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Messages - HigherLevel

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Feedback / Re: Psr changes ?
« on: June 13, 2014, 12:33 »
Have not read a sentece...reason is out off all the people on lagabuse and there is many u "sir" are the biggest retard and there is many...congratz staff should do u a favour and ban u from forum and from playing here(allthough that would be harsh but again i say they would do u a favour) your dota gameplay is none the less boring and narcisoide and most important LITTLE ABOVE AVERAGE,,,and your posts i wont even coment them i think if i see one more topic and u are the main charachter in it i will puke and shit myself at the same time...cheers

Offtopic / Re: Some ideas
« on: March 22, 2014, 10:05 »
And who the fuck is admin to take somones psr or give it to him that yust makes no sense...the games are shitty and people dont come yust to play dota thats the main problem

Ban Requests / Re: ban
« on: March 19, 2014, 11:48 »
Little yoda says : Asaroth we need speaking  I want srsly speaking with u Can som1 admin banned this guy or not?
check the post

Offended U are A shit I dont give long live xcen can u give me his nickname what he uses in bn im kinda a fan of his would be nice to play a game with little yoda

Ban Requests / Re: ban
« on: March 19, 2014, 08:21 »
will u solve it or not 7days have passed

Ban Requests / Re: ban
« on: March 15, 2014, 14:52 »
He is a classic ruiner even destroyed runes with atack becouse i went to bottle them and that happened few times...sry for spam hope for max penalty

Ban Requests / ban
« on: March 15, 2014, 14:50 »
1: Your NickName?
2: NickName of the player that you want to be banned?
3: What rule did he/they break?
I upraded chick he unshared me,ignored me,hide my item with bird returned it after 10min of game,used force push several time to kill me
4: When rule(s) were broken?
the item was hidden about 14min of the game,through mid game he used fp to kill me several time,refused to help,at end he killed me with fp
5: Explain to us a general vision about the situation.
not much a game ruiner that deserves to get banned
6: Link of the game? (if applies)

i see he has allrdy been warned and baned for share control abuse,and afk

Ban Requests / Re: Ban
« on: March 09, 2014, 11:09 »
And what is your point now??? he has one permabanned acc and is playing on a other one...the fact is u asked that question only to do a low move like this...

Ban Requests / ban
« on: March 09, 2014, 09:52 »
1: Your NickName?
2: NickName of the player that you want to be banned?
3: What rule did he/they break?
He posted a ban req here and on bn,in both he is lying i flamed proffs yust lies
4: When rule(s) were broken?,151890.0.html
5: Explain to us a general vision about the situation.
this is one link he is lying i dont know why probably some hater that got pawned

6: Link of the game? (if applies)
he didnt even post the link

i think people like him who post lies in ban req should be banned,peace


Who gives a shit he is still a nab...

Ban Requests / ban this shits
« on: March 08, 2014, 11:37 »
1: Your NickName?
2: NickName of the player that you want to be banned?
3: What rule did he/they break?
axe afked we had base he would afk for 2-3min then go die and again afk and it went on and on for 20min mort went afk in various times 2 and every time we needed one of them they would be afk + no team play but afk u can check and ban ofc
4: When rules were broken?
at middle of the game
5: Explain to us a general vision about the situation.
Playing 1v5 imosibru to gather them they yust refuse to win
6: Link of the game? (if applies)

This was the last drop i wont play anymore here on this server  u can all go fuck your self and fuck this nab server that obviously has more than half people have with mental problems...fuck u all once more

Ban Requests / Re: :d
« on: March 08, 2014, 02:24 »
i draw back my unban req,he is a tard,let him be :P

Ban Requests / :d
« on: March 07, 2014, 20:13 »
1: Your NickName?
2: NickName of the player that you want to be banned?
3: What rule did he/they break?
4: When rule(s) were broken?
13:21   Schroqos   [All]   retard nab luckers
13:35   Schroqos   [All]   retard moron
31:10   Schroqos   [All]   retard
31:12   Schroqos   [All]   Bitch mher
31:24   Schroqos   [All]   Mother fucker moron mher
35:55   Schroqos   [Allies]   moron mher
35:57   Schroqos   [All]   retard moron mher
37:07   Schroqos   [All]   retard moron mher
37:13   Schroqos   [All]   shit hr players
37:19   Schroqos   [All]   moron
he wisped me through game cursing me,
this is when he start flame on some gypsie language :D
37:22   Schroqos   [All]   a-q orospu evladı
37:24   Schroqos   [All]   ananı sikiyim senin
37:30   Schroqos   [All]   kac kere karanlıga o k atıyor
37:33   Schroqos   [All]   ne yarrak biliyonda konusuyon sne
37:40   Schroqos   [All]   mal a-q
37:41   Schroqos   [All]   cocu
37:43   Schroqos   [All]   siktir git

there is more but this is enoguhg :D
5: Explain to us a general vision about the situation.
no vision i no have dust
6: Link of the game? (if applies)

General Discussions / Re: when DotA 6.80c reach LA ?
« on: March 07, 2014, 11:46 »
dagger no mana cost... and one thing i like is branches cost 50gold again :D

Offtopic / Re: jean's boys
« on: March 04, 2014, 12:51 »
Honestly i gaved him some respect in terms of humor but now he is kinda yust gay... ;D

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