Player: jjusty

Player Name: jjusty Realm: eurobattle (
Total games: 107
Ladder games: 0 Custom games: 107
Player is not banned.
Player has no warns.

Player hasn't played any ladder games.

Player hasn't played any ladder games.

Total custom games: 107
Date Game name Type Map
12-11-2020 22:27:45 MINECRAFT I SAY PUB Survivors_1.63d.w3x
12-11-2020 21:43:29 space survival PUB Survival_1.382.w3x
11-11-2020 17:48:36 SS PUB Shadow Snipers Boot Camp.w3x
09-11-2020 21:04:31 MHD PUB Mortal Hero Defense 1.0.w3x
09-11-2020 20:44:57 mhd PUB Mortal Hero Defense 1.0.w3x
09-11-2020 20:33:15 mhd PUB Mortal Hero Defense 1.0.w3x
09-11-2020 20:02:51 hwf PUB HolyWarFinal.w3x
09-11-2020 18:49:21 hwf PUB HolyWarFinal.w3x
08-11-2020 19:27:07 HP +1 PUB HeroPushPUB3.6.1p.w3x
08-11-2020 17:52:09 ZIU PUB Zombie Invasion Ultimate 2019.w3x
08-11-2020 17:37:23 ZIU PUB Zombie Invasion Ultimate 2019.w3x
07-11-2020 20:13:21 IA PUB Infection attack 1.8.w3x
07-11-2020 19:11:23 infection PUB Infection attack 1.8.w3x
07-11-2020 19:02:38 ia PUB Infection attack 1.8.w3x
07-11-2020 18:24:22 IA PUB Infection attack 1.8.w3x
07-11-2020 18:09:40 ZS PUB Zombie Survival II 2.2c.w3x
07-11-2020 17:09:22 PE PUB platform escape 3.1.w3x
07-11-2020 16:48:51 tve PUB Troll and Elves Final.w3x
07-11-2020 15:49:42 tve PUB Troll and Elves Final.w3x
07-11-2020 15:22:33 AAA PUB Angel Arena Eclipse v4.0.w3x
07-11-2020 13:34:11 AAA PUB Angel Arena Allstars 1.70a.w3x
07-11-2020 13:05:10 AAA PUB Angel Arena Allstars 1.70a.w3x
07-11-2020 13:00:12 AAA PUB Angel Arena Allstars 1.70a.w3x
06-11-2020 21:17:19 tve PUB Troll and Elves Final.w3x
06-11-2020 20:51:55 VNG PUB VampirismNewGen7.04b.w3x
06-11-2020 20:12:24 enfo PUB Enfos_MT_V193.w3x
06-11-2020 18:58:51 Enfo PUB Enfos_MT_V193.w3x
05-11-2020 14:03:03 AAE PUB Angel Arena Eclipse 2020.w3x
04-11-2020 21:14:27 ITT #1 PUB Island Troll Tribes v2.91a.w3x
04-11-2020 21:11:44 best PUB Surviving Archimonde Rage.w3x