Player: pikacburagere

Player Name: pikacburagere Realm: eurobattle (
Total games: 203
Ladder games: 203 Custom games: 0
Player is not banned.
Player has no warns.
Total ladder games: 203 Current PSR: 1500
Wins: 0 (0%) Highest PSR: 1500
Loses: 0 (0%) Kills / Deaths:
Draws: 0 (0%) Assists / Deaths:
Observed games: 0 (Kills + Assists) / Deaths:
Left games: 0 (0%)
-EM games: 0 (0%)
Average kills: Kills: 0
Average deaths: Deaths: 0
Average assists: Assists: 0
Average creep kills: Creep kills: 0
Average creep denies: Creep denies: 0
Average neutral kills: Neutral kills: 0
Average tower kills: Tower kills: 0
Average rax kills: Rax kills: 0
Total ladder games: 196
Date Game name Type Hero PSR After K D A CK CD NK Result
21-03-2022 02:32:07 AÄžP+1 #4 PUB Tuskarr 1411 | -16 3 10 6 82 8 11 LOST
21-03-2022 01:21:15 SD +1 PUB Ogre Magi 1427 | -20 1 11 9 58 4 2 LOST
20-03-2022 02:17:54 SD +2 PUB Vengeful Spirit 1447 | +19 3 7 4 83 4 15 WON
20-03-2022 01:24:08 SD last slot PUB Dragon Knight 1428 | -20 1 10 9 87 8 1 LOST
19-03-2022 23:57:18 SD +2 #1 PUB Warlock 1448 | -20 5 10 7 71 1 0 LOST
19-03-2022 23:03:11 AP +1 RLY!!! PUB Tuskarr 1468 | -16 8 9 7 137 9 26 LOST
12-02-2022 03:18:12 SD LČAST SLOT ###Đ PUB Earthshaker 1484 | -16 0 5 2 8 0 0 LOST
19-09-2021 21:38:26 AP EU +2 FAAST #1 PUB Tuskarr 1484 | -16 3 21 10 72 3 13 LOST
03-01-2021 00:55:48 AP LAST SLOT #1 PUB Rogue Knight 1484 | -16 0 6 0 47 0 8 LOST
06-12-2020 02:30:05 SD EU 1550++ #2 PUB Death Prophet 1463 | -14 2 8 3 33 1 0 LOST
06-12-2020 01:52:28 sd +2 PUB Treant Protector 1477 | +20 4 8 16 169 4 57 WON
06-12-2020 00:28:06 sd #3 PUB Lich 1457 | +19 11 13 15 73 15 1 WON
05-12-2020 23:23:22 sd +2 PUB Geomancer 1438 | -22 1 9 10 171 1 124 LOST
05-12-2020 22:20:20 AP +1 PUB Witch Doctor 1460 | -1 5 10 4 59 0 2 LOST
05-12-2020 21:39:26 sd +1 PUB Silencer 1461 | -15 3 13 12 182 4 41 LOST
05-12-2020 20:40:13 sd+++ #8 PUB Slayer 1476 | -21 4 11 9 95 2 9 LOST
05-12-2020 19:56:15 SD 9/10 Last slot #6 PUB Keeper of the Light 1497 | +20 1 2 4 77 0 0 WON
05-12-2020 19:06:56 SD +1 #1 PUB Shadow Shaman 1477 | +21 5 3 10 166 0 0 WON
03-12-2020 01:10:43 Sd +1 real PUB Gorgon 1456 | -12 5 7 11 173 4 3 LOST
03-12-2020 00:13:45 AP RMK #1 PUB Witch Doctor 1468 | -25 3 17 10 49 2 7 LOST
02-12-2020 23:15:57 AP RMK PUB Bloodseeker 1493 | -19 4 13 9 79 3 16 LOST
02-12-2020 22:16:26 AP last slot #3 PUB Witch Doctor 1512 | -17 4 9 14 55 4 0 LOST
02-12-2020 21:26:32 sd gogogo PUB Twin Head Dragon 1529 | +15 3 15 11 38 1 0 WON
02-12-2020 04:25:43 SD +2 #1 PUB Phantom Lancer 1514 | -14 5 12 7 127 3 51 LOST
02-12-2020 03:14:59 SD PUB Axe 1528 | -13 7 17 2 127 2 24 LOST
02-12-2020 01:42:30 SD PUB Keeper of the Light 1541 | +14 5 9 8 77 0 0 WON
02-12-2020 00:48:49 SD +1501 +1 PUB Shadow Shaman 1527 | +19 2 6 5 35 1 1 WON
02-12-2020 00:14:44 SD +++ 1 PUB Lich 1508 | +18 16 12 14 64 7 0 WON
01-12-2020 23:13:51 Sd PUB Enigma 1490 | +23 7 7 20 218 4 131 WON
01-12-2020 22:04:28 SD +1 #5 PUB Shadow Shaman 1467 | -19 6 10 5 72 0 5 LOST

Player hasn't played any custom games.