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Topics - beastiary

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Offtopic / dark elf
« on: September 04, 2015, 19:20 »
hi guys i wanna share a game i was shared a long time ago, its strategic game based on LOTR where you have certain amounts of rounds a day so you dont need to permaplay it all day everyday but only everyday :D. the mechanics and possibilities are pretty deep so you never get bored. what sucks that its czech game and english server was closed, you can still play on czech though, but english translation kinda sucks /still can be easily fixered if you report it/
another drawback is that community is kinda small now and prolly wont grow much

heres inglish link,slovak/czechs can yust change language at the left corner

Feedback / ladder
« on: July 04, 2015, 13:37 »
i would like to ask by which key was i_like_dat before pomidord in ladder aka whats the deciding factor if psr numbs are equal

General Discussions / what about
« on: September 19, 2014, 15:23 »
Putting 6.81d version of dota on bots since we will have it here for another half of teh year, so we can play somehow more fixed version and not bugged ****?

Ban Requests / Ban Request <mr-angry-guy>
« on: September 11, 2014, 21:22 »
1. iplayqwertz
2. mr-angry-guy
3. national intolerance
4. 51:27    mr-angry-guy    [Allies]    gypsy faggot
5. he suddenly went mad cos of no reason around 42:45 culminating with this post against one romanian guy

Ban Requests / Ban Request <[mavisakal]>
« on: April 23, 2014, 14:40 »
1. iplayqwertz
3. game ruining, intentional feeding, afk
4. feeding from start first i saw was 11.17, but he did also before, game ruining-29.57 giving mort rapier, not doing anything for team/win, afk- if not feeding mostly afking
5.I would also like to beg you to check some connection with host - -_-[rox]-_-, he mostly fed him, gave rapier to him, its just too suspicious and I dont like this kind of unfair play I can pass through mh but this is next level of fucking the game(sry for vocabulary)


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