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Messages - pastmistake

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General Discussions / Re: about tusk bug abuse
« on: April 13, 2020, 09:46 »
New map this week. :)

General Discussions / Re: what is wronge with psr system?
« on: April 13, 2020, 09:15 »
It worked better because there were more players. Now high psr players arent contested and are forced to play with low players or smurf ruining games for others. Example:;sa=game;gid=6274004

But generally even mun admitted that system doesnt work as it should due to some missing components

That's me and my strong penix

General Discussions / Re: Horrible server lags?
« on: April 08, 2020, 20:15 »

General Discussions / Re: Horrible server lags?
« on: April 08, 2020, 12:53 »
The server provider should have downtime metrics.
And unless the server provider is on the shitty side, the external internet issues shouldn't affect it. They usually provide dedicated internet lines.  :boy:

As for Europe i can think of only 2 actual good server hosts:
OVH - France
ROMARG - Romania

Suggestion Board / Re: More suggestive lobby names
« on: April 06, 2020, 20:37 »
!pub 123 in lagabuse channel.
.. join by typing P/luke | 123 in games list ???

Suggestion Board / Re: More suggestive lobby names
« on: April 06, 2020, 20:28 »
Still makes no solid reasons.  :boy:

1. If you're the owner of the game, you will hold them slots.
2. Even if game will show delayed a bit, doesn't mean it will get filled by the time your friends see it.. What's the rush ? why do they have to be there asap ; and then wait together with you another 10min for lobby to fill ?

3. They could still use their puberty issue, and type "P/pastmistake | 123" since that's the first name given when creating the lobby.

Seems like a foolish pretext. And I don;t see any valid/worrying downsides of using my suggestion.

Suggestion Board / Re: More suggestive lobby names
« on: April 06, 2020, 20:19 »
I`m sorrry but lobbies names "123" are the worst. You don't know PSR, mode etc.
No hard feelings, fuck those owners.

Suggestion Board / Re: More suggestive lobby names
« on: April 06, 2020, 20:15 »
1. Your friend will easily see what's your lobby, since your nickname is in the lobby name ?  ::)

2. There's literally now way now, for 2 lobbies to have indentical names, since owners are different so that makes a different lobby "prefix".

3. Maybe You didn;t understood the example. The owner has control only on the <lobby name> part. Example:

I create a game, set mode AP and min 1550psr. Then, I type "!pub free for all"

P/AP/1550+/pastmistake | free for all

He can simply add the jQuery and CSS , provided in my tutorial, directly in the GAMELOG page .php file. No need for access or anything. He simply injects/includes the scripts, so we don;t have to.

Also, this way, there's literally 0 server changes or extra-load. It all happens clientside. WIN/WIN.

NO. I didn't said to remove them, I simply added a TOGGLE. Some times you want to see only the chat (for mod-usage mostly).

Yes. If it's hard to remove duplicates PRE, u can remove them POST [as proven by the JS injection]. Also removing POST means you don;t have to hustle with core-changes and/or you can do them on client-side.

But since I can remove them POST, clearly means they could as easily be removed PRE. But for the end-user, doesn't really matter how it's done. If you check my code, I simply do a 2s delay check to see if message should be considerated a "duplicate" and kept only once (the rest of the occurances are removed)

The provided solution covers only the surface and needed fixes. But I can tell you I can easily parse the already given logs and add a lot more comprehensiveness and features to it.

From the top of my head:
1) detect rampage, ultrakills, triplekills, doublekills ..
2) color nicknames accordingly in "x killed y" game-events messages
3) add another column before the player's name, that contains the hero-icon,
4) add hero icons before nicknames, in "x killed y" game-events messages
5) Chat Toggle to select what users to see chat for. Ex: when you want to fast see the conversation of only 2 players. You simply hide all the other messages.

Suggestion Board / More suggestive lobby names
« on: April 06, 2020, 18:44 »
Kind of weird u have to put game mode in title, and sometimes it changes, but title doesn't. Or you don;t know who owner is..

So. How about adding a name prefix if some of the stuff are specified: Mode, Ownerm, Min / Max psr? by default before "whatever the owner chooses to name the game"

A simple format like:

P/pastmistake | <lobby name>
P/AP/pastmistake | <lobby name>
P/ARSHOM/1500+/pastmistake | <lobby name>
C/RD/-1450/pastmitake | <lobby name>

P - public
C - custom , unranked

It can be easy fixed with CSS/JS injections.
Works only on CHROME.


- removed duplicate kill-events
- easy button to toggle game/kill-events ON/OFF so you see only the chat
- removed the "player name suffix" from before kill/game-events.

Step 1: Install this CHROME JS injection extension:

Step 2:
Click on the extension icon >  ADD NEW

Step 3:
Complete the top Address with , like in the picture:

Step 4: Add this JS (left panel):
Code: [Select]
//add buttons
$('.chatLog').append(`<div class="btn btn-success btn-toggle-chat-events">Game Events</div>`);
$('.chatLog').eq(0).css('max-height', '200px');
$('.chatLog').eq(1).css('max-height', '600px');

var events = [];
$('.chatLog tr').each(function(){
var isLog;

if ($(this).find('td').eq(1).find('span').length){
isLog = $(this).find('td').eq(1).find('span').html() ? false : true;
isLog = $(this).find('td').eq(1).html() ? false : true;

var t = $(this).find('td').eq(0).html().split(':');
var time = (+t[0]) * 60 + (+t[1]);

'data-line': $(this).index() + 1,
'data-log': isLog,
'data-time': time

if (isLog){
var text = $(this).find('td').eq(3).text();

if (text[0] == "["){
    var _o = 0;
    var _c = 0;
    var _n = "";
    for(i = 0; i < text.length; i++){
        _o += text[i] == "[" ? 1 : 0;
        _c += text[i] == "]" ? 1 : 0;
        _n += text[i];

        if (_o == _c){
    text = text.replace(_n, "");

var found = $.grep(events, (e) => {
return (text == e.text && time < e.time + 2) ? true : false;

text: text,
time: time

$('.btn-toggle-chat-events').on('click', function(){


Step 5: Add this CSS (right panel):
Code: [Select]
position: relative;

position: sticky;
    bottom: 10px;
    left: calc(100% - 100px);
    font-size: 10px;
    word-break: break-word;
    width: 75px;
    background: #471;
    color: #000;
    padding: 6px 6px;
    border-radius: 3px;
    box-shadow: inset 0px 0px 0px 1px #FFF2;
    text-align: center;
    text-transform: uppercase;
    cursor: pointer;

content: "ON";
color: #FFF;
font-size: 14px;
font-weight: bold;
display: inline-block;
width: 100%;
background: #900;
content: "OFF"

transform: scale(0.96);

Step 6: Click options, and make sure only "Enabled" Checkbox is selected.

Step 7: Save (or CTRL-S)

Step 8: Go to any game-log page on lagabuse

Suggestion Board / Fix chatlog?
« on: April 06, 2020, 16:16 »
1. How come nobody fixed the doubling of hero-kills log in chatlogs ?
Read somewhere it's how it comes from the observer/bot. But that's bullshit. Even if you can't change the bot code, you can still change/remove the doubling right when you render the HTML/chat.

It's so fucking easy I can even do it with my own injected JS code, locally.

2. Make a toggle to remove "game-events / kills" from chat
80% of chat is currently game-events/kills. Make a simple JS/Jquery toggle to hide/show the game-events.  :boy:

Ban Requests / national intolerance
« on: April 05, 2020, 01:31 »

27:38   LALABAZUKA   [All]   good luck sucking
27:40   LALABAZUKA   [All]   erdogan's cock

Ban Requests / whisper flame
« on: March 30, 2020, 14:16 »


After being trash and not being able to carry, he thought his support is to blame.

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