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Messages - SonGergedan

Pages: 1 ... 3 4 [5] 6
Ban Requests / ban player
« on: August 06, 2021, 01:18 »
1: Your NickName?

2: NickName of the player that you want to be banned?

3: What rule did he/they break?
 family related flame

06:19    DiabIo    [Allies]    tam travestisin bulenterson (u are transsexual )
06:37    DiabIo    [Allies]    adından belli gotveren oc (son of bıcth)
06:54    DiabIo    [Allies]    ananıu sikeyim senin (mother fucker)
07:06    DiabIo    [Allies]    forumunu sişkeyim (ı fuck ur forum)
07:06    DiabIo    [Allies]    oc (son of bıcth)
07:23    DiabIo    [Allies]    orospunun evladı (Son of bıcth)
08:21    DiabIo    [Allies]    bu oc tiny le oyun olmaz (son of bıcth)
09:05    DiabIo    [Allies]    arlanmaz oc (son of bıtch)

6: Link of the game? (if applies),;sa=game;gid=6406291

Ban Requests / ban player
« on: August 03, 2021, 23:05 »
1: Your NickName?

2: NickName of the player that you want to be banned?

3: What rule did he/they break?
 family related flame

31:05    Rebelleking    [Allies]    su oc yı atalım bence (son of bitch)
34:10    Rebelleking    [Allies]    atın ıbneyı (fag)
35:32    Rebelleking    [Allies]    olcek pıc (Bastard )
48:23    Rebelleking    [All]    senınde ananı sıkım host ayrlamıs (mother fucker)
48:25    Rebelleking    [All]    pıc (Bastard )

6: Link of the game? (if applies),;sa=game;gid=6405658

Ban Requests / ban player
« on: July 19, 2021, 03:59 »


vote abuse / turned off the game

08:03    annlvl.    [All]    !votekick dur
11:05    annlvl.    [All]    !votekick durk
21:47    annlvl.    [All]    !votekick durk
21:52    annlvl.    [All]    !votekick durma
28:09    annlvl.    [All]    !votekick ege
29:21    annlvl.    [All]    !votekick dur
37:38    annlvl.    [All]    !votekci kege
40:57    annlvl.    [All]    !votekcik ege
41:17    annlvl.    [All]    !votekci kege
41:22    annlvl.    [All]    !votekick dur
41:54    annlvl.    [All]    !votekick dur
42:19    annlvl.    [All]    !votekick dur
44:20    annlvl.    [All]    !votekick ege48
45:32    annlvl.    [All]    !votekick dur

and more;sa=game;gid=6401815

Ban Requests / ban player
« on: July 17, 2021, 03:07 »


famıly flame

34:01    soldi[er]    [Allies]    oçlugu yapma (sonofbıtch)
34:15    soldi[er]    [Allies]    ananı sikerim canımı sıkma benim (ıfucyourmom);sa=game;gid=6401313

Ban Requests / ban player
« on: July 01, 2021, 23:32 »

2- lasyo0nel

3-ruıner / famıly flame

we're trying to win it feeds
52:19    LaSYo0NeL    [Allies]    abad ananı sıkeyım ortaya gıtsene (ı fuck ur mother)

52:36    LaSYo0NeL    [Allies]    ananın amına bakacam( ı look ur mother pussy)

53:02    LaSYo0NeL    [Allies]    replay bende alıcam atarsan bende atarım sıkık ı


Ban Requests / Re: ban player
« on: June 23, 2021, 15:07 »
I came down first
to make a crip block
then 2 of my teammates came
No one can tell me where to go or what to do
but always high psr players are right forum says it
it's normal when they do it, ban when we do it

ilk aşağı ben geldim
crip blok yapmak için
sonradan 2 takım arkadasım geldi
kimse nereye gideceğimi söyleyemez yada ne yapacağımı
ama daima yüksek psr li oyuncular haklıdır forum bunu söylüyor
onlar yapınca normal biz yapınca ban

u banned me 5 day

I can only ban for insults if there (where ıs ban him) ?

Ban Requests / Re: ban pls
« on: June 20, 2021, 23:15 »
Not allowed to posting in requests next time will be warned.

Ban Requests / ban player
« on: June 20, 2021, 22:52 »

phaq , hsakuragi

vote abuse / insulting / team sabotage

ım axe, ım goıng down lane and ı hold crıp blok my team phaq and hsakuragi all tıme kıcked me and insultıng

axe ıle asagı kulvara crıp blok ıcın indim . asagı ındıgım anda benım takım oyuncusuda benı gordugu halde oda asagı ındı phaq and hsakuragi adlı oyuncular oyun bası kıckleyeme kalkarak oyundan soguttu.
03:13    hsakuragi    [Allies]    !votekick ger
03:14    phaq    [Allies]    !votekick ger
04:18    phaq    [All]    !votekick son
04:45    phaq    [All]    he will get ban
04:51    hsakuragi    [Allies]    pause
04:51    phaq    [All]    i will ban him in forum
06:36    hsakuragi    [Allies]    !votekick son
09:21    hsakuragi    [Allies]    !votekick son
10:24    hsakuragi    [Allies]    !votekick son
12:14    hsakuragi    [Allies]    !votekick son
43:29    hsakuragi    [Allies]    !votekick son
46:01    hsakuragi    [Allies]    !votekick ger
58:10    hsakuragi    [Allies]    birbirinden
58:12    hsakuragi    [Allies]    yetersiz
58:14    hsakuragi    [Allies]    gerizekalıları  ınsultıng
58:16    hsakuragi    [Allies]    kakalamıslar;sa=game;gid=6396060

Ban Requests / ban player
« on: June 18, 2021, 20:21 »
1. songergedan

2. lostrun

3. family related flame / multı account / ıp ban

12:58    lostrun    [All]    anan ıskıcem (ı fuck your mother)
13:00    lostrun    [All]    senın ananı bekle (wait your mother)
57:40    lostrun    [All]    Barat ananın amcıgı düstü gördünmü (mother pussy)
58:00    lostrun    [All]    köpek dog
58:04    lostrun    [All]    aglama dont cry

he every game famıly flame
58:26    lostrun    [All]    teneke 50 tane acc var her yerde bulup sikerım senı
to much account maybe ıp ban

58:29    lostrun    [All]    sorun yok (no problem ban)

Player was warned by [Addict3d2net] on [22-04-2021 00:02:47] with reason [Family flame related 3rd time] in game [sd 1550 #8].
Player was warned by [Caneee] on [04-04-2021 18:03:28] with reason [Family Flame 2nd Time] in game [ap rmk ++ #1].
Player was warned by [Caneee] on [22-03-2021 00:54:33] with reason [Family Flame/Afking] in game [SD fast +2].


Ban Requests / ban player
« on: June 16, 2021, 14:00 »
1. songergedan

2. gocareis

3. family related flame/ruın game

31:04    gocareis    [Allies]    orosğu cocugu (sob)
32:21    gocareis    [Allies]    ananın amına ver amk malı (mother pussy)
34:07    gocareis    [Allies]    foruma vercekmıs pıce bak

mıd and down lane ultra feed ,  I can't keep it all muscle


Ban Requests / Re: ban player
« on: June 07, 2021, 20:02 »
check thıs player


Ban Requests / ban player
« on: June 07, 2021, 19:26 »
1. songergedan

2. thror

3. voteabuse and famıly flame
44:24    Thror    [Allies]    !votekick songer


Ban Requests / ban player
« on: June 05, 2021, 10:04 »

1: Your NickName?

2: NickName of the player that you want to be banned?

3: What rule did he/they break?
ruın mıd / famıly flame

4: When was the Rule (Time of The Game) Broken?
01:23    -XY-    [Allies]    lion mid ?
01:23    jj_paul    [Allies]    pffff
01:24    jj_paul    [Allies]    sus aq
01:25    jj_paul    [Allies]    yes
01:34    Songergedan    [Allies]    sana mıdı bırakmam low (1400 psr goıng mıd )
02:18    jj_paul    [Allies]    benım asıl acc sanıo garıban (multi account)
38:47    jj_paul    [Allies]    !ff  (38 mın he ruın mıd and use ff)
28:50    jj_paul    [Allies]    gıt geber oc (ı help hım he no team play and famnıly flame - Oc >>> Son of bıtch

6: Link of the game? (if applies);sa=game;gid=6392581

Ban Requests / ban player
« on: May 31, 2021, 02:44 »
1. songergedan

2. fa-dota

3. anti team play

16 and 18 mın we lose tower he dıdnt help team and more


Ban Requests / ban player
« on: May 29, 2021, 19:22 »
1. songergedan

2. Qxygen

3. famıly flame

4 17:40    Qxygen    [Allies]    bende senin bacını sikem (ı fuck ur sıster)
17:50    Qxygen    [Allies]    avradını siktigim ( ı fuck your wıfe)
18:47    Qxygen    [Allies]    o.c (son of bıtch)
19:07    Qxygen    [Allies]    avradını sikitigim ( ı fuck your wıfe)
20:11    Qxygen    [Allies]    bacını siktikten sonra
20:16    Qxygen    [Allies]    forumda olsam nolur (ı fuck ur sıster)

[29-05-2021 19:32:07][GPROXY][LOG_INFO] Handshake complete, disconnect protection ready (360 second buffer)
[29-05-2021 19:46:16][GPROXY][LOG_INFO] Game started, disconnect protection enabled
[29-05-2021 20:16:31][GPROXY][LOG_INFO] Local player disconnected with error: NO ERROR
[29-05-2021 20:17:21][GPROXY][BNET_WHISPER] [Qxygen] said: ananı avradını sikem git forum a simdi   ( ıfuck ur mother and wıfe )


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