Player: pajagodcz

Player Name: pajagodcz Realm: eurobattle (
Total games: 176
Ladder games: 66 Custom games: 110
Player is not banned.
Player has no warns.
Total ladder games: 66 Current PSR: 1500
Wins: 0 (0%) Highest PSR: 1500
Loses: 0 (0%) Kills / Deaths:
Draws: 0 (0%) Assists / Deaths:
Observed games: 0 (Kills + Assists) / Deaths:
Left games: 0 (0%)
-EM games: 0 (0%)
Average kills: Kills: 0
Average deaths: Deaths: 0
Average assists: Assists: 0
Average creep kills: Creep kills: 0
Average creep denies: Creep denies: 0
Average neutral kills: Neutral kills: 0
Average tower kills: Tower kills: 0
Average rax kills: Rax kills: 0
Total ladder games: 58
Date Game name Type Hero PSR After K D A CK CD NK Result
04-10-2020 17:53:36 SD 7.00 PUB empty 1496 | +0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DRAW
04-10-2020 17:40:50 SD 7.00 PUB empty 1496 | +0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DRAW
22-08-2020 01:47:46 SD fast PUB Silencer 1496 | -15 4 5 9 76 14 8 LOST
22-08-2020 00:52:54 SD fast #2 PUB Silencer 1511 | +17 1 5 14 62 3 10 WON
21-08-2020 23:11:09 SD fast +1 PUB Bane Elemental 1494 | -3 1 12 2 18 7 1 LOST
21-08-2020 21:59:42 SD fast + 1 PUB Netherdrake 1497 | +18 3 7 8 55 7 12 WON
21-08-2020 21:02:03 AR FAST +1 rly #6 PUB empty 1479 | +0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DRAW
21-08-2020 20:46:16 sd +1 #2 PUB Omniknight 1479 | -21 1 10 4 24 1 2 LOST
25-12-2019 23:44:22 SD +1 PUB Enchantress 1485 | -15 0 16 5 25 2 9 LOST
25-12-2019 22:55:28 SD +2 PUB empty 1500 | +0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DRAW
04-01-2019 17:17:34 SD +1 PUB Juggernaut 1638 | -6 1 4 1 63 4 18 LOST
04-01-2019 16:49:29 Ap + 1 PUB Centaur Warchief 1644 | -7 7 8 8 214 1 75 LOST
04-01-2019 13:50:14 Ap ++ 1 #4 PUB Spectre 1651 | +7 17 12 20 293 6 82 WON
04-01-2019 12:40:16 Overdose #1 PUB empty 1644 | +0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DRAW
04-01-2019 00:45:30 RD EU #2 PUB Bloodseeker 1644 | +6 12 10 7 163 8 80 WON
03-01-2019 23:51:33 SD PUB Moon Rider 1638 | -7 7 8 7 143 4 57 LOST
03-01-2019 20:58:28 SD + + 1 RLY FAST #1 PUB Gorgon 1645 | +8 5 0 7 188 6 52 WON
03-01-2019 19:40:03 sd eu 1550+ +1 #2 PUB Dwarven Sniper 1637 | +9 14 3 21 185 7 51 WON
03-01-2019 18:39:50 sd eu 1550+ +1 PUB Lord of Olympus 1628 | +9 11 6 18 184 2 58 WON
03-01-2019 15:58:20 SD +1 FAST #1 PUB Centaur Warchief 1619 | +11 14 5 8 286 7 104 WON
03-01-2019 15:03:56 SD +1 FAST #1 PUB Death Prophet 1608 | +0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DRAW
03-01-2019 01:04:51 SD +1 FAST PUB Skeleton King 1608 | -3 0 10 5 333 2 212 LOST
03-01-2019 00:11:52 SD LAST SLOT +++ PUB Bristleback 1611 | -5 2 9 5 73 0 23 LOST
02-01-2019 22:09:03 ap PUB Spectre 1616 | +4 13 8 11 176 4 77 WON
02-01-2019 18:47:50 SD+1 and only 1 #1 PUB Netherdrake 1612 | +11 13 3 13 155 6 21 WON
02-01-2019 16:47:26 AP EU +2 PUB Axe 1601 | -6 5 10 4 288 0 185 LOST
02-01-2019 15:45:34 AP RMK PUB Alchemist 1607 | +8 1 2 7 148 1 61 WON
02-01-2019 15:12:59 Ap +1 PUB Phantom Assassin 1599 | -9 2 9 7 132 2 57 LOST
02-01-2019 01:57:10 AP +1 ! PUB Axe 1608 | +10 14 8 9 241 1 99 WON
01-01-2019 23:37:18 Ap Eu +1 Really #1 PUB Axe 1598 | -8 1 6 0 154 0 114 LOST
Total custom games: 43
Date Game name Type Map
04-02-2022 23:44:24 KOKODO PUB Kodo Tag X-treme Final c.w3x
04-02-2022 23:32:54 KODO PUB Kodo Tag X-Treme Final 9.2.w3x
17-04-2021 22:57:06 paja PRIV X Hero siege v11.6.9.w3x
17-04-2021 22:42:35 paja PRIV X Hero siege v11.6.9.w3x
17-04-2021 22:40:20 556 PRIV X Hero siege v11.6.9.w3x
17-04-2021 22:32:57 paja PRIV X Hero siege v11.6.9.w3x
08-04-2021 21:17:17 Nrpg 2.98c1 PUB Nrpg 2.98c1.w3x
08-04-2021 20:11:38 Diablo RPG PUB Diablo RPG 2007.w3x
08-04-2021 19:27:34 Diablo Duel PUB Diablo Duel v3.w3x
08-04-2021 18:25:10 Kodo Tag PUB Kodo Tag - Crystal Wars 1.0c Gama.w3x
08-04-2021 18:04:42 Crystal War PUB Kodo Tag - Crystal Wars 1.0c Gama.w3x
08-04-2021 17:22:59 KODO PUB Kodo Tag XTreme 10.4.w3x
08-04-2021 16:49:48 KODO TAG PUB Kodo Tag XTreme 10.4.w3x
07-04-2021 19:21:32 666 PRIV 10 Hero Siege Northlands V 5.3 NEW.w3x
07-04-2021 18:04:57 444 PRIV 10 Hero Siege WotLK v1.4.w3x
07-04-2021 16:17:34 222 PRIV Dreadlord Arena v0.6.0.w3x
05-04-2021 15:09:54 AnGel ArEna PUB Angel Arena Eclipse 8.29 Stable.w3x
05-04-2021 13:01:16 X Hero PUB X-hero N 10.6 Final.w3x
05-04-2021 12:19:17 X-hero PUB X-Hero Seige v3.41 Mod by Mup.w3x
05-04-2021 12:01:10 X Hero #1 PUB X-hero N 10.6 Final.w3x
05-04-2021 11:32:25 bd PUB twrpgv0.46c_eng.w3x
04-04-2021 23:53:28 ORCS +1 PUB Orc Gladiators Revenge 1.30fa.w3x
04-04-2021 23:05:03 Journey to the End #4 PUB Journey to the End V5.3d.w3x
04-04-2021 22:41:42 555 PRIV GoH_RPG_v1.35d_fixed_prot.w3x
04-04-2021 18:09:49 111 PRIV GoH_RPG_v1.35d_fixed_prot.w3x
04-04-2021 03:21:33 mothe fucker RPG PUB Journey to the End V5.4 FINAL.w3x
04-04-2021 02:18:34 Heroes Of The Epic Arena PUB Heroes Of The Epic Arena v4.51opt.w3x
04-04-2021 00:33:15 Founders Of The North PUB Founders Of The North 1.25 (1).w3x
03-04-2021 19:40:25 222 PRIV CoD Nazi Zombies 11.0 beta.w3x
03-04-2021 19:20:29 333 PRIV Hero SurvivalX10.9.w3x