Player: themetapyre

Player Name: themetapyre Realm: eurobattle (
Total games: 516
Ladder games: 0 Custom games: 516
Player is not banned.
Player has no warns.

Player hasn't played any ladder games.

Player hasn't played any ladder games.

Total custom games: 516
Date Game name Type Map
04-03-2024 20:25:01 log PUB Mikathness, Land Of Gods 0.6.w3x
06-02-2024 00:35:52 a PUB Darky0.56c.w3x
05-02-2024 23:52:11 a PUB Darky0.56c.w3x
29-01-2024 06:43:30 d PUB Darky0.56b.w3x
25-01-2024 05:28:22 log PUB Mikathness_Land_Of_Gods_0.5e.w3x
25-01-2024 02:41:09 log PUB Mikathness_Land_Of_Gods_0.5e.w3x
24-01-2024 08:08:23 a PUB Darky0.56b.w3x
24-01-2024 07:23:10 a PUB Darky0.56b.w3x
22-12-2023 09:12:31 log PUB Mikathness_Land_Of_Gods_0.5e.w3x
14-12-2023 08:31:10 hte PUB Darky0.55b.w3x
05-12-2023 23:47:24 Hte PUB Darky0.55b.w3x
05-12-2023 18:42:13 LOG PUB Mikathness, Land Of Gods 0.5 C.w3x
05-12-2023 16:21:46 log PUB Mikathness, Land Of Gods 0.5 C.w3x
02-12-2023 17:32:12 LOG PUB Mikathness, Land Of Gods 0.5 C.w3x
01-12-2023 23:15:26 LG PUB Mikathness, Land Of Gods 0.5 C.w3x
01-12-2023 22:38:04 LOG PUB Mikathness, Land Of Gods 0.5 C.w3x
01-12-2023 02:40:30 LOG PUB Mikathness, Land Of Gods 0.5 C.w3x
01-12-2023 01:46:35 L og PUB Mikathness, Land Of Gods 0.5 C.w3x
01-12-2023 01:23:08 Log PUB Mikathness, Land Of Gods 0.5 C.w3x
01-12-2023 01:20:16 LOG PUB Mikathness, Land Of Gods 0.5 C.w3x
01-12-2023 01:09:23 LOG PUB Mikathness, Land Of Gods 0.5 C.w3x
30-11-2023 00:00:33 LOG PUB Mikathness, Land Of Gods 0.5 C.w3x
29-11-2023 23:11:11 LOG PUB Mikathness, Land Of Gods 0.5 C.w3x
29-11-2023 22:48:44 etoh PUB Darky0.55b.w3x
29-11-2023 19:31:39 hte PUB Darky0.55b.w3x
29-11-2023 19:21:43 log PUB Mikathness, Land Of Gods 0.5 C.w3x
29-11-2023 00:36:01 hte PUB Darky0.55b.w3x
28-11-2023 22:28:24 no log xd PUB Darky0.55b.w3x
28-11-2023 17:51:03 log PUB Mikathness, Land Of Gods 0.5b.w3x
28-11-2023 16:51:23 log PUB Mikathness, Land Of Gods 0.5b.w3x