Game: AP 9/10 #1

Game Name: AP 9/10 #1 Game Type: Ladder DotA Game
Game State: PUB Creator: berekettu
Date: 18-05-2024 22:47:43 Replay: Download replay
Lobby duration: 13:41 Game duration: 31:32
Map: maps\download\DotA_Allstars_7.04c7.w3x
Mode: ap Winner: Scourge
Player Hero L PSR After K D A CK CD NK T Items Left at Reason
Anti-Mage 201556 | -11 7 8 3 0 0 0 0 Battle Fury Wraith Band Wraith Band Manta Style empty Power Treads (Agility)30:40 has left the game voluntarily
Bristleback 161623 | -7 3 11 5 72 5 0 0 Gauntlets of Strength Blade Mail Vanguard (melee) Power Treads (Strength) Quelling Blade empty31:23 has left the game voluntarily
Demon Witch 91613 | -8 2 13 5 17 0 3 0 Tranquil Boots Kelen's Dagger Observer Wards empty empty empty31:19 has left the game voluntarily
Admiral 131574 | -10 1 11 7 38 0 6 0 Aghanim's Scepter empty Boots of Speed empty empty empty31:32 has left the game voluntarily
Lord of Olympus 111606 | -8 1 11 7 32 0 0 0 Null Talisman Arcane Boots Point Booster Null Talisman Observer Wards empty31:21 has left the game voluntarily
Queen of Pain 181554 | +13 14 0 17 89 5 17 1 empty Orchid Malevolence Magic Wand Tranquil Boots Linken's Sphere empty31:27 has left the game voluntarily
Sacred Warrior 161619 | +9 12 7 9 60 2 37 0 Boots of Travel Armlet of Mordiggian Aghanim's Scepter (Huskar) Mask of Death empty empty31:22 has left the game voluntarily
Necrolyte 211761 | +1 16 2 18 200 9 49 2 Kelen's Dagger Heart of Tarrasque Boots of Speed Bracer Aghanim's Scepter (Necro) Bracer31:24 has left the game voluntarily
Axe 171508 | +16 1 3 9 224 4 175 1 Kelen's Dagger Blade Mail Bracer Crimson Guard empty Power Treads (Strength)31:19 has left the game voluntarily
Prophet 161591 | +11 10 6 12 164 12 34 2 Orchid Malevolence Gleipnir Power Treads (Intelligence) empty Observer Wards empty31:23 has left the game voluntarily
Lobby log
Time From Message
00:04 semtex06 has joined the game.
00:04 Spoof check accepted for [semtex06 :].
00:04 Spoof check accepted for [semtex06 :].
00:05 berekettu has joined the game.
00:05 Spoof check accepted for [berekettu :].
00:05 Spoof check accepted for [berekettu :].
00:07 Thesnn has joined the game.
00:07 Spoof check accepted for [Thesnn :].
00:07 Spoof check accepted for [Thesnn :].
00:08 berekettu has left the game.
00:15 nespresso has joined the game.
00:15 shadowchaser has joined the game.
00:15 Spoof check accepted for [shadowchaser :].
00:15 Spoof check accepted for [shadowchaser :].
00:15 Spoof check accepted for [nespresso :].
00:15 Spoof check accepted for [nespresso :].
00:18 shadowchaser has left the game.
00:22 nespresso !owner
00:24 Togepieffy has joined the game.
00:24 Spoof check accepted for [Togepieffy :].
00:24 Spoof check accepted for [Togepieffy :].
00:31 Togepieffy v
00:31 Togepieffy v
00:31 Togepieffy v
00:39 berekettu has joined the game.
00:39 Spoof check accepted for [berekettu :].
00:39 Spoof check accepted for [berekettu :].
00:39 Togepieffy has left the game.
01:02 berekettu !rall
01:02 Thesnn (1621), berekettu (1614), nespresso (1610), semtex06 (1567)
02:00 [Did you know?] You can hold Alt and click on an ability or item to inform your teammates if it is ready, on cooldown, or if you do not have enough mana to use it.
02:22 levola2 has joined the game.
02:22 Spoof check accepted for [levola2 :].
02:22 Spoof check accepted for [levola2 :].
02:22 L.B.J has joined the game.
02:22 Spoof check accepted for [L.B.J :].
02:22 Spoof check accepted for [L.B.J :].
02:36 berekettu !PUB AP 6/10
02:36 Trying to rehost as public game [AP 6/10].
02:42 Rehost was successful on at least one realm!
02:52 Venedict has joined the game.
02:52 Spoof check accepted for [Venedict :].
02:52 Spoof check accepted for [Venedict :].
02:52 Venedict doesn't have the map and there is no local copy of the map to send
02:52 Venedict has left the game.
03:01 Kasman has joined the game.
03:01 Spoof check accepted for [Kasman :].
03:01 Spoof check accepted for [Kasman :].
03:06 berekettu !rall
03:06 Kasman (1630), Thesnn (1621), berekettu (1614), nespresso (1610), levola2 (1584), semtex06 (1567), L.B.J (1541)
03:19 Venedict has joined the game.
03:19 Spoof check accepted for [Venedict :].
03:19 Spoof check accepted for [Venedict :].
03:19 Venedict doesn't have the map and there is no local copy of the map to send
03:19 Venedict has left the game.
03:28 berekettu !sd
03:28 [berekettu] PSR: 1614 games: 218 W/L: 17/6
03:28 H. K/D/A 10.43/7.43/16.91 C. K/D/N 157.17/10.61/47.83
03:33 berekettu !swap 2 7
03:34 berekettu !rall
03:34 Kasman (1630), Thesnn (1621), berekettu (1614), nespresso (1610), levola2 (1584), semtex06 (1567), L.B.J (1541)
03:39 berekettu !PUB AP 7/10
03:39 Trying to rehost as public game [AP 7/10].
03:48 Rehost was successful on at least one realm!
04:00 [Did you know?] Switching Power Treads to Agility while healing allows your health and mana to restore slightly faster. Just don't forget to switch them back!
06:00 [Did you know?] Hero choices matter. Many heroes are strong counters to other heroes, and many hero pairings are far more powerful and useful than any hero is alone.
06:50 berekettu !PUB
06:50 Trying to rehost as public game [AP 7/10 #1].
07:02 Rehost was successful on at least one realm!
07:56 eakbas has joined the game.
07:56 Spoof check accepted for [eakbas :].
07:56 Spoof check accepted for [eakbas :].
08:00 [Did you know?] After Roshan has been killed, he will respawn at a random time between 8 and 11 minutes.
08:03 berekettu !PUB AP 8/10
08:03 Trying to rehost as public game [AP 8/10].
08:05 berekettu !RALL
08:05 Kasman (1630), Thesnn (1621), berekettu (1614), nespresso (1610), levola2 (1584), eakbas (1580), semtex06 (1567), L.B.J (1541)
08:18 Rehost was successful on at least one realm!
08:20 Togepieffy has joined the game.
08:20 Spoof check accepted for [Togepieffy :].
08:20 Spoof check accepted for [Togepieffy :].
08:25 berekettu !PUB AP 9/10
08:25 Trying to rehost as public game [AP 9/10].
08:29 berekettu !RALL
08:29 Togepieffy (1760), Kasman (1630), Thesnn (1621), berekettu (1614), nespresso (1610), levola2 (1584), eakbas (1580), semtex06 (1567), L.B.J (1541)
08:35 berekettu !rS
08:35 Sentinel avg. PSR: 1603(60% to win, WR=62%), Scourge avg. PSR: 1623(40% to win, WR=50%)
08:36 berekettu !RALL
08:36 Togepieffy (1760), Kasman (1630), Thesnn (1621), berekettu (1614), nespresso (1610), levola2 (1584), eakbas (1580), semtex06 (1567), L.B.J (1541)
08:39 Rehost was successful on at least one realm!
10:00 [Did you know?] 4x bloodstone better than 3x bloodstone.
11:51 berekettu !PUB
11:51 Trying to rehost as public game [AP 9/10 #1].
12:00 [Did you know?] 4x bloodstone better than 3x bloodstone.
12:11 Rehost was successful on at least one realm!
13:20 junioruza37 has joined the game.
13:20 Spoof check accepted for [junioruza37 :].
13:20 Spoof check accepted for [junioruza37 :].
13:24 berekettu !rS
13:24 Sentinel avg. PSR: 1603(46% to win, WR=62%), Scourge avg. PSR: 1599(54% to win, WR=49%)
13:25 berekettu !RALL
13:25 Togepieffy (1760), Kasman (1630), Thesnn (1621), berekettu (1614), nespresso (1610), levola2 (1584), eakbas (1580), semtex06 (1567), L.B.J (1541), junioruza37 (1506)
13:26 berekettu !WYNC 2
13:29 berekettu !SYNC 250
13:29 Setting sync limit to the maximum of 250 packets.
13:29 junioruza37 doganay
13:30 berekettu !HCL AP
13:31 berekettu !RALL
13:31 Togepieffy (1760), Kasman (1630), Thesnn (1621), berekettu (1614), nespresso (1610), levola2 (1584), eakbas (1580), semtex06 (1567), L.B.J (1541), junioruza37 (1506)
13:32 berekettu !F
13:32 semtex06: (TR), Thesnn: (TR), nespresso: (BR), berekettu: (TR), levola2: (TR), L.B.J: (TR), Kasman: (TR), eakbas: (TR), Togepieffy: (TR), junioruza37: (TR)
13:34 berekettu !START
13:34 Players not yet pinged 3 times: junioruza37
13:35 berekettu !SC
13:36 berekettu !START
13:36 Game is starting, game mode is set to [ap].
13:36 10. . .
13:36 9. . .
13:37 8. . .
13:37 7. . .
13:38 6. . .
13:38 5. . .
13:39 4. . .
13:40 3. . .
13:40 2. . .
13:41 1. . .
Game log
Time From Message
00:00 [All] This game is being hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
00:00 [All] Lagabuse Game ID: 879
00:00 [All] If you leave before the tree/throne is destroyed you risk getting autobanned, type !autoban for more info.
00:04 semtex06 [Allies] -minimap 1
00:05 Kasman [Allies] -cam 2590
00:05 junioruza37 [Allies] -cam 1.5
00:05 berekettu [Allies] -cam 265*
00:05 semtex06 [Allies] -light 6
00:05 Togepieffy [Allies] evet
00:06 Thesnn [Allies] -cam 2600
00:07 junioruza37 [Allies] -light 6
00:08 berekettu [Allies] -cam 2650
00:08 junioruza37 [Allies] naber
00:09 Kasman [Allies] -minimap 1
00:10 berekettu [Allies] -minimap* 3
00:10 L.B.J [Allies] -minimap 3
00:11 Thesnn [Allies] -minimap 3
00:13 Togepieffy [Allies] iyidir senden
00:13 Kasman [Allies] -light 6
00:13 berekettu [Allies] -minimap 3
00:13 junioruza37 [Allies] hic denk gelemedik ya
00:13 Togepieffy [Allies] :D
00:15 berekettu [Allies] -light 6
00:19 Togepieffy [Allies] pick broken heroes
00:23 levola2 [Allies] -CAM 3000
00:25 Togepieffy [Allies] en iyi oynadıgın
00:26 levola2 [Allies] -AOE
00:26 Togepieffy [Allies] heroyu al
00:27 junioruza37 [Allies] oracle ben
00:30 levola2 [Allies] -betterfps
00:35 Togepieffy [Allies] biliyorum
00:36 Togepieffy [Allies] :D
00:43 berekettu [Allies] >> I want to pick > Ogre Magi
00:45 Togepieffy [Allies] -cam 1.75
00:51 junioruza37 [Allies] üst sıralarda görüyorum seni ha gayret 1.lge az kalmıs
00:53 Togepieffy [Allies] lets win
00:55 Togepieffy [Allies] :D
01:16 junioruza37 [Allies] !rall
01:33 berekettu [Allies] !sd juni
01:33 [All] [junioruza37] PSR: 1506 games: 780 W/L: 28/31
01:33 [All] H. K/D/A 6.07/7.88/13.32 C. K/D/N 160.31/7.19/33.90
02:07 semtex06 [Allies] >> Necrolyte is missing!
02:10 semtex06 [Allies] >> Queen of Pain is missing!
02:12 semtex06 [Allies] >> Prophet is missing!
02:16 semtex06 [Allies] >> Axe is missing!
02:44 [All] [Kasman]-- Creeps Spawned --
03:09 nespresso [Allies] -cam 2700
04:08 L.B.J [Allies] care axe
04:11 L.B.J [Allies] ıamb
04:12 junioruza37 [Allies] ?
05:32 L.B.J [Allies] >> 2:46 (Bounty Runes spawn in 14 seconds)
05:32 L.B.J [Allies] >> 2:47 (Bounty Runes spawn in 13 seconds)
05:55 [All] [Kasman]eakbas killed Thesnn
06:39 [All] [Kasman]nespresso killed Thesnn
06:41 [All] [Kasman]The Sentinel killed nespresso
06:47 [All] [Kasman]eakbas killed semtex06
07:21 [All] [Kasman]L.B.J killed levola2
07:24 [All] [Kasman]Kasman killed junioruza37
07:28 [All] [Kasman]L.B.J killed Kasman
07:30 junioruza37 [Allies] gj
07:39 L.B.J [Allies] u2
07:44 [All] [Kasman]semtex06 killed nespresso
08:51 [All] [Kasman]L.B.J killed levola2
08:57 [All] [Kasman]Thesnn killed nespresso
09:01 [All] [Kasman]nespresso killed semtex06
09:01 [All] [Kasman]Kasman killed junioruza37
09:03 L.B.J [Allies] >> I have 22% HP and 60% Mana
09:03 L.B.J [Allies] >> I have 22% HP and 60% Mana
09:08 [All] [Kasman]Togepieffy killed berekettu
09:14 [All] [Kasman]L.B.J killed Kasman
09:59 [All] [Kasman]eakbas killed levola2
10:11 L.B.J [Allies] >> 7:26
10:31 L.B.J [Allies] >> Demon Witch is missing!
10:49 [All] [Kasman]L.B.J killed Thesnn
11:42 [All] [Kasman]The Scourge destroyed the mid level 1 Sentinel tower
12:20 [All] [Kasman]L.B.J killed Thesnn
13:14 Togepieffy [Allies] kill am
13:21 [All] [Kasman]berekettu killed junioruza37
13:22 [All] [Kasman]eakbas killed Kasman
13:31 [All] [Kasman]eakbas killed levola2
13:42 junioruza37 [Allies] !Rs
13:55 [All] [Kasman]Neutral creeps killed semtex06
14:00 [All] [Kasman]eakbas killed berekettu
14:35 [All] [Kasman]The Sentinel destroyed the top level 1 Scourge tower
14:38 [All] [Kasman]Togepieffy destroyed the bottom level 1 Sentinel tower
15:02 Togepieffy [Allies] g
15:04 Togepieffy [Allies] g
15:17 Togepieffy [Allies] go
15:18 Togepieffy [Allies] bro
15:23 nespresso [Allies] >> Life Break - Level 1 > On cooldown ( 00:01 )
15:55 [All] [Kasman]Togepieffy killed berekettu
15:57 [All] [Kasman]Togepieffy killed levola2
15:58 [All] [Kasman]nespresso killed Thesnn
16:07 [All] [Kasman]nespresso killed Kasman
16:18 L.B.J [Allies] gg
16:21 L.B.J [Allies] >> 13:35 (Power Runes spawn in 25 seconds)
16:25 nespresso [All] !sd sem
16:33 L.B.J [Allies] >> 13:46 (Power Runes spawn in 14 seconds)
16:56 [All] [Kasman]semtex06 killed eakbas
17:27 berekettu [Allies] >> Togepieffy has a > Aghanim's Scepter
17:39 [All] [Kasman]nespresso killed Thesnn
17:59 berekettu [Allies] >> Prophet is missing!
18:14 [All] [Kasman]semtex06 killed eakbas
18:18 [All] [Kasman]L.B.J killed semtex06
18:25 semtex06 [Allies] >> Queen of Pain is missing!
18:25 semtex06 [Allies] >> Queen of Pain is missing!
18:35 [All] [Kasman]Togepieffy killed berekettu
18:43 nespresso [All] !sd bere
18:51 berekettu [All] !sd nes
18:51 [All] [nespresso] PSR: 1610 games: 344 W/L: 117/131
18:51 [All] H. K/D/A 5.84/8.48/11.60 C. K/D/N 140.21/2.21/61.49
18:55 nespresso [All] D
19:14 [All] [Kasman]L.B.J killed levola2
19:27 [All] [Kasman]semtex06 killed eakbas
19:32 [All] [Kasman]Thesnn killed Togepieffy
19:33 [All] [Kasman]L.B.J killed Thesnn
19:46 [All] [Kasman]nespresso killed berekettu
19:49 [All] [Kasman]nespresso killed Kasman
19:51 nespresso [All] DDD
21:06 [All] [Kasman]L.B.J killed berekettu
21:28 [All] [Kasman]Togepieffy killed levola2
21:38 [All] [Kasman]Togepieffy killed Kasman
22:21 [All] [Kasman]eakbas killed semtex06
22:39 Togepieffy [Allies] catch am
22:41 Togepieffy [Allies] furion
22:49 Togepieffy [Allies] like that
22:58 L.B.J [Allies] >> Kasman (Bristleback) has a > Blade Mail
23:14 [All] [Kasman]Togepieffy killed Thesnn
23:14 [All] [Kasman]L.B.J killed Kasman
23:17 [All] [Kasman]eakbas killed levola2
23:45 berekettu [Allies] >> eakbas has a > Rod of Atos
23:46 berekettu [Allies] >> eakbas has a > Maelstrom
23:46 berekettu [Allies] >> eakbas has a > Orchid Malevolence
24:11 L.B.J [Allies] >> Orchid Malevolence > is ready
24:13 [All] [Kasman]L.B.J destroyed the bottom level 2 Sentinel tower
24:26 [All] [Kasman]nespresso killed berekettu
24:40 [All] [Kasman]Togepieffy killed Kasman
24:47 semtex06 [Allies] >> eakbas (Furion) has a > Gleipnir
24:47 semtex06 [Allies] >> eakbas (Furion) has a > Gleipnir
25:14 [All] [Kasman]nespresso killed Thesnn
25:15 [All] [Kasman]Togepieffy destroyed the mid level 2 Sentinel tower
25:28 Togepieffy [Allies] >> eakbas (Furion) has a > Teleportation [4]
25:34 [All] [Kasman]nespresso killed berekettu
25:37 [All] [Kasman]semtex06 killed eakbas
25:37 [All] [Kasman]levola2 killed nespresso
25:41 [All] [Kasman]nespresso killed levola2
25:54 nespresso [Allies] !sd bere
25:57 L.B.J [Allies] >> Orchid Malevolence > On cooldown ( 00:06 )
25:58 Togepieffy [Allies] >> Reaper's Scythe [2] > On cooldown ( 00:40 )
26:03 [All] [Kasman]L.B.J killed semtex06
26:07 nespresso [All] what happened from last game?
26:12 [All] [Kasman]L.B.J killed Thesnn
26:14 nespresso [All] you just rape in stacked games?
26:20 [All] [Kasman]semtex06 killed eakbas
26:28 Thesnn [All] siktir at organıo
27:05 [All] [Kasman]Kasman killed nespresso
27:21 [All] [Kasman]L.B.J killed semtex06
27:34 [All] [Kasman]Togepieffy killed berekettu
27:56 [All] [Kasman]junioruza37 killed Kasman
28:38 [All] [Kasman]The Scourge destroyed the mid level 3 Sentinel tower
28:44 [All] [Kasman]Togepieffy killed berekettu
28:44 [All] [Kasman]The Sentinel killed nespresso
28:46 [All] [Kasman]Togepieffy killed Thesnn
28:50 [All] [Kasman]Togepieffy killed levola2
28:50 [All] [Kasman]The Scourge destroyed the top level 1 Sentinel tower
28:52 nespresso [All] DD
29:05 [All] [Kasman]eakbas killed Kasman
29:17 [All] [Kasman]semtex06 killed eakbas
29:21 [All] [Kasman]junioruza37 destroyed the bottom level 3 Sentinel tower
29:34 [All] [Kasman]L.B.J destroyed the bottom Sentinel melee rax
29:40 [All] [Kasman]L.B.J destroyed the bottom Sentinel ranged rax
29:44 [All] [Kasman]L.B.J destroyed the mid Sentinel ranged rax
29:55 [All] [Kasman]L.B.J destroyed the mid Sentinel melee rax
30:00 [All] [Kasman]nespresso killed berekettu
30:01 [All] [Kasman]Togepieffy killed Thesnn
30:03 [All] [Kasman]Togepieffy killed levola2
30:04 [All] [Kasman]The Sentinel killed nespresso
30:06 [All] [Kasman]Togepieffy killed Kasman
30:16 [All] [Kasman]Togepieffy killed semtex06
30:22 nespresso [All] DDDDDD
30:40 [All] semtex06 has left the game voluntarily, semtex06 was autobanned.
30:40 [All] Autoban is ON, if you leave you will get autobanned.
30:41 [All] [nespresso]eakbas destroyed the bottom level 4 Sentinel tower
30:46 levola2 [All] pain duygularınıuz yokmu
30:54 [All] [nespresso]eakbas destroyed the mid level 4 Sentinel tower
30:57 nespresso [All] this guy just plays stacked games
31:02 [All] [nespresso]The World Tree is now at 75% HP
31:08 [All] [nespresso]The World Tree is now at 50% HP
31:10 [All] [nespresso]eakbas killed Thesnn
31:14 [All] [nespresso]The World Tree is now at 25% HP
31:16 [All] [nespresso]The World Tree is now at 10% HP
31:17 [All] [nespresso]The Sentinel killed Togepieffy
31:18 [All] This game was hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
31:18 [All] This game was hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
31:18 [All] This game was hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
31:18 [All] This game was hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
31:18 [All] This game was hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
31:18 [All] This game was hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
31:18 [All] This game was hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
31:18 [All] This game was hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
31:18 [All] This game was hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
31:19 [All] junioruza37 has left the game voluntarily.
31:19 [All] Thesnn has left the game voluntarily.
31:21 [All] berekettu has left the game voluntarily.
31:22 [All] nespresso has left the game voluntarily.
31:23 [All] Kasman has left the game voluntarily.
31:23 [All] eakbas has left the game voluntarily.
31:24 [All] Togepieffy has left the game voluntarily.
31:27 [All] L.B.J has left the game voluntarily.
31:32 [All] levola2 has left the game voluntarily.