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Topics - stealthTT

Pages: [1]
Graphics / DotA video I made
« on: November 10, 2011, 23:40 »
Hey all, here is a DotA video I made.

Feedback is appreciated!

Feedback / a better !balance
« on: August 02, 2011, 23:51 »
I've had games where !balance wasn't the best situation, I think it should be quite easy to make it perfect.
Is there a reason for this? Too much resources asked from the server?

Feedback / Advanced !lock commands
« on: August 01, 2011, 22:49 »
I'd like to be able to lock multiple users together, but not necessarily in sentinel or scourge, just on the same team.

So it'd be something like this:
players 1 to 10
!lock 1 3
!lock 6 9

This way players 1 and 3 will stay in the same team, and 6 and 9 will. But they can also get together as a team, so balance will be better.

Also, it would be nice to simply type !lock 3 to get the player on spot 3 locked, instead of typing (part of) the name.

Pages: [1]