Player: te.lasquei

Player Name: te.lasquei Realm: eurobattle (
Total games: 107
Ladder games: 107 Custom games: 0
Player is not banned.
Player has no warns.
Total ladder games: 107 Current PSR: 1500
Wins: 0 (0%) Highest PSR: 1500
Loses: 0 (0%) Kills / Deaths:
Draws: 0 (0%) Assists / Deaths:
Observed games: 0 (Kills + Assists) / Deaths:
Left games: 0 (0%)
-EM games: 0 (0%)
Average kills: Kills: 0
Average deaths: Deaths: 0
Average assists: Assists: 0
Average creep kills: Creep kills: 0
Average creep denies: Creep denies: 0
Average neutral kills: Neutral kills: 0
Average tower kills: Tower kills: 0
Average rax kills: Rax kills: 0
Total ladder games: 107
Date Game name Type Hero PSR After K D A CK CD NK Result
31-08-2023 20:37:19 ap fast #1 PUB Dwarven Sniper 1470 | +19 4 2 9 91 0 2 WON
28-08-2023 00:32:53 smarac PUB Witch Doctor 1451 | -19 4 9 11 106 3 35 LOST
27-08-2023 21:59:26 AP all fast!! PUB Sacred Warrior 1470 | -16 2 15 6 62 5 32 LOST
27-08-2023 21:13:11 AP +1 !!! PUB Gorgon 1486 | -15 5 8 4 75 2 23 LOST
24-08-2023 00:42:37 AP COME ALL #7 PUB Venomancer 1501 | -14 1 9 4 77 1 13 LOST
24-08-2023 00:01:09 AP RMK 9/10 #9 PUB Nerubian Weaver 1515 | +16 4 3 13 129 1 42 WON
23-08-2023 23:06:14 AP +2 #2 PUB empty 1499 | +0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DRAW
22-08-2023 21:00:38 ap 9/10 last slot PUB Slayer 1499 | +19 5 5 5 167 3 71 WON
22-08-2023 19:52:19 AP GOO +1 #9 PUB Nerubian Weaver 1480 | -14 5 7 10 160 1 57 LOST
22-08-2023 01:40:28 AP RMK 9/10 #2 PUB Witch Doctor 1494 | -17 5 10 4 83 2 37 LOST
22-08-2023 00:41:23 AP RMK 9/10 PUB Guardian Wisp 1511 | -12 0 1 0 16 0 4 LOST
16-08-2023 23:54:23 SD -- v7 +++ 8/10! #3 PUB Necrolyte 1523 | +14 3 6 7 120 3 45 WON
16-08-2023 22:29:33 AP 9/10 #7 PUB empty 1509 | +0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DRAW
11-08-2023 00:37:37 ___SD___ PUB Lifestealer 1509 | -13 2 8 3 167 2 131 LOST
06-08-2023 21:02:34 SD +2 #4 PUB Prophet 1522 | +0 1 0 0 18 1 0 DRAW
06-08-2023 19:51:47 Sd +1 PUB Gorgon 1522 | +25 2 9 17 163 2 50 WON
05-08-2023 19:38:33 SD + #1 PUB Lord of Olympus 1497 | +12 6 8 21 93 2 6 WON
05-08-2023 00:25:45 ap rmk all #2 PUB Lord of Olympus 1485 | -15 8 10 16 94 1 3 LOST
08-09-2022 21:04:52 apeu 9/10 PUB Gorgon 1305 | -8 6 12 24 196 0 63 LOST
08-09-2022 19:23:30 ap | come all PUB Silencer 1313 | -19 14 13 9 65 2 9 LOST
08-09-2022 18:20:57 ap +1 come PUB empty 1332 | +0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DRAW
08-09-2022 02:18:51 AP V6 + 2 #6 PUB Moon Rider 1332 | +21 11 3 7 175 0 112 WON
08-09-2022 01:13:46 AP 1 to go PUB Skywrath Mage 1311 | -20 7 10 16 85 0 23 LOST
07-09-2022 23:43:45 mitrandir PUB Naga Siren 1331 | -18 5 5 6 192 0 99 LOST
07-09-2022 22:26:27 VENOM PUB Death Prophet 1349 | -20 2 8 10 73 2 7 LOST
07-09-2022 21:23:50 AP ++ PUB Dwarven Sniper 1369 | +19 3 6 6 86 3 12 WON
07-09-2022 20:29:02 Ap +1 PUB Undying 1350 | -22 4 11 10 101 4 7 LOST
07-09-2022 19:35:08 SD RMK PUB Drow Ranger 1372 | -20 6 5 11 207 3 33 LOST
07-09-2022 18:43:20 ap +1 PUB Slithereen Guard 1392 | -20 0 8 1 41 1 11 LOST
07-09-2022 18:05:10 ap v6 PUB empty 1412 | +0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DRAW

Player hasn't played any custom games.