Game: Ap 1550 +1

Game Name: Ap 1550 +1 Game Type: Ladder DotA Game
Game State: PUB Creator: viperchoko
Date: 09-07-2020 11:42:28 Replay: Download replay
Lobby duration: 18:21 Game duration: 45:43
Map: maps\download\DotA_Allstars_6.90a8.w3x
Mode: ap Winner: Scourge
Player Hero L PSR After K D A CK CD NK T Items Left at Reason
Ogre Magi 211851 | -1 4 7 8 126 10 34 0 Aghanim's Scepter (Ogre) Arcane Boots Kelen's Dagger Dust of Appearance Mystic Staff Aether Lens44:47 has left the game voluntarily
Necrolyte 251674 | -5 8 8 6 292 18 79 1 Boots of Travel Magic Wand Linken's Sphere On) Point Booster Observer Wards45:43 was disconnected (gameover timer finished)
Skeleton King 221606 | -9 2 7 4 144 2 50 0 Stygian Desolator Blade Mail Power Treads (Strength) Armlet of Mordiggian Echo Sabre Gloves of Haste44:47 has left the game voluntarily
Prophet 181591 | -10 5 8 1 153 4 83 0 Bloodthorn Null Talisman Hand of Midas Power Treads (Intelligence) Claymore empty35:12 lagged out (dropped by vote)
Sand King 191560 | -12 2 7 6 118 0 90 0 Kelen's Dagger Bloodthorn Aghanim's Scepter (Sand King) Observer Wards Linken's Sphere Power Treads (Strength)44:46 has left the game voluntarily
Priestess of the Moon 241676 | +7 6 5 12 151 14 20 1 Boots of Speed The Butterfly Helm of the Dominator Linken's Sphere Ring Of Aquila empty44:45 has left the game voluntarily
Oblivion 251743 | +4 15 1 6 226 11 59 4 Aether Lens Boots of Travel Linken's Sphere Aghanim's Scepter (Pugna) Dagon Level 4 Kelen's Dagger44:44 has left the game voluntarily
Lord Garithos 251752 | +4 9 3 8 234 6 147 1 Phase Boots Stygian Desolator Silver Edge Heart of Tarrasque Black King Bar (6) Dust of Appearance45:03 has left the game voluntarily
Stone Giant 231575 | +14 3 7 15 97 9 28 1 Magic Wand Boots of Travel Kelen's Dagger Aghanim's Scepter (Tiny) Echo Sabre empty44:47 has left the game voluntarily
Chaos Knight 231609 | +11 5 5 15 167 0 21 2 Linken's Sphere Echo Sabre Power Treads (Strength) Blight Stone Manta Style Dust of Appearance44:46 has left the game voluntarily
Lobby log
Time From Message
00:06 Viperchoko has joined the game.
00:06 Spoof check accepted for [Viperchoko :].
00:06 Spoof check accepted for [Viperchoko :].
00:11 Todor has joined the game.
00:11 Spoof check accepted for [Todor :].
00:11 Spoof check accepted for [Todor :].
00:16 Todor lol
00:19 Viperchoko !f
00:19 Viperchoko: (BG), Todor: (RS)
00:22 Viperchoko ?
00:26 Todor bulgarian doting zer0 freak
00:27 Viperchoko shto bre
00:31 Viperchoko retard
00:32 Viperchoko !sd tod
00:32 [Todor] PSR: 1679 games: 129 W/L: 35/13
00:32 H. K/D/A 9.56/6.25/9.62 C. K/D/N 271.25/16.56/71.38
00:35 Viperchoko retard
00:37 Todor :D
00:43 Todor anal destruction
00:48 Viperchoko ela na granicata
00:49 Viperchoko za 1v1
00:58 Todor :D
01:38 Viperchoko mrazite ni oti sme vi bili
01:40 souvlaki has joined the game.
01:40 Spoof check accepted for [souvlaki :].
01:40 Spoof check accepted for [souvlaki :].
01:41 Viperchoko !pub
01:41 Trying to rehost as public game [Ap ++ #1].
01:47 Rehost was successful on at least one realm!
01:59 singularity has joined the game.
01:59 Spoof check accepted for [singularity :].
01:59 Spoof check accepted for [singularity :].
02:07 singularity bulgarceeeeee
02:10 Viperchoko !Min 1501
02:10 Kicking 0 players with PSR lower than 1501.
02:11 singularity pa kde si bre tii
02:15 Viperchoko !f
02:15 Viperchoko: (BG), Todor: (RS), souvlaki: (GR), singularity: (MK)
02:19 Viperchoko sho
02:20 Viperchoko be
02:25 singularity :D
02:29 singularity Nish
02:36 singularity kakvo stava ?
02:36 singularity :D
02:38 Viperchoko doidox
02:39 Viperchoko malko
02:41 Viperchoko da vi potepam
02:44 singularity hahaha
02:54 Viperchoko !rall
02:54 Viperchoko (1852), Todor (1679), singularity (1669), souvlaki (1615)
03:27 Viperchoko !pub
03:27 Trying to rehost as public game [Ap ++ #2].
03:40 Rehost was successful on at least one realm!
04:18 Viperchoko vikai liugie
05:01 sh3ma has joined the game.
05:01 Spoof check accepted for [sh3ma :].
05:01 Spoof check accepted for [sh3ma :].
05:55 singularity sh3ma
05:57 singularity my man
06:07 singularity zakljuchi sasmen :D
06:08 singularity haha
06:12 singularity zalklucigo so mene
06:16 Viperchoko !sd sh3
06:16 [sh3ma] PSR: 1598 games: 589 W/L: 37/34
06:16 H. K/D/A 7.79/6.48/9.97 C. K/D/N 144.03/3.28/29.51
06:20 Viperchoko dobre
06:21 Viperchoko !sd sin
06:21 [singularity] PSR: 1669 games: 269 W/L: 59/50
06:21 H. K/D/A 8.70/7.51/10.86 C. K/D/N 165.22/8.24/43.53
06:25 Viperchoko kvi ste mi
06:26 Viperchoko slabi
06:36 singularity slabi smo
06:38 singularity slabi
06:38 Viperchoko sram nemate :D
06:38 singularity :D
06:44 singularity hahahaha
06:59 Viperchoko oti igraesh s toq
07:03 Viperchoko drugio ti e po dobar
07:04 Viperchoko acc
07:13 Viperchoko po respectirasht
07:13 singularity toj bese pisan
07:17 singularity samo pass pisav
07:18 singularity :D
07:38 Viperchoko idesh li
07:38 Viperchoko nasam
07:49 singularity nasam ?
07:59 Viperchoko kum Bulgaria
08:12 singularity neverujem
08:21 singularity rabotna viza za 1 mesec i spanija
08:22 singularity :D
08:28 singularity dosta mk :D
08:31 Viperchoko imash
08:32 Viperchoko passos
08:33 Viperchoko ?
08:35 singularity Mk
08:36 singularity Ne bg
08:43 Viperchoko :d
08:45 singularity :D
08:46 singularity <3
08:47 Viperchoko ke te vidim
08:47 Viperchoko do koga
08:50 singularity hahaha
08:59 singularity Vsicko sce da bude bulgarsko :D
09:00 singularity hahaha
09:10 Viperchoko takovo e bilo
09:16 Viperchoko shto da praish :D
09:17 singularity :D :D :D
09:18 Viperchoko !pub
09:18 Trying to rehost as public game [Ap ++ #3].
09:36 Rehost was successful on at least one realm!
09:48 Viperchoko koga manat tiq laina
09:49 Viperchoko karantini
09:50 Viperchoko i sve
09:53 Viperchoko che doidem u delchevo
09:54 Viperchoko da se napiem
10:04 singularity hahahahah
10:21 singularity lockdown sme sega
10:23 Viperchoko da napraim edna meshavica
10:24 Viperchoko skara
10:29 singularity mk 2-nd in eu in cases
10:29 singularity :D
10:34 singularity au au au
10:35 Viperchoko i tuka
10:35 Viperchoko dneska
10:36 Viperchoko 240
10:38 Viperchoko zarazeni
10:39 singularity wow
10:42 singularity najebali smo :D
10:43 _OTbaD_ has joined the game.
10:43 Spoof check accepted for [_OTbaD_ :].
10:43 Spoof check accepted for [_OTbaD_ :].
10:53 Viperchoko ivanovski
11:15 singularity :D
11:17 Viperchoko kato vlizash ke kazuvash HI
11:20 Viperchoko noob eden
11:25 singularity hahah
11:31 singularity kick him :D
11:32 Viperchoko deka ti e kulturata
11:34 Viperchoko vuzpitanieto
11:47 Viperchoko ti malak makedonski hooligane
11:48 singularity go zaborajl doma
11:49 singularity :D
11:57 virus007 has joined the game.
11:57 Spoof check accepted for [virus007 :].
11:57 Spoof check accepted for [virus007 :].
11:57 Kicking player virus007 with PSR lower than 1501.
11:57 virus007 has left the game.
12:07 virus007 has joined the game.
12:07 Spoof check accepted for [virus007 :].
12:07 Spoof check accepted for [virus007 :].
12:07 Kicking player virus007 with PSR lower than 1501.
12:07 virus007 has left the game.
12:13 Viperchoko on mi se
12:14 Viperchoko surdi
12:15 Viperchoko sigurno
12:17 Viperchoko oti go bix
12:25 Viperchoko predi nekolko dena
12:28 singularity :D
13:09 Viperchoko !pub
13:09 Trying to rehost as public game [Ap ++ #4].
13:25 Rehost was successful on at least one realm!
13:27 KelleCiX has joined the game.
13:27 Spoof check accepted for [KelleCiX :].
13:27 Spoof check accepted for [KelleCiX :].
13:30 Viperchoko !sd kel
13:30 [KelleCiX] PSR: 1572 games: 603 W/L: 23/24
13:30 H. K/D/A 8.02/9.09/11.49 C. K/D/N 159.57/2.91/38.57
13:42 Kirop has joined the game.
13:42 Spoof check accepted for [Kirop :].
13:42 Spoof check accepted for [Kirop :].
13:46 Viperchoko !f
13:46 Viperchoko: (BG), Todor: (RS), souvlaki: (GR), singularity: (MK), sh3ma: (MK), _OTbaD_: (MK), KelleCiX: (UA), Kirop: (SK)
14:17 Viperchoko sakate li da vi svormim team
14:21 Viperchoko da napravite voltron
14:31 Viperchoko sformiram*
14:37 singularity :D
14:39 singularity voltron
14:48 Viperchoko ili
14:50 Viperchoko ekzodiq
14:57 singularity RA
15:07 I0I_eQ has joined the game.
15:07 Spoof check accepted for [I0I_eQ :].
15:07 Spoof check accepted for [I0I_eQ :].
15:11 Viperchoko shibani trasnformarsi
15:22 Viperchoko !sd eq
15:22 [I0I_eQ] PSR: 1561 games: 896 W/L: 7/1
15:22 H. K/D/A 8.62/5.00/12.00 C. K/D/N 74.62/3.75/23.50
15:23 singularity Obelisk
15:49 nybroders has joined the game.
15:49 Spoof check accepted for [nybroders :].
15:49 Spoof check accepted for [nybroders :].
15:49 Kicking player nybroders with PSR lower than 1501.
15:49 nybroders has left the game.
15:51 singularity ++++1-2+1
15:55 Viperchoko !rall
15:55 Viperchoko (1852), Kirop (1748), _OTbaD_ (1739), Todor (1679), singularity (1669), souvlaki (1615), sh3ma (1598), KelleCiX (1572), I0I_eQ (1561)
15:58 Viperchoko !min 1550
15:58 Kicking 0 players with PSR lower than 1550.
16:00 singularity xD
16:02 Viperchoko !Pub Ap 1550 +1
16:02 Trying to rehost as public game [Ap 1550 +1].
16:04 singularity getting greedy
16:05 singularity :D
16:08 Rehost was successful on at least one realm!
16:11 Viperchoko full balance ke bude da ne se srudite
16:12 Viperchoko posle
16:18 I0I_eQ !locked
16:19 I0I_eQ !p
16:20 I0I_eQ !f
16:21 I0I_eQ !rall
16:32 Viperchoko samo ti ke vurvish s toq st3met
16:34 Viperchoko sh3met
16:40 Viperchoko !balance
16:40 Sentinel avg. PSR: 1754(82% to win), Scourge avg. PSR: 1603(18% to win)
16:43 singularity mhm
16:47 Viperchoko !locked
16:56 singularity !rall
17:09 singularity !sd kir
17:12 singularity !sd sou
17:15 singularity !sd todo
17:19 singularity !sd eq
17:21 OpenYourEyes has joined the game.
17:21 Spoof check accepted for [OpenYourEyes :].
17:21 Spoof check accepted for [OpenYourEyes :].
17:22 singularity !sd open
17:24 Viperchoko !sd open
17:24 [OpenYourEyes] PSR: 1601 games: 108 W/L: 16/10
17:24 H. K/D/A 5.88/7.35/9.62 C. K/D/N 133.19/5.31/57.65
17:28 singularity !rs
17:29 singularity go :D
17:30 singularity haha
17:32 Viperchoko !rs
17:32 Sentinel avg. PSR: 1724(89% to win), Scourge avg. PSR: 1603(11% to win)
17:34 Viperchoko !r
17:34 Viperchoko's PSR is 1852, +1/-1
17:36 singularity !r
17:38 singularity hahaha
17:40 Viperchoko kako i da e
17:41 Viperchoko se e +1
17:43 Viperchoko !balance
17:43 Sentinel avg. PSR: 1663(54% to win), Scourge avg. PSR: 1664(46% to win)
17:44 OpenYourEyes !rall
17:45 Viperchoko !rall
17:45 Viperchoko (1852), Kirop (1748), _OTbaD_ (1739), Todor (1679), singularity (1669), souvlaki (1615), OpenYourEyes (1601), sh3ma (1598), KelleCiX (1572), I0I_eQ (1561)
17:50 singularity davaj davaj
17:59 Viperchoko !swap 4 10
18:00 Viperchoko !rs
18:00 Sentinel avg. PSR: 1664(54% to win), Scourge avg. PSR: 1663(46% to win)
18:01 Viperchoko taka
18:04 Viperchoko rdy
18:04 Viperchoko ?
18:07 singularity ok
18:13 singularity !sd otb
18:13 Viperchoko !mode ap
18:15 Viperchoko !start
18:15 Game is starting, game mode is set to [ap].
18:15 10. . .
18:16 9. . .
18:16 8. . .
18:17 7. . .
18:17 souvlaki !p
18:17 6. . .
18:18 5. . .
18:19 4. . .
18:19 3. . .
18:20 2. . .
18:20 1. . .
Game log
Time From Message
00:00 [All] This game is being hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
00:00 [All] If you leave before the tree/throne is destroyed you risk getting autobanned, type !autoban for more info.
00:02 Viperchoko [Allies] -cam 2500
00:04 Kirop [Allies] -cam 3000
00:06 Kirop [Allies] -tips
00:12 Kirop [Allies] !sd otb
00:28 singularity [All] momceta, i would have to feed with curiers for you to win :D
00:29 _OTbaD_ [Allies] -cam 2500
00:30 _OTbaD_ [Allies] -hud
00:33 Viperchoko [Allies] !r
00:33 [All] Viperchoko's PSR is 1852, +1/-1
00:37 singularity [Allies] ups
00:40 singularity [Allies] wrong
00:42 singularity [Allies] swap ?
00:53 I0I_eQ [Allies] !rs
00:53 Kirop [Allies] repick
00:55 I0I_eQ [Allies] !locked
00:58 Viperchoko [All] ela gore
00:59 Viperchoko [All] da te naserem
01:01 singularity [Allies] -repick
01:01 sh3ma [Allies] !rs
01:04 singularity [All] stizem cuco
01:14 Viperchoko [Allies] i can mid
01:14 Viperchoko [Allies] ?
01:16 singularity [Allies] i will roam
01:18 singularity [Allies] and do nothing
01:19 singularity [Allies] :D
01:20 Viperchoko [Allies] i go
01:23 souvlaki [Allies] me woods
01:24 _OTbaD_ [Allies] ME UP
01:24 OpenYourEyes [Allies] -cam 1.4
01:31 Todor [Allies] -cam 2300
01:32 Kirop [Allies] woods
01:36 singularity [Allies] morning
01:37 singularity [Allies] wood
01:37 OpenYourEyes [Allies] me wood
01:37 singularity [Allies] up
01:38 singularity [Allies] :D
01:39 singularity [Allies] haha
01:39 I0I_eQ [Allies] -cam 1.9
01:39 I0I_eQ [Allies] -ii
01:44 souvlaki [Allies] me woods
01:46 singularity [Allies] g mid some1
02:00 singularity [Allies] all lanes solo
02:01 singularity [Allies] fyi
02:05 singularity [Allies] mid i arrow
02:12 I0I_eQ [Allies] anyone want mid?
02:13 singularity [Allies] juhu
02:14 singularity [Allies] sam si
02:16 _OTbaD_ [Allies] !sd eq
02:21 sh3ma [Allies] ooo baltazar
02:24 singularity [Allies] ooooo
02:25 singularity [Allies] ;D
02:30 singularity [Allies] me
02:30 singularity [Allies] tini
02:30 sh3ma [Allies] lele mirana
02:31 singularity [Allies] rune
02:33 sh3ma [Allies] of lele
02:36 [All] [KelleCiX]-- Creeps Spawned --
02:36 [All] [Viperchoko]-- Creeps Spawned --
02:36 [All] [I0I_eQ]-- Creeps Spawned --
02:36 [All] [souvlaki]-- Creeps Spawned --
02:36 [All] [sh3ma]-- Creeps Spawned --
02:36 [All] [Kirop]-- Creeps Spawned --
02:36 [All] [Todor]-- Creeps Spawned --
02:36 [All] [_OTbaD_]-- Creeps Spawned --
02:36 [All] [singularity]-- Creeps Spawned --
02:36 [All] [OpenYourEyes]-- Creeps Spawned --
02:46 singularity [Allies] !P
02:55 singularity [Allies] slusa dokumentaec
02:55 I0I_eQ [Allies] -water 0 0 0
02:56 I0I_eQ [Allies] -aoe
02:57 singularity [Allies] nemat da igra ic hah
02:58 OpenYourEyes [Allies] top ?
03:04 OpenYourEyes [Allies] no1 ?
03:15 singularity [All] pazi guzicu
03:16 Viperchoko [All] suz be
03:38 OpenYourEyes [Allies] come top
03:39 OpenYourEyes [Allies] me wood
03:48 Viperchoko [Allies] 3 wood
03:49 Viperchoko [Allies] xaxa
04:00 Kirop [Allies] u want solo?
04:04 _OTbaD_ [Allies] y
04:15 [All] [Viperchoko]sh3ma killed Todor
04:15 [All] [KelleCiX]sh3ma killed Todor
04:15 [All] [I0I_eQ]sh3ma killed Todor
04:15 [All] [Kirop]sh3ma killed Todor
04:15 [All] [Todor]sh3ma killed Todor
04:15 [All] [souvlaki]sh3ma killed Todor
04:15 [All] [sh3ma]sh3ma killed Todor
04:15 [All] [_OTbaD_]sh3ma killed Todor
04:15 [All] [OpenYourEyes]sh3ma killed Todor
04:15 [All] [singularity]sh3ma killed Todor
04:18 singularity [Allies] xD
04:36 OpenYourEyes [Allies] !sd tod
04:40 I0I_eQ [Allies] ss mid ogre
04:41 I0I_eQ [Allies] care top
04:44 singularity [Allies] mid 2
04:44 singularity [Allies] care
04:46 Viperchoko [Allies] coin
05:33 Kirop [Allies] !Sd eq
05:42 Viperchoko [All] mani se ot tam
05:45 singularity [All] :D
06:02 OpenYourEyes [Allies] necro can we kill ?
06:11 singularity [Allies] mi seckat
06:34 OpenYourEyes [Allies] shit
06:36 OpenYourEyes [Allies] shit
06:38 OpenYourEyes [Allies] fuckin brain damaged
06:45 OpenYourEyes [Allies] go wood retard
06:46 OpenYourEyes [Allies] let me lane
07:10 OpenYourEyes [Allies] !sd sou
07:21 OpenYourEyes [Allies] crix come top
07:21 KelleCiX [Allies] mırana
07:22 [All] [KelleCiX]I0I_eQ killed Viperchoko's courier
07:22 [All] [Viperchoko]I0I_eQ killed Viperchoko's courier
07:22 [All] [Todor]I0I_eQ killed Viperchoko's courier
07:22 [All] [Kirop]I0I_eQ killed Viperchoko's courier
07:22 [All] [souvlaki]I0I_eQ killed Viperchoko's courier
07:22 [All] [I0I_eQ]I0I_eQ killed Viperchoko's courier
07:22 [All] [singularity]I0I_eQ killed Viperchoko's courier
07:22 [All] [_OTbaD_]I0I_eQ killed Viperchoko's courier
07:23 [All] [OpenYourEyes]I0I_eQ killed Viperchoko's courier
07:23 [All] [sh3ma]I0I_eQ killed Viperchoko's courier
07:25 OpenYourEyes [Allies] this is shit player
07:36 OpenYourEyes [Allies] wt
07:37 Viperchoko [All] D
07:37 I0I_eQ [Allies] oimfg
07:41 OpenYourEyes [Allies] omg
07:42 OpenYourEyes [Allies] xD
07:45 _OTbaD_ [Allies] care
07:57 singularity [Allies] juhu kako be brat
07:58 singularity [Allies] :D
08:05 sh3ma [Allies] nikako
08:13 singularity [Allies] ama pogolem lvl od tebe
08:13 singularity [Allies] e
08:15 OpenYourEyes [Allies] u are big idiot
08:16 singularity [Allies] kui neh ti
08:16 singularity [Allies] ?
08:19 singularity [Allies] pi
08:19 KelleCiX [Allies] me
08:20 KelleCiX [Allies] ?
08:26 Viperchoko [Allies] ss
08:29 OpenYourEyes [Allies] u have whole wood to farm
08:36 OpenYourEyes [Allies] and u come top
08:42 OpenYourEyes [Allies] shit
08:45 [All] [Viperchoko]Todor killed sh3ma
08:45 [All] [Todor]Todor killed sh3ma
08:45 [All] [KelleCiX]Todor killed sh3ma
08:45 [All] [I0I_eQ]Todor killed sh3ma
08:45 [All] [souvlaki]Todor killed sh3ma
08:45 [All] [Kirop]Todor killed sh3ma
08:45 [All] [singularity]Todor killed sh3ma
08:45 [All] [OpenYourEyes]Todor killed sh3ma
08:45 [All] [_OTbaD_]Todor killed sh3ma
08:45 [All] [sh3ma]Todor killed sh3ma
08:46 OpenYourEyes [Allies] dont even ,mpove xd
09:09 OpenYourEyes [Allies] !sd cix
09:12 [All] [KelleCiX]I0I_eQ killed Viperchoko
09:12 [All] [I0I_eQ]I0I_eQ killed Viperchoko
09:12 [All] [Todor]I0I_eQ killed Viperchoko
09:12 [All] [Viperchoko]I0I_eQ killed Viperchoko
09:12 [All] [Kirop]I0I_eQ killed Viperchoko
09:12 [All] [souvlaki]I0I_eQ killed Viperchoko
09:12 [All] [singularity]I0I_eQ killed Viperchoko
09:12 [All] [_OTbaD_]I0I_eQ killed Viperchoko
09:12 [All] [sh3ma]I0I_eQ killed Viperchoko
09:12 [All] [OpenYourEyes]I0I_eQ killed Viperchoko
09:31 I0I_eQ [Allies] ss mid
09:33 I0I_eQ [Allies] ogre
09:40 OpenYourEyes [Allies] gtfo retard
10:04 singularity [Allies] iuzijata
10:04 KelleCiX [Allies] share
10:05 singularity [Allies] pratija
10:05 KelleCiX [Allies] ?
10:08 Kirop [Allies] gang?
10:59 I0I_eQ [Allies] >> Need 43 mana for > Avalanche [4]
10:59 I0I_eQ [Allies] >> Need 43 mana for > Toss [4]
11:00 souvlaki [Allies] furion tard buy wards
11:02 I0I_eQ [Allies] me b
11:09 I0I_eQ [Allies] got dagger
11:19 Viperchoko [Allies] top
11:20 Viperchoko [Allies] ?
11:34 Viperchoko [Allies] ss mid
11:49 I0I_eQ [Allies] care top
11:59 I0I_eQ [Allies] ss ogre mid
12:12 Kirop [Allies] -csa
12:18 I0I_eQ [Allies] >> Scroll of TP: 3 charges, 39 cooldown left
12:22 singularity [Allies] b
12:29 [All] [KelleCiX]Todor killed sh3ma
12:29 [All] [Viperchoko]Todor killed sh3ma
12:29 [All] [Todor]Todor killed sh3ma
12:29 [All] [Kirop]Todor killed sh3ma
12:29 [All] [souvlaki]Todor killed sh3ma
12:29 [All] [I0I_eQ]Todor killed sh3ma
12:29 [All] [sh3ma]Todor killed sh3ma
12:29 [All] [singularity]Todor killed sh3ma
12:29 [All] [_OTbaD_]Todor killed sh3ma
12:29 [All] [OpenYourEyes]Todor killed sh3ma
12:32 KelleCiX [Allies] why
12:32 KelleCiX [Allies] ?
12:42 KelleCiX [Allies] ok
12:43 singularity [Allies] tini
12:44 singularity [Allies] peder
12:45 singularity [Allies] si
12:46 Todor [Allies] u are mine
12:47 singularity [Allies] site od mk kako mojt
12:47 _OTbaD_ [Allies] come
12:48 _OTbaD_ [Allies] tiny
12:49 singularity [Allies] pederi
12:50 singularity [Allies] vakvi
12:51 singularity [Allies] u pm
12:51 Todor [Allies] i think u are enemy xd
12:52 singularity [Allies] da idete
12:54 I0I_eQ [Allies] sec top
12:54 singularity [Allies] -mute all
12:55 Todor [Allies] owersmoked ;d
12:56 singularity [Allies] !ff
13:00 Kirop [Allies] >> Duel [1] > is ready
13:01 KelleCiX [Allies] !ignore tod
13:07 _OTbaD_ [Allies] ogre
13:25 [All] [I0I_eQ]_OTbaD_ killed Viperchoko
13:25 [All] [Viperchoko]_OTbaD_ killed Viperchoko
13:25 [All] [Todor]_OTbaD_ killed Viperchoko
13:25 [All] [KelleCiX]_OTbaD_ killed Viperchoko
13:25 [All] [sh3ma]_OTbaD_ killed Viperchoko
13:25 [All] [souvlaki]_OTbaD_ killed Viperchoko
13:25 [All] [Kirop]_OTbaD_ killed Viperchoko
13:25 [All] [_OTbaD_]_OTbaD_ killed Viperchoko
13:25 [All] [singularity]_OTbaD_ killed Viperchoko
13:25 [All] [OpenYourEyes]_OTbaD_ killed Viperchoko
13:40 [All] [I0I_eQ]_OTbaD_ killed souvlaki
13:40 [All] [Viperchoko]_OTbaD_ killed souvlaki
13:40 [All] [KelleCiX]_OTbaD_ killed souvlaki
13:40 [All] [Todor]_OTbaD_ killed souvlaki
13:40 [All] [Kirop]_OTbaD_ killed souvlaki
13:40 [All] [singularity]_OTbaD_ killed souvlaki
13:40 [All] [sh3ma]_OTbaD_ killed souvlaki
13:40 [All] [OpenYourEyes]_OTbaD_ killed souvlaki
13:40 [All] [_OTbaD_]_OTbaD_ killed souvlaki
13:40 [All] [souvlaki]_OTbaD_ killed souvlaki
13:49 [All] [KelleCiX]Todor destroyed the bottom level 1 Scourge tower
13:49 [All] [I0I_eQ]Todor destroyed the bottom level 1 Scourge tower
13:49 [All] [Todor]Todor destroyed the bottom level 1 Scourge tower
13:49 [All] [sh3ma]Todor destroyed the bottom level 1 Scourge tower
13:49 [All] [souvlaki]Todor destroyed the bottom level 1 Scourge tower
13:49 [All] [Kirop]Todor destroyed the bottom level 1 Scourge tower
13:49 [All] [Viperchoko]Todor destroyed the bottom level 1 Scourge tower
13:49 [All] [_OTbaD_]Todor destroyed the bottom level 1 Scourge tower
13:49 [All] [singularity]Todor destroyed the bottom level 1 Scourge tower
13:49 [All] [OpenYourEyes]Todor destroyed the bottom level 1 Scourge tower
14:09 Todor [Allies] >> OpenYourEyes (Furion) has a > Wrath of Nature [1]
14:18 Viperchoko [Allies] >> I0I_eQ (Tiny) has a > Blink Dagger
14:23 [All] [I0I_eQ]_OTbaD_ destroyed the top level 1 Sentinel tower
14:23 [All] [Viperchoko]_OTbaD_ destroyed the top level 1 Sentinel tower
14:23 [All] [Todor]_OTbaD_ destroyed the top level 1 Sentinel tower
14:23 [All] [KelleCiX]_OTbaD_ destroyed the top level 1 Sentinel tower
14:23 [All] [Kirop]_OTbaD_ destroyed the top level 1 Sentinel tower
14:23 [All] [souvlaki]_OTbaD_ destroyed the top level 1 Sentinel tower
14:23 [All] [_OTbaD_]_OTbaD_ destroyed the top level 1 Sentinel tower
14:23 [All] [sh3ma]_OTbaD_ destroyed the top level 1 Sentinel tower
14:23 [All] [OpenYourEyes]_OTbaD_ destroyed the top level 1 Sentinel tower
14:23 [All] [singularity]_OTbaD_ destroyed the top level 1 Sentinel tower
15:05 Todor [Allies] ogre shit pleyer
15:08 Todor [Allies] :D
15:22 Todor [Allies] xaxaxaaaaaaaaaaaa
15:24 Todor [Allies] g
15:25 Todor [Allies] zedr0
15:29 Viperchoko [Allies] !Ignore tod
15:53 [All] [KelleCiX]_OTbaD_ killed Todor
15:53 [All] [I0I_eQ]_OTbaD_ killed Todor
15:53 [All] [Viperchoko]_OTbaD_ killed Todor
15:53 [All] [Todor]_OTbaD_ killed Todor
15:53 [All] [sh3ma]_OTbaD_ killed Todor
15:53 [All] [Kirop]_OTbaD_ killed Todor
15:53 [All] [souvlaki]_OTbaD_ killed Todor
15:53 [All] [_OTbaD_]_OTbaD_ killed Todor
15:53 [All] [OpenYourEyes]_OTbaD_ killed Todor
15:53 [All] [singularity]_OTbaD_ killed Todor
15:57 Viperchoko [Allies] retard
16:01 singularity [Allies] >> Moonlight Shadow [1] > is ready
16:03 Kirop [Allies] >> Lothar's Edge > is ready
16:18 [All] [KelleCiX]I0I_eQ killed OpenYourEyes's courier
16:18 [All] [Viperchoko]I0I_eQ killed OpenYourEyes's courier
16:18 [All] [I0I_eQ]I0I_eQ killed OpenYourEyes's courier
16:18 [All] [souvlaki]I0I_eQ killed OpenYourEyes's courier
16:18 [All] [Todor]I0I_eQ killed OpenYourEyes's courier
16:18 [All] [Kirop]I0I_eQ killed OpenYourEyes's courier
16:18 [All] [sh3ma]I0I_eQ killed OpenYourEyes's courier
16:18 [All] [singularity]I0I_eQ killed OpenYourEyes's courier
16:18 [All] [_OTbaD_]I0I_eQ killed OpenYourEyes's courier
16:18 [All] [OpenYourEyes]I0I_eQ killed OpenYourEyes's courier
16:25 [All] [I0I_eQ]Kirop killed souvlaki
16:25 [All] [Viperchoko]Kirop killed souvlaki
16:25 [All] [KelleCiX]Kirop killed souvlaki
16:25 [All] [Todor]Kirop killed souvlaki
16:25 [All] [sh3ma]Kirop killed souvlaki
16:25 [All] [Kirop]Kirop killed souvlaki
16:25 [All] [singularity]Kirop killed souvlaki
16:25 [All] [souvlaki]Kirop killed souvlaki
16:25 [All] [_OTbaD_]Kirop killed souvlaki
16:25 [All] [OpenYourEyes]Kirop killed souvlaki
16:29 [All] [Viperchoko]I0I_eQ killed OpenYourEyes
16:29 [All] [KelleCiX]I0I_eQ killed OpenYourEyes
16:29 [All] [I0I_eQ]I0I_eQ killed OpenYourEyes
16:29 [All] [Todor]I0I_eQ killed OpenYourEyes
16:29 [All] [Viperchoko]OpenYourEyes killed I0I_eQ
16:29 [All] [KelleCiX]OpenYourEyes killed I0I_eQ
16:29 [All] [Kirop]I0I_eQ killed OpenYourEyes
16:29 [All] [I0I_eQ]OpenYourEyes killed I0I_eQ
16:29 [All] [souvlaki]I0I_eQ killed OpenYourEyes
16:29 [All] [singularity]I0I_eQ killed OpenYourEyes
16:29 [All] [souvlaki]OpenYourEyes killed I0I_eQ
16:29 [All] [Todor]OpenYourEyes killed I0I_eQ
16:29 [All] [sh3ma]I0I_eQ killed OpenYourEyes
16:29 [All] [sh3ma]OpenYourEyes killed I0I_eQ
16:29 [All] [Kirop]OpenYourEyes killed I0I_eQ
16:29 [All] [OpenYourEyes]I0I_eQ killed OpenYourEyes
16:29 [All] [_OTbaD_]I0I_eQ killed OpenYourEyes
16:29 [All] [singularity]OpenYourEyes killed I0I_eQ
16:29 [All] [_OTbaD_]OpenYourEyes killed I0I_eQ
16:29 [All] [OpenYourEyes]OpenYourEyes killed I0I_eQ
16:40 [All] [Viperchoko]_OTbaD_ killed Viperchoko
16:40 [All] [KelleCiX]_OTbaD_ killed Viperchoko
16:40 [All] [I0I_eQ]_OTbaD_ killed Viperchoko
16:40 [All] [souvlaki]_OTbaD_ killed Viperchoko
16:40 [All] [Todor]_OTbaD_ killed Viperchoko
16:40 [All] [sh3ma]_OTbaD_ killed Viperchoko
16:40 [All] [Kirop]_OTbaD_ killed Viperchoko
16:40 [All] [_OTbaD_]_OTbaD_ killed Viperchoko
16:40 [All] [OpenYourEyes]_OTbaD_ killed Viperchoko
16:40 [All] [singularity]_OTbaD_ killed Viperchoko
16:43 I0I_eQ [Allies] sand 100hp
16:47 Viperchoko [Allies] stuped team
16:48 Viperchoko [Allies] all farm
16:49 Viperchoko [Allies] shits
17:01 I0I_eQ [Allies] >> Todor (Necrolyte) has a > Perseverance
17:02 I0I_eQ [Allies] >> Todor (Necrolyte) has a > Ultimate Orb
17:51 Todor [Allies] >> souvlaki (Leoric) has a > Iron Talon
17:53 [All] [I0I_eQ]_OTbaD_ killed souvlaki
17:53 [All] [Viperchoko]_OTbaD_ killed souvlaki
17:53 [All] [Todor]_OTbaD_ killed souvlaki
17:53 [All] [KelleCiX]_OTbaD_ killed souvlaki
17:53 [All] [Kirop]_OTbaD_ killed souvlaki
17:53 [All] [souvlaki]_OTbaD_ killed souvlaki
17:53 [All] [sh3ma]_OTbaD_ killed souvlaki
17:53 [All] [OpenYourEyes]_OTbaD_ killed souvlaki
17:53 [All] [singularity]_OTbaD_ killed souvlaki
17:53 [All] [_OTbaD_]_OTbaD_ killed souvlaki
18:11 [All] [KelleCiX]_OTbaD_ destroyed the mid level 1 Sentinel tower
18:11 [All] [I0I_eQ]_OTbaD_ destroyed the mid level 1 Sentinel tower
18:11 [All] [Viperchoko]_OTbaD_ destroyed the mid level 1 Sentinel tower
18:11 [All] [Todor]_OTbaD_ destroyed the mid level 1 Sentinel tower
18:11 [All] [souvlaki]_OTbaD_ destroyed the mid level 1 Sentinel tower
18:11 [All] [sh3ma]_OTbaD_ destroyed the mid level 1 Sentinel tower
18:11 [All] [Kirop]_OTbaD_ destroyed the mid level 1 Sentinel tower
18:11 [All] [_OTbaD_]_OTbaD_ destroyed the mid level 1 Sentinel tower
18:11 [All] [OpenYourEyes]_OTbaD_ destroyed the mid level 1 Sentinel tower
18:11 [All] [singularity]_OTbaD_ destroyed the mid level 1 Sentinel tower
18:17 [All] [KelleCiX]OpenYourEyes killed singularity
18:17 [All] [Viperchoko]OpenYourEyes killed singularity
18:17 [All] [Kirop]OpenYourEyes killed singularity
18:17 [All] [Todor]OpenYourEyes killed singularity
18:17 [All] [I0I_eQ]OpenYourEyes killed singularity
18:17 [All] [souvlaki]OpenYourEyes killed singularity
18:17 [All] [sh3ma]OpenYourEyes killed singularity
18:17 [All] [_OTbaD_]OpenYourEyes killed singularity
18:17 [All] [OpenYourEyes]OpenYourEyes killed singularity
18:17 [All] [singularity]OpenYourEyes killed singularity
18:17 KelleCiX [Allies] >> Viperchoko (Ogre Magi) has a > [E] Bloodlust [1]
18:52 [All] [KelleCiX]Todor killed I0I_eQ
18:52 [All] [I0I_eQ]Todor killed I0I_eQ
18:52 [All] [Kirop]Todor killed I0I_eQ
18:52 [All] [Todor]Todor killed I0I_eQ
18:52 [All] [souvlaki]Todor killed I0I_eQ
18:52 [All] [Viperchoko]Todor killed I0I_eQ
18:52 [All] [sh3ma]Todor killed I0I_eQ
18:52 [All] [singularity]Todor killed I0I_eQ
18:52 [All] [_OTbaD_]Todor killed I0I_eQ
18:52 [All] [OpenYourEyes]Todor killed I0I_eQ
18:56 [All] [Viperchoko]The Sentinel destroyed the top level 1 Scourge tower
18:56 [All] [I0I_eQ]The Sentinel destroyed the top level 1 Scourge tower
18:56 [All] [Todor]The Sentinel destroyed the top level 1 Scourge tower
18:56 [All] [Kirop]The Sentinel destroyed the top level 1 Scourge tower
18:56 [All] [souvlaki]The Sentinel destroyed the top level 1 Scourge tower
18:56 [All] [sh3ma]The Sentinel destroyed the top level 1 Scourge tower
18:56 [All] [KelleCiX]The Sentinel destroyed the top level 1 Scourge tower
18:56 [All] [OpenYourEyes]The Sentinel destroyed the top level 1 Scourge tower
18:56 [All] [singularity]The Sentinel destroyed the top level 1 Scourge tower
18:56 [All] [_OTbaD_]The Sentinel destroyed the top level 1 Scourge tower
19:00 I0I_eQ [Allies] >> singularity (Mirana) has a > Moonlight Shadow [1]
19:00 [All] [I0I_eQ]KelleCiX killed _OTbaD_
19:00 [All] [souvlaki]KelleCiX killed _OTbaD_
19:00 [All] [KelleCiX]KelleCiX killed _OTbaD_
19:00 [All] [Viperchoko]KelleCiX killed _OTbaD_
19:00 [All] [Kirop]KelleCiX killed _OTbaD_
19:00 [All] [Todor]KelleCiX killed _OTbaD_
19:00 [All] [sh3ma]KelleCiX killed _OTbaD_
19:00 [All] [singularity]KelleCiX killed _OTbaD_
19:00 [All] [OpenYourEyes]KelleCiX killed _OTbaD_
19:00 [All] [_OTbaD_]KelleCiX killed _OTbaD_
19:24 I0I_eQ [Allies] furi going orchid
19:34 [All] [I0I_eQ]The Sentinel destroyed the mid level 1 Scourge tower
19:34 [All] [Viperchoko]The Sentinel destroyed the mid level 1 Scourge tower
19:34 [All] [Todor]The Sentinel destroyed the mid level 1 Scourge tower
19:34 [All] [Kirop]The Sentinel destroyed the mid level 1 Scourge tower
19:34 [All] [sh3ma]The Sentinel destroyed the mid level 1 Scourge tower
19:34 [All] [singularity]The Sentinel destroyed the mid level 1 Scourge tower
19:34 [All] [_OTbaD_]The Sentinel destroyed the mid level 1 Scourge tower
19:34 [All] [souvlaki]The Sentinel destroyed the mid level 1 Scourge tower
19:34 [All] [OpenYourEyes]The Sentinel destroyed the mid level 1 Scourge tower
19:34 [All] [KelleCiX]The Sentinel destroyed the mid level 1 Scourge tower
19:37 [All] [KelleCiX]Kirop killed OpenYourEyes
19:37 [All] [I0I_eQ]Kirop killed OpenYourEyes
19:37 [All] [Todor]Kirop killed OpenYourEyes
19:37 [All] [Viperchoko]Kirop killed OpenYourEyes
19:37 [All] [souvlaki]Kirop killed OpenYourEyes
19:37 [All] [Kirop]Kirop killed OpenYourEyes
19:37 [All] [sh3ma]Kirop killed OpenYourEyes
19:37 [All] [singularity]Kirop killed OpenYourEyes
19:37 [All] [_OTbaD_]Kirop killed OpenYourEyes
19:37 [All] [OpenYourEyes]Kirop killed OpenYourEyes
19:49 Kirop [Allies] u should go ogre
19:54 Kirop [Allies] firi was ez target
20:06 [All] [Todor]_OTbaD_ killed Todor
20:06 [All] [I0I_eQ]_OTbaD_ killed Todor
20:06 [All] [Viperchoko]_OTbaD_ killed Todor
20:06 [All] [souvlaki]_OTbaD_ killed Todor
20:06 [All] [sh3ma]_OTbaD_ killed Todor
20:06 [All] [KelleCiX]_OTbaD_ killed Todor
20:06 [All] [Kirop]_OTbaD_ killed Todor
20:06 [All] [OpenYourEyes]_OTbaD_ killed Todor
20:06 [All] [singularity]_OTbaD_ killed Todor
20:06 [All] [_OTbaD_]_OTbaD_ killed Todor
21:02 [All] [Todor]I0I_eQ killed OpenYourEyes
21:02 [All] [I0I_eQ]I0I_eQ killed OpenYourEyes
21:02 [All] [KelleCiX]I0I_eQ killed OpenYourEyes
21:02 [All] [Viperchoko]I0I_eQ killed OpenYourEyes
21:02 [All] [souvlaki]I0I_eQ killed OpenYourEyes
21:02 [All] [sh3ma]I0I_eQ killed OpenYourEyes
21:02 [All] [Kirop]I0I_eQ killed OpenYourEyes
21:02 [All] [singularity]I0I_eQ killed OpenYourEyes
21:02 [All] [_OTbaD_]I0I_eQ killed OpenYourEyes
21:02 [All] [OpenYourEyes]I0I_eQ killed OpenYourEyes
21:07 _OTbaD_ [Allies] !sd open
21:33 I0I_eQ [Allies] need 70mana
22:07 [All] [KelleCiX]Todor killed I0I_eQ
22:07 [All] [Viperchoko]Todor killed I0I_eQ
22:07 [All] [I0I_eQ]Todor killed I0I_eQ
22:07 [All] [souvlaki]Todor killed I0I_eQ
22:07 [All] [Todor]Todor killed I0I_eQ
22:07 [All] [Kirop]Todor killed I0I_eQ
22:07 [All] [sh3ma]Todor killed I0I_eQ
22:07 [All] [singularity]Todor killed I0I_eQ
22:07 [All] [_OTbaD_]Todor killed I0I_eQ
22:07 [All] [OpenYourEyes]Todor killed I0I_eQ
22:09 [All] [KelleCiX]_OTbaD_ killed OpenYourEyes
22:09 [All] [I0I_eQ]_OTbaD_ killed OpenYourEyes
22:09 [All] [Todor]_OTbaD_ killed OpenYourEyes
22:09 [All] [Viperchoko]_OTbaD_ killed OpenYourEyes
22:09 [All] [souvlaki]_OTbaD_ killed OpenYourEyes
22:09 [All] [Kirop]_OTbaD_ killed OpenYourEyes
22:09 [All] [sh3ma]_OTbaD_ killed OpenYourEyes
22:09 [All] [singularity]_OTbaD_ killed OpenYourEyes
22:09 [All] [_OTbaD_]_OTbaD_ killed OpenYourEyes
22:09 [All] [OpenYourEyes]_OTbaD_ killed OpenYourEyes
22:10 [All] [souvlaki]Viperchoko killed sh3ma
22:10 [All] [KelleCiX]Viperchoko killed sh3ma
22:10 [All] [I0I_eQ]Viperchoko killed sh3ma
22:10 [All] [Viperchoko]Viperchoko killed sh3ma
22:10 [All] [Kirop]Viperchoko killed sh3ma
22:10 [All] [Todor]Viperchoko killed sh3ma
22:10 [All] [sh3ma]Viperchoko killed sh3ma
22:10 [All] [singularity]Viperchoko killed sh3ma
22:10 [All] [_OTbaD_]Viperchoko killed sh3ma
22:10 [All] [OpenYourEyes]Viperchoko killed sh3ma
22:18 I0I_eQ [Allies] >> Todor (Necrolyte) has a > Linken's Sphere
22:18 I0I_eQ [Allies] >> Todor (Necrolyte) has a > Linken's Sphere
22:21 [All] [KelleCiX]Todor killed singularity
22:21 [All] [Viperchoko]Todor killed singularity
22:21 [All] [I0I_eQ]Todor killed singularity
22:21 [All] [Kirop]Todor killed singularity
22:21 [All] [Todor]Todor killed singularity
22:21 [All] [sh3ma]Todor killed singularity
22:21 [All] [souvlaki]Todor killed singularity
22:21 [All] [singularity]Todor killed singularity
22:21 [All] [OpenYourEyes]Todor killed singularity
22:21 [All] [_OTbaD_]Todor killed singularity
22:22 Kirop [Allies] lul
22:33 sh3ma [Allies] kasnis so ultivo baltazar
22:48 singularity [Allies] !ff
22:50 singularity [Allies] ma neigra
22:52 singularity [Allies] roam ojv
22:53 KelleCiX [Allies] >> Viperchoko (Ogre Magi) has a > [E] Bloodlust [3]
22:53 Todor [Allies] >> Viperchoko (Ogre Magi) has a > Bloodlust [3]
22:55 singularity [Allies] ovie tomb zemaat
22:58 singularity [Allies] NEKA PUSAT KURAC
23:00 singularity [Allies] SAMI NEKA TEPAAT
23:18 I0I_eQ [Allies] >> singularity (Mirana) has a > Tome of Knowledge
23:24 sh3ma [Allies] xD
23:28 singularity [Allies] -unmute all
24:23 I0I_eQ [Allies] >> Todor (Necrolyte) has a > Observer Ward
24:28 I0I_eQ [Allies] >> souvlaki (Leoric) has a > Armlet of Mordiggian
24:30 Viperchoko [Allies] ;d
24:31 [All] [I0I_eQ]OpenYourEyes killed singularity
24:31 [All] [Viperchoko]OpenYourEyes killed singularity
24:31 [All] [KelleCiX]OpenYourEyes killed singularity
24:31 [All] [Kirop]OpenYourEyes killed singularity
24:31 [All] [souvlaki]OpenYourEyes killed singularity
24:31 [All] [Todor]OpenYourEyes killed singularity
24:31 [All] [singularity]OpenYourEyes killed singularity
24:31 [All] [sh3ma]OpenYourEyes killed singularity
24:31 [All] [_OTbaD_]OpenYourEyes killed singularity
24:32 [All] [OpenYourEyes]OpenYourEyes killed singularity
24:51 [All] [KelleCiX]sh3ma killed souvlaki
24:51 [All] [I0I_eQ]sh3ma killed souvlaki
24:51 [All] [Viperchoko]sh3ma killed souvlaki
24:51 [All] [souvlaki]sh3ma killed souvlaki
24:51 [All] [Todor]sh3ma killed souvlaki
24:51 [All] [sh3ma]sh3ma killed souvlaki
24:51 [All] [Kirop]sh3ma killed souvlaki
24:51 [All] [singularity]sh3ma killed souvlaki
24:51 [All] [_OTbaD_]sh3ma killed souvlaki
24:51 [All] [OpenYourEyes]sh3ma killed souvlaki
25:07 [All] [KelleCiX]Kirop killed OpenYourEyes
25:07 [All] [Viperchoko]Kirop killed OpenYourEyes
25:07 [All] [I0I_eQ]Kirop killed OpenYourEyes
25:07 [All] [souvlaki]Kirop killed OpenYourEyes
25:07 [All] [sh3ma]Kirop killed OpenYourEyes
25:07 [All] [Todor]Kirop killed OpenYourEyes
25:07 [All] [singularity]Kirop killed OpenYourEyes
25:07 [All] [Kirop]Kirop killed OpenYourEyes
25:07 [All] [OpenYourEyes]Kirop killed OpenYourEyes
25:07 [All] [_OTbaD_]Kirop killed OpenYourEyes
25:08 singularity [Allies] jane ne desolator
25:10 singularity [Allies] praj aanta
25:11 singularity [Allies] manta
25:25 I0I_eQ [Allies] b
25:55 Kirop [Allies] !Sd tod
26:17 KelleCiX [Allies] >> Viperchoko (Ogre Magi) has a > [E] Bloodlust [3]
26:27 I0I_eQ [Allies] some wards boys?
26:36 OpenYourEyes [Allies] b
26:39 OpenYourEyes [Allies] mira ulty
27:18 [All] [KelleCiX]Viperchoko killed sh3ma
27:18 [All] [Todor]Viperchoko killed sh3ma
27:18 [All] [Viperchoko]Viperchoko killed sh3ma
27:18 [All] [I0I_eQ]Viperchoko killed sh3ma
27:18 [All] [Kirop]Viperchoko killed sh3ma
27:18 [All] [souvlaki]Viperchoko killed sh3ma
27:18 [All] [sh3ma]Viperchoko killed sh3ma
27:18 [All] [singularity]Viperchoko killed sh3ma
27:18 [All] [OpenYourEyes]Viperchoko killed sh3ma
27:18 [All] [_OTbaD_]Viperchoko killed sh3ma
27:21 _OTbaD_ [Allies] !sd tod
27:21 [All] [KelleCiX]singularity killed KelleCiX
27:21 [All] [Viperchoko]singularity killed KelleCiX
27:21 [All] [I0I_eQ]singularity killed KelleCiX
27:21 [All] [Todor]singularity killed KelleCiX
27:21 [All] [souvlaki]singularity killed KelleCiX
27:21 [All] [Kirop]singularity killed KelleCiX
27:21 [All] [sh3ma]singularity killed KelleCiX
27:21 [All] [singularity]singularity killed KelleCiX
27:21 [All] [_OTbaD_]singularity killed KelleCiX
27:21 [All] [OpenYourEyes]singularity killed KelleCiX
27:22 _OTbaD_ [Allies] necro
27:23 [All] [KelleCiX]singularity killed Viperchoko
27:23 [All] [Todor]singularity killed Viperchoko
27:23 [All] [I0I_eQ]singularity killed Viperchoko
27:23 [All] [Viperchoko]singularity killed Viperchoko
27:23 [All] [Kirop]singularity killed Viperchoko
27:23 [All] [souvlaki]singularity killed Viperchoko
27:23 [All] [sh3ma]singularity killed Viperchoko
27:23 [All] [_OTbaD_]singularity killed Viperchoko
27:23 [All] [OpenYourEyes]singularity killed Viperchoko
27:23 [All] [singularity]singularity killed Viperchoko
27:23 _OTbaD_ [Allies] mega feed
27:24 OpenYourEyes [Allies] xD
27:34 [All] [Viperchoko]singularity killed souvlaki's courier
27:34 [All] [Todor]singularity killed souvlaki's courier
27:34 [All] [KelleCiX]singularity killed souvlaki's courier
27:34 [All] [I0I_eQ]singularity killed souvlaki's courier
27:34 [All] [sh3ma]singularity killed souvlaki's courier
27:34 [All] [souvlaki]singularity killed souvlaki's courier
27:34 [All] [_OTbaD_]singularity killed souvlaki's courier
27:34 [All] [Kirop]singularity killed souvlaki's courier
27:34 [All] [singularity]singularity killed souvlaki's courier
27:34 [All] [OpenYourEyes]singularity killed souvlaki's courier
27:40 [All] [Viperchoko]OpenYourEyes killed singularity
27:40 [All] [KelleCiX]OpenYourEyes killed singularity
27:40 [All] [I0I_eQ]OpenYourEyes killed singularity
27:40 [All] [Todor]OpenYourEyes killed singularity
27:40 [All] [sh3ma]OpenYourEyes killed singularity
27:40 [All] [Kirop]OpenYourEyes killed singularity
27:40 [All] [_OTbaD_]OpenYourEyes killed singularity
27:40 [All] [souvlaki]OpenYourEyes killed singularity
27:40 [All] [singularity]OpenYourEyes killed singularity
27:40 [All] [OpenYourEyes]OpenYourEyes killed singularity
27:40 Viperchoko [Allies] wtf here
27:41 Viperchoko [Allies] ?
27:45 [All] [Viperchoko]Kirop killed OpenYourEyes
27:45 [All] [KelleCiX]Kirop killed OpenYourEyes
27:45 [All] [souvlaki]Kirop killed OpenYourEyes
27:45 [All] [Todor]Kirop killed OpenYourEyes
27:45 [All] [sh3ma]Kirop killed OpenYourEyes
27:45 [All] [Kirop]Kirop killed OpenYourEyes
27:45 [All] [I0I_eQ]Kirop killed OpenYourEyes
27:45 [All] [_OTbaD_]Kirop killed OpenYourEyes
27:45 [All] [singularity]Kirop killed OpenYourEyes
27:45 [All] [OpenYourEyes]Kirop killed OpenYourEyes
27:46 [All] [KelleCiX]Kirop killed souvlaki
27:46 [All] [Viperchoko]Kirop killed souvlaki
27:46 [All] [Todor]Kirop killed souvlaki
27:46 [All] [Kirop]Kirop killed souvlaki
27:46 [All] [sh3ma]Kirop killed souvlaki
27:46 [All] [I0I_eQ]Kirop killed souvlaki
27:46 [All] [_OTbaD_]Kirop killed souvlaki
27:46 [All] [OpenYourEyes]Kirop killed souvlaki
27:46 [All] [singularity]Kirop killed souvlaki
27:46 [All] [souvlaki]Kirop killed souvlaki
27:46 [All] [I0I_eQ]OpenYourEyes killed I0I_eQ
27:46 [All] [Viperchoko]OpenYourEyes killed I0I_eQ
27:46 [All] [KelleCiX]OpenYourEyes killed I0I_eQ
27:46 [All] [Todor]OpenYourEyes killed I0I_eQ
27:46 [All] [sh3ma]OpenYourEyes killed I0I_eQ
27:46 [All] [Kirop]OpenYourEyes killed I0I_eQ
27:46 [All] [OpenYourEyes]OpenYourEyes killed I0I_eQ
27:46 [All] [_OTbaD_]OpenYourEyes killed I0I_eQ
27:46 [All] [singularity]OpenYourEyes killed I0I_eQ
27:46 [All] [souvlaki]OpenYourEyes killed I0I_eQ
27:48 [All] [I0I_eQ]Todor killed Kirop
27:48 [All] [Viperchoko]Todor killed Kirop
27:48 [All] [KelleCiX]Todor killed Kirop
27:48 [All] [Todor]Todor killed Kirop
27:48 [All] [souvlaki]Todor killed Kirop
27:48 [All] [sh3ma]Todor killed Kirop
27:48 [All] [Kirop]Todor killed Kirop
27:49 [All] [OpenYourEyes]Todor killed Kirop
27:49 [All] [singularity]Todor killed Kirop
27:49 [All] [_OTbaD_]Todor killed Kirop
27:55 singularity [Allies] legion disengaged too early
27:56 singularity [Allies] ffs
28:00 Kirop [Allies] yes
28:02 Kirop [Allies] i was low hp
29:02 _OTbaD_ [Allies] >> Todor (Necrolyte) has a > Linken's Sphere
29:03 _OTbaD_ [Allies] >> Todor (Necrolyte) has a > Radiance
29:03 _OTbaD_ [Allies] >> Todor (Necrolyte) has a > Boots of Travel
29:24 [All] [KelleCiX]_OTbaD_ denied the top level 2 Scourge tower
29:24 [All] [I0I_eQ]_OTbaD_ denied the top level 2 Scourge tower
29:24 [All] [Viperchoko]_OTbaD_ denied the top level 2 Scourge tower
29:24 [All] [Todor]_OTbaD_ denied the top level 2 Scourge tower
29:24 [All] [souvlaki]_OTbaD_ denied the top level 2 Scourge tower
29:24 [All] [Kirop]_OTbaD_ denied the top level 2 Scourge tower
29:24 [All] [_OTbaD_]_OTbaD_ denied the top level 2 Scourge tower
29:24 [All] [OpenYourEyes]_OTbaD_ denied the top level 2 Scourge tower
29:24 [All] [singularity]_OTbaD_ denied the top level 2 Scourge tower
29:24 [All] [sh3ma]_OTbaD_ denied the top level 2 Scourge tower
29:54 [All] [KelleCiX]Viperchoko killed I0I_eQ
29:54 [All] [I0I_eQ]Viperchoko killed I0I_eQ
29:54 [All] [Viperchoko]Viperchoko killed I0I_eQ
29:54 [All] [Todor]Viperchoko killed I0I_eQ
29:54 [All] [souvlaki]Viperchoko killed I0I_eQ
29:54 [All] [sh3ma]Viperchoko killed I0I_eQ
29:54 [All] [Kirop]Viperchoko killed I0I_eQ
29:54 [All] [_OTbaD_]Viperchoko killed I0I_eQ
29:54 [All] [OpenYourEyes]Viperchoko killed I0I_eQ
29:55 [All] [singularity]Viperchoko killed I0I_eQ
29:55 [All] [I0I_eQ]Kirop killed Todor
29:55 [All] [KelleCiX]Kirop killed Todor
29:55 [All] [Viperchoko]Kirop killed Todor
29:55 [All] [Todor]Kirop killed Todor
29:55 [All] [souvlaki]Kirop killed Todor
29:55 [All] [Kirop]Kirop killed Todor
29:55 [All] [sh3ma]Kirop killed Todor
29:55 [All] [OpenYourEyes]Kirop killed Todor
29:55 [All] [_OTbaD_]Kirop killed Todor
29:55 [All] [singularity]Kirop killed Todor
30:02 I0I_eQ [Allies] warded
30:09 [All] [Viperchoko]sh3ma killed KelleCiX
30:09 [All] [KelleCiX]sh3ma killed KelleCiX
30:09 [All] [I0I_eQ]sh3ma killed KelleCiX
30:09 [All] [Todor]sh3ma killed KelleCiX
30:09 [All] [souvlaki]sh3ma killed KelleCiX
30:09 [All] [Kirop]sh3ma killed KelleCiX
30:09 [All] [sh3ma]sh3ma killed KelleCiX
30:09 [All] [_OTbaD_]sh3ma killed KelleCiX
30:09 [All] [OpenYourEyes]sh3ma killed KelleCiX
30:09 [All] [singularity]sh3ma killed KelleCiX
30:10 Todor [Allies] xaxa
30:15 Viperchoko [Allies] b
30:15 Viperchoko [Allies] b
30:32 [All] [I0I_eQ]_OTbaD_ killed OpenYourEyes
30:32 [All] [Viperchoko]_OTbaD_ killed OpenYourEyes
30:32 [All] [KelleCiX]_OTbaD_ killed OpenYourEyes
30:32 [All] [Todor]_OTbaD_ killed OpenYourEyes
30:32 [All] [souvlaki]_OTbaD_ killed OpenYourEyes
30:32 [All] [Kirop]_OTbaD_ killed OpenYourEyes
30:32 [All] [sh3ma]_OTbaD_ killed OpenYourEyes
30:32 [All] [_OTbaD_]_OTbaD_ killed OpenYourEyes
30:32 [All] [singularity]_OTbaD_ killed OpenYourEyes
30:32 [All] [OpenYourEyes]_OTbaD_ killed OpenYourEyes
30:36 Viperchoko [Allies] ?
30:55 Kirop [Allies] -st
31:01 I0I_eQ [Allies] -stall
31:04 I0I_eQ [Allies] -sta
31:25 OpenYourEyes [Allies] >> I0I_eQ (Tiny) has a > Sentry Wards
31:26 OpenYourEyes [Allies] >> I0I_eQ (Tiny) has a > Sentry Wards
31:26 OpenYourEyes [Allies] >> I0I_eQ (Tiny) has a > Sentry Wards
31:44 Kirop [Allies] >> Todor (Necrolyte) has a > Linken's Sphere
31:54 [All] [KelleCiX]Kirop killed Todor
31:54 [All] [Viperchoko]Kirop killed Todor
31:54 [All] [I0I_eQ]Kirop killed Todor
31:54 [All] [souvlaki]Kirop killed Todor
31:54 [All] [Kirop]Kirop killed Todor
31:54 [All] [Todor]Kirop killed Todor
31:54 [All] [sh3ma]Kirop killed Todor
31:54 [All] [_OTbaD_]Kirop killed Todor
31:54 [All] [OpenYourEyes]Kirop killed Todor
31:54 [All] [singularity]Kirop killed Todor
31:57 I0I_eQ [Allies] >> Observer Wards > is ready
31:57 I0I_eQ [Allies] >> Observer Wards > is ready
32:09 _OTbaD_ [Allies] ward
32:12 sh3ma [Allies] >> Kirop (Legion Commander) has a > Press The Attack [4]
32:26 [All] [KelleCiX]sh3ma destroyed the bottom level 1 Sentinel tower
32:26 [All] [I0I_eQ]sh3ma destroyed the bottom level 1 Sentinel tower
32:26 [All] [Viperchoko]sh3ma destroyed the bottom level 1 Sentinel tower
32:26 [All] [Todor]sh3ma destroyed the bottom level 1 Sentinel tower
32:26 [All] [sh3ma]sh3ma destroyed the bottom level 1 Sentinel tower
32:27 [All] [souvlaki]sh3ma destroyed the bottom level 1 Sentinel tower
32:27 [All] [singularity]sh3ma destroyed the bottom level 1 Sentinel tower
32:27 [All] [Kirop]sh3ma destroyed the bottom level 1 Sentinel tower
32:27 [All] [OpenYourEyes]sh3ma destroyed the bottom level 1 Sentinel tower
32:27 [All] [_OTbaD_]sh3ma destroyed the bottom level 1 Sentinel tower
32:56 _OTbaD_ [Allies] warded
33:02 I0I_eQ [Allies] pugna
33:07 I0I_eQ [Allies] u know u can deward/ward too?
33:19 Viperchoko [Allies] b
33:22 [All] [KelleCiX]Kirop killed souvlaki
33:22 [All] [I0I_eQ]Kirop killed souvlaki
33:22 [All] [Viperchoko]Kirop killed souvlaki
33:22 [All] [Todor]Kirop killed souvlaki
33:22 [All] [souvlaki]Kirop killed souvlaki
33:22 [All] [sh3ma]Kirop killed souvlaki
33:22 [All] [Kirop]Kirop killed souvlaki
33:22 [All] [_OTbaD_]Kirop killed souvlaki
33:22 [All] [OpenYourEyes]Kirop killed souvlaki
33:22 [All] [singularity]Kirop killed souvlaki
33:35 Kirop [Allies] !SD sou
34:16 souvlaki [Allies] >> Todor (Necrolyte) has a > Magic Wand
34:17 souvlaki [Allies] >> Todor (Necrolyte) has a > Magic Wand
34:17 souvlaki [Allies] >> Todor (Necrolyte) has a > Magic Wand
34:25 [All] [Viperchoko]KelleCiX killed I0I_eQ
34:25 [All] [KelleCiX]KelleCiX killed I0I_eQ
34:25 [All] [souvlaki]KelleCiX killed I0I_eQ
34:25 [All] [I0I_eQ]KelleCiX killed I0I_eQ
34:25 [All] [Kirop]KelleCiX killed I0I_eQ
34:25 [All] [Todor]KelleCiX killed I0I_eQ
34:25 [All] [singularity]KelleCiX killed I0I_eQ
34:25 [All] [sh3ma]KelleCiX killed I0I_eQ
34:25 [All] [OpenYourEyes]KelleCiX killed I0I_eQ
34:25 [All] [_OTbaD_]KelleCiX killed I0I_eQ
34:27 [All] [Viperchoko]singularity killed Todor
34:27 [All] [KelleCiX]singularity killed Todor
34:27 [All] [Todor]singularity killed Todor
34:27 [All] [I0I_eQ]singularity killed Todor
34:27 [All] [souvlaki]singularity killed Todor
34:27 [All] [singularity]singularity killed Todor
34:27 [All] [Kirop]singularity killed Todor
34:27 [All] [sh3ma]singularity killed Todor
34:27 [All] [_OTbaD_]singularity killed Todor
34:27 [All] [OpenYourEyes]singularity killed Todor
34:30 [All] [KelleCiX]sh3ma killed KelleCiX
34:30 [All] [I0I_eQ]sh3ma killed KelleCiX
34:30 [All] [Viperchoko]sh3ma killed KelleCiX
34:30 [All] [sh3ma]sh3ma killed KelleCiX
34:30 [All] [Todor]sh3ma killed KelleCiX
34:30 [All] [souvlaki]sh3ma killed KelleCiX
34:30 [All] [Kirop]sh3ma killed KelleCiX
34:30 [All] [singularity]sh3ma killed KelleCiX
34:30 [All] [_OTbaD_]sh3ma killed KelleCiX
34:30 [All] [OpenYourEyes]sh3ma killed KelleCiX
34:30 [All] [Todor]singularity killed OpenYourEyes
34:30 [All] [KelleCiX]singularity killed OpenYourEyes
34:30 [All] [I0I_eQ]singularity killed OpenYourEyes
34:30 [All] [Viperchoko]singularity killed OpenYourEyes
34:30 [All] [sh3ma]singularity killed OpenYourEyes
34:30 [All] [singularity]singularity killed OpenYourEyes
34:30 [All] [souvlaki]singularity killed OpenYourEyes
34:30 [All] [Kirop]singularity killed OpenYourEyes
34:30 [All] [OpenYourEyes]singularity killed OpenYourEyes
34:30 [All] [_OTbaD_]singularity killed OpenYourEyes
34:31 [All] [KelleCiX]_OTbaD_ killed Viperchoko
34:31 [All] [Viperchoko]_OTbaD_ killed Viperchoko
34:31 [All] [Todor]_OTbaD_ killed Viperchoko
34:31 [All] [I0I_eQ]_OTbaD_ killed Viperchoko
34:31 [All] [souvlaki]_OTbaD_ killed Viperchoko
34:31 [All] [singularity]_OTbaD_ killed Viperchoko
34:31 [All] [Kirop]_OTbaD_ killed Viperchoko
34:31 [All] [sh3ma]_OTbaD_ killed Viperchoko
34:31 [All] [OpenYourEyes]_OTbaD_ killed Viperchoko
34:31 [All] [_OTbaD_]_OTbaD_ killed Viperchoko
34:32 [All] [I0I_eQ]_OTbaD_ killed KelleCiX's courier
34:32 [All] [Viperchoko]_OTbaD_ killed KelleCiX's courier
34:32 [All] [KelleCiX]_OTbaD_ killed KelleCiX's courier
34:32 [All] [Todor]_OTbaD_ killed KelleCiX's courier
34:32 [All] [Kirop]_OTbaD_ killed KelleCiX's courier
34:32 [All] [souvlaki]_OTbaD_ killed KelleCiX's courier
34:32 [All] [sh3ma]_OTbaD_ killed KelleCiX's courier
34:32 [All] [_OTbaD_]_OTbaD_ killed KelleCiX's courier
34:32 [All] [OpenYourEyes]_OTbaD_ killed KelleCiX's courier
34:32 [All] [singularity]_OTbaD_ killed KelleCiX's courier
34:37 OpenYourEyes [Allies] crix u are so retarted
34:42 _OTbaD_ [Allies] MID
34:42 _OTbaD_ [Allies] go
34:44 KelleCiX [Allies] why
34:45 KelleCiX [Allies] ?
34:46 Viperchoko [Allies] leoric
34:47 Viperchoko [Allies] zero
34:50 Todor [Allies] all are zer0s
34:59 OpenYourEyes [Allies] til u to go top
35:03 OpenYourEyes [Allies] dont lwt leo solo
35:08 [All] [KelleCiX]Kirop destroyed the mid level 2 Sentinel tower
35:08 [All] [I0I_eQ]Kirop destroyed the mid level 2 Sentinel tower
35:08 [All] [Viperchoko]Kirop destroyed the mid level 2 Sentinel tower
35:08 [All] [Kirop]Kirop destroyed the mid level 2 Sentinel tower
35:08 [All] [Todor]Kirop destroyed the mid level 2 Sentinel tower
35:08 [All] [sh3ma]Kirop destroyed the mid level 2 Sentinel tower
35:08 [All] [souvlaki]Kirop destroyed the mid level 2 Sentinel tower
35:08 [All] [_OTbaD_]Kirop destroyed the mid level 2 Sentinel tower
35:08 [All] [singularity]Kirop destroyed the mid level 2 Sentinel tower
35:12 _OTbaD_ [Allies] !R
35:12 I0I_eQ [Allies] !p
35:12 KelleCiX [Allies] leo just need bö
35:12 KelleCiX [Allies] bm
35:12 [All] OpenYourEyes has lost the connection (connection error - ECONNRESET) but is using GProxy++ and may reconnect.
35:12 OpenYourEyes [All] Please wait for me to reconnect (345 seconds remain).
35:12 I0I_eQ [All] looks like he gave up
35:12 Kirop [Allies] !SD eq
35:12 OpenYourEyes [All] Please wait for me to reconnect (325 seconds remain).
35:12 _OTbaD_ [Allies] rax
35:12 _OTbaD_ [Allies] and
35:12 _OTbaD_ [Allies] go up
35:12 _OTbaD_ [Allies] tw
35:12 sh3ma [Allies] sure boss
35:12 sh3ma [Allies] :D
35:12 Viperchoko [Allies] !sd sou
35:12 [All] [souvlaki] PSR: 1615 games: 1191 W/L: 85/89
35:12 [All] H. K/D/A 5.70/6.41/11.17 C. K/D/N 162.44/3.29/51.36
35:12 OpenYourEyes [All] Please wait for me to reconnect (305 seconds remain).
35:12 Kirop [Allies] !SD eye
35:12 OpenYourEyes [All] Please wait for me to reconnect (285 seconds remain).
35:12 Kirop [Allies] !sd kell
35:12 KelleCiX [Allies] !r
35:12 OpenYourEyes [All] Please wait for me to reconnect (265 seconds remain).
35:12 OpenYourEyes [All] Please wait for me to reconnect (245 seconds remain).
35:12 [All] Player [sh3ma] voted to drop laggers.
35:12 [All] Player [singularity] voted to drop laggers.
35:12 [All] Player [Viperchoko] voted to drop laggers.
35:12 [All] Player [Kirop] voted to drop laggers.
35:12 [All] Player [souvlaki] voted to drop laggers.
35:12 [All] OpenYourEyes lagged out (dropped by vote), OpenYourEyes was autobanned.
35:12 [All] Autoban is ON, if you leave you will get autobanned.
35:26 [All] [KelleCiX]sh3ma destroyed the mid level 3 Sentinel tower
35:26 [All] [Viperchoko]sh3ma destroyed the mid level 3 Sentinel tower
35:26 [All] [I0I_eQ]sh3ma destroyed the mid level 3 Sentinel tower
35:26 [All] [Kirop]sh3ma destroyed the mid level 3 Sentinel tower
35:26 [All] [Todor]sh3ma destroyed the mid level 3 Sentinel tower
35:26 [All] [souvlaki]sh3ma destroyed the mid level 3 Sentinel tower
35:26 [All] [sh3ma]sh3ma destroyed the mid level 3 Sentinel tower
35:26 [All] [_OTbaD_]sh3ma destroyed the mid level 3 Sentinel tower
35:26 [All] [singularity]sh3ma destroyed the mid level 3 Sentinel tower
35:30 [All] [Viperchoko]Kirop destroyed the mid Sentinel melee rax
35:30 [All] [KelleCiX]Kirop destroyed the mid Sentinel melee rax
35:30 [All] [I0I_eQ]Kirop destroyed the mid Sentinel melee rax
35:30 [All] [Todor]Kirop destroyed the mid Sentinel melee rax
35:30 [All] [souvlaki]Kirop destroyed the mid Sentinel melee rax
35:30 [All] [Kirop]Kirop destroyed the mid Sentinel melee rax
35:30 [All] [sh3ma]Kirop destroyed the mid Sentinel melee rax
35:30 [All] [_OTbaD_]Kirop destroyed the mid Sentinel melee rax
35:30 [All] [singularity]Kirop destroyed the mid Sentinel melee rax
35:35 [All] [Viperchoko]The Scourge destroyed the mid Sentinel ranged rax
35:35 [All] [KelleCiX]The Scourge destroyed the mid Sentinel ranged rax
35:35 [All] [I0I_eQ]The Scourge destroyed the mid Sentinel ranged rax
35:35 [All] [Todor]The Scourge destroyed the mid Sentinel ranged rax
35:35 [All] [Kirop]The Scourge destroyed the mid Sentinel ranged rax
35:35 [All] [souvlaki]The Scourge destroyed the mid Sentinel ranged rax
35:35 [All] [singularity]The Scourge destroyed the mid Sentinel ranged rax
35:35 [All] [sh3ma]The Scourge destroyed the mid Sentinel ranged rax
35:35 [All] [_OTbaD_]The Scourge destroyed the mid Sentinel ranged rax
35:51 I0I_eQ [Allies] >> I want to buy > Boots of Travel - 2000
36:00 singularity [Allies] >> sh3ma (Nessaj) has a > Phantasm [3]
36:01 singularity [Allies] b
36:03 singularity [Allies] bez ulty
36:03 singularity [Allies] ne
36:15 I0I_eQ [Allies] !f
36:47 _OTbaD_ [Allies] >> KelleCiX (Crixalis) has a > Bloodthorn
36:47 _OTbaD_ [Allies] >> KelleCiX (Crixalis) has a > Bloodthorn
36:57 I0I_eQ [Allies] >> Viperchoko (Ogre Magi) has a > Dust of Appearance
36:59 I0I_eQ [Allies] >> Todor (Necrolyte) has a > Observer Ward
37:03 [All] [I0I_eQ]Kirop killed KelleCiX
37:03 [All] [Viperchoko]Kirop killed KelleCiX
37:03 [All] [KelleCiX]Kirop killed KelleCiX
37:03 [All] [souvlaki]Kirop killed KelleCiX
37:03 [All] [Kirop]Kirop killed KelleCiX
37:03 [All] [sh3ma]Kirop killed KelleCiX
37:03 [All] [Todor]Kirop killed KelleCiX
37:03 [All] [singularity]Kirop killed KelleCiX
37:03 [All] [_OTbaD_]Kirop killed KelleCiX
37:31 Viperchoko [Allies] dead
37:51 [All] [Viperchoko]_OTbaD_ killed Todor
37:51 [All] [KelleCiX]_OTbaD_ killed Todor
37:51 [All] [I0I_eQ]_OTbaD_ killed Todor
37:51 [All] [Todor]_OTbaD_ killed Todor
37:51 [All] [souvlaki]_OTbaD_ killed Todor
37:51 [All] [Kirop]_OTbaD_ killed Todor
37:51 [All] [sh3ma]_OTbaD_ killed Todor
37:51 [All] [_OTbaD_]_OTbaD_ killed Todor
37:51 [All] [singularity]_OTbaD_ killed Todor
37:55 [All] [I0I_eQ]souvlaki killed Kirop
37:55 [All] [Viperchoko]souvlaki killed Kirop
37:55 [All] [KelleCiX]souvlaki killed Kirop
37:56 [All] [sh3ma]souvlaki killed Kirop
37:56 [All] [Kirop]souvlaki killed Kirop
37:56 [All] [souvlaki]souvlaki killed Kirop
37:56 [All] [_OTbaD_]souvlaki killed Kirop
37:56 [All] [singularity]souvlaki killed Kirop
37:56 [All] [Todor]souvlaki killed Kirop
38:27 I0I_eQ [Allies] -ms
39:07 [All] [Todor]singularity killed KelleCiX
39:07 [All] [I0I_eQ]singularity killed KelleCiX
39:07 [All] [KelleCiX]singularity killed KelleCiX
39:07 [All] [Kirop]singularity killed KelleCiX
39:07 [All] [Viperchoko]singularity killed KelleCiX
39:07 [All] [souvlaki]singularity killed KelleCiX
39:07 [All] [sh3ma]singularity killed KelleCiX
39:07 [All] [_OTbaD_]singularity killed KelleCiX
39:08 [All] [singularity]singularity killed KelleCiX
39:21 Kirop [Allies] !Sd
39:23 Viperchoko [Allies] just die
39:25 Kirop [Allies] !r
39:25 _OTbaD_ [Allies] g
39:27 Kirop [Allies] !Rs
39:37 [All] [I0I_eQ]I0I_eQ destroyed the bottom level 2 Sentinel tower
39:37 [All] [KelleCiX]I0I_eQ destroyed the bottom level 2 Sentinel tower
39:37 [All] [Todor]I0I_eQ destroyed the bottom level 2 Sentinel tower
39:37 [All] [Viperchoko]I0I_eQ destroyed the bottom level 2 Sentinel tower
39:37 [All] [souvlaki]I0I_eQ destroyed the bottom level 2 Sentinel tower
39:37 [All] [sh3ma]I0I_eQ destroyed the bottom level 2 Sentinel tower
39:37 [All] [singularity]I0I_eQ destroyed the bottom level 2 Sentinel tower
39:37 [All] [Kirop]I0I_eQ destroyed the bottom level 2 Sentinel tower
39:37 [All] [_OTbaD_]I0I_eQ destroyed the bottom level 2 Sentinel tower
40:00 [All] [KelleCiX]Todor killed I0I_eQ
40:00 [All] [Todor]Todor killed I0I_eQ
40:00 [All] [I0I_eQ]Todor killed I0I_eQ
40:00 [All] [Viperchoko]Todor killed I0I_eQ
40:00 [All] [Kirop]Todor killed I0I_eQ
40:00 [All] [sh3ma]Todor killed I0I_eQ
40:00 [All] [souvlaki]Todor killed I0I_eQ
40:01 [All] [_OTbaD_]Todor killed I0I_eQ
40:01 [All] [singularity]Todor killed I0I_eQ
40:02 [All] [Viperchoko]singularity killed Todor
40:02 [All] [KelleCiX]singularity killed Todor
40:02 [All] [I0I_eQ]singularity killed Todor
40:02 [All] [Todor]singularity killed Todor
40:02 [All] [Kirop]singularity killed Todor
40:02 [All] [souvlaki]singularity killed Todor
40:02 [All] [sh3ma]singularity killed Todor
40:02 [All] [_OTbaD_]singularity killed Todor
40:02 [All] [singularity]singularity killed Todor
40:12 [All] [I0I_eQ]Viperchoko killed singularity
40:12 [All] [Viperchoko]Viperchoko killed singularity
40:12 [All] [Todor]Viperchoko killed singularity
40:12 [All] [KelleCiX]Viperchoko killed singularity
40:12 [All] [souvlaki]Viperchoko killed singularity
40:12 [All] [Kirop]Viperchoko killed singularity
40:12 [All] [sh3ma]Viperchoko killed singularity
40:12 [All] [_OTbaD_]Viperchoko killed singularity
40:12 [All] [singularity]Viperchoko killed singularity
40:13 singularity [Allies] c
40:22 [All] [Todor]_OTbaD_ killed Viperchoko
40:22 [All] [Viperchoko]_OTbaD_ killed Viperchoko
40:22 [All] [KelleCiX]_OTbaD_ killed Viperchoko
40:22 [All] [Kirop]_OTbaD_ killed Viperchoko
40:22 [All] [I0I_eQ]_OTbaD_ killed Viperchoko
40:22 [All] [souvlaki]_OTbaD_ killed Viperchoko
40:22 [All] [sh3ma]_OTbaD_ killed Viperchoko
40:22 [All] [singularity]_OTbaD_ killed Viperchoko
40:22 [All] [_OTbaD_]_OTbaD_ killed Viperchoko
40:23 [All] [KelleCiX]souvlaki killed sh3ma
40:23 [All] [I0I_eQ]souvlaki killed sh3ma
40:23 [All] [Todor]souvlaki killed sh3ma
40:23 [All] [Viperchoko]souvlaki killed sh3ma
40:23 [All] [souvlaki]souvlaki killed sh3ma
40:23 [All] [Kirop]souvlaki killed sh3ma
40:23 [All] [singularity]souvlaki killed sh3ma
40:23 [All] [sh3ma]souvlaki killed sh3ma
40:23 [All] [_OTbaD_]souvlaki killed sh3ma
40:43 singularity [Allies] >> KelleCiX (Crixalis) has a > Bloodthorn
41:12 sh3ma [Allies] baltazar tuka si ?
41:14 singularity [Allies] jane
41:15 singularity [Allies] ne se tepaj
41:16 singularity [Allies] so sk
41:19 singularity [Allies] ako nemas ulty
41:26 singularity [Allies] skeleton king
41:28 sh3ma [Allies] oti ?
41:31 singularity [Allies] oti nemojs
41:36 sh3ma [Allies] aaa fala sto mi pojasni koj e sk
41:36 singularity [Allies] a drugive
41:36 _OTbaD_ [Allies] b
41:38 _OTbaD_ [Allies] wait all
41:38 singularity [Allies] 1 hit ti se
41:45 singularity [Allies] sand king imat
41:46 singularity [Allies] isto ;D
42:09 singularity [Allies] hot
42:12 singularity [Allies] treabse
42:12 sh3ma [Allies] can i take it ?
42:13 singularity [Allies] ne linken :D
42:24 [All] [I0I_eQ]_OTbaD_ killed KelleCiX
42:24 [All] [KelleCiX]_OTbaD_ killed KelleCiX
42:24 [All] [Viperchoko]_OTbaD_ killed KelleCiX
42:24 [All] [Todor]_OTbaD_ killed KelleCiX
42:24 [All] [souvlaki]_OTbaD_ killed KelleCiX
42:24 [All] [Kirop]_OTbaD_ killed KelleCiX
42:24 [All] [sh3ma]_OTbaD_ killed KelleCiX
42:24 [All] [_OTbaD_]_OTbaD_ killed KelleCiX
42:24 [All] [singularity]_OTbaD_ killed KelleCiX
42:35 KelleCiX [Allies] Skeleton King >> Scroll of TP: 2 charges, ready
42:40 [All] [I0I_eQ]sh3ma killed Viperchoko
42:40 [All] [Viperchoko]sh3ma killed Viperchoko
42:40 [All] [KelleCiX]sh3ma killed Viperchoko
42:40 [All] [Todor]sh3ma killed Viperchoko
42:40 [All] [Kirop]sh3ma killed Viperchoko
42:40 [All] [souvlaki]sh3ma killed Viperchoko
42:40 [All] [sh3ma]sh3ma killed Viperchoko
42:40 [All] [_OTbaD_]sh3ma killed Viperchoko
42:40 [All] [singularity]sh3ma killed Viperchoko
42:40 Viperchoko [Allies] !ff
42:40 [All] [Viperchoko] voted to forfeit [1/4 Sentinel]
42:43 Viperchoko [Allies] go ff
42:45 Viperchoko [Allies] shits
42:47 KelleCiX [Allies] -
42:48 [All] [Viperchoko]_OTbaD_ killed souvlaki
42:48 [All] [I0I_eQ]_OTbaD_ killed souvlaki
42:48 [All] [KelleCiX]_OTbaD_ killed souvlaki
42:48 [All] [Todor]_OTbaD_ killed souvlaki
42:48 [All] [Kirop]_OTbaD_ killed souvlaki
42:48 [All] [sh3ma]_OTbaD_ killed souvlaki
42:48 [All] [souvlaki]_OTbaD_ killed souvlaki
42:48 [All] [_OTbaD_]_OTbaD_ killed souvlaki
42:48 [All] [singularity]_OTbaD_ killed souvlaki
42:49 Viperchoko [Allies] die non stop solo
42:50 KelleCiX [Allies] -afk
42:53 _OTbaD_ [All] ez viperchoko
42:58 Viperchoko [All] tixo
43:00 [All] [KelleCiX]_OTbaD_ destroyed the bottom level 3 Sentinel tower
43:00 [All] [I0I_eQ]_OTbaD_ destroyed the bottom level 3 Sentinel tower
43:00 [All] [Viperchoko]_OTbaD_ destroyed the bottom level 3 Sentinel tower
43:00 [All] [Todor]_OTbaD_ destroyed the bottom level 3 Sentinel tower
43:00 [All] [souvlaki]_OTbaD_ destroyed the bottom level 3 Sentinel tower
43:00 [All] [sh3ma]_OTbaD_ destroyed the bottom level 3 Sentinel tower
43:00 [All] [_OTbaD_]_OTbaD_ destroyed the bottom level 3 Sentinel tower
43:00 [All] [Kirop]_OTbaD_ destroyed the bottom level 3 Sentinel tower
43:00 [All] [singularity]_OTbaD_ destroyed the bottom level 3 Sentinel tower
43:01 Viperchoko [All] igraem s retardi kato tebe
43:05 Viperchoko [All] kade umirat
43:07 [All] [I0I_eQ]_OTbaD_ destroyed the bottom Sentinel ranged rax
43:07 [All] [KelleCiX]_OTbaD_ destroyed the bottom Sentinel ranged rax
43:07 [All] [Viperchoko]_OTbaD_ destroyed the bottom Sentinel ranged rax
43:07 [All] [Todor]_OTbaD_ destroyed the bottom Sentinel ranged rax
43:07 [All] [Kirop]_OTbaD_ destroyed the bottom Sentinel ranged rax
43:07 [All] [sh3ma]_OTbaD_ destroyed the bottom Sentinel ranged rax
43:07 [All] [souvlaki]_OTbaD_ destroyed the bottom Sentinel ranged rax
43:07 [All] [_OTbaD_]_OTbaD_ destroyed the bottom Sentinel ranged rax
43:07 [All] [singularity]_OTbaD_ destroyed the bottom Sentinel ranged rax
43:07 Viperchoko [All] solo
43:09 _OTbaD_ [Allies] ez :D"
43:13 souvlaki [Allies] crix why all time alone abd die?
43:15 [All] [Viperchoko]Kirop destroyed the bottom Sentinel melee rax
43:15 [All] [I0I_eQ]Kirop destroyed the bottom Sentinel melee rax
43:15 [All] [KelleCiX]Kirop destroyed the bottom Sentinel melee rax
43:15 [All] [Todor]Kirop destroyed the bottom Sentinel melee rax
43:15 [All] [Kirop]Kirop destroyed the bottom Sentinel melee rax
43:15 [All] [souvlaki]Kirop destroyed the bottom Sentinel melee rax
43:15 [All] [_OTbaD_]Kirop destroyed the bottom Sentinel melee rax
43:15 [All] [sh3ma]Kirop destroyed the bottom Sentinel melee rax
43:15 [All] [singularity]Kirop destroyed the bottom Sentinel melee rax
43:21 I0I_eQ [All] ez mid ez game :P
43:29 Viperchoko [All] :D
43:33 [All] [I0I_eQ]Todor killed Kirop
43:33 [All] [KelleCiX]Todor killed Kirop
43:33 [All] [souvlaki]Todor killed Kirop
43:33 [All] [Kirop]Todor killed Kirop
43:33 [All] [Viperchoko]Todor killed Kirop
43:33 [All] [sh3ma]Todor killed Kirop
43:33 [All] [Todor]Todor killed Kirop
43:33 [All] [_OTbaD_]Todor killed Kirop
43:33 [All] [singularity]Todor killed Kirop
43:35 Kirop [Allies] lul
43:37 KelleCiX [Allies] -afk
43:42 Viperchoko [Allies] !ff
43:43 sh3ma [All] mirana total nab i dont know how we win
43:45 Kirop [All] furi ur best player
43:45 Viperchoko [Allies] necro also
43:45 Viperchoko [Allies] die
43:47 Viperchoko [Allies] 10 time
43:48 Viperchoko [Allies] solo
43:49 Viperchoko [Allies] wood
43:51 Viperchoko [Allies] fk autist
43:55 [All] [I0I_eQ]_OTbaD_ killed KelleCiX
43:55 [All] [KelleCiX]_OTbaD_ killed KelleCiX
43:55 [All] [Viperchoko]_OTbaD_ killed KelleCiX
43:55 [All] [Todor]_OTbaD_ killed KelleCiX
43:56 [All] [sh3ma]_OTbaD_ killed KelleCiX
43:56 [All] [Kirop]_OTbaD_ killed KelleCiX
43:56 [All] [souvlaki]_OTbaD_ killed KelleCiX
43:56 [All] [_OTbaD_]_OTbaD_ killed KelleCiX
43:56 [All] [singularity]_OTbaD_ killed KelleCiX
44:00 [All] [I0I_eQ]singularity destroyed the bottom level 4 Sentinel tower
44:00 [All] [KelleCiX]singularity destroyed the bottom level 4 Sentinel tower
44:00 [All] [Todor]singularity destroyed the bottom level 4 Sentinel tower
44:00 [All] [Viperchoko]singularity destroyed the bottom level 4 Sentinel tower
44:00 [All] [souvlaki]singularity destroyed the bottom level 4 Sentinel tower
44:00 [All] [singularity]singularity destroyed the bottom level 4 Sentinel tower
44:00 [All] [sh3ma]singularity destroyed the bottom level 4 Sentinel tower
44:00 [All] [_OTbaD_]singularity destroyed the bottom level 4 Sentinel tower
44:00 [All] [Kirop]singularity destroyed the bottom level 4 Sentinel tower
44:02 [All] [I0I_eQ]_OTbaD_ destroyed the mid level 4 Sentinel tower
44:02 [All] [KelleCiX]_OTbaD_ destroyed the mid level 4 Sentinel tower
44:02 [All] [Todor]_OTbaD_ destroyed the mid level 4 Sentinel tower
44:02 [All] [Kirop]_OTbaD_ destroyed the mid level 4 Sentinel tower
44:02 [All] [souvlaki]_OTbaD_ destroyed the mid level 4 Sentinel tower
44:02 [All] [sh3ma]_OTbaD_ destroyed the mid level 4 Sentinel tower
44:02 [All] [Viperchoko]_OTbaD_ destroyed the mid level 4 Sentinel tower
44:02 [All] [singularity]_OTbaD_ destroyed the mid level 4 Sentinel tower
44:02 [All] [_OTbaD_]_OTbaD_ destroyed the mid level 4 Sentinel tower
44:04 KelleCiX [Allies] -afk
44:08 [All] [Viperchoko]The World Tree is now at 75% HP
44:08 [All] [KelleCiX]The World Tree is now at 75% HP
44:08 [All] [Kirop]The World Tree is now at 75% HP
44:08 [All] [sh3ma]The World Tree is now at 75% HP
44:08 [All] [souvlaki]The World Tree is now at 75% HP
44:08 [All] [Todor]The World Tree is now at 75% HP
44:08 [All] [I0I_eQ]The World Tree is now at 75% HP
44:08 [All] [singularity]The World Tree is now at 75% HP
44:09 [All] [_OTbaD_]The World Tree is now at 75% HP
44:13 [All] [KelleCiX]The World Tree is now at 50% HP
44:13 [All] [I0I_eQ]The World Tree is now at 50% HP
44:13 [All] [Viperchoko]The World Tree is now at 50% HP
44:13 [All] [Todor]The World Tree is now at 50% HP
44:13 [All] [souvlaki]The World Tree is now at 50% HP
44:13 [All] [sh3ma]The World Tree is now at 50% HP
44:13 [All] [_OTbaD_]The World Tree is now at 50% HP
44:13 [All] [Kirop]The World Tree is now at 50% HP
44:13 [All] [singularity]The World Tree is now at 50% HP
44:18 KelleCiX [Allies] -afk
44:31 [All] [I0I_eQ]The World Tree is now at 25% HP
44:31 [All] [KelleCiX]The World Tree is now at 25% HP
44:31 [All] [souvlaki]The World Tree is now at 25% HP
44:31 [All] [Todor]The World Tree is now at 25% HP
44:32 [All] [Viperchoko]The World Tree is now at 25% HP
44:32 [All] [Kirop]The World Tree is now at 25% HP
44:32 [All] [sh3ma]The World Tree is now at 25% HP
44:32 [All] [singularity]The World Tree is now at 25% HP
44:32 [All] [_OTbaD_]The World Tree is now at 25% HP
44:40 [All] [I0I_eQ]The World Tree is now at 10% HP
44:40 [All] [Viperchoko]The World Tree is now at 10% HP
44:40 [All] [KelleCiX]The World Tree is now at 10% HP
44:40 [All] [Todor]The World Tree is now at 10% HP
44:40 [All] [sh3ma]The World Tree is now at 10% HP
44:40 [All] [Kirop]The World Tree is now at 10% HP
44:40 [All] [souvlaki]The World Tree is now at 10% HP
44:40 [All] [_OTbaD_]The World Tree is now at 10% HP
44:40 [All] [singularity]The World Tree is now at 10% HP
44:43 [All] This game was hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
44:43 [All] This game was hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
44:43 [All] This game was hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
44:43 [All] This game was hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
44:43 [All] This game was hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
44:43 [All] This game was hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
44:43 [All] This game was hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
44:43 [All] This game was hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
44:43 [All] This game was hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
44:44 [All] _OTbaD_ has left the game voluntarily.
44:45 [All] singularity has left the game voluntarily.
44:46 [All] KelleCiX has left the game voluntarily.
44:46 [All] sh3ma has left the game voluntarily.
44:47 [All] Viperchoko has left the game voluntarily.
44:47 [All] souvlaki has left the game voluntarily.
44:47 [All] I0I_eQ has left the game voluntarily.
45:03 [All] Kirop has left the game voluntarily.
45:43 [All] Todor was disconnected (gameover timer finished).