Game: PUB AP 9/10

Game Name: PUB AP 9/10 Game Type: Ladder DotA Game
Game State: PUB Creator: berekettu
Date: 18-05-2024 20:57:19 Replay: Download replay
Lobby duration: 13:07 Game duration: 49:42
Map: maps\download\DotA_Allstars_7.04c7.w3x
Mode: ap Winner: Sentinel
Player Hero L PSR After K D A CK CD NK T Items Left at Reason
Priestess of the Moon 201584 | +7 3 6 14 0 0 0 0 Power Treads (Strength) Mjollnir Aghanim's Scepter empty empty empty49:39 has left the game voluntarily
Phantom Assassin 301556 | +8 26 5 8 0 0 0 4 Active) Abyssal Blade Stygian Desolator Battle Fury Black King Bar (6) Power Treads (Agility)49:40 has left the game voluntarily
Shadow Shaman 191613 | +6 1 14 16 0 0 0 1 Aghanim's Scepter (Rhasta) Kelen's Dagger Arcane Boots Dust of Appearance Observer Wards Kaya49:39 has left the game voluntarily
Bloodseeker 241606 | +7 6 12 15 0 0 0 1 Blade Mail Black King Bar (6) Phase Boots Wraith Band Wraith Band Stygian Desolator49:35 has left the game voluntarily
Nerubian Assassin 161622 | +6 3 15 8 0 0 0 0 Quelling Blade Phase Boots Buriza-do Kyanon empty Echo Sabre empty49:39 has left the game voluntarily
Necrolyte 211510 | -9 14 11 19 0 0 0 0 Power Treads (Strength) Aghanim's Scepter (Necro) Magic Wand Ethereal Blade empty Kelen's Dagger49:38 has left the game voluntarily
Storm Spirit 191491 | -9 4 10 17 0 0 0 0 Arcane Boots Bloodstone Void Stone empty empty empty49:39 has left the game voluntarily
Butcher 221491 | -9 13 4 15 0 0 0 1 Kelen's Dagger Eul's Scepter of Divinity Ghost Scepter Boots of Travel On) Wind Lace49:42 has left the game voluntarily
Witch Doctor 251567 | -7 14 7 18 0 0 0 0 Lothar's Edge Aghanim's Scepter (Witch Doctor) Shadow Amulet Linken's Sphere Boots of Speed empty49:37 has left the game voluntarily
Sacred Warrior 221579 | -6 7 8 20 0 0 0 1 Black King Bar (6) Heaven's Halberd Armlet of Mordiggian Dust of Appearance Boots of Travel empty49:38 has left the game voluntarily
Lobby log
Time From Message
00:16 berekettu has joined the game.
00:16 Spoof check accepted for [berekettu :].
00:16 Spoof check accepted for [berekettu :].
00:18 semtex06 has joined the game.
00:18 Spoof check accepted for [semtex06 :].
00:18 Spoof check accepted for [semtex06 :].
00:19 berekettu has left the game.
00:32 levola2 has joined the game.
00:32 Spoof check accepted for [levola2 :].
00:32 Spoof check accepted for [levola2 :].
00:45 Thesnn has joined the game.
00:45 Spoof check accepted for [Thesnn :].
00:45 Spoof check accepted for [Thesnn :].
00:48 berekettu has joined the game.
00:48 Spoof check accepted for [berekettu :].
00:48 Spoof check accepted for [berekettu :].
00:48 Kasman has joined the game.
00:48 Spoof check accepted for [Kasman :].
00:48 Spoof check accepted for [Kasman :].
02:00 [Did you know?] Holding Alt and clicking on an item in an enemy hero's inventory will alert your team that the enemy has that item.
02:40 PinkYKSK has joined the game.
02:40 Spoof check accepted for [PinkYKSK :].
02:40 Spoof check accepted for [PinkYKSK :].
03:08 berekettu !rall
03:08 Kasman (1616), Thesnn (1607), berekettu (1599), levola2 (1577), semtex06 (1548), PinkYKSK (1494)
03:11 berekettu !sd pink
03:11 [PinkYKSK] PSR: 1494 games: 1327 W/L: 2/3
03:11 H. K/D/A 1.60/11.60/10.00 C. K/D/N 65.00/2.80/16.00
03:12 berekettu !rall
03:12 Kasman (1616), Thesnn (1607), berekettu (1599), levola2 (1577), semtex06 (1548), PinkYKSK (1494)
03:18 berekettu !PUB AP 6/10
03:18 Trying to rehost as public game [AP 6/10].
03:25 Rehost was successful on at least one realm!
04:00 [Did you know?] 4x bloodstone better than 3x bloodstone.
04:14 schelkunoff has joined the game.
04:14 Spoof check accepted for [schelkunoff :].
04:14 Spoof check accepted for [schelkunoff :].
04:25 berekettu !PUB AP 7/10
04:25 Trying to rehost as public game [AP 7/10].
04:26 Thesnn ,/w la-dota !lobbies
04:29 berekettu !RALL
04:29 Kasman (1616), Thesnn (1607), berekettu (1599), levola2 (1577), semtex06 (1548), schelkunoff (1500), PinkYKSK (1494)
04:33 berekettu !SD SCHEL
04:33 [schelkunoff] PSR: 1500 games: 46 W/L: 0/0
04:33 H. K/D/A 0.00/0.00/0.00 C. K/D/N 0.00/0.00/0.00
04:34 Rehost was successful on at least one realm!
04:35 berekettu !RALL
04:35 Kasman (1616), Thesnn (1607), berekettu (1599), levola2 (1577), semtex06 (1548), schelkunoff (1500), PinkYKSK (1494)
04:40 schelkunoff !f
05:05 berekettu !F
05:05 semtex06: (TR), levola2: (TR), Thesnn: (TR), berekettu: (TR), Kasman: (TR), PinkYKSK: (DE), schelkunoff: (TR)
06:00 [Did you know?] Check your minimap often. You may discover that you are about to be ambushed.
06:24 schelkunoff has left the game.
06:28 berekettu !rS
06:28 Sentinel avg. PSR: 1589(100% to win, WR=60%), Scourge avg. PSR: 1494(0% to win, WR=35%)
06:30 berekettu !RALL
06:30 Kasman (1616), Thesnn (1607), berekettu (1599), levola2 (1577), semtex06 (1548), PinkYKSK (1494)
06:31 berekettu !RALL
06:31 Kasman (1616), Thesnn (1607), berekettu (1599), levola2 (1577), semtex06 (1548), PinkYKSK (1494)
06:32 berekettu !SD
06:32 [berekettu] PSR: 1599 games: 216 W/L: 15/6
06:32 H. K/D/A 10.57/7.43/17.10 C. K/D/N 170.00/10.95/52.24
06:34 berekettu !RALL
06:34 Kasman (1616), Thesnn (1607), berekettu (1599), levola2 (1577), semtex06 (1548), PinkYKSK (1494)
06:35 berekettu !RS
06:35 Sentinel avg. PSR: 1589(100% to win, WR=60%), Scourge avg. PSR: 1494(0% to win, WR=35%)
06:36 berekettu !RALL
06:36 Kasman (1616), Thesnn (1607), berekettu (1599), levola2 (1577), semtex06 (1548), PinkYKSK (1494)
06:38 berekettu !hcl ap
06:39 berekettu !sc
06:39 Spoof check accepted for [berekettu :].
07:11 schelkunoff has joined the game.
07:11 Spoof check accepted for [schelkunoff :].
07:11 Spoof check accepted for [schelkunoff :].
07:17 berekettu !sd
07:17 [berekettu] PSR: 1599 games: 216 W/L: 15/6
07:17 H. K/D/A 10.57/7.43/17.10 C. K/D/N 170.00/10.95/52.24
07:18 berekettu !SD
07:18 [berekettu] PSR: 1599 games: 216 W/L: 15/6
07:18 H. K/D/A 10.57/7.43/17.10 C. K/D/N 170.00/10.95/52.24
07:20 berekettu !sd
07:20 [berekettu] PSR: 1599 games: 216 W/L: 15/6
07:20 H. K/D/A 10.57/7.43/17.10 C. K/D/N 170.00/10.95/52.24
07:21 berekettu !Rall
07:21 Kasman (1616), Thesnn (1607), berekettu (1599), levola2 (1577), semtex06 (1548), schelkunoff (1500), PinkYKSK (1494)
07:34 schelkunoff !sd
07:36 berekettu !rall
07:36 Kasman (1616), Thesnn (1607), berekettu (1599), levola2 (1577), semtex06 (1548), schelkunoff (1500), PinkYKSK (1494)
07:41 berekettu !sd semtex
07:41 [semtex06] PSR: 1548 games: 1030 W/L: 22/22
07:41 H. K/D/A 12.23/8.18/10.95 C. K/D/N 242.57/8.64/78.09
07:43 berekettu !rall
07:43 Kasman (1616), Thesnn (1607), berekettu (1599), levola2 (1577), semtex06 (1548), schelkunoff (1500), PinkYKSK (1494)
07:56 PinkYKSK has left the game.
08:00 [Did you know?] If you never played TRAPEM++++1 or DOTABR APEM NOOBS can you really call yourself a DOtA player?
08:44 schelkunoff !owner
08:45 schelkunoff !time
08:56 berekettu !PUB
08:56 Trying to rehost as public game [AP 7/10 #1].
09:00 berekettu !PUB AP 6/10
09:00 Trying to rehost as public game [AP 6/10].
09:26 Rehost was successful on at least one realm!
09:29 schelkunoff any other game at lobby?
09:34 aassddf has joined the game.
09:34 Spoof check accepted for [aassddf :].
09:34 Spoof check accepted for [aassddf :].
09:37 berekettu !RALL
09:37 Kasman (1616), Thesnn (1607), berekettu (1599), aassddf (1592), levola2 (1577), semtex06 (1548), schelkunoff (1500)
09:43 berekettu !PUB AP 7/10
09:43 Trying to rehost as public game [AP 7/10].
09:44 berekettu !F
09:44 semtex06: (TR), levola2: (TR), Thesnn: (TR), berekettu: (TR), Kasman: (TR), schelkunoff: (TR), aassddf: (KZ)
09:58 Rehost was successful on at least one realm!
10:00 [Did you know?] In All Pick, players who have not chosen a Hero before the timer expires will begin to lose their starting gold.
10:05 Gage^ has joined the game.
10:05 Spoof check accepted for [Gage^ :].
10:05 Spoof check accepted for [Gage^ :].
10:10 berekettu !PUB AP 8/10
10:10 Trying to rehost as public game [AP 8/10].
10:12 berekettu !RALL
10:12 Kasman (1616), Thesnn (1607), berekettu (1599), aassddf (1592), levola2 (1577), semtex06 (1548), Gage^ (1529), schelkunoff (1500)
10:32 Rehost was successful on at least one realm!
10:33 schelkunoff berekettu garena da oynayan kaldı mı bilgin varmı
10:51 Angelius has joined the game.
10:51 Spoof check accepted for [Angelius :].
10:51 Spoof check accepted for [Angelius :].
10:54 berekettu !RALL
10:54 Kasman (1616), Thesnn (1607), berekettu (1599), aassddf (1592), levola2 (1577), semtex06 (1548), Gage^ (1529), schelkunoff (1500), Angelius (1500)
10:56 berekettu !RS
10:56 Sentinel avg. PSR: 1589(85% to win, WR=60%), Scourge avg. PSR: 1530(15% to win, WR=44%)
10:57 berekettu !RALL
10:57 Kasman (1616), Thesnn (1607), berekettu (1599), aassddf (1592), levola2 (1577), semtex06 (1548), Gage^ (1529), schelkunoff (1500), Angelius (1500)
11:04 berekettu !pub PUB AP 9/10
11:04 Trying to rehost as public game [PUB AP 9/10].
11:17 Rehost was successful on at least one realm!
11:54 tai_kotok has joined the game.
11:54 Spoof check accepted for [tai_kotok :].
11:54 Spoof check accepted for [tai_kotok :].
12:00 [Did you know?] It is often a good idea to carry a Town Portal Scroll.
12:03 tai_kotok !p
12:04 berekettu !RS
12:04 Sentinel avg. PSR: 1589(69% to win, WR=60%), Scourge avg. PSR: 1539(31% to win, WR=49%)
12:05 berekettu !RALL
12:05 Kasman (1616), Thesnn (1607), berekettu (1599), aassddf (1592), levola2 (1577), tai_kotok (1574), semtex06 (1548), Gage^ (1529), schelkunoff (1500), Angelius (1500)
12:11 tai_kotok !p
12:16 berekettu !angelius
12:17 berekettu !f
12:17 semtex06: (TR), levola2: (TR), Thesnn: (TR), berekettu: (TR), Kasman: (TR), schelkunoff: (TR), aassddf: (KZ), Gage^: (BA), Angelius: (AT), tai_kotok: (DK)
12:19 berekettu !rall
12:19 Kasman (1616), Thesnn (1607), berekettu (1599), aassddf (1592), levola2 (1577), tai_kotok (1574), semtex06 (1548), Gage^ (1529), schelkunoff (1500), Angelius (1500)
12:22 schelkunoff !p
12:23 berekettu e biz 5 kısıyız
12:27 berekettu nasıl olacak
12:27 tai_kotok !locked
12:37 berekettu at dedıgın var ıse atayım
12:45 berekettu !hcl ap
12:47 berekettu !sync 250
12:47 Setting sync limit to the maximum of 250 packets.
12:48 berekettu !sc
12:48 Spoof check accepted for [berekettu :].
12:49 berekettu !rall
12:49 Kasman (1616), Thesnn (1607), berekettu (1599), aassddf (1592), levola2 (1577), tai_kotok (1574), semtex06 (1548), Gage^ (1529), schelkunoff (1500), Angelius (1500)
12:59 berekettu !rs
12:59 Sentinel avg. PSR: 1589(69% to win, WR=60%), Scourge avg. PSR: 1539(31% to win, WR=49%)
13:00 berekettu !rall
13:00 Kasman (1616), Thesnn (1607), berekettu (1599), aassddf (1592), levola2 (1577), tai_kotok (1574), semtex06 (1548), Gage^ (1529), schelkunoff (1500), Angelius (1500)
13:02 berekettu !start
13:02 Game is starting, game mode is set to [ap].
13:02 10. . .
13:02 9. . .
13:03 8. . .
13:03 schelkunoff 5 arkadas bu devirde :D yaslar kac
13:03 7. . .
13:04 6. . .
13:04 5. . .
13:05 4. . .
13:06 3. . .
13:06 2. . .
13:07 1. . .
Game log
Time From Message
00:00 [All] This game is being hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
00:00 [All] Lagabuse Game ID: 876
00:00 [All] If you leave before the tree/throne is destroyed you risk getting autobanned, type !autoban for more info.
00:04 berekettu [Allies] -cam 2650
00:05 semtex06 [Allies] -minimap 1
00:05 levola2 [Allies] -cam 3000
00:06 semtex06 [Allies] -light 6
00:08 levola2 [Allies] -aoe
00:09 berekettu [Allies] -minimap3
00:10 Thesnn [Allies] -cam 2600
00:10 Kasman [Allies] -cam 2699
00:12 levola2 [Allies] -betterfps
00:14 schelkunoff [Allies] -cam 2300
00:14 berekettu [All] 40 ortalam
00:16 schelkunoff [Allies] -clear
00:16 Thesnn [Allies] -minimap 3
00:21 tai_kotok [Allies] -cam 1.9
00:22 Kasman [Allies] -minimap
00:23 berekettu [Allies] -minimap 3
00:25 berekettu [Allies] -light 6
00:25 tai_kotok [Allies] !sd
00:27 tai_kotok [Allies] !rs
00:28 schelkunoff [All] 33 benimde eskilerdensiniz demek
00:30 Kasman [Allies] -minimap
00:33 berekettu [All] aynen
00:46 Kasman [Allies] -minimap
00:48 Gage^ [Allies] -cam 2000.
00:52 Kasman [Allies] -minimap 3
01:06 berekettu [Allies] >> Witch Doctor is missing!
01:34 schelkunoff [Allies] good luck & have fun guys
01:37 levola2 [Allies] -swap
01:38 Thesnn [Allies] -swap
01:39 Angelius [Allies] u2
01:40 levola2 [Allies] -swap 1
01:41 Thesnn [Allies] -swap 1
01:43 levola2 [Allies] -swap 1
01:47 levola2 [Allies] -swap 3
02:10 berekettu [Allies] !sd gage
02:10 [All] [Gage^] PSR: 1529 games: 889 W/L: 4/3
02:10 [All] H. K/D/A 4.86/8.43/6.00 C. K/D/N 181.86/8.29/108.86
02:22 semtex06 [Allies] !sd ga
02:38 schelkunoff [Allies] -clear
02:48 semtex06 [Allies] !sd aa
03:02 [All] [Gage^]-- Creeps Spawned --
05:17 [All] [Gage^]Angelius killed Thesnn
05:43 tai_kotok [Allies] !p
06:18 Thesnn [Allies] >> Butcher is missing!
06:36 schelkunoff [Allies] ss mirana
06:42 schelkunoff [Allies] 0
08:22 [All] [Gage^]Angelius killed semtex06
08:38 [All] [Gage^]Gage^ killed Kasman
08:40 [All] [Gage^]tai_kotok killed berekettu
09:23 [All] [Gage^]Angelius killed Thesnn
09:45 tai_kotok [Allies] >> Maledict [2] > is ready
09:47 aassddf [Allies] >> 6:44
09:51 Kasman [Allies] >> Witch Doctor is missing!
09:53 tai_kotok [Allies] >> Maledict [2] > is ready
10:23 Gage^ [Allies] xD
11:35 Gage^ [Allies] go
11:37 berekettu [Allies] >> Witch Doctor is missing!
11:37 berekettu [Allies] >> Necrolyte is missing!
11:53 [All] [Gage^]Gage^ killed Kasman
11:57 [All] [Gage^]Gage^ killed berekettu
12:15 Angelius [Allies] >> Meat Hook [2] > On cooldown ( 00:01 )
12:21 [All] [Gage^]Kasman killed Gage^
12:21 [All] [Gage^]Angelius killed Thesnn
12:29 [All] [Gage^]tai_kotok killed berekettu
12:35 [All] [Gage^]tai_kotok killed Kasman
12:42 [All] [Gage^]Angelius killed levola2
13:28 Gage^ [Allies] -clear
13:31 [All] [Gage^]aassddf killed semtex06
13:53 Gage^ [Allies] >> Reaper's Scythe [1] > is ready
14:17 [All] [Gage^]tai_kotok killed Kasman
14:22 aassddf [Allies] >> Scroll of TP: 0 charges
14:25 [All] [Gage^]The Sentinel killed schelkunoff
14:42 [All] [Gage^]Gage^ killed berekettu
14:44 [All] [Gage^]semtex06 killed tai_kotok
14:53 Gage^ [Allies] -cam 2300
15:06 [All] [Gage^]Gage^ killed Thesnn
15:14 [All] [Gage^]Gage^ killed Kasman
15:28 Gage^ [Allies] >> Reaper's Scythe [1] > On cooldown ( 00:54 )
16:33 Gage^ [Allies] -cam 2500
16:37 [All] [Gage^]Kasman killed aassddf
16:45 aassddf [Allies] hd
16:53 [All] [Gage^]Gage^ killed berekettu
16:55 [All] [Gage^]semtex06 killed Gage^
17:38 [All] [Gage^]Gage^ killed Kasman
17:54 aassddf [Allies] >> Scroll of TP: 1 charges, 48 cooldown left
17:55 [All] [Gage^]berekettu killed schelkunoff
17:59 [All] [Gage^]tai_kotok killed Thesnn
18:29 [All] [Gage^]aassddf destroyed the top level 1 Sentinel tower
18:43 [All] [Gage^]The Scourge destroyed the mid level 1 Sentinel tower
19:58 schelkunoff [Allies] b
21:02 [All] [Gage^]Gage^ killed Thesnn
21:06 [All] [Gage^]Angelius killed levola2
21:48 tai_kotok [Allies] >> Gage^ (Necrolyte) has a > Reaper's Scythe [1]
21:52 Gage^ [Allies] >> Angelius (Pudge) has a > Meat Hook [4]
22:14 schelkunoff [Allies] me b
22:33 [All] [Gage^]semtex06 killed Gage^
23:04 [All] [Gage^]Angelius destroyed the bottom level 1 Sentinel tower
23:21 schelkunoff [Allies] where is vodoo mask
23:23 [All] [Gage^]Thesnn destroyed the mid level 1 Scourge tower
23:29 aassddf [Allies] >> I want to buy > Boots of Speed
23:30 aassddf [Allies] >> I want to buy > Mask of Death
23:31 aassddf [Allies] >> I want to buy > Voodoo Mask
24:39 [All] [Gage^]Angelius killed Kasman
25:11 [All] [Gage^]aassddf killed levola2
25:17 [All] [Gage^]Angelius killed berekettu
25:17 [All] [Gage^]Thesnn killed tai_kotok
25:17 [All] [Gage^]semtex06 killed Gage^
25:21 Gage^ [Allies] -clear
25:22 [All] [Gage^]schelkunoff killed Thesnn
25:23 berekettu [Allies] >> Angelius has a > Radiance
25:26 tai_kotok [Allies] -clear
25:40 [All] [Gage^]aassddf killed Kasman
26:32 [All] [Gage^]aassddf killed Thesnn's courier
26:34 [All] [Gage^]semtex06 killed schelkunoff
26:45 [All] [Gage^]aassddf killed berekettu
27:31 tai_kotok [Allies] >> Gage^ (Necrolyte) has a > Death Pulse [4]
27:34 berekettu [Allies] >> Angelius has a > Radiance
27:41 berekettu [Allies] >> Rupture [1] > On cooldown ( 00:10 )
27:42 tai_kotok [Allies] >> Gage^ (Necrolyte) has a > Death Pulse [4]
27:42 tai_kotok [Allies] >> Gage^ (Necrolyte) has a > Death Pulse [4]
27:44 Gage^ [Allies] -clear
27:49 aassddf [Allies] >> Boots of Travel > is ready
27:59 [All] [Gage^]berekettu killed tai_kotok
28:01 [All] [Gage^]Gage^ killed berekettu
28:12 [All] [Gage^]Angelius killed Thesnn
28:15 [All] [Gage^]aassddf killed Kasman
28:22 [All] [Gage^]semtex06 killed Gage^
28:32 [All] [Gage^]Angelius killed semtex06
28:33 tai_kotok [Allies] use heal for help :)
28:58 tai_kotok [Allies] >> Observer Wards > is ready
28:58 tai_kotok [Allies] >> Observer Wards > is ready
29:15 aassddf [Allies] >> Boots of Travel > is ready
29:16 aassddf [Allies] >> Scroll of TP: 1 charges, 22 cooldown left
29:21 aassddf [Allies] >> Scroll of TP: 1 charges, 17 cooldown left
29:27 Gage^ [Allies] -clear
29:51 semtex06 [Allies] >> Sacred Warrior is missing!
29:52 berekettu [Allies] >> Sacred Warrior is missing!
30:11 [All] [Gage^]aassddf killed Kasman
30:12 [All] [Gage^]berekettu killed aassddf
31:29 aassddf [Allies] >> Black King Bar [9] > is ready
31:48 [All] [Gage^]semtex06 killed aassddf
31:54 [All] [Gage^]Gage^ killed Thesnn
31:58 [All] [Gage^]semtex06 killed Gage^
32:01 [All] [Gage^]tai_kotok killed semtex06
32:08 [All] [Gage^]berekettu killed schelkunoff
32:15 schelkunoff [Allies] mana
32:17 schelkunoff [Allies] is problem
33:15 Angelius [Allies] where is void stone?
33:18 Angelius [Allies] pls
33:21 schelkunoff [Allies] i will buy
33:24 aassddf [Allies] box
33:24 Angelius [Allies] aha
33:28 Angelius [Allies] 10x
33:39 [All] [Gage^]semtex06 killed Gage^
33:42 [All] [Gage^]tai_kotok killed Kasman
33:42 Gage^ [Allies] svasta..
34:36 tai_kotok [Allies] >> Angelius (Pudge) has a > Meat Hook [4]
34:36 tai_kotok [Allies] >> Angelius (Pudge) has a > Meat Hook [4]
35:06 [All] [Gage^]Kasman killed schelkunoff
35:06 [All] [Gage^]Angelius killed berekettu
35:07 [All] [Gage^]tai_kotok killed Thesnn
35:07 [All] [Gage^]tai_kotok killed levola2
35:12 [All] [Gage^]Angelius killed Kasman
35:15 Gage^ [Allies] c-0elar
35:15 [All] [Gage^]semtex06 killed tai_kotok
35:18 schelkunoff [Allies] sorry guys
35:18 Gage^ [Allies] -clear
35:26 [All] [Gage^]semtex06 killed aassddf
35:27 [All] [Gage^]semtex06 killed Gage^
35:30 Gage^ [Allies] svastaaaaaaa....
35:32 tai_kotok [Allies] moron
35:35 [All] [Gage^]semtex06 killed Angelius
35:39 Gage^ [Allies] !sd sem
35:44 tai_kotok [Allies] moron detected
36:07 [All] [Gage^]The Sentinel destroyed the top level 1 Scourge tower
37:39 [All] [Gage^]semtex06 killed schelkunoff
38:00 [All] [Gage^]semtex06 killed schelkunoff's courier
38:08 [All] [Gage^]semtex06 destroyed the bottom level 1 Scourge tower
38:28 Gage^ [Allies] mortred aegis
38:35 [All] [Gage^]semtex06 destroyed the bottom level 2 Scourge tower
38:46 Gage^ [Allies] -cam 2600
38:57 [All] [Gage^]semtex06 killed Angelius
39:04 [All] [Gage^]tai_kotok killed Thesnn
39:05 [All] [Gage^]semtex06 killed aassddf
39:06 [All] [Gage^]tai_kotok killed Kasman
39:09 [All] [Gage^]semtex06 killed Gage^
39:13 [All] [Gage^]semtex06 destroyed the bottom level 3 Scourge tower
39:14 [All] [Gage^]levola2 killed tai_kotok
39:18 Gage^ [Allies] -clear
39:18 [All] [Gage^]semtex06 destroyed the bottom Scourge ranged rax
39:22 [All] [Gage^]semtex06 killed Gage^
39:26 Gage^ [Allies] aa dajjj bnreeee
39:27 [All] [Gage^]levola2 destroyed the bottom Scourge melee rax
39:28 Gage^ [Allies] -clear
39:35 [All] [Gage^]schelkunoff killed berekettu
39:38 [All] [Gage^]semtex06 killed schelkunoff
39:40 [All] [Gage^]semtex06 killed tai_kotok
39:49 tai_kotok [Allies] gg
39:57 tai_kotok [Allies] due to moron team
41:02 Gage^ [Allies] -clear
41:35 aassddf [Allies] !checkme
41:44 [All] [Gage^]semtex06 destroyed the top level 2 Scourge tower
41:57 [All] [Gage^]levola2 killed schelkunoff
42:10 [All] [Gage^]Gage^ killed levola2
42:13 [All] [Gage^]Gage^ killed Thesnn
42:21 [All] [Gage^]semtex06 killed aassddf
42:23 [All] [Gage^]semtex06 killed schelkunoff
42:26 [All] [Gage^]tai_kotok killed berekettu
42:31 [All] [Gage^]tai_kotok killed semtex06
42:35 Gage^ [Allies] -clear
43:57 [All] [Gage^]Angelius killed Thesnn
44:00 [All] [Gage^]tai_kotok killed Kasman
44:07 [All] [Gage^]schelkunoff killed levola2
44:09 [All] [Gage^]aassddf killed berekettu
44:11 Gage^ [Allies] -clear
44:20 aassddf [Allies] >> Phantom Assassin is missing!
44:24 Gage^ [Allies] xDDD
44:24 Angelius [Allies] aaaaaaaaa
44:25 Angelius [Allies] sryyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
44:29 schelkunoff [Allies] np
44:34 Angelius [Allies] >> Dismember [3] > is ready
44:35 aassddf [Allies] i go rosh
44:36 Gage^ [Allies] -clear
44:36 aassddf [Allies] end def
44:38 aassddf [Allies] push mid
44:40 tai_kotok [Allies] b
44:44 aassddf [Allies] rosh cd
44:45 Gage^ [Allies] i go deff !!
44:46 aassddf [Allies] kgo mid
44:51 aassddf [Allies] >> Shadow Shaman is missing!
44:53 aassddf [Allies] b
45:46 [All] [Gage^]Gage^ killed Kasman
45:53 [All] [Gage^]semtex06 killed Angelius
45:59 [All] [Gage^]semtex06 killed aassddf
46:47 berekettu [Allies] >> Enemy Sacred Warrior will respawn in 37 seconds!
46:59 Gage^ [Allies] fist ulty doctor
47:03 Gage^ [Allies] secong lotar !
47:16 [All] [Gage^]berekettu destroyed the mid level 2 Scourge tower
47:18 Gage^ [Allies] wait huskart !
47:32 [All] [Gage^]schelkunoff killed Thesnn
47:42 Gage^ [Allies] -clear
48:09 Angelius [Allies] >> Meat Hook [4] > On cooldown ( 00:02 )
48:14 [All] [Gage^]semtex06 killed Gage^
48:17 tai_kotok [Allies] wtf moron
48:45 [All] [Gage^]semtex06 killed schelkunoff
49:04 [All] [Gage^]berekettu killed Angelius
49:07 [All] [Gage^]levola2 killed tai_kotok
49:11 [All] [Gage^]berekettu killed aassddf
49:14 tai_kotok [Allies] !ff
49:14 [All] [tai_kotok] voted to forfeit [1/5 Scourge]
49:17 schelkunoff [Allies] !ff
49:17 [All] [schelkunoff] voted to forfeit [2/5 Scourge]
49:17 Gage^ [Allies] -clear
49:19 aassddf [Allies] !аа
49:19 tai_kotok [Allies] ff pls
49:19 [All] [Gage^]The Sentinel destroyed the mid level 3 Scourge tower
49:21 aassddf [Allies] !ff
49:21 [All] [aassddf] voted to forfeit [3/5 Scourge]
49:22 Gage^ [Allies] !ff
49:22 [All] [Gage^] voted to forfeit [4/5 Scourge]
49:23 [All] [Gage^]Thesnn destroyed the mid Scourge melee rax
49:23 Gage^ [Allies] -clear
49:25 [All] [Gage^]semtex06 destroyed the mid Scourge ranged rax
49:29 tai_kotok [Allies] moron
49:33 Angelius [Allies] !ff
49:33 [All] [Angelius] voted to forfeit [5/5 Scourge]
49:33 [All] All Scourge players voted to forfeit the game, Sentinel won!
49:33 [All] Autoban is OFF, you can now leave or continue playing for fun.
49:34 [All] [Gage^]semtex06 destroyed the top level 3 Scourge tower
49:34 [All] [Gage^]The Frozen Throne is now at 75% HP
49:35 [All] [Gage^]The Frozen Throne is now at 50% HP
49:35 [All] berekettu has left the game voluntarily.
49:35 [All] [semtex06]The Frozen Throne is now at 25% HP
49:35 Gage^ [Allies] -clear
49:36 [All] [semtex06]The Frozen Throne is now at 10% HP
49:36 [All] This game was hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
49:36 [All] This game was hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
49:36 [All] This game was hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
49:36 [All] This game was hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
49:36 [All] This game was hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
49:36 [All] This game was hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
49:36 [All] This game was hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
49:36 [All] This game was hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
49:36 [All] This game was hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
49:37 [All] tai_kotok has left the game voluntarily.
49:38 [All] aassddf has left the game voluntarily.
49:38 [All] Gage^ has left the game voluntarily.
49:39 [All] schelkunoff has left the game voluntarily.
49:39 [All] levola2 has left the game voluntarily.
49:39 [All] Kasman has left the game voluntarily.
49:39 [All] Thesnn has left the game voluntarily.
49:40 [All] semtex06 has left the game voluntarily.
49:42 [All] Angelius has left the game voluntarily.