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Messages - Voja

Pages: [1] 2
Strategy / Re: Playing a support
« on: August 10, 2012, 02:19 »
Faku I know you are mega fail player and you might not understand next sentence, but I will try to explain.

I was in that game and to be honest it's nothing you can do about it, CD stupid mode, we were outpicked.
With riki and weaver against silencer it's nothing you can do, once they go combo-wombo and silencer do ulti, we all dead.
Since silencer's ulti reveals riki, totaly counter weaver, beside silencer they had krobe with 6 aoe second silence.

Anyways, about rasta, early game you were really bad, there is few skill builds for support rasta on 3 lane, neither of them is not yours.
You max first skill, so you had weak disables, if you had max disables, one focus on silencer/undy on early lane stage would be deadly.
Once their hero is out of position
Shackle (rasta) - Smoke (riki) + Thrall, they are unable to cancel you shackle ,then you can disable other and win easy lane.

Unfortunately, you were that hero out of position feeding the opponents.

Later on, when you see team getting raped only solution is smoke ganks, try to get some kills with your team mates.
Yours position in team smoke should be leading, cus of many disables you got.

In team fight you should stay out of tomb and stuff, near your carry, cus carry always kill faster with disables and you are protected.

Anyways that game were fail.

DotA Discussion / Re: Just TRY it
« on: August 09, 2012, 22:57 »
I click manta in same time when u click remote? epic luck, problem?

Very stupid video.

Strategy / Re: tips&hints in trilane
« on: August 07, 2012, 12:00 »

Positioning as well as making opportunity for kill while some of their heroes missing from lane or in bad position.
Kill, even assist bring you enough money to have TP scroll, bracer (jango later), stick, boots and constantly keep map warded.
(you don't need more then this in 20-25 minute mark)

Suggestion Board / Re: [Question] about the rating system
« on: August 05, 2012, 05:07 »
I was always under impression thet once you hit that 1700, and just play well enough to keep your winrate around 50%, you'll gradually get higher on ladder, despite you're perhaps not good enough. [end of opinion]

That's why there is a lot of noobs in games like CD // PD.EU / 2000+++++++ ?  :o

Strategy / Re: AOE Combo: Tauren, Magnus, Crixalis.
« on: August 02, 2012, 20:06 »
Okay guys, this is one 'lets say pro game' we have played recently.

They had all AOE shit, combo whores:
Naga Ulti -> WL 2x Ulti in face + Fatal Bounce
Es dagger, stun, ulti, stun
Lich Ulti while we all stunned

You will see how hard is to manage to do this combo, they failed 2-3 times.
Naga didnt remove sleep on time, WL cast ulti or Tide trow away ulti while we were invulnerable.

I recommend you to watch game, it was decent.

Feedback / Re: just wondering ...
« on: August 01, 2012, 11:00 »
Polska pay to get admin.  So it's possible, just they wont make it official, cus that would make them huge bastards
Nop,when he became a moderator,he donated some money to help community.


Feedback / Re: New moderator!
« on: August 01, 2012, 01:20 »
Being troll comes with your attitude your daily base of making fun of someone, you can't just sign for troll admin and POOF you are troll.
As I said above, all you PD ex staff are brainless pions.

You heard about word trolling, you put picture "YOU NO SAY?" and feel like you trolled someone.
Obviously fail is obvious, you sir need more inner strength to become a troll monster.

Feedback / Re: just wondering ...
« on: August 01, 2012, 01:13 »
Polska pay to get admin.  So it's possible, just they wont make it official, cus that would make them huge bastards

Feedback / Re: New moderator!
« on: July 31, 2012, 02:33 »
You sir is tarrdd

General Discussions / Re: 729 kills in 45 min???
« on: July 29, 2012, 04:36 »

Offtopic / Just a Question
« on: July 29, 2012, 03:17 »
Astaroth, why you need to close every single thread on this forum is that your fetish ?

Ban all TR from PD, problem solved

Sports / Re: Epic win...and 0:13 epic pokerface
« on: July 16, 2012, 17:49 »
XDDDDDD i watched it like 10 times


never let TR or MK in game

never, ever , never, ever, never, ever , never, ever, never, ever , never, ever, never, ever , never, ever, never, ever , never, ever, never, ever , never, ever, never, ever , never, ever, never, ever , never, ever, never, ever , never, ever, never, ever , never, ever, NEVER

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