General Section => Technical support => Topic started by: construct on December 11, 2014, 16:18

Title: Information about PSR
Post by: construct on December 11, 2014, 16:18
How much PSR is gained per game, and how is it calculated?
Title: Re: Information about PSR
Post by: Jimmy on December 11, 2014, 16:41
There are commands that are available to you , with who u can check all u need.

All U need is Here :

List of bot commands.
Parameters in angled brackets <like this> are required and parameters in square brackets [like this] are optional.
Inside channel   
!checkban [name]   check whether you are banned on the current realm, optionally add [name] to check someone else
.dota <game name>   creates public custom DotA game using ladder DotA map
.dotaobs <game name>   creates public custom DotA game using ladder DotA map with observer slots
!game <number>   display information about a game in progress
!games   display information about all games
!gnames <number>   display players in a game number <number>
!gopriv <game name>   creates private ladder DotA game
.gopriv <game name>   creates private custom game using map loaded with .map
!goprivobs <game name>   creates private ladder DotA game with observer slots (this game can't be rehosted to public game)
!gopub <game name>   creates public DotA ladder game
.gopub <game name>   creates public custom game using map loaded with .map
!lobby <number>   display information about a lobby in progress
.map <map name>   loads a map file, leave blank to see current map
more info: how to create custom games, map upload, map list

!names <number>   display players in a lobby number <number>
!priv <game name>   alias to !gopriv
.priv <game name>   alias to .gopriv
!privobs <game name>   alias to !goprivobs
!pub <game name>   alias to !gopub
.pub <game name>   alias to .gopub
!q [number]   alias to !queue
!queue [number]   show information about the queue, optionally add [number] to check details for game in queue
!sd [name]   alias to !statsdota
!statsdota [name]   displays your ladder DotA stats, optionally add [name] to display stats for another player
!unqueue   removes your game from the queue (leaving the channel has the same effect as using !unqueue)
!users   displays how many users are currently using
!version   displays version information
!where <name>   checks if player <name> is playing on bot

In game lobby (everyone)   
!check <name>   check player's status (tries to do a partial match)
!checkme   check your own status
!f   alias to !from
!from   display the country each player is from
!gameinfo   show some game information
!gamename   displays current game name
!gn   alias to !gamename
!hcl   displays current HCL command string (aka. game mode)
!mode   alias to !hcl
!owner   displays who's the current game owner
!p   alias to !ping
!ping   show everyone's ping
!psr [name]   shows your PSR, optionally add [name] to check another player (tries to do a partial match)
!r [name]   alias to !psr
!rall   show everyone's PSR
!rankall   alias to !rall
!rateall   alias to !rall
!rating [name]   alias to !psr
!ratings   show win chance % and the teams balance
!rs   alias to !ratings
!sc   show how to spoof check manually
!sd [name]   alias to !statsdota
!statsdota  [name]   displays your ladder DotA stats, optionally add [name] to display stats for another player (tries to do a partial match)
!version   display version information
!votekick <name>   starts a votekick against a player (tries to do a partial match)
!yes   vote yes to kick a player after someone used !votekick

In game lobby (game owner)   
!a   alias to !abort
!abort   abort countdown
!balance   balance the slots based on PSR
!close <number> ...   close slot or slots
!closeall   close all open slots
!gopriv [game name]   alias to !priv
!gopub [game name]   alias to !pub
!hold <name> ...   hold (reserve) a slot for someone
!kick <name>   kick player (tries to do a partial match)
!latency [number]   set game latency to [number] (80-120), leave blank to see current latency
!max <number>   alias to !maxpsr
!maxpsr <number>   kick all players with PSR greater than <number> (won't kick players reserved with !hold)
!min <number>   alias to !minpsr
!minpsr <number>   kick all players with PSR less than <number> (won't kick players reserved with !hold)
!open <number> ...   open slot or slots
!openall   open all closed slots
!p [max ping]   alias to !ping
!ping [max ping]   show everyone's ping, optionally add [max ping] to kick players with ping above [max ping]
!priv [game name]   rehost as private game [game name], if used without [game name] bot will automatically make a new game name
!pub [game name]   rehost as public game [game name], if used without [game name] bot will automatically make a new game name
!sp   shuffle players
!start [force]   start game, optionally add force to skip checks
!swap <n1> <n2>   swap slots
!sync [number]   alias to !synclimit
!synclimit [number]   set sync limit for the lag screen (50-250), leave blank to see current sync limit
!unhost   unhost the game

In game (everyone)   
!autoban   shows autoban status, shows can you leave the game without getting autobanned
!check <name>   check player's status (tries to do a partial match)
!checkme   check your own status
!f   alias to !from
!ff   alias to !forfeit
!ffcount   displays who voted to forfeit the game
!forfeit   forfeit (surender) the game to oposing team
!from   display the country each player is from
!gameinfo   show some game information
!gamename   displays current game name
!gn   alias to !gamename
!ignore [name]   stop receiving chat messages from a player (tries to do a partial match), leave blank to see !ignorelist
!ignorelist   displays a list of players you are ignoring and a list of players ignoring you
!owner   displays who's the current game owner
!p   alias to !ping
!ping   show everyone's ping
!psr [name]   shows your PSR, optionally add [name] to check another player (tries to do a partial match)
!r [name]   alias to !psr
!rall   show everyone's PSR
!rankall   alias to !rall
!rateall   alias to !rall
!rating [name]   alias to !psr
!ratings   show win chance % and the teams balance
!remake   start votermk or vote in votermk
!rmk   alias to !remake
!rmkcount   displays who voted to remake the game
!rs   alias to !ratings
!sc   show how to spoof check manually
!sd [name]   alias to !statsdota
!statsdota  [name]   displays your ladder DotA stats, optionally add [name] to display stats for another player (tries to do a partial match)
!unignore <name>   start receiving chat messages from a player that you previously !ignored (tries to do a partial match)
!version   display version information
!votekick <name>   starts a votekick against a player (tries to do a partial match)
!yes   vote yes to kick a player after someone used !votekick

In game (game owner)   
!latency [number]   set game latency (80-120), leave blank to see current latency
!muteall   mute global chat (allied and private chat still works)
!sync   alias to !synclimit
!synclimit [number]   set sync limit for the lag screen (50-250), leave blank to see current sync limit
!unmuteall   unmute global chat


!r : Shows how much PSR will u get for Winning  / how much will lose after Losing .
!sd : Statistic of Player ( you ) , !sd [ Player Name ] ( of player u want checked ).
Title: Re: Information about PSR
Post by: construct on December 11, 2014, 18:29
thanks alot
Title: Re: Information about PSR
Post by: Jimmy on December 11, 2014, 20:12
U got it