Player: utorrentz

Player Name: utorrentz Realm: eurobattle (
Total games: 440
Ladder games: 440 Custom games: 0
Player is not banned.
Player has no warns.
Total ladder games: 440 Current PSR: 1500
Wins: 0 (0%) Highest PSR: 1500
Loses: 0 (0%) Kills / Deaths:
Draws: 0 (0%) Assists / Deaths:
Observed games: 0 (Kills + Assists) / Deaths:
Left games: 0 (0%)
-EM games: 0 (0%)
Average kills: Kills: 0
Average deaths: Deaths: 0
Average assists: Assists: 0
Average creep kills: Creep kills: 0
Average creep denies: Creep denies: 0
Average neutral kills: Neutral kills: 0
Average tower kills: Tower kills: 0
Average rax kills: Rax kills: 0
Total ladder games: 440
Date Game name Type Hero PSR After K D A CK CD NK Result
06-01-2022 17:36:12 AP +1 rly #6 PUB Prophet 1562 | -11 12 13 19 468 9 58 LOST
06-01-2022 11:25:48 SD +++++++ PUB Priestess of the Moon 1573 | +14 4 5 17 167 24 5 WON
06-01-2022 10:33:36 SD+1 PUB Storm Spirit 1559 | +0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DRAW
27-12-2021 22:42:42 ap ++1 PUB Skywrath Mage 1559 | -11 3 6 0 14 5 0 WON
26-12-2021 22:16:59 AP++1 PUB Admiral 1570 | -11 15 8 10 339 12 64 LOST
26-12-2021 21:26:07 AP LAST SLOT #2 PUB Stealth Assassin 1581 | +13 9 6 11 173 34 23 WON
26-12-2021 18:43:24 AP rmk #1 PUB Storm Spirit 1568 | +10 12 7 6 263 13 35 WON
26-12-2021 17:43:40 AP+++ PUB Slayer 1558 | -11 7 10 4 267 12 20 LOST
26-12-2021 16:45:42 AP+++1 PUB Magnataur 1569 | +11 6 1 3 182 16 23 WON
26-12-2021 16:07:42 SD 1501 +++1 PUB Troll Warlord 1558 | +16 4 4 14 196 17 41 WON
26-12-2021 01:26:08 AP+1 #2 PUB Stone Giant 1542 | -11 15 17 13 213 12 33 LOST
25-12-2021 23:52:49 Ap++1 #1 PUB Butcher 1553 | +18 10 9 20 129 8 0 WON
25-12-2021 22:54:02 Ap #2 PUB Shadow Fiend 1535 | +18 16 5 8 294 41 83 WON
24-12-2021 19:50:48 SD EU + + + 1 #2 PUB Butcher 1517 | +17 13 0 13 85 5 0 WON
10-04-2021 22:49:06 AP +1 fast #1 PUB Juggernaut 1557 | -11 12 14 19 523 17 55 LOST
03-02-2021 15:46:46 SD RMK #2 PUB Ursa Warrior 1568 | -11 3 6 1 43 3 0 LOST
03-02-2021 14:45:29 AP++ #2 PUB Axe 1579 | +13 13 6 11 159 3 24 WON
03-02-2021 00:41:28 Ap + 2 COME PUB Priestess of the Moon 1566 | -11 8 7 10 152 5 7 LOST
02-02-2021 23:43:08 AP 1600+ LAST PUB Murloc Nightcrawler 1577 | +11 11 8 17 189 9 9 WON
02-02-2021 22:59:11 AP LAST SLOT #3 PUB Rogue Knight 1566 | +14 14 2 6 185 9 29 WON
02-02-2021 22:23:44 AP ÄŒLAST SLOT PUB Stone Giant 1552 | +0 0 0 0 3 1 0 DRAW
02-02-2021 21:03:49 AP +1 /RLY #2 PUB Shadow Fiend 1552 | +15 8 8 10 408 27 107 WON
02-02-2021 19:27:20 SD + 2 PUB Ogre Magi 1537 | +17 18 7 21 192 9 7 WON
02-02-2021 18:05:17 ap +1 #1 PUB Spiritbreaker 1520 | -14 16 13 22 135 15 6 LOST
02-02-2021 17:02:36 Ap +1 PUB empty 1534 | +0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DRAW
02-02-2021 16:51:18 AP + 1 #2 PUB Butcher 1534 | +0 4 0 1 3 2 0 DRAW
02-02-2021 16:40:47 +1// AP // 9/10 #1 PUB Alchemist 1534 | +15 19 7 14 299 7 24 WON
02-02-2021 14:47:33 rmk #1 PUB Axe 1519 | -13 8 10 12 176 4 44 LOST
02-02-2021 13:51:43 AP//1501++V7.00 #1 PUB empty 1532 | +0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DRAW
02-02-2021 13:39:34 ap +1 #2 PUB Shadow Fiend 1532 | +15 31 4 14 261 24 84 WON

Player hasn't played any custom games.