? just like in heroes of newerth ? are you kidding me ? do you realise what an advantage would be for someone who is chasing or something ? to easily see if he has mana to stun or etc, this is bullshit. just like dotakeys or warkeys or whatever
clean old school play ftw
Title: Re: Mana Bars
Post by: Dark_Servant on April 09, 2010, 12:39
Tried it yesterday and it's kinda IMBA... Now you don't have to look at your hero profile to see your mana, you just focus on the screen play. IMHO, tool which most of pros will dislike, since it allows average or even noob players to see what most of them don't even check during the game (mana points of their enemies).

Although it shouldn't affect someone's play since pros differ from noobz in the ability of controlling their hero and using his abilities to max. Noobs can't get advantage vs pros or semi pros even with this gadget.
Title: Re: Mana Bars
Post by: Resor on April 09, 2010, 13:15
This tool isnt any cheat.
Blizzard should code it into standard W3.

Also numeric bars like this one from WoW ( invented ages a go should be implemented. You see even exp bar, but in W3 this isnt allowed I think.

On this one ( you have buffs and debuffs icons wich might be useful aswell. There is channeling bar with name of the spell (Incinerate) during casting.
Title: Re: Mana Bars
Post by: FatalityMk on April 09, 2010, 19:40
well it is a good idea, but i think u oversteped some boundaries... yes there should be mana bars but not with numbers or is too cofunsing to put, health bar, mana bar, exp bar, numbers on each bar it will only distract u from the game play...only health and mana bars should exist without numbers and when u click the hero there u can see the numbers..anyway i support this kind of change..
Title: Re: Mana Bars
Post by: Resor on April 09, 2010, 23:04
Some programer with skills might write "bars program" with switchable things like aditional NUMERIC BAR, aditional EXP BAR, aditional BUFF BAR, etc.
Title: Re: Mana Bars
Post by: Deathfiend on April 10, 2010, 06:56
this shouldnt be legal ;) its just dumb. coming up with stuff that ease your gameplay ... just fucking play it as it is. and you will get better. dont come up with random crap to buff up your play.
Title: Re: Mana Bars
Post by: Resor on April 10, 2010, 09:17
this shouldnt be legal ;) its just dumb. coming up with stuff that ease your gameplay ... just fucking play it as it is. and you will get better. dont come up with random crap to buff up your play.

You trying to tell me that if I have 22'' monitor and someone else have 15'' then I cheat? Or when I have better mouse?
That informations are already in game. Easier access to them its nothing excessive.
Title: Re: Mana Bars
Post by: Deathfiend on April 10, 2010, 10:14
yes it is very excessive. what if you chase akasha and you know she is out of mana ? you will know she is out of mana cause of the "easy acces" and you will keep chasing and kill her. otherwise you would normally turn around cause she has that imba blink.
you dont have time to check the mana by clicking hero in night fog juke chasing. that is a fucking huge advantage, that should not be. because that isnt how the game was made. -> like a script, and scripts arent allowed. because they modify the game, and give advantages. end of discussion.

why do you even want it anyway ? because of what i said. it gives advantages. stop trying to ease up the game and just play. this game rocks, changes arent needed. go play that fail HoN if you want mana bars.
Title: Re: Mana Bars
Post by: Quon on April 10, 2010, 12:31
All those add-ons are more and more merging players to same pool. Key board skill using is gone with war keys. Do u know what is debating now for Star Craft 2? They wanted to make it u can have more than 12 units per group. Those Asian gosu SC players didnt want to be implemented. Old school playing rocks :P ;D
Title: Re: Mana Bars
Post by: Resor on April 10, 2010, 15:46
yes it is very excessive. what if you chase akasha and you know she is out of mana ? you will know she is out of mana cause of the "easy acces" and you will keep chasing and kill her. otherwise you would normally turn around cause she has that imba blink.
you dont have time to check the mana by clicking hero in night fog juke chasing. that is a fucking huge advantage, that should not be. because that isnt how the game was made. -> like a script, and scripts arent allowed. because they modify the game, and give advantages. end of discussion.

why do you even want it anyway ? because of what i said. it gives advantages. stop trying to ease up the game and just play. this game rocks, changes arent needed. go play that fail HoN if you want mana bars.

This is your opinion. I will not change game becouse you say so.
Something may be excessive for you, but not for someone else.
Title: Re: Mana Bars
Post by: FatalityMk on April 10, 2010, 22:04
yes it is very excessive. what if you chase akasha and you know she is out of mana ? you will know she is out of mana cause of the "easy acces" and you will keep chasing and kill her. otherwise you would normally turn around cause she has that imba blink.
you dont have time to check the mana by clicking hero in night fog juke chasing. that is a fucking huge advantage, that should not be. because that isnt how the game was made. -> like a script, and scripts arent allowed. because they modify the game, and give advantages. end of discussion.

why do you even want it anyway ? because of what i said. it gives advantages. stop trying to ease up the game and just play. this game rocks, changes arent needed. go play that fail HoN if you want mana bars.
dude omg... how hard can it be just to click on him and check the mana?? i do it all the time night or day it dont make me any problem...and if the player is good enough then no matter what kind of bar it is on him u wont catch him (even if there is death percent chance :D ) ... for example in 95% of cases u cant catch me if i have blink spell :P
Title: Re: Mana Bars
Post by: Deathfiend on April 11, 2010, 06:59
whatever i dont give a crap, keep changing it.
i got another ideea !!! PUTT A GOLD BAR TOO so you can see how much gold he has ! i mean wtf, that aint excessive. or an WHAT-ITEMS-HE-HAS-BAR, so you wont have to click him at all ! exp bar etc.
or putt your skills over your hero`s head, so you can just click them !!! no more keyboard yay. for items too !
change the shit out of it !! we will see who will play it then.
you dont realise how much this mana bar thing will ruin it.
and FatalityMk, ofc you can just click the hero to see the mana .. well then DO that, why do you want a mana bar ? you want a mana bar too Resor ? so what ? you really think most of the people want this change ? 99% of the players dont even visit this forum, how do you know their opinion ? this aint some bug fixing update, this is a game CHANGE.
only noobs want this change, cause they cant manage to do that, and they wanna know if they should back to fountain and reach the lane in 2 minutes, or keep NOT last-hitting and denying
yeah go ahead. why do i even bother
"""dude omg... how hard can it be just to click on him and check the mana??"""
thats the point, why do you need a mana bar then ? noobs ftw
Title: Re: Mana Bars
Post by: FatalityMk on April 11, 2010, 15:12
dude i am not against or for it... i would like to see some changes from time to time... both in warcraft and in dota.. for me personally dota is a bit boring, especially these newer versions, i liked the 6.12 versions more then these if they make changes about mana bars or whatever i wont complain and just play it...who knows maybe it will be more interesting...never say never untill u see what that will look like...
Title: Re: Mana Bars
Post by: Resor on April 11, 2010, 15:38
i got another ideea !!! PUTT A GOLD BAR TOO so you can see how much gold he has ! i mean wtf, that aint excessive. or an WHAT-ITEMS-HE-HAS-BAR, so you wont have to click him at all ! exp bar etc.
You are poor guy who don't know what about that discution is!
You can't have a gold bar of opponent - that would be a cheat!
You can't have a exp bar of opponent or even of ally, becouse that would be a cheat aswell! You don't have those informations in raw W3 game and DotA map.
Item bar is a good idea, but rather is see items with cooldowns like lothar, refresher etc displaying above Health bar.
or putt your skills over your hero`s head, so you can just click them !!! no more keyboard yay. for items too !
change the shit out of it !!
If someone believe he can play better without keyboard why you want to stop that if there is an issue from that situation. No cheats needed, just rebuilded interface for those you call "noobs".
(I prefer to play with keyboard anyway, but your conservatism killing me)
we will see who will play it then.
More than you expect...
you dont realise how much this mana bar thing will ruin it.
I don't even think that mana bars make any serious change really. Still same, old DotA with less clicking.
you really think most of the people want this change ? 99% of the players dont even visit this forum, how do you know their opinion ? this aint some bug fixing update, this is a game CHANGE.
I want this change same as some other players. I don't care much about opinion of other players, but I still care a little. I don't want to be recognized as a cheater. However mana is information wich you have already at your screen without any cheats. All mana bar can change is better access to that information.
only noobs want this change, cause they cant manage to do that, and they wanna know if they should back to fountain and reach the lane in 2 minutes, or keep NOT last-hitting and denying
yeah go ahead. why do i even bother
You don't have any other words to say than "noobs"? We played few games together in team and I don't think you are noob, becouse you play nice and well (and when with me no selfish, like most of the time). Also I played few games against you and pwn you WITHOUT MANA BARS.
You think I am noob? I don't think so.
But true. Noobs can use it to learn game much quicker. I don't see nothing bad in it, becouse I DONT AFRAID MODERN NOOBS WITH MANA BARS!
Title: Re: Mana Bars
Post by: FatalityMk on April 11, 2010, 16:01
yea resor u got carried away a little bit, well maybe a little more :D
i agree with ur point about exp bars, gold bars, those are private and cant be revealed by the enemy team cuz it would be cheat...and u even should not know the cooldown of lothar he has, that is cheat too if u know it...cuz in that way u will see when he activates it and be quick to counter that in order to kill him... warcraft is good like this way it is only tweaks that can happend are such like mana bars that give u the information very quickly and it is not a cheat... and u cannot ask for other information to be given that is not already seen...
this topic got out of hand, even if majority want a change that does not mean it will hapend...

just play like it is, after all it is only a game, for fun...
Title: Re: Mana Bars
Post by: Deathfiend on April 11, 2010, 21:06
/sarcasm on to those ideas, you actually took them for granted. i lol`ed hard to that
you are a noob resor, nothing more, and you never pwned me lol. stop dreaming ;)
"same dota less clicking", less clicking -> less fun
i wont post again here, bye
Title: Re: Mana Bars
Post by: Obst on April 11, 2010, 22:07
This tool is banned in most leagues and considered hack...
Title: Re: Mana Bars
Post by: Resor on April 11, 2010, 23:07
/sarcasm on to those ideas, you actually took them for granted. i lol`ed hard to that
you are a noob resor, nothing more, and you never pwned me lol. stop dreaming ;)
"same dota less clicking", less clicking -> less fun
i wont post again here, bye
Sorry man. I just pwned couple of times some guy with same nick as yours - Deathfiend, who though is the mega pro same as you. This guy was really poor minded and I see similarity with you... dunno why :P
Title: Re: Mana Bars
Post by: Deathfiend on April 12, 2010, 06:41
whatever, sure you did.
Title: Re: Mana Bars
Post by: maxmadness on April 13, 2010, 05:55
I couldnt agree more with Deathfiend this is going nowhere with bars
Some things are exactly as they are supposed to be I mean w3 is hmm, say, 8 years old
and in w3 (not dota) there are also units with mana and it is certainly more important to know
their mana when you have XX spellcasters/heroes plus enemies spellcaster/heroes and your saying that
people who play w3 never got to idea of having mana bars ? They sure did and it was sure disscused like this
but guess what Blizzard never made mana bars because they perhaps WANT the game to be as it is.
Perhaps they didn't want you to know enemy mana pool unless you click on him, could you believe it.

On the other hand, if game is too hard for you then, damn, download maphack with all enemy heroes on left side of the screen with all  HP/MP bars and the
allias heros on the right side as well, what the hell, let it even be numbers over bars, the easier the better !

I guess that would make dota so much better.

The point is that some games are made to be tough and hard so if you cant play them, then don't.
But if you still want to play hard games you'll have to download hacks :)

Title: Re: Mana Bars
Post by: FatalityMk on April 13, 2010, 20:11
ahh man if they wanted to change it they would have already... u are right about a normal w3 game...if mana bars was put on, then commanding 10-20 units, half of those with mana and spells would have been difficult cuz of the so much confusion caused by the mana bar...
on the other hand in dota it might proove to be usefull... i have seen a clip on youtube about version 6.67 with mana bars and whole map looked intersting but it is not the same as it is now... i personally would like to see some changes but like this it would be less difficult.. and what is the fun in that???