Player: dajle1

Player Name: dajle1 Realm: eurobattle (
Total games: 908
Ladder games: 908 Custom games: 0
Player is not banned.
Player has no warns.
Total ladder games: 908 Current PSR: 1492
Wins: 7 (0%) Highest PSR: 1545
Loses: 9 (0%) Kills / Deaths: 0.3
Draws: 2 (0%) Assists / Deaths: 0.8
Observed games: 0 (Kills + Assists) / Deaths: 1.2
Left games: 0 (0%)
-EM games: 0 (0%)
Average kills: 4.1 Kills: 65
Average deaths: 12 Deaths: 192
Average assists: 9.9 Assists: 159
Average creep kills: 178.3 Creep kills: 2852
Average creep denies: 4.4 Creep denies: 71
Average neutral kills: 25.1 Neutral kills: 402
Average tower kills: 1.1 Tower kills: 17
Average rax kills: 0.3 Rax kills: 4
Total ladder games: 908
Date Game name Type Hero PSR After K D A CK CD NK Result
05-03-2024 20:52:42 sd +1 #1 PUB Lightning Revenant 1492 | -16 3 15 6 76 5 0 LOST
05-03-2024 19:54:32 AP + + + #9 PUB Templar Assassin 1508 | -13 5 14 0 200 1 78 LOST
04-03-2024 22:39:35 AP +1 #16 PUB Gorgon 1521 | -13 3 14 7 123 3 18 LOST
04-03-2024 21:41:33 SD+1 PUB empty 1534 | +0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DRAW
04-03-2024 21:08:24 SD RMKK #4 PUB Gorgon 1534 | -11 1 9 6 145 4 27 LOST
04-03-2024 20:15:56 SD RMKK + 1 #2 PUB Enchantress 1545 | +16 6 10 7 82 8 5 WON
04-03-2024 19:07:35 ap + 1 321go #3 PUB Gorgon 1529 | -14 3 12 5 248 3 39 LOST
03-03-2024 00:03:33 ap 10/10 PUB Gorgon 1543 | +14 1 12 14 324 3 46 WON
02-03-2024 22:33:17 SD fast +1 #2 PUB Bane Elemental 1529 | +17 9 11 15 199 12 12 WON
02-03-2024 21:13:37 ap 9/10 last slot PUB Gorgon 1512 | +17 9 13 17 358 3 43 WON
02-03-2024 20:01:53 ap 10/10 PUB Gorgon 1495 | +17 8 8 12 278 3 57 WON
01-03-2024 22:16:06 sd #4 PUB Phantom Lancer 1478 | -15 3 12 6 156 2 22 LOST
01-03-2024 20:59:49 SD +2 #1 PUB Dwarven Sniper 1493 | -16 7 14 17 198 8 15 LOST
06-02-2024 00:25:01 AP + 4 PUB Templar Assassin 1509 | -14 5 12 7 124 3 27 LOST
05-02-2024 21:21:12 SD Rmk +1 #29 PUB Twin Head Dragon 1523 | +20 0 13 14 89 7 10 WON
05-02-2024 19:34:30 ap all + 1 #2 PUB Gorgon 1503 | +0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DRAW
05-02-2024 19:18:31 ap #4 PUB Gorgon 1503 | +16 1 7 11 138 2 3 WON
05-02-2024 18:02:26 sd 9/10 last slot PUB Beastmaster 1487 | -13 1 16 15 114 4 0 LOST
24-04-2023 22:11:32 SD #2 PUB Lord of Avernus 1453 | +0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DRAW
19-04-2023 20:44:11 SD v7.+++ Fast! #2 PUB Bane Elemental 1453 | +18 3 9 13 119 4 0 WON
19-04-2023 19:56:03 AP #5 PUB Gorgon 1435 | +0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DRAW
18-04-2023 23:31:39 AP PUB Nerubian Weaver 1435 | -17 2 12 4 70 4 1 LOST
18-04-2023 20:23:10 AP +1 V7 !!! PUB Gorgon 1452 | -18 3 12 4 163 1 3 LOST
18-04-2023 19:37:52 AP fast PUB Gorgon 1470 | +0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DRAW
17-04-2023 19:15:00 SD fast #2 PUB Queen of Pain 1470 | -17 1 13 3 67 6 0 LOST
16-04-2023 20:34:06 sd rmk #6 PUB Phantom Assassin 1487 | -14 4 13 17 42 0 5 LOST
15-04-2023 23:49:16 SD rmk v7 PUB Juggernaut 1501 | -15 2 12 4 69 1 5 LOST
15-04-2023 23:10:31 AP 9/10 #3 PUB empty 1516 | +0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DRAW
15-04-2023 20:59:58 AP 9/10 #3 PUB Templar Assassin 1516 | +15 3 14 15 302 7 99 WON
14-04-2023 23:25:16 ap rmk PUB Templar Assassin 1501 | -14 5 20 11 78 6 0 LOST

Player hasn't played any custom games.