Player: xxtanaieej69xx

Player Name: xxtanaieej69xx Realm: eurobattle (
Total games: 155
Ladder games: 0 Custom games: 155
Player is not banned.
Player has no warns.

Player hasn't played any ladder games.

Player hasn't played any ladder games.

Total custom games: 155
Date Game name Type Map
13-07-2023 12:49:37 OROOD IR PUB FOCS3 Another 9.7C02.w3x
13-07-2023 12:06:30 OROOD IR PUB FOCS3 Another 9.7C02.w3x
13-07-2023 11:43:01 OROOD IR PUB s Island TFT.w3x
13-07-2023 11:00:08 OROOD IR PUB Goblin Circle TD 1.04b.w3x
13-07-2023 10:17:38 OROOD IR PUB Goblin Circle TD 1.04b.w3x
13-07-2023 10:02:34 OROOD IR PUB Goblin Circle TD 1.04b.w3x
01-06-2023 10:04:47 OROOD IR PUB Archer Wars Legacy 1.3e.w3x
01-06-2023 09:55:56 GAR ALNAARA PUB Uther Party vUltima-X.w3x
01-06-2023 09:22:24 OROOD IR PUB Tropical_Tower_Wars_v5.49.w3x
01-06-2023 09:11:33 OROOD IR PUB Tropical_Tower_Wars_v5.49.w3x
01-06-2023 09:04:06 OROOD IR PUB Tropical_Tower_Wars_v5.49.w3x
01-06-2023 08:53:47 OROOD IR PUB humans_gladiators_2017eng.w3x
01-06-2023 08:18:32 OROOD IR PUB humans_gladiators_2017eng.w3x
01-06-2023 08:04:37 orood ir PUB Darwins Island TFT v2.48c Final.w3x
01-06-2023 07:26:09 OROOD IR PUB FOCS3 Another 9.7C02.w3x
21-11-2022 11:22:57 OROOD IR PUB Darwins Island TFT v2.48c Final.w3x
21-11-2022 10:46:48 OROOD IR PUB Custom Hero Footies v4.1b.w3x
21-11-2022 10:11:36 OROOD IR PUB Custom Hero Footies v4.1b.w3x
21-11-2022 09:22:53 OROOD IR PUB Blades n Gore II v0.99h.w3x
21-11-2022 09:11:54 OROOD IR PUB (8)Friends COTC v1.3 Beta.w3x
21-11-2022 08:58:53 OROOD IR PUB (8)Friends COTC v1.3 Beta.w3x
20-11-2022 18:48:41 OROOD IR PUB Troll and Elves 3.9.21 ENG .w3x
20-11-2022 17:43:22 Troll and Elves 3.9.21 ENG PUB Troll and Elves 3.9.21 ENG .w3x
20-11-2022 17:31:37 XAXAXAXAX TROLL MOMENT PUB Troll And Elves VN V3.0.w3x
20-11-2022 17:08:17 XAXAAXAXAXAX PUB InsanityAttack_v4.5_protected.w3x
20-11-2022 16:29:42 OROOD IR ALUDA PUB InsanityAttack_v4.5_protected.w3x
20-11-2022 16:03:23 OROOD IR PUB InsanityAttack_v4.5_protected.w3x
20-11-2022 15:43:11 AXAXAXAXAX PUB InsanityAttack_v4.5_protected.w3x
20-11-2022 15:30:42 NOW WE WIN PUB InsanityAttack_v4.5_protected.w3x
20-11-2022 15:19:12 ENE JINHEN ALTERED MELEE PUB The Lordaeron Empires v2.4c.w3x