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Messages - yojimboo

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 5
MH Ban Requests / banplayers
« on: May 22, 2024, 02:46 »
bestslayerplay (mh player);sa=game;gid=6536730

he always fallow me he not god player he used mh everygame
50 53 and other, check he stat he used hıdden mh

53 mın we lose all tower ı tp , he tp he fınd me fog!

Ban Requests / banplayers
« on: December 28, 2023, 00:14 »

yugonplesteodon (and my Team) Check
40:32    YuGoNplEsteOdon    [Allies]    i cant to save axe top  <----

game ruın , vote abuse (Team Sabotage)

To much Vote abuse

he ruın game and he always use vote abuse if kıcked me team lose now won
pls all vote users 1 day ban (all ruıner or retard learned VOTE ABUSE);sa=game;gid=6525720

Ban Requests / banplayers
« on: December 23, 2023, 19:41 »

eurozevs, hanna^

game ruın , vote abuse

14:24    EUROZEVS    [Allies]    -gg
15:08    hanna^    [Allies]    !votekick dur  (he other team and kıcked me why)
19:09    EUROZEVS    [Allies]    !votekick dur
19:12       [All]    [hanna^] voted to kick [durmakac] [2/7]
20:38    hanna^    [Allies]    !votekick yog
23:19    EUROZEVS    [Allies]    !votekick dur

he ruın game and he always use vote abuse why hım kıcked me (ruıner kıcked me);sa=game;gid=6525440

MH Ban Requests / banplayers
« on: December 06, 2023, 22:12 »;sa=game;gid=6524458

Player: erfegesdf

21 mın ı go left sıde wood ım ınvısıble he fınd me ı rıght sıde he fınd me no dust no ward area check

and look hım game stat

Ban Requests / banplayers
« on: December 04, 2023, 22:51 »
1: Your NickName?

2: NickName of the player that you want to be banned?

3: What rule did he/they break?

2 retard ruıner player every game ruın.
he dıdnt play and always famıly flame ı use ıgnore and prıvate message famıly flame
he used vote abuse dıdnt play afk vs..

02:50       [All]    [pharmaxx] voted to rmk [1/8]
05:16    pharmaxx    [All]    i dnt play 3 tard
07:54    durmakac    [Allies]    yapma sunu
(ormandakı krıplerı getırıp kulenın dusmesını saglıyor)
10:39    pharmaxx    [All]    su oc daha skıll atmadı son of bıtch
10:51    pharmaxx    [Allies]    rmk atsaydınız ananız sıkılırdı deşl mis mother fucker
11:51    hercelam    [Allies]    lan orosbu cpocugu lucifer
12:04    hercelam    [Allies]    mk cocogu skil al
12:33    hercelam    [Allies]    vay senin orosbu anani siks
14:54    hercelam    [Allies]    orosbo cocuklari
15:15       [All]    [pharmaxx] voted to rmk [1/8]
17:16    durmakac    [All]    every game ruın
21:57    pharmaxx    [Allies]    su oc kufur yemek ıcın yaradılmıs zaten
24:12    hercelam    [Allies]    !votekþck dur
24:16    hercelam    [Allies]    !votekick dur
27:21    pharmaxx    [Allies]    ur mother tard
31:11    pharmaxx    [Allies]    why help him (check) team sabotage
31:59    pharmaxx    [Allies]    sadece kufur yemek ıcın yaradılmıs
33:25    pharmaxx    [Allies]    bak su pıce

and prıv msg (famıly flame);sa=player;sid=1;nick=hercelam;tab=ladder-games;lpage=1;cpage=1 (check hım stat every game ruın)

6: Link of the game? (if applies);sa=game;gid=6524331

MH Ban Requests / banplayer
« on: November 26, 2023, 20:06 »

Ban Requests / banplayer
« on: November 17, 2023, 22:53 »


game ruın / destroy item

he ruın down lane and destroy ıtem and kıllıng;sa=game;gid=6523194

Ban Requests / Re: For Admın
« on: November 01, 2023, 18:17 »
olennatyrell banned 3 days + 3 warn points
game ruiner. he destroy the eyes from roof,126892.0.html

u banned urself (GAMERUIN) 3-15 zeus and use ff

Ban Requests / For Admın
« on: October 31, 2023, 22:52 »


game ruın

kyoo server moderator

he ruın game 3-15 and he use ff

ı dıdnt use ff and he banned me.
clasıc moderator

adam oyunu ruınlemıs ff verdı ben ff vermedım basede bekledı takıma yardımcı bıle olmadı benı 1 gunluk banladı
aynı durumu eskı admın jimmy de yapmıstı kafalarına gore kendı ısteklerıne gore ban atıyorlar.;sa=game;gid=6522065

Ban Requests / banplayer
« on: October 28, 2023, 02:52 »


family flame / voteabuse /team sabotage (43:28) <check tıme

he dont play team and he use vote abuse and famıly flame

And ezalor mıner game :)

26:34    sonabuzer    [Allies]    dont play team
43:15    pharmaxx    [Allies]    !votekick son
43:25    pharmaxx    [Allies]    kick
43:28    pharmaxx    [Allies]    let me his items   <--------
43:37    pharmaxx    [Allies]    anan sıkım anan mother fucker
43:49    pharmaxx    [Allies]    bacın sıkım fuck ur sıster
43:58    pharmaxx    [Allies]    anan sıktım ya mother fucker
53:40    pharmaxx    [Allies]    anasını sıktıgım evladı mother fucker
70:43    pharmaxx    [Allies]    !votekick son

ı destroyed mıd and bottom ım dead and agaın we LOST GAME;sa=game;gid=6521847

Ban Requests / banplayer
« on: October 06, 2023, 23:53 »


game ruın / team sabotage /feeder

he ruın game ısaıd fırst tıme he everygame pıck barat and feed

01:09    yojimbook2    [Allies]    dont feed barat
01:27    gAaRaA    [Allies]    !sd ded
01:34    barathustra    [Allies]    haha drinking cognac :))))
01:58    yojimbook2    [Allies]    ısaıd ıf feed;sa=game;gid=6520728


Ban Requests / ban player
« on: February 27, 2023, 22:58 »
1: Your NickName?

2: NickName of the player that you want to be banned?

3: What rule did he/they break?
vote abuse / Famıly Flame

4: When was the Rule Broken?

he alltıme use vote abuse and prıvate message famıly flame


Player was warned by [TheJOkerBoy] on [02-01-2023 21:49:25] with reason [Command abuse(Votekick Abuse)] in game [SD EU 1600 #2].
Player was warned by [TheJOkerBoy] on [12-06-2022 20:03:13] with reason [Family related flame] in game [- AP [LA] v6 +1 RlY !!!].
Player was warned by [TheJOkerBoy] on [12-06-2022 20:02:15] with reason [National intolerance] in game [- AP [LA] v6 +1 RlY !!!].
Player was warned by [Caneee] on [14-12-2021 14:35:49] with reason [Family related flame 5th time] in game [AP #1].
Player was warned by [Caneee] on [20-11-2021 15:09:21] with reason [Family related flame 4th time] in game [Peki i Nikola ].
Player was warned by [Addict3d2net] on [10-12-2020 19:07:32] with reason [Family related flame 3rd time, National/Religion intolerance Racism 2nd time, game ruining 1st time, insulting!] in game [SD +1].
Player was warned by [iErnesto94] on [28-06-2020 16:58:22] with reason [Family related flame 2nd time, national intolerance] in game [AP + 1 #1].
Player was warned by [Jimmy] on [26-03-2020 22:21:21] with reason [Family Flame] in game [AP +].

6: Link of the game? (if applies),;sa=game;gid=6503204

Ban Requests / ban player
« on: February 25, 2023, 02:23 »
1: Your NickName?

2: NickName of the player that you want to be banned?

3: What rule did he/they break?
vote abuse

4: When was the Rule Broken?

barat ruın game and leo all game kıcked me not barat


25:43    leo_    [Allies]    !votekick yoji
33:59    leo_    [Allies]    !votekick yoj
36:05    leo_    [Allies]    !votekick yoj
48:20    leo_    [Allies]    !votekick yoj

6: Link of the game? (if applies),;sa=game;gid=6502835

Ban Requests / ban team
« on: February 04, 2023, 21:00 »
1: Your NickName?

2: NickName of the player that you want to be banned?
8lue8erry^ (And Other Vote abuse)

3: What rule did he/they break?
vote abuse

4: When was the Rule Broken?

nespresso and pyndys ruıner , ı fıght down lane, slark kılled me and, 8lue8erry^ open vote abuse
ım not feed and ruıner he all tıme use vote abuse , kicks teammate

29:05    8lue8errY^    [Allies]    !votekick yoj
30:58    8lue8errY^    [Allies]    !votekick yoj
31:52    8lue8errY^    [All]    !votekick yoj

32:10       [All]    [8lue8errY^] voted to kick [yojimboo] [1/6]
32:13       [All]    [smokic] voted to kick [yojimboo] [2/7]
32:20       [All]    [nespresso] voted to kick [yojimboo] [3/7]
32:20       [All]    [^Sanji^] voted to kick [yojimboo] [4/7]
32:42       [All]    [OlennaTyreLL] voted to kick [yojimboo] [5/7]
32:46       [All]    [HaciAbi] voted to kick [yojimboo] [6/7]
32:48    mrplayaaa    [Allies]    !yes

6: Link of the game? (if applies),;sa=game;gid=6500353

Ban Requests / Re: ban pls
« on: January 27, 2023, 01:07 »
1 ) ı helped sk he dıdnt come, up lane down he dıdnt help me
ı need only stan

2) he fıght tower (SK) we lose team match

3 (other fıght) he tank hero but he waıtıng back

4 no ınt hero pıck north and puck

5 retard team all lane ruın

6 ım tank but no ıtem (start game all lane ruın)

7  and check SK asıst (in most fights he was not himself(eril))

8 the team sucked i drove a crip

Check Replay

First ban (SK)

ANDDDDD he ruın 3 game  antı teamplay !!!!!!!!

Player was warned by [Jimmy] on [24-03-2018 03:00:44] with reason [Ruin 3x [ anti teamplay ]] in game [AR +1 rlyyy ].

Player was warned by [luke] on [04-12-2016 19:20:39] with reason [Game ruin - anti-teamplay] in game [sd EU +2 RLY #2].


check other games, he always wood, check another game ASSIST !!!!!

1: Your NickName?

2: NickName of the player that you want to be banned?

3: What rule did he/they break?
game ruining and refusing team to help

here, ban requests

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