Player: kicimici96

Player Name: kicimici96 Realm: eurobattle (
Total games: 856
Ladder games: 856 Custom games: 0
Player is not banned.
Player has no warns.
Total ladder games: 856 Current PSR: 1500
Wins: 0 (0%) Highest PSR: 1500
Loses: 0 (0%) Kills / Deaths:
Draws: 0 (0%) Assists / Deaths:
Observed games: 0 (Kills + Assists) / Deaths:
Left games: 0 (0%)
-EM games: 0 (0%)
Average kills: Kills: 0
Average deaths: Deaths: 0
Average assists: Assists: 0
Average creep kills: Creep kills: 0
Average creep denies: Creep denies: 0
Average neutral kills: Neutral kills: 0
Average tower kills: Tower kills: 0
Average rax kills: Rax kills: 0
Total ladder games: 856
Date Game name Type Hero PSR After K D A CK CD NK Result
19-04-2023 19:52:04 SD v7 +2 #1 PUB Dwarven Sniper 1678 | -1 4 5 5 192 19 37 LOST
28-03-2023 20:25:02 AP EU 9/10 #3 PUB Axe 1679 | -1 14 13 9 183 1 92 LOST
26-03-2023 21:51:09 ap eu v6 PUB Axe 1680 | +1 13 11 15 177 4 68 WON
25-03-2023 19:12:30 Ap +2 PUB Stone Giant 1679 | -1 19 14 22 164 12 14 LOST
22-03-2023 20:50:15 AP 1501+ 1 V6 #1 PUB Necrolyte 1680 | +4 8 4 8 84 10 7 WON
21-03-2023 20:37:22 SD 1550+ #3 PUB Axe 1676 | -4 8 4 10 171 0 79 LOST
21-03-2023 18:28:12 SD +1 PUB Faceless Void 1680 | +6 6 10 11 216 17 72 WON
21-03-2023 17:30:42 SD ++ #7 PUB Nerubian Weaver 1674 | +6 7 6 9 123 3 45 WON
19-03-2023 20:17:05 AP + + + PUB Axe 1668 | +4 18 10 20 296 2 122 WON
18-03-2023 20:20:33 AP++++ PUB Axe 1664 | +1 19 5 8 187 2 90 WON
17-03-2023 20:08:52 AP + + + #1 PUB Axe 1663 | +1 27 8 12 180 1 78 WON
17-03-2023 19:12:48 AP + + + #6 PUB Stone Giant 1662 | -1 2 10 10 223 17 24 LOST
16-03-2023 20:26:53 SD 1550+ #7 PUB Skywrath Mage 1663 | +7 13 8 15 81 14 7 WON
15-03-2023 19:01:02 AR +1 #1 PUB Bone Fletcher 1656 | -4 8 8 7 89 5 31 LOST
15-03-2023 18:08:41 AR RMK v6 #2 PUB Witch Doctor 1660 | -4 6 8 6 55 20 6 LOST
15-03-2023 16:08:01 AP +1 LasT OnE! #4 PUB Stone Giant 1664 | +4 8 0 8 78 12 13 WON
15-03-2023 15:40:35 AP +1 #1 PUB Necrolyte 1660 | -4 4 7 8 83 8 11 LOST
14-03-2023 19:38:29 ap +1 #3 PUB Queen of Pain 1664 | +1 9 6 11 116 2 16 WON
14-03-2023 18:54:25 Ap rmk+1 #1 PUB Priestess of the Moon 1663 | +5 13 6 14 140 14 25 WON
14-03-2023 13:18:50 AP RMK #1 PUB Stone Giant 1658 | -3 11 8 16 98 4 1 LOST
14-03-2023 12:30:43 Ap + #8 PUB empty 1661 | +0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DRAW
13-03-2023 23:08:39 RD 1600+++++ 8/10 #2 PUB Axe 1661 | -7 4 9 8 192 0 113 LOST
13-03-2023 19:16:41 AP ++ #1 PUB Axe 1668 | +5 16 5 19 247 5 81 WON
13-03-2023 18:05:32 AP +1 PUB Lord of Olympus 1663 | -1 11 6 13 228 5 4 LOST
12-03-2023 23:51:24 SD +2 #3 PUB Bristleback 1664 | +1 14 3 9 205 12 4 WON
11-03-2023 18:13:37 SD GOOO + + +1 #5 PUB Queen of Pain 1663 | +6 14 6 12 77 4 4 WON
10-03-2023 21:03:00 AP FAST++++++ #5 PUB Lord of Olympus 1657 | +4 9 13 33 231 9 17 WON
10-03-2023 18:41:14 SD LAST ! PUB Magnataur 1653 | +3 11 10 17 223 6 94 WON
10-03-2023 17:46:42 ar last slot PUB Bristleback 1650 | +2 17 12 25 260 14 27 WON
10-03-2023 12:53:24 AP +1 #1 PUB Stone Giant 1648 | +2 12 10 15 93 0 25 WON

Player hasn't played any custom games.