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Messages - buldozer

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Unban Requests / yo yo renovatio u made mistake man...
« on: December 27, 2016, 09:17 »

1: NickName?

2: Who banned you?

3: Why did you got banned?
game ruining , feeding on purpose

4: Reason that forced you to break the rule?
honestly fun.

5: Explain to us a general vision about the situation!
i will explain.

6: Link of the game?;sa=game;gid=5995057

1: NickName

2: Type of the warn
by mistake

3: Why did you get warned?
game ruin, feeding on purpose.

4: Link to your profile;sa=player;sid=1;nick=kudaideovajsvet

Ok i folowed rules.
Listen now pls what happen there, that was a private game, and we needed +1 and thats was that guy, but thats not importan.
What happen in game, hoso with his fp picked his legendary dagon qop mid,and he start losing mid from diabolas magina... then he start rage after second kill cuz ibalgin, diabolas friend from sk didnt tp mid. after that he start rage kid mode and game was over. in first 10 minutes i didnt relize that cuz i was farming good and didnt die. when i relizes i voted for rmk but diabola start his rage kid mode and it was only way to stay afk and let them finish, cuz our qop lose mid vs maginator. after 2 minutes afk thay didnt want to finish game and we start HAVING FUN. we start race to their fontaine. only me and qop played that race and it was 2-2 or 3-2 for me xDDDD . game finished after 5 minutes.

Now next game. hoso was with wora and winds and +2 , and best team dia uki ibalgin muhep and me... xDDD ofc diabola losed mid with his abnormal sf , and start afking flaming spaming playmaker for playing trax ahahaha and it was trax fall cuz he lose mid with his abnormal sf. xDDDDD and ofc game end fast...

And 3rd game in a row. Lost comes for a game and now  team were diabola hoso ibalgin winds and +1 , and in my team lost wora and muhep and me. GAME RUINED MIN 0 . diabola wanted his best wr mid, but hoso picked alche for mid xDD hhhhhhhh. and thay played 4v5 ahahah for like 15 minutes ahah and we asked for rmk but thay rejected that. and we finish it fast.

Point is , dudee i play once in a week and i didnt relize that im baned rofl,i try to join game yesterday and i see what happen xDD,u can ban me for game race not ruin game was ruined ... 8 days for that is enought, also i say again that was private games with doto and  friends . and for my 1.5k games on mladi and kuda i dont have bans so remove warn please.

One more thing , unban hoso also, warn him for game ruin x times , he is that kind of player, dia is also acting like kid and many of them doing that things, look at strumica boys thay all perma baned before 6 mounths and thay first on leader now cuz thay plays stacked games vs 1400 xDDDDDD for +1 psr.i can tell u more but thas enought, unban hoso also pls!!!


Unban Requests / anban rekvest
« on: December 26, 2016, 18:28 »

DotA Discussion / Re: DotA Games
« on: December 24, 2016, 13:57 »
interesting but i know what happen xDDD

Spoiler for Hiden:
sigurno je wora trolovao gejm jer mu je bilo glupo lost da izgubi xDDD hhhh

Offtopic / Re: International Language
« on: December 19, 2016, 21:53 »
i like the word kokot

i like words gel bende anani sikerim...

Offtopic / Re: 7.0
« on: December 12, 2016, 18:28 »
dota+ dota 2 + hon + lol + hos is 7.00 patch...

sniper aganim..
nesai aganim...

Offtopic / Re: come dota, deers
« on: November 12, 2016, 11:12 »
dudes deer hosting ap eu fast but its rd mode.

Offtopic / Re: come dota, deers
« on: November 11, 2016, 23:36 »
welcome back deer, go tomorow no life day. xD

Spoiler for Hiden:

Spoiler for Hiden:

Spoiler for Hiden:

General Discussions / Re: W3 graphics update
« on: October 05, 2016, 15:02 »
can be nice , but giff us 6.88 version then .
i vote for no change.

Unban Requests / ajde pls so i can play my last day on holiday
« on: September 30, 2016, 14:06 »


it was +1 ss so i leave before min 5 and thay goes rmk.;sa=game;gid=5970058

3 days alredy pass so pls unban.

i think 3 days ban was enought.

Ban Requests / Re: ban req
« on: September 28, 2016, 02:21 »
listen about that request, it was a joke u can check i never flame no1....
so forgive me and dont giff me warn pls.

Ban Requests / Re: Ban him
« on: September 28, 2016, 02:16 »
aahhaahahhaha morao sam kad su spam od 25og minuta ff xDDD

Ban Requests / Re: ban request
« on: September 27, 2016, 17:57 »
u suck.

Offtopic / Re: All of you are awful at dota.
« on: September 25, 2016, 12:49 »
commondota2 player!!!! add me pls boost my mmr for money i stuck on 1k and i want 1.5k , how much i need to pay ?

General Discussions / Re: Safelist (SS)
« on: September 11, 2016, 13:40 »
It's incredible how badly you kids understand the game here.

Flight to finish ( ss edition ) :D
P.S. Worst tinker ever :D
The only phys dmg carry on scourge here is a fucking weaver, completely worthless.
sta li ste vi radili 95 minuta da mi je znati xDD dok ste se vi tu zaglavili ja se nervirao u pubu;sa=game;gid=5964975
21 min 1-6 void 2-13 sf -2 sides one tower and throne and top raxes left..
comeback is real...
Here same shit on radiant, kka had no items so basically weaver is again the only phys dmg dealer, scourge also had necro, who can delete a hero for 120 sec preventing buyback with the aghs.

For your info, both those games should've ended as they did, but MUCH earlier, like 60 min earlier in the ss game and 30 min earlier in this la game, they only lasted this long because you are horrible players who do not understand the game.

Sorry for being blunt, but it's the only way you'll wake up and get better already. You are at a pathetic level of skill at the moment.

Hhhhh 4k mid player talking who saying to swift ,, acept me pls im common from la ,, and spaming him for party games :)))
Btw what are u now, morph or alche picker?
Im not mad or smtg u can say whatever u want here, we all know who are u and how good-bad person player are you..

General Discussions / Re: Safelist (SS)
« on: September 11, 2016, 10:02 »
sta li ste vi radili 95 minuta da mi je znati xDD dok ste se vi tu zaglavili ja se nervirao u pubu;sa=game;gid=5964975
21 min 1-6 void 2-13 sf -2 sides one tower and throne and top raxes left..
comeback is real...

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