Player: stamenko

Player Name: stamenko Realm: eurobattle (
Total games: 155
Ladder games: 155 Custom games: 0
Player is not banned.
Player has no warns.
Total ladder games: 155 Current PSR: 1500
Wins: 0 (0%) Highest PSR: 1500
Loses: 0 (0%) Kills / Deaths:
Draws: 0 (0%) Assists / Deaths:
Observed games: 0 (Kills + Assists) / Deaths:
Left games: 0 (0%)
-EM games: 0 (0%)
Average kills: Kills: 0
Average deaths: Deaths: 0
Average assists: Assists: 0
Average creep kills: Creep kills: 0
Average creep denies: Creep denies: 0
Average neutral kills: Neutral kills: 0
Average tower kills: Tower kills: 0
Average rax kills: Rax kills: 0
Total ladder games: 155
Date Game name Type Hero PSR After K D A CK CD NK Result
19-06-2021 15:26:35 SD RMK #1 PUB Demon Witch 1658 | -5 2 2 6 24 7 0 LOST
19-06-2021 14:46:48 SD ++ 1 Last PUB empty 1663 | +0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DRAW
19-06-2021 14:16:04 Ap 1550 #4 PUB Butcher 1663 | -5 5 13 11 83 6 6 LOST
19-06-2021 00:39:20 AP 1501 +++ #7 PUB Priestess of the Moon 1668 | +0 1 0 0 6 1 1 DRAW
19-06-2021 00:27:57 SD EU + 1 #1 PUB Silencer 1668 | -4 3 6 6 42 5 6 LOST
18-06-2021 23:54:56 SD +1 PUB Monkey King 1672 | +6 10 5 12 199 18 52 WON
18-06-2021 22:45:25 AP PUB Butcher 1666 | -5 6 15 5 43 9 4 LOST
18-06-2021 21:51:47 SD // + + 7.00 PUB Death Prophet 1671 | +7 5 1 12 87 13 0 WON
18-06-2021 21:23:54 sd+++ #1 PUB Crystal Maiden 1664 | +5 10 6 17 67 17 6 WON
18-06-2021 20:15:03 ap eu fast rmk #2 PUB Priestess of the Moon 1659 | +6 14 11 15 134 8 41 WON
18-06-2021 19:05:21 ap eu +1 #1 PUB empty 1653 | +0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DRAW
13-06-2021 13:25:57 SD 9/10 +1 last slot #4 PUB Sand King 1653 | +8 7 4 22 100 2 46 WON
13-06-2021 12:45:41 SD 9/10 +1 last slot PUB Earthshaker 1645 | +0 0 0 0 4 1 0 DRAW
13-06-2021 11:49:11 AP + 1 PUB Priestess of the Moon 1645 | +9 4 2 10 72 7 28 WON
11-06-2021 23:37:34 Ap Come All #4 PUB empty 1636 | +0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DRAW
11-06-2021 23:34:18 AP +1 RLY ! PUB Butcher 1636 | +9 12 15 18 99 7 10 WON
30-05-2021 16:03:05 AP 7.0 + 1 #1 PUB Pit Lord 1627 | -8 0 2 3 49 1 6 LOST
30-05-2021 12:35:20 reshape PUB Priestess of the Moon 1635 | +9 4 4 20 90 17 10 WON
29-05-2021 11:57:56 AP RMK #1 PUB Priestess of the Moon 1626 | +0 0 0 1 0 0 0 DRAW
29-05-2021 00:14:01 sd +1 PUB Phantom Assassin 1626 | +10 10 8 21 205 11 65 WON
28-05-2021 23:16:38 sd fast #1 PUB Sand King 1616 | -8 1 8 10 186 5 95 LOST
28-05-2021 22:23:01 AP 1501 ++++1 #1 PUB Nerubian Weaver 1624 | -6 6 9 6 71 5 14 LOST
28-05-2021 21:46:25 ap +2 PUB Priestess of the Moon 1630 | +11 6 4 10 120 7 35 WON
28-05-2021 20:37:29 SD 9/10 +1 last slot #3 PUB Lord of Olympus 1619 | -7 22 12 33 245 12 23 LOST
28-05-2021 19:21:04 SD + 1 PUB Windrunner 1626 | +9 6 3 15 105 9 21 WON
10-04-2021 17:21:53 SD 1550 +1 RLY PUB Bloodseeker 1617 | -8 6 5 8 43 8 14 LOST
10-04-2021 13:48:08 SD 7.00 +1 PUB Storm Spirit 1625 | +7 5 13 14 137 4 44 WON
10-04-2021 12:54:18 Ap Eu +1 Really PUB Butcher 1618 | +11 2 5 6 118 9 19 WON
09-04-2021 23:32:03 AP 1501+ / +2 #1 PUB Silencer 1607 | -7 7 9 12 89 20 3 LOST
09-04-2021 22:38:12 SD EU ////// +2 RLY 8/10 PUB Monkey King 1614 | -8 9 11 2 59 5 1 LOST

Player hasn't played any custom games.