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Messages - XeqtR

Pages: 1 ... 3 4 [5] 6 7 ... 71
Unban Requests / Re: unban plz MaraSKeroO
« on: February 18, 2017, 10:32 »
MaraSKeroO !unbanned but be advised, the warn for game ruining will remain.

Ban Requests / Re: Ban Request
« on: February 17, 2017, 15:43 »
Xpam please stop replying in all ban/unban request. Ty.

Unban Requests / Re: Unban pls
« on: February 16, 2017, 14:37 »
Come back hamster. We have milk and cookies.

Unban Requests / Re: unban req
« on: February 16, 2017, 14:36 »

Romania / Re: Informații utile
« on: February 12, 2017, 20:11 »
Poti doar la statistici si doar daca esti VIP member.

Announcements / New donation system
« on: February 12, 2017, 01:05 »
Dear users,

We are pleased to announce that our new donation system is up and running and it is available for everyone who wants to help keep this server alive. As you already know, xpam client is free for use, and all that we do for this community is pure voluntarily.

The new donation system is slightly different from the other one, as you can see, it will be done through the Patreon Campaign, and you can donate from 1$ to 5$ monthly.

Please keep in mind that is one of the oldest and largest PvPGN servers for Warcraft III still in existence. Additionally to the server and forum we also host DotA league, Safelist DotA league and Brasil DotA league on a dedicated server in Brasil. Only a part of the hosting costs are covered by ads and direct donations. To remedy that, we decided to launch this Patreon campaign and at the same time overhaul our donation system to give our supporters clearly defined benefits. By supporting our campaign you help us directly to keep this server alive.

The rewards for the supporters are given in accordance with the selected package (1$, 2$,...5$) and includes many benefits as
-Permanent account activation.
-Forum access and rank
-Special Icons
and many others.

If you want to participate in the campaign, you can access : and directly support us there. If you have further questions or need any kind of guidance, feel free to approach any administrator in our staff from or

We thank you for your support and your donations.
Best Regards,
        Eurobattle and  Lagabuse Staff.

Unban Requests / Re: unban req
« on: February 11, 2017, 19:40 »
[yuma]mystic !unbanned

Technical support / Re: gproxy problem
« on: February 08, 2017, 10:59 »
do i need gproxygateway for playing in lagabuse ? bcs in normal gateway when i enter lagabuse game i get auto kicked..and gproxy mod is not working..

when i start game using gproxy gateway and go to then i got automatically kicked "you connection to has lost, i have installed latest version of eurobattlenet client v7 also 1.27b patch and Visual C++ Redistributable 2015 x86 and any other visual c++Redistributable.
Please provide your nick-name and GPROXY Log if possible.

Unban Requests / Re: unban request
« on: February 08, 2017, 10:12 »
17:46      [All]   DAddydoan__ killed melo1905
17:52      [All]   melo1905 has left the game voluntarily, melo1905 was autobanned.
17:52      [All]   Autoban is ON, if you leave you will get autobanned.
Really ? How stupid do you think we are ? !denied + !warned (lying in an unban request)

General Discussions / Re: Corrupted maps reporting
« on: February 08, 2017, 09:58 »
Hi. I tried hosting YouTD v1.09 map after it was uploaded by your awesome uploading service.
But as soon as I try to host a pub game with it, the dreaded error comes up
Unable to create game [xxxxx]. The currently loaded map config file is invalid.

I have attached a screen shot of the error message.
Help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Try now.

Offtopic / Re: Happy birthday Renovatio
« on: February 02, 2017, 20:59 »
Spoiler for Hiden:
La multi ani cu sanatate

Romania / Re: Palavrageala
« on: February 02, 2017, 19:03 »
Pai io zic sa nu mai stai 5 ani, poate o sa fie prea tarziu.

Romania / Re: Palavrageala
« on: February 02, 2017, 18:28 »
Ca sa vedeti chestie, 3 random dudes, eu rafa si gabi, 3 romani care mai posteaza pe forum, din care 2 sunt plecati. 2/3
GG Romania.

Romania / Re: Palavrageala
« on: February 02, 2017, 02:33 »
E pacat ce se intampla, eu cu tot cu facultate am fost nevoit sa plec. Am vrut la un moment dat, binenteles, dupa vreo 10-15 ani sa ma intorc, dar nu am la ce. Prostimea e la locul ei in Romania, si sufera o generatie intreaga pentru o majoritate care se vinde pe 1 kil de faina si 2 litri de ulei. Eu inca nu pot sa cred ca s-a aprobat legea aia sincer, credeam ca vointa poporului e mai puternica decat vointa catorva penali care au smuls orice gram de frumusete din tara. Am ramas socat azi-noapte, lucram linistit si am zis sa dau 2 click-uri pe facebook. Mai bine imi vedeam de treaba...
Cert e ca, din ce in ce mai multi tineri parasesc tara, era un sondaj la un moment dat, 5 tineri pe luna isi iau la revedere, nu stiu cat a fost de real, dar sa tinem cont ca de la an la an ramanem tot mai putini. Pe toti cei care au trecut prin guvern ii doare la bascheti, si-au facut "datoria", respectiv vile de milioane de euro si un trai bun pentru inca 5 generatii de-a lor. Eu ma intreb, cine naiba o sa le mai plateasca pensionarilor dariile lunare in 15-20 de ani, poate si mai iute !? Nu o sa mai existe forta de munca, o sa izbucneasca rata somajului, batranii, la un moment dat, vor trebui sa munceasca pana pe la 72 de ani. Cetateanul de rand, si ala, o sa ramana dupa taxe si impozite cu 4 lei de-o paine. Dar e bine, liderii nostri se scald in mare turceasca si se opereaza in spitale austriece.
Trebuie sa se faca ceva, macar acum in proverbialul "ceas al mortii". Eu inca cred ca se mai poate schimba ceva.

Romania / Re: Palavrageala
« on: February 01, 2017, 17:27 »
Ce ziceti baieti ? Va place noua lege ? Mai puteti sta in tara aia ?

Te referi la gratierea condamnatilor sub 5 ani? Nu ma uit la TV; am vazut pe Fb :))
Daca ar fi doar aia, citeste mai mult pe fb, si iesi in strada ! :)

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