Player: spoonkiller12

Player Name: spoonkiller12 Realm: eurobattle (
Total games: 748
Ladder games: 724 Custom games: 24
Player is not banned.
Player has no warns.
Total ladder games: 724 Current PSR: 1455
Wins: 5 (0%) Highest PSR: 1533
Loses: 8 (1%) Kills / Deaths: 0.5
Draws: 4 (0%) Assists / Deaths: 1.1
Observed games: 0 (Kills + Assists) / Deaths: 1.6
Left games: 1 (0%)
-EM games: 0 (0%)
Average kills: 5.5 Kills: 72
Average deaths: 10.3 Deaths: 134
Average assists: 11.1 Assists: 144
Average creep kills: 153.9 Creep kills: 2001
Average creep denies: 2.2 Creep denies: 28
Average neutral kills: 67.5 Neutral kills: 878
Average tower kills: 0.5 Tower kills: 6
Average rax kills: 0.2 Rax kills: 2
Total ladder games: 689
Date Game name Type Hero PSR After K D A CK CD NK Result
04-03-2024 20:08:40 ap 10/10 PUB Windrunner 1455 | -16 5 21 12 190 3 83 LOST
03-03-2024 18:01:51 ap 9/10 last slot PUB Gorgon 1471 | -19 1 12 11 230 4 68 LOST
03-03-2024 13:24:32 Ap +3 #1 PUB Chaos Knight 1490 | -16 3 16 9 190 5 74 LOST
02-03-2024 20:01:53 ap 10/10 PUB Axe 1506 | +16 6 11 14 203 0 140 WON
02-03-2024 15:19:34 ap last PUB Spectre 1490 | -14 4 6 2 56 1 35 LOST
01-03-2024 22:50:27 ap 10/10 PUB Axe 1504 | -16 12 11 4 224 3 119 LOST
01-03-2024 20:09:14 ap +++1 last slot #1 PUB Queen of Pain 1520 | -13 7 9 10 224 1 67 LOST
01-03-2024 19:14:42 ap last slot +++1 #3 PUB Guardian Wisp 1533 | +0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DRAW
01-03-2024 16:56:16 ap 10/10 PUB Juggernaut 1533 | +18 5 7 12 203 1 116 WON
29-02-2024 17:34:45 apal #6 PUB Juggernaut 1515 | +13 6 10 17 189 2 115 WON
04-01-2024 19:28:40 SD 9/10 PUB Vengeful Spirit 1502 | -17 3 14 6 0 0 0 LOST
04-01-2024 18:27:02 SD BALANCE #6 PUB empty 1519 | +0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DRAW
04-01-2024 18:12:16 AP +2 PUB empty 1519 | +0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DRAW
04-01-2024 17:45:20 SD rmk #1 PUB Tidehunter 1519 | +18 3 1 18 94 0 55 WON
04-01-2024 17:09:25 sd #4 PUB Nerubian Weaver 1501 | +0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DRAW
04-01-2024 16:55:39 AP +1 #18 PUB Lord of Olympus 1501 | +19 12 7 24 128 2 1 WON
03-01-2024 22:02:54 ap 9/10 last slot PUB Queen of Pain 1482 | -18 5 9 5 70 6 5 LOST
18-09-2023 16:23:15 SD RMK #1 PUB empty 1470 | +0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DRAW
21-05-2023 12:44:23 ap PUB Silencer 1470 | -15 0 10 10 54 0 9 LOST
21-05-2023 11:56:26 ap PUB empty 1485 | +0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DRAW
14-05-2023 12:03:11 AP GOO PUB Gorgon 1485 | -16 0 9 1 95 2 47 LOST
11-05-2023 19:24:46 AP+1 PUB Queen of Pain 1501 | +0 0 0 0 20 5 0 DRAW
05-05-2023 00:19:40 Ap RMK PUB Gorgon 1501 | -15 5 13 9 188 2 64 LOST
30-04-2023 15:45:23 SD RMK v6 #8 PUB Axe 1516 | +13 3 3 8 134 0 89 WON
21-04-2023 19:41:34 SD ++ PUB Dwarven Sniper 1503 | +17 1 10 11 201 0 84 WON
21-04-2023 16:17:54 sd+++ #3 PUB Stone Giant 1486 | -16 0 18 6 60 0 18 LOST
17-04-2023 20:40:02 ap PUB Axe 1502 | -14 2 9 6 111 0 79 LOST
17-04-2023 00:01:18 AP +1 rly #2 PUB Gorgon 1516 | -11 5 6 8 235 5 44 LOST
15-04-2023 21:03:01 AP +1 LAST SLOT #1 PUB Gorgon 1527 | -12 6 9 5 216 2 91 LOST
15-04-2023 18:20:12 AP V7 ++++1 rly last slot #1 PUB Nerubian Assassin 1539 | +15 7 6 12 75 1 18 WON
Total custom games: 24
Date Game name Type Map
01-11-2022 20:34:48 ap +3 PUB DotA_Allstars_6.90a8.w3x
24-03-2020 20:45:02 sm PUB twrpgv0.32x_eng.w3x
24-03-2020 20:20:39 sk PUB twrpgv0.32x_eng.w3x
24-03-2020 20:05:56 sk PUB twrpgv0.32x_eng.w3x
24-03-2020 19:56:14 sk PUB twrpgv0.32x_eng.w3x
24-03-2020 19:43:00 sk PUB twrpgv0.32x_eng.w3x
24-03-2020 19:31:20 sk PUB twrpgv0.32x_eng.w3x
24-03-2020 18:51:46 fun_hd PUB Team Custom Hero Survival 5.1.w3x
22-03-2020 21:29:13 sk PUB twrpgv0.32x_eng.w3x
22-03-2020 21:21:42 sk PUB twrpgv0.32x_eng.w3x
22-03-2020 21:10:43 sk PUB twrpgv0.32x_eng.w3x
13-03-2020 21:49:45 X Hero Siegsde dxddddd #4 PUB X Hero Siege Ancient Lords 1.80.w3x
22-02-2020 19:01:43 cc PUB twrpgS4v0.32c_eng.w3x
12-02-2020 22:13:05 dl PUB twrpgS4v0.32b_eng.w3x
29-11-2015 23:33:02 555 PUB DotA v6.83d.w3x
29-11-2015 22:46:40 555 PUB DotA v6.83d.w3x
29-11-2015 22:24:48 555 PUB DotA v6.83d.w3x
29-11-2015 20:07:26 555 PUB DotA v6.83d.w3x
29-11-2015 19:44:09 555 PUB DotA v6.83d.w3x
27-01-2015 21:32:35 DBZ Ultra PUB DBZ Tribute Ultra V10Beta10.w3x
27-01-2015 20:43:54 DBZ Ultra PUB DBZ Tribute Ultra V10Beta10.w3x
22-01-2015 15:59:13 Friends PUB (8)Friends.w3x
22-01-2015 01:22:03 Garden of War PUB (8)GardenOfWar.w3x
16-01-2015 16:44:12 custom hero arena defense +1 PUB Custom Hero Arena Defense V.1.07.w3x