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Messages - scorpion2001gla

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 19
Romania / Re: Videouri, poze, chestii amuzante
« on: May 07, 2015, 13:46 »
l-a retras de pe trafictube
dar nu si de pe youtube .
link bun :

Romania / Re: Videouri, poze, chestii amuzante
« on: May 07, 2015, 12:11 »
cioroi cu bmwu , cu mult tupeu si foarte agresiv !
traim in romania ... plm !

Romania / Re: Bancuri
« on: April 16, 2015, 21:01 »

Romania / Re: Palavrageala
« on: February 02, 2015, 19:50 »
avantajul DotA 2 vs DotA 1 este ca pe DotA 2 nu merg cheaturile , cel putin inca nu merg .
update-urile constante pe care le face Steam-ul si verificarile de fisiere instalate si adaugate in directoarele jocurilor , pe moment , i-au ajutat sa tina hackerii la distanta .

DotA 1 , din pacate , este inca la versiunea 6.81 , iar IceFrog a lasat-o in aer , refuzand sau fiind constrans de catre Valve , sa nu mai faca update-uri pentru DotA 1 , astfel obligand jucatorii de DotA 1 sa migreze catre DotA 2.

Romania / Re: Palavrageala
« on: January 20, 2015, 17:35 »
si asta e si mai tare :

Romania / Re: Palavrageala
« on: January 19, 2015, 03:44 »
un reportaj  foarte interesant despre cum se fac de kkt romanii in Vest .
sa le multumim cetatenilor europeni pe care i-a adus cioara (barza era in concediu atunci) ca ne pun stampila tuturor ce dorim un serviciu si o munca cinstita .

GG (cum se zice la dota)

Offtopic / Re: Dota / Warcraft Quiz
« on: January 13, 2015, 15:31 »
Lich King 1 - Grand Promoter of the Ice Cream
Lich King 2 - Grand Promoter of the Waffle Ice Cream
Lich King 3 - Grand Promoter of the Ice Queer
Lich King 3 and a 1/2 - (he was interim till the Parliment of Ice Giants chose another King)
Lich King 1 again - The King Returns , die on the shitter
Lich King 4 - This guy didn't promote jack shit , just made cartoon jokes about the Ice Giants
Lich King 5 - Ratatatatatata (machine gun noise)
Lich King 6 - Je Suis Charlie
Lich King 7 <--- We are here


Romania / Re: Re: Palavrageala
« on: January 10, 2015, 04:18 »
sa terorizez Vaticanul sa planga preotii sa sperii sentimentele din oameni

Tu si amicu-meu...era nervos ca il trezeau clopotele de la noua biserica construită langa blocul lui asa ca a zis ce o sa faca: daca aia il trezesc cand doarme, pune boxele pe balcon si le da raspuns-> Bug mafia necenzurat. Iu religion heiterz  ::)

sa zica mersi k nu are moscheie langa el .
nu de alta , dar cand se face chemarea la rugaciune - ora 5 - trebuie sa fi sus , pe balcon , in vazul lumii , ca sa se vada ca te rogi - cu fata catre mecca .

ca de nu ... iti bate cineva la usa , insistent , asa de-ti rupe usa in cinspemii de bucati si te invita afara la o inviorare in piata publica cu exircitii de whiplashing (woo sho sau tae boo is overrated) ... la inceput , pentru " corectie " iei numa 25-50pe spate (daca esti norocos) . biciul folosit este celebrul Cat o' nine tails . daca l-ai prins intri zi proasta pe imam , mai iei si cateva la talpi ... si vreau sa zic ca alea le simti precum piscatura unui purice ... atomic ... ce s-a hranit toata viata cu chilli indian si antrenat de fortele speciale cubaneze in a fi cea mai de temut arma de distrugere in masa ... si americanii au incercat sa-l foloseasca la guantanamo , dar au zis ca nu-s asa de cruzi , asa ca au folosit waterboardingul , e tehnica mult mai umana !

daca totusi ai facut greseala sa nu te trezesti si a 2a oara , iti trimit trubele isis peste tine cu cagule si ak47-uri , si in timp ce dormi ... trag , trag , trag , trag ... in pereti, ho , unde credeai ?!!! asa si pe peretele ala esti legat ... la wireless cu vecinu , vecinu ce te-a dat in gat ...

hopa , stai asa ca bate cineva la usa insistent de zici ca o rupe in cinspemii de bucati ...

NU TRAGE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NU TRAGE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

no , ca-s plin de sange amu , s-o impiedicat unu cu cagula pe scarile din casa si si-o dat cu capu de balustrada ...

asa ca spune-i amicului tau ca e norocos ... din cale afara :))))

Offtopic / Re: metal bottle or plastic bottle?
« on: December 16, 2014, 17:36 »
regarding the current post :

and talking about BS , this just reminds me of another post done by yours truly jeandarc , it's just that i didn't find this picture back then .

p.s. : bring back Futurama !!!!

Offtopic / Re: is it possible to walk on the sun?
« on: December 12, 2014, 08:47 »
I've got bad news for you scorpion2001gla.

If you can't recognize that jean is simply fooling around and having a laugh (or if you do recognize it BUT STILL act like he is serious, just because you don't share his sense of humour), and if you think being smart is proven by having medals or international recognition, you're most likely not too bright.


intre a te prostii , a face pe prostu si a fi prost eu zic ca e mare diferenta .
dar cand de ani , inafara sa comenteze deampulea asta nu face , inseamna ca nu are toate tiglele pe casa sau e prost facut gramada.
faptul ca-l mai bagati si voi in seamna nu face decat sa-i alimenteze tampeniile , sa mai scoata porumbei pe gura ... o fi dintr-ala cu probleme de cauta sa fie in centru atentiei tot timpu , nu ma intereseaza , dar la 20 de ani sa vii cu afirmatii de genu " e posibil sa mergi pe soare " ... scuza-ma , daca tu nu vezi problema , inseamna ca esti pe acelasi calapod ca si el .
daca doamne fereste asta ajunga sa conduca o echipa de oameni , si ii trazneste vreo idee de genu asta , asta va omori ceva oameni . la 20+ ani , nu doar ca nu are nicio decenta , discernamant si bun simt in a posta ceva pe net , pai in viata particulara - care-l priveste - cine stie ce dracu face !
si nu , ala nu e umor , aia e prostie crasa si trebuie tratata ca atare !

legat de medalii : daca tu ai impresia ca am luat 2-3 medalii la olimpiada de religie de pe muntele athos , te inseli amarnic !
te aflii in necunostinta de cauza : cand faci ceva pentru tara , si platesti taxe enorme - dar statul nu ma ajuta absolut deloc - si intre timp primesc recunoastere internationala pentru ceea ce am realizat , si scuza-ma dar imi permit sa fiu putin arogant in a-ti spune ca habar nu ai despre ce vorbesti .
pana una alta , nu-mi dau in stamba ca-s altii de zeci de ori mai buni decat mine , mai straluciti si chiar mai tineri decat mine . 

Offtopic / Re: is it possible to walk on the sun?
« on: December 12, 2014, 02:21 »
Scorpion, buddy...

Annoyed because random guy with extended puberty issues tosses his shit all over the place like angry ape, seeking for different kind of attantion than he actually needs? Ok, I understand.

Want some fresh air back? Sure. Though you could simply just plant some trees (I did).

Having you own opinion and are aspiring to create art, even if in MS Paint and only for shits and giggles? Nothing wrong with that.

But for the love of whatever god you belive in, if you're actually trying to sound eloquent, fix your goddamn punctuation if you're writing more than 2 sequences in single post :D

RIP in pieces topic, such useful discussion derailed, what a bummer, I'll now go celebrate it with silence.

after some glasses of cognac + beers , even I am surprised how I managed to write so many lines .
so fuck the punctuation  ;D

Offtopic / Re: is it possible to walk on the sun?
« on: December 12, 2014, 00:49 »
i forgot to say it : the sentences that you don't understand are for my fellows guys who want to understand what i wrote in my native language ... it has a few more grains of salt in there , which would make the description even funnier .


Offtopic / Re: is it possible to walk on the sun?
« on: December 12, 2014, 00:45 »
i'm sorry NightMare^, but i feel offended , cause i feel that jeandarc has been wasting our air for the past 20+ years for nothing . i want that air back !
Well played mate, I will take this for signature  ;D


i am glad you like it ! :D

but i still consider as the pinnacle of my achievements on the LA Forum this (it was used in another post open by none-other than jeandarc himself , and you censured it  :'() :

The painting , reproduced in classic MS Paint colors on a white canvas, was painted in the marvelous year of 2014 by the Master Timeshift aka ME :D , is entitled " Your Mom , Your Sister " and it recreates the problem of the juvenile delinquency and extra-conjugal relationships from a compassionate angle . The artistic value is highly elevated and treats thoroughly the relationship between " cause and effect " . The picture contains a Babylonian causality, an endless stream of chain events, being remarked through a contrast of making love and nudity while the main character is subjected to philosophical debates that can not be comprehended by the ordinary man .

Already been called by the Louvre , they wanna hang my picture in staid of the Gioconda . :D
I had to refuse them , I said that 200 mill $ doesn't even touch half of the true value of this paining .
Abramovich said he might buy it from me when he's going to sell all his assets , and after 5 years of prostituting himself in down-town Bombay he might have the money .
I think I can wait 5 years ...  8)

Filmul trateaza problema delicventei juvenile si a relatiilor extraconjugale dintr-un unghi compasiv. Valoare artistica este foarte ridicata si trateaza minutios relatia cauza-efect.Filmul contine o babilonie de cauzalitati, un sir nesfarsit de evenimente in lantm, remarcandu-se prin succesiunea imaginilor pline de contraste.

i laughed my ass off when i had the 1st idea , i still laugh at it now :D

Offtopic / Re: is it possible to walk on the sun?
« on: December 12, 2014, 00:26 »
And what did u do in your whole life for human race? :D

i could brag with medals and international recognition , i could post pictures on the forum just to show i'm maybe smarter than 90 % of the LA forum users , but then i won't be any better than jeandarc - regarding this situation .

also , you're missing the point :

even if you or i or anyone else has achieved less than Neil deGrass Tyson or Richard Dawkins (i just handpicked these 2 up) that doesn't give you or i the right to ask a stupid ass question that a 5 years old kid has found out and answer to it .

a joke is a joke , acting stupid might seem fine for some , but my god , some people need to get a slap on the face ... with a metal chair ... 200 times ... a day !

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