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General Discussions / Re: Rob_Real challenge
« Last post by Mara on July 26, 2024, 10:14 »
_Rob_real vs Real_rob would be great challange!. Imo
General Discussions / Re: Rob_Real challenge
« Last post by AlexSunDar on July 25, 2024, 13:24 »
Oh man, i missed the $1000 euro challenge. I lost the printscreen of when I had 7 accounts in top 10  :boy:
Plos send moni

1000$ prize counts for handicapped only, like this topic creator...
MH Ban Requests / Re: MH ban
« Last post by TheJOkerBoy on July 25, 2024, 10:19 »
min 27:30
Nevermore was farming in the top lane. Sandking was in the shadows, he was preparing his ultimate and attacked, but Nevermore used his dagger and escaped from the attack. There was no way he could have seen it. Then, in the same manner, he chased Sandking.

grief !Locked Permanently Due to Maphack.
MH Ban Requests / MH ban
« Last post by bcb123 on July 24, 2024, 20:17 »
Your Nickname: rusai27
Nickname of the player you want to be banned: grief
Link of the game:;sa=game;gid=6539254
Explain to us your general vision about the situation:
I have strong reasons to believe that the player 'grief' is using a MapHack. Throughout the game, their movements and actions were highly suspicious and often seemed to indicate knowledge of areas they could not possibly have vision of.
Specify at least 1 exact situation where you believe that player used maphack. Write it down as detailed as possible and provide the exact time it happened (replay time, not game time):
At replay time 23:40, please watch carefully. While Crixalis was in the fog, the player 'grief' managed to dodge his ultimate. This reaction time is too fast to be purely reflexive.
Unban Requests / Re: unmute
« Last post by ksv on July 24, 2024, 08:34 »
Cry me a river. I wont post here comments from games chat, with your inproriate language,  metaphors most composed of caling people animals, some strange afixiation of yours for whitch you are known for, as well as direct disrispect of a staff member.

You were warned multiple times about it, still you ignored it,  whitch resulted in you /w a staff member with family flames and the rest whitch leaded in the !mute lock. (you should be gratefull that you arent locked). The stereotipe that all banned players are just a victim of a admin is just precius...

As you are not repented the mute stays on. Cheers.

Unban Requests / Re: Unban request
« Last post by TheJOkerBoy on July 24, 2024, 05:32 »
Unban Requests / unmute
« Last post by nrgdvl on July 23, 2024, 21:36 »
1: NickName?

2: Who banned you?

3: Why did you get banned?
flaming, whispered few 'nice' words

4: Reason that forced you to break the rule?
reaction on arrogance and being called noob from player being totally useless himself without being said smth unproper from my side which triggered me

calling people dogs, noobs and arrogantly calling people kids in place where ure not the brightest one I admit not as honored behaviour and where most of people older than u

5: Explain to us your general vision about the situation.
I never initiate insults from nowhere for unknown people (only for people if theres no some personal conflict with these players initiated themselves as well) who dont show disrespect, provoke and behave humbly (even that would happed by reason of confusing players by nick) or might be against friends in joke manner otherwise if some gets unfairly insulted I ask sory to that kind of people rapidly and ez with no doubt if they got upset in some way

this particular case is none of these

admin should be role model and not just a kid with ban commands avilable abusing them in his own sick kiddish preferences and emotions hidden under little ego

with what u think ure better than other players ? if u play sh*t

6: Link of the game?;sa=game;gid=6539069
Unban Requests / Unban request
« Last post by Neymar.JR7 on July 23, 2024, 21:08 »;sa=player;sid=1;nick=neymar.jr7
Link from game, player to unban it's me, i leaved i think we ff-ed but it's not the game was finished already only throne left u can check on replay on the end of the game i left it, thanks.
Unban Requests / Re: unban req
« Last post by bestslayerplay on July 23, 2024, 17:23 »
I think that's it with one arm  :D

Unban Requests / unban req
« Last post by Minoski7 on July 22, 2024, 23:45 »
1- mouse_breaker
2- leaving
3- my team afk farm
4- mistake and left was nervous
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