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Topics - iNevermore

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Ban Requests / Ban RQST jone
« on: May 15, 2014, 16:22 »
Anti team playing/Refusing to def;sa=game;gid=5483894
This report can only be solved by watching replay. The thing is hard but deffinetly bannable. Magina (according to what he says he had 2150 psr buw w/e) from the beggining he was only farming, feeding and farming - but ok he had to. At the middle of game when enemies started to destroy mid he was still farming ssomewhere prabobly up line fighting someone or creeps - 1st time refusing to def. Later was even worse, they were ganking and he was farming on lines and in woods. Last time whe he did that he was fighting down with naix 1 vs just when they were destrying up line. Requesting to ban him for anti team playign and game ruin. He was our carry and all he did was solo playing and farming when enemies was destrying towers and throne. Requesting to ban him for game ruin and anti team playing.

Ban Requests / Ban RQST davefkm
« on: May 15, 2014, 15:29 »
afk/game ruin;sa=game;gid=5483855
From 20 min of gametime he was mostly staying afk. Mostly at 2 mins istances. About 20 mins he was afking.

Ban Requests / Ban RQST trollface..
« on: May 08, 2014, 10:10 »
afk/game ruin;sa=game;gid=5478815
From 5th min of game he was afk at foutain. Stayed there about 5-6min

Ban Requests / Ban RQST defensayjustica
« on: April 20, 2014, 00:21 »
AFK at fountain/Refusing to play/game ruin;sa=game;gid=5463614
At 25 min of game he said he wont play with axe and stayed over 10 min afking at fountain. Requesting to ban him for afk and refusing to play aka game ruin.

Ban Requests / Ban RQST fixyou, reallengineer
« on: April 19, 2014, 18:19 »
fixyou, reallengineer
Afk at fountain;sa=game;gid=5463283
From 20 min of game both stayed at fountain only. Furion afked more than 3 minutes (120 sec in one istance) same with doctor. Requesting to watch replay and judge.

Ban Requests / Ban request messimessimessi
« on: April 19, 2014, 14:43 »
messimessimessi (aka common1337 if only he is playing on that acc)
Game ruin/leaving game on purpose;sa=game;gid=5463058
So yea, here comes the time when im reporting this faggot. After all his insulting in lobby about me being 0 etc in game he got owned hardly. Ofc hes blaming only his teammates but still get got owned aswell. Nothing big if not the fact that he left game on purpose, again. I got enough of this pathetic big ego kid thats why I prepared this request.
To the point, im requesting to ban HIM and his all account also IP lock including for that act, multiacc, ruining games by leaving on purpose. Thats against the rules so nobody can say I cant report - yes I can.
Requesting to ban all his faggy accounts for that act.
Guess his pro skills are nothing against me, ah well.

Ban Requests / ban RQST xaoc...
« on: April 11, 2014, 21:23 »
AFK/Refusing to play/sobotating teammates/destroying items;sa=game;gid=5457100
Noob couldnt hang on loosing so at min of 22 of gametime he went afk, destroyed his items and left game. HE was autobannred but thats is not enough I guess.
He has 15 warn points so I ask to add him long ban for his acting.

Ban Requests / Ban RQST sex.bez.lasky
« on: April 01, 2014, 15:29 »
Sobotating teammates/game ruin;sa=game;gid=5450046
36:30 min of GAME, furion using trap to help enemimes in killing me
There is also same thing near 30 (+ -) min of game, walking around and using traps so allys getting killed quickly

Ban Requests / Ban RQST barzanii and naseerjones
« on: March 20, 2014, 16:04 »
barzanii and naseerjones
AFK/Game ruin;sa=game;gid=5441475
As for clinks I requesting to add him BAn for afking. At 20 min of game he was 5 lvl. Staying and afking at fountain or walking around. Game ruin and afking.
As for slark I request for ban also, at 24 min of game he was afking at foutnain refusing to def, they destroyed mid - he refused to def. In totall game cunt he afked enough for ban

MH Ban Requests / MH request stalliontr
« on: February 11, 2014, 10:15 »
Nothing to explain, he is turk. I was watching replay to report nevermore for game ruin and I saw strange moves by balanar, im barely sure he is using MH.

15:35 - nevermore farmin in woods, no wards no nothing , balanar tps and goes directly at nevermore, also using lothar not even knowing if he is there.
16:35 - abbbadon farmin our woods, balanar goes directly him, no wards no nothing
28:30 - bala chasing nevermore and abbadon, he is going deep in forrest but suddenly he is turning back and going secret shop where abba is.
27:45 - I dunno what it is but I noticed strange ward at nevermores head in colour of yellow (colour of balanar)
31:45 - abbadon farming woods near secret shop. Balanar goes directly him, no wards no knowing.
46:50 - balanar goes in forrest not knowing whos there, he was alone vs abbadon, he could kill him easly with DD but he went lothar and turn back
if you wantch replay u will see that we came to help abba cause we saw bala using lothar near abba, however balanar havnt seen us, magic?

Offtopic / Reeeeporter
« on: January 31, 2014, 23:27 »
As for now best epeisode so far.
I dont even know how i got here:D Rotflmao

Offtopic / Heroes of the Storm
« on: December 18, 2013, 20:46 »
Well, I have no idea if you already saw this but:

As for me it looks fucking amazing. I dont expect it will be like dota, I dont expect it will be anything like that, but looking on that trailer I might say it will be good opportunity to skip dota to HofS from time to time.
All the idea about all Blizz heroes looks extraordinary! Diablo? Tyrael? wow as for me it took my breath away.

What do you think about that?
I have heard there will be beta tests soon, anyone in? :D

Offtopic / Another pool for dummies.
« on: May 29, 2013, 22:41 »
How many suares do you see...
Another internet problem.

Seriously, having treuble with eyes and brain aint the same thing!

Offtopic / Not even Math.
« on: March 15, 2013, 11:26 »
Im serious  8)

Whole internet arguing 'bout this problem.
What do you think? Did you earn some elementary school skills?  :D

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