Player: alibabanl

Player Name: alibabanl Realm: eurobattle (
Total games: 279
Ladder games: 279 Custom games: 0
The player's ban will expire in 1 days and 7 hours.
Player was autobanned for [6 days and 7 hours] on [22-04-2024 17:15:41] in game [SD LAST SLOT].
Player has no warns.
Total ladder games: 279 Current PSR: 1493
Wins: 20 (7%) Highest PSR: 1556
Loses: 21 (7%) Kills / Deaths: 0.3
Draws: 10 (3%) Assists / Deaths: 1.2
Observed games: 0 (Kills + Assists) / Deaths: 1.5
Left games: 1 (0%)
-EM games: 0 (0%)
Average kills: 3.6 Kills: 147
Average deaths: 10.8 Deaths: 441
Average assists: 12.5 Assists: 511
Average creep kills: 76.2 Creep kills: 3125
Average creep denies: 3.2 Creep denies: 132
Average neutral kills: 25.2 Neutral kills: 1032
Average tower kills: 0.6 Tower kills: 24
Average rax kills: 0.3 Rax kills: 14
Total ladder games: 279
Date Game name Type Hero PSR After K D A CK CD NK Result
22-04-2024 17:28:45 SD LAST SLOT PUB Lord of Olympus 1493 | -13 2 9 8 0 0 0 WON
22-04-2024 16:33:39 AP +2 PUB Chaos Knight 1506 | +17 0 7 8 77 1 46 WON
20-04-2024 23:14:01 AP + + + PUB Nerubian Weaver 1489 | +15 2 1 5 137 7 74 WON
20-04-2024 00:24:26 ap all #3 PUB Nerubian Weaver 1474 | -16 12 13 7 118 2 46 LOST
19-04-2024 23:24:10 ap+1 #1 PUB Nerubian Weaver 1490 | -13 1 14 8 67 2 18 LOST
19-04-2024 22:31:45 AP +1 RLLY PUB Nerubian Weaver 1503 | +20 4 10 17 73 2 42 WON
19-04-2024 00:47:28 ap rmk PUB Nerubian Weaver 1483 | -17 8 10 23 117 3 18 LOST
18-04-2024 23:49:20 ap+1 PUB Lord of Olympus 1500 | +19 6 8 11 0 0 0 WON
18-04-2024 22:31:28 SD #1 PUB Soul Keeper 1481 | -17 2 10 7 185 7 103 LOST
18-04-2024 21:28:36 SD #1 PUB empty 1498 | +0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DRAW
18-04-2024 21:23:16 Ap +1 PUB Lord of Olympus 1498 | +20 4 13 8 0 0 0 WON
18-04-2024 00:06:16 Ap Eu +3 PUB Lord of Olympus 1478 | -15 3 12 25 115 6 27 LOST
15-04-2024 23:09:58 ap 9/10 PUB Twin Head Dragon 1493 | -16 1 13 29 203 1 46 LOST
15-04-2024 21:59:25 AP 9/10 PUB Shadow Shaman 1509 | +0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DRAW
15-04-2024 17:16:49 Ap Eu +1 TO GO #1 PUB Twin Head Dragon 1509 | -15 4 16 11 51 3 12 LOST
13-04-2024 23:50:04 AP LAST NOOB PUB Lord of Olympus 1524 | +15 3 7 28 0 0 0 WON
13-04-2024 22:41:03 SD -- v7 ++ 9/10! #3 PUB Crystal Maiden 1509 | +0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DRAW
07-04-2024 00:15:58 AP 9/10 PUB Lord of Olympus 1509 | -15 3 11 19 52 6 0 LOST
05-04-2024 00:07:19 sd +1 #1 PUB Keeper of the Light 1524 | -15 3 13 11 121 2 34 LOST
04-04-2024 17:04:12 AP GO #3 PUB Grand Magus 1539 | +15 2 14 21 70 2 19 WON
03-04-2024 23:48:38 SD Rmkk #6 PUB Grand Magus 1524 | +23 3 8 10 67 4 22 WON
02-04-2024 22:41:29 +2 go PUB Lord of Olympus 1501 | -15 3 12 9 47 1 5 LOST
02-04-2024 17:38:06 AP FAST #5 PUB Lord of Olympus 1516 | -12 2 21 14 44 1 0 LOST
31-03-2024 23:44:53 Ap 1600 PUB empty 1528 | +0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DRAW
31-03-2024 23:39:19 _+1__(AP)__9/10__ PUB empty 1528 | +0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DRAW
30-03-2024 00:14:57 ap rmk #1 PUB Lord of Olympus 1528 | -14 7 15 3 46 2 3 LOST
28-03-2024 00:04:51 ap+1 #1 PUB Lord of Olympus 1542 | -14 0 4 1 0 0 0 LOST
27-03-2024 22:51:28 ap max 1650 #5 PUB Chaos Knight 1556 | +14 7 3 10 131 11 49 WON
26-03-2024 16:57:30 ap last 2 slots #1 PUB Lord of Olympus 1542 | +16 8 2 17 79 4 9 WON
26-03-2024 00:04:19 SD rmk PUB Tauren Chieftain 1526 | -13 4 20 17 15 2 4 LOST

Player hasn't played any custom games.