Player: k0x

Player Name: k0x Realm: eurobattle (
Total games: 149
Ladder games: 1 Custom games: 148
Player is not banned.
Player has no warns.
Total ladder games: 1 Current PSR: 1500
Wins: 0 (0%) Highest PSR: 1500
Loses: 0 (0%) Kills / Deaths:
Draws: 0 (0%) Assists / Deaths:
Observed games: 0 (Kills + Assists) / Deaths:
Left games: 0 (0%)
-EM games: 0 (0%)
Average kills: Kills: 0
Average deaths: Deaths: 0
Average assists: Assists: 0
Average creep kills: Creep kills: 0
Average creep denies: Creep denies: 0
Average neutral kills: Neutral kills: 0
Average tower kills: Tower kills: 0
Average rax kills: Rax kills: 0

Player hasn't played any ladder games.

Total custom games: 148
Date Game name Type Map
04-04-2023 20:14:59 Koxiiiiiii aide ve4e da igraem PUB (6)RiverOfSouls.w3x
04-04-2023 20:11:55 Koxiiiiii PUB (6)CopperCanyon.w3x
04-04-2023 19:49:28 Anime X Hero KOXIIIIIIII PUB Anime X Hero N v6.37-2019.w3x
02-04-2023 22:10:31 Vlizai ne mi se obqsnqwai PUB (8)GolemsInTheMist.w3m
19-02-2023 20:33:05 YouTD_v1.10b PUB YouTD_v1.10b.w3x
19-02-2023 14:18:20 HOLYYYY DIIIVER PUB HolyWarFinal.w3x
19-02-2023 13:48:12 Stay Alive PUB Stay Alive.w3x
19-02-2023 13:38:32 NARUTOO SASUKEEE PUB Naruto Castle Defense 9.4.w3x
19-02-2023 12:06:52 Survival Run ! PUB SurvivalRun 1.8p.w3x
19-02-2023 11:02:04 300 SPARTAAAANS PUB 300 - Three Hundred v1.40 FINAL.w3x
19-02-2023 10:31:44 AIDEEEE VLIZAI PUB (8)Northshire.w3x
18-02-2023 14:35:29 TUKA BE PUB (8)Deadlands.w3x
11-02-2023 20:47:49 BAMBOLEEEEOOOOOO PUB (8)BloodvenomFalls.w3m
11-02-2023 20:06:40 AIDIIII WARCHIEF PUB (4)LostTemple.w3m
04-02-2023 16:17:26 POKEMONI POPIMONI PUB Pokemon World 9.1.w3x
04-02-2023 15:34:33 ZA X HERO VLIZAI TUK PUB X Hero Siege 10.0.3.w3x
04-02-2023 15:26:12 PARARRAPA AMERIKANO PUB X Hero Siege 10.0.3.w3x
04-02-2023 15:07:31 KLEOPATRA PUB (6)Haven Splitter.w3x
03-02-2023 22:32:25 POZNAI PUB (6)SunrockCove.w3x
03-02-2023 21:50:44 aidiiiiii part 2 PUB (4)TidewaterGlades.w3x
03-02-2023 21:20:07 AIDIIIIIIIII PUB (4)RockQuarry.w3x
29-01-2023 12:10:54 AIDIIIII PUB Angel Arena Eclipse the Apocalypse.w3x
29-01-2023 11:04:41 AIDUWADBUABy\aef PUB (8)TheCrucible.w3m
29-01-2023 10:15:17 E TA TVA E PUB (8)TheCrucible.w3m
29-01-2023 10:09:17 TUKA BE PUB (8)BlastedLands.w3m
23-01-2023 22:43:53 BAMBOLEEEEOOOOOO PUB (6)HinterlandRaid.w3x
23-01-2023 22:04:16 NAHLUVAiiiiii PUB (6)TrespassGrounds.w3x
23-01-2023 21:34:40 ME AND THE BOYS PUB (6)CopperCanyon.w3x
22-01-2023 12:12:33 .MELEEEEEEE PUB (10)DustwallowKeys.w3m
22-01-2023 11:40:40 AIDEDEDEDEDED PUB (6)ScorchedBasin.w3m