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Messages - piulitzul

Pages: [1]
Unban Requests / Re: unban request
« on: March 13, 2015, 00:42 »
will be solved soon , please be pacient
thank you very much

Unban Requests / unban request
« on: March 12, 2015, 23:59 »
1: NickName?

2: Who banned you?

3: Why did you got banned?

4: Reason that forced you to break the rule?
<hello, i am writing in english becayuse i dont know what nationality you are. i cant`t write a good english language so please excuse my bad english. i tryed to get inside a game today and i find out that i am permanently banned for cooperative map hack. please...i mean please...i got some complaints...
1. i never used mh or any other cheats.
2. i have a very old account, i would not jeoperdise my account with using cheats or mh. my account is 10-15 years old maybe...i dont remember, you hsve to take that into consideration.
3. have to give me a reason, a moment in replay that i did something that made you think i got mh
4. please you have to give me a way to defend i can explain the decisions i made during the game
5. if any other team mates had a cheat or mh, i swear i didnt know.
6. i can create a new account, i have another account "piulitzul", but my old account is [KO]Piulitzul i want to use it.
7. i am a 35 years old person (yesterday, 12 march my birthday) - too old for cheating
8. i swear to god i never used mh or any other cheats in any games. if you dont belive me, please give me a way to prove it or to defend myself>

5: Explain to us a general vision about the situation!
<never used mh or any other cheats>

6: Link of the game?;sa=game;gid=5701782

EDIT by Renovatio: made game link clickable.

Romania / Re: Informații utile
« on: November 28, 2013, 19:22 »
cred ca e prima data cand postez in forumul de warcraft dota, nu vreau sa mi se faca dreptate ci doar vreau sa atentionez...
am luat ban...iar pe nedrept...
primul...cineva mi-a intrat pe cont si a jucat pe contul meu...bine ca am prieteni de care nu ma feresc cu parolele..dobitocul respectiv a luat ban pentru intoleranta nationala...cine stie ce plangacios prost a facut plangere...
iar al doilea de o sa expire in 50 de minute oricum...pentru ca am votat !yes la un votekick...teoretic fara motiv...
nu mai stiu ce a fost in joc....dar daca 9 oameni au votat kick....atunci nu poti da dreptate unuia singur...
oricum probabil au zis coechipierii lui ca nu mai joaca daca nu dam !yes. asta e nu plang si eu ca plangaciosul ala.
mentionez ca am cont din 2006 si desi e foarte usor sa faci un vreau sa pierd contul asta,,,
 Topic: mamamatay-tao, KA3AX, ^Axxil^, __kajgana__, sabilijada, sigmundfreud, HOTaero...
cred ca tocmai t-001 nea banat pe toti...

Pages: [1]