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Messages - iamnotrobot

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DotA Discussion / Re: 7.04c1
« on: November 02, 2023, 15:13 »
>Someone who doesnt play talking

Actually this map seems cool, first i though its bad but now like it more. Except items, they are horribly placed in shops, item designer has no idea what he is doing

broo ıtem pieces are shit , shops places are bad , yes new items are good but pieces are bad. Shrine places are bad its not good for two team use ıt same tıme :S wood is very big wards not enough that sımple changes are not neccecary :S
The most bad thıng is minimap :D:D:D

DotA Discussion / Re: 7.04c1
« on: October 30, 2023, 13:10 »
7.03b2 was better ...
well, u need to be careful when it comes to switching back and forth, you remember many players this has cost you in the past (you dont get more than 30games a day for last 5months)
BRO I M playing everyday minimum 5-6 games ı dont have 1 acc :) and ıts not same v6 or v7 differences soo shut up  better :) 1. paly after speak :)

DotA Discussion / Re: 7.04c1
« on: October 28, 2023, 21:04 »
7.03b2 was better ...

Can you set up today pls :) @cen

Ban Requests / can anyone shout his mouth pleasee !!
« on: June 30, 2023, 19:43 »
: Your NickName?

2: NickName of the player that you want to be banned?
3: What rule did he/they break?
 he is enemy and started to disturb me all game from chat also (privete chat ) when ı muted all .. he just cry stack game bla bla but ı just type balance and start !!
4: When was the Rule Broken?
started from min 15 to end of the game

6: Link of the game? (if applies),;sa=game;gid=6513894

General Discussions / Re: can u reset stats
« on: May 26, 2023, 11:28 »
you are leaver and wanna reset ??

MH Ban Requests / %100 MH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« on: April 11, 2023, 10:26 »
1: Your Nickname.
2: Nickname of the player you want to be banned.
3: Link of the game.;sa=game;gid=6508182
4: Explain to us your general vision about the situation.
between min 35-36 yuo can see that guy follow ınvıs sniper and no wards there and he jumped in fog on point and use skılls directly how he saw hım !!!!!

DotA Discussion / Re: beta 7.04b0
« on: March 31, 2023, 14:45 »
v7 is not dota!!!!! ask anybody from the top 30 in ladder
plss just shut up  .. you dont know about dota anythıng ıf you saying this xD

Offtopic / Re: %uD83D%uDC94
« on: March 29, 2023, 07:10 »
@GRZ @BuyukUstad @Kyoo @iamnotrobot
Best regards to everyone, who responsed on my post.

Dude , i just read your comments. And honestly, i didnt expect your worthless opinion.

I just checked your games,
%u2018 %u2018
Amazing, you finished 3/15 games with positive score . Almost like Egoon and Kovo
Pls dont talk about PSR and stats, cuz you are handless , ppl will laugh.

Everyone knows that we are right, v6 made battlenet alive.
If 90% ppl playing v6 , that means %u2018v6 is better map for %u2018battlenet%u2019 users %u2018

Like @BuyukUstad said
%u2018 So, if you would change the map you should have do that before loosing these players to other servers and after 2 years you should have respect to decision of the community by not removing v6.. %u2018

That's the end of the discussion.

I can rape that  robotic clown on mid in any version that he wants btw  :) and also we can make a 5v5 game and laugh together to his "v6 players don't play with us bcs they are scared of us " non sense claims :peace: :shit:

but this wont change the truth:

" if you would change the map you should have do that before loosing these players to other servers and after 2 years you should have respect to decision of the community by not removing v6.. %u2018 "
@AladeenMF @BuyukUstad yes so instead of playing still you two show your skills by posting on the your alaadeen lamp maybe your wishes and other miki mouse's wishes will come true xD

DotA Discussion / Re: beta 7.04b0
« on: March 28, 2023, 14:57 »
I am very disappointed in forced push of v7 map.
For me map is chaotic, slow and perspective is also kind of weird.
OFC !!!
I gave it chance, but games still feel to be really boring.
Why not give users possibility to pub legacy map again ?

I think you can still pub it as custom map, without affecting ranked games (correct me if i am wrong here, please);

About 'slow' - why exactly you found it slow? And chaotic as well - why?

Also would like to be interested what games are not boring for you, sir?

DotA Discussion / Re: v7 is Totally Better !!
« on: March 28, 2023, 14:56 »
The funny thing is .. most "complaint" I hear is:
Code: [Select]
Hero X is too strong after they get rolled over.

Latest example being "bristle too strong". But nobody checked if hero has same talents/aghs/skills as 6.90. (Plot twist: it has)
YEAPP ALL CORRECT SİR !! because when ı was playing v6 ı feel like them ı dıdnt lıke thıs map and comes boring to me but after 1-2 week when ı rejoıned v6 ı said ı never play v6 anymore it is slow and useless ..ı thınk they dont want to try new thıngs just wanna stay old school but thıs ıs not possible everthing should be upgrade and people are always open new thıngs !!
Dear fellow established members of Lagabuse community. 7.00 has introduced biggest changes in form of:
1) terrain
2) HUD and quality of life features (take the time to check the new SETTINGS menu throughly. You will surely find some cool options that will help you improve your gamestyle by a lot)

Stuff as hero talents/aghs/skills changes are to be taken as simply "balance patch". 95% of this stuff is same as 6.90

Offtopic / Re: 💔
« on: March 28, 2023, 14:25 »
@AladeenMF i don`t understand why u guys take this hard the map switch ?
There were so many versions before this...
U guys got old and not receptive to new things ? U can`t no longer to adapt?  ???

The reason of these complains is its timing. I remember when it first released and    administration of the community was arguing abot removing v6 or not. (there were 5x more players in the server). If v6 removed in that time like other dota 1 servers people would play v7 and get used on it. But now, lagabuse has 5x less players because whoever want to play v7 goes to RGC and other loyal players mainly choise to play v6. (9 out of 10 games were v6).  So, if you would change the map you should have do that before loosing these players to other servers and after 2 years you should have respect to decision of the community by not removing v6..

@AladeenMF i don`t understand why u guys take this hard the map switch ?
There were so many versions before this...
U guys got old and not receptive to new things ? U can`t no longer to adapt?  ???
Because they dont wanna get low psr and get raped a few tımes thats why ...
ı dont see any reason why they cry and wrıte 1 paper sentences about thıs sıtuatıon xD all platforms are lıke thıs ıf they wanna play shit versions they can play at ıc cup .. there already 6.85 or 6.89 somethng lıke thıs :D:D they can have fun :)

idk who is this aggresive v7 clown but you should calm down. If you want to play newer maps go play dota 2 why you are playing dota 1? I dont understand people who are  playing dota 1 instead of dota 2 and criticizing v6 players as they don't want to play v7 with noobs like you.
If you weren't so afraid of getting crushed by V7 rookies, you'd come to this place and give our mouths a share, but you won't stop being a pro-sense loser by sticking with the past for years. Also, v7 is not the same as dota 2, it must be another weakness to show a map that is completely the same as v6 and only has more advanced graphics as dota2 and get a share from it. By the way, it is clear from the bans and warnings that you are a characterless player, if they didn't feel sorry for you, you wouldn't even be able to play a game in and bazarcı are most toxic player in lagabuse everyone knows you sweetiess xD KeepKalmAndCryMore Kid. :)

Offtopic / Re: 💔
« on: March 28, 2023, 13:44 »
U can always join games with us and see ur skills,u will see u are beginer😀
yeap and you afraid to come play with beginner :) come ıf you are pro whey cry when they swıtch and said by ı m out  :D:D why cry than come play show us your gameplay :)

DotA Discussion / Re: v7 is Totally Better !!
« on: March 28, 2023, 13:43 »
you all suck guys .. :) when someone take bone from you you start to haw hawww keep stay afk better xx

DotA Discussion / v7 is Totally Better !!
« on: March 28, 2023, 12:47 »
v6 is not different from v7 and ıf you are good player you can play all versıons of dota why you all cry for thıs lıke that ı dont understand !! if you play good you are good ıf you are scared to switch v6 from v7 thats mean you are just toxic and kid .. because always everythıng get update never can stay stable years and years !!!  Someone says ı will go rgc :S rgc players are not lıke lagabuse they all sıck and retard(hard toxic-idiot) .. also rgc has same map and get lag and delay there more than here !! you all just keep playing here and be cool !! You can play lıke v6 ın 1-2 weeks maximum and after 2 week you will not lıke to play v6 ıt comes too slow and graphics lowest high fps !!

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