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Strategy / General picking rules
« on: May 15, 2010, 17:25 »
There are 3 main rules to play in team:
1. carry
2. support
3. tank

Check attachment to see simple graph about hero power during the game. What do the graph says?

1. early game (1-12 min) INT heroes own. Good picks can dominate all map and win the game in 20 minutes.
 Few good spells and you can kill AGI heroes and most of STR heroes fast. Agi heroes are imba weak, even creeps are dangerous for them.

2. mid game (12-30 min) STR heroes own. They have good damage and high enough hp to survive most of INT attacks. Most of them have nice stun/slow so they can kill low hp int and agi heroes fast.

3. late game (30<) AGI heroes own. They have imba damage, high enogh hp to survive most of INT and STR attacks and even after combo on their head they can run away with blink, invisibility, some lothar etc.

Graph says that:
in early game 1v1 int vs str, int vs agi = INT win
in mid game 1v1 str vs int, str vs agi = STR win
in late game 1v1 agi vs int, agi vs str = AGI win

Of course if you have right items on your hero.

The second important thing is... ranged heroes are stronger than melee heroes only early/mid game. Lategame ranged agi < melee agi.

The reason why I am writing about it is that in pubs people dont care about TIME that much. They like farming "nice items", even if they are INT. If you got brood and enigma/furion, try to finish game in 20 min. Dont wait, dont farm woods, just push as much as you can. BoT and go. So many people in pubs dont have tele scrolls during 80% of game. They are rosh and your team is to weak to stop them? Crush their left lane. Even if they will kill you - if you destroyed barracs = you succed.

If you are mort, troll etc, farm farm farm. Farm your items and you will be imba. Dont go ganging when you are low level and you have only treads, because you will propably just feed them.

If you play against int heroes, stuners, disablers, just buy black king bar. It will help you a lot.
Always bring 1-2 tele scrolls or Boot of travel with you.
In team clashes always focus on low hp heroes. The worst thing I saw lately was dooms ulti on centaur. I know that tanks are the biggest, the easiest to click on, but dont use your best skills on tanks. In team clash:
1. kill low hp heroes
2. kill agi
3. kill tanks

If all your team is focusing on centaur you will propably kill him, but they will kill all 5 of you.
Other thing - if you got furion/keeper lane farmer, you will propably lose, because your carrys will not have cash for their core items. Desco is useless item on furion unless your team is nice farmed.

Last thing - you have to know when it is GG.
When you lost?
If they got 2x more kills than your team, for example your team got 8 kills, enemies 20.
If difference in destroyed towers, buildings is more than 4. For example you destroyed 1 tower, enemies 6.
If difference in levels is more than 3. For example if your teammates are lvl 10-12, and enemies 15-18.

Get over it. Dont try to desperate defend your base, because they will kill you 3-5 times more and you will get veryyyyy angry. Just realize that it is GG already and go safe yourself, hide - blink on some rock, make adventure quest through the trees. Fountain is not the safest place when the game is ending, because they will hook, swap or nuke you, to get few more kills.

PS: Magic wand is imba item :)

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Feedback / simple - alias
« on: May 12, 2010, 03:45 »
please add alias:
!start force = !sf
!checkme = !c

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