Game: ap last slot

Game Name: ap last slot Game Type: Ladder DotA Game
Game State: PUB Creator: cevety
Date: 18-05-2024 19:11:59 Replay: Download replay
Lobby duration: 24:50 Game duration: 08:31
Map: maps\download\DotA_Allstars_7.04c7.w3x
Mode: ap Winner: Draw
Player Hero L PSR After K D A CK CD NK T Items Left at Reason
Phantom Assassin 31529 | +0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 Blight Stone empty Enchanted Mango empty Wraith Band Quelling Blade08:13 has left the game voluntarily
Storm Spirit 41502 | +0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Magic Wand empty Ancient Tango of Essifation empty Boots of Speed empty08:11 has left the game voluntarily
Axe 31613 | +0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ring of Health empty empty empty empty empty08:11 has left the game voluntarily
Butcher 31709 | +0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 empty Magic Wand empty Ring of Health empty empty08:15 has left the game voluntarily
Ogre Magi 51546 | +0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ancient Tango of Essifation Ironwood Branch Quelling Blade Ironwood Branch empty Ironwood Branch08:14 has left the game voluntarily
Priestess of the Moon 31510 | +0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ironwood Branch Observer Wards Ancient Tango of Essifation empty Ironwood Branch empty08:16 has left the game voluntarily
Tormented Soul 51592 | +0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Magical Bottle - 1/3 Magic Stick Faerie Fire empty empty Boots of Speed08:31 has left the game voluntarily
Morphling 31636 | +0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mask of Death empty empty empty empty empty08:20 has left the game voluntarily
Shadow Fiend 31580 | -10 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 Ironwood Branch Ironwood Branch Boots of Speed Ironwood Branch Magic Wand Ancient Tango of Essifation08:04 has left the game voluntarily
Goblin Shredder 41599 | +0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Quelling Blade Magic Wand empty empty empty empty08:16 has left the game voluntarily
Lobby log
Time From Message
00:04 Light674 has joined the game.
00:04 Spoof check accepted for [Light674 :].
00:04 Spoof check accepted for [Light674 :].
00:04 Cevety has joined the game.
00:04 Spoof check accepted for [Cevety :].
00:04 Spoof check accepted for [Cevety :].
00:08 Ceoss1 has joined the game.
00:08 Spoof check accepted for [Ceoss1 :].
00:08 Spoof check accepted for [Ceoss1 :].
00:08 Cevety !Mode ap
00:10 Cevety !lock s1
00:11 Cevety !pub ap
00:11 Trying to rehost as public game [ap].
00:20 Rehost was successful on at least one realm!
02:00 [Did you know?] Please donate to our Patreon so we can pay for the server, huh?
04:00 [Did you know?] Holding Alt and clicking on an item in an enemy hero's inventory will alert your team that the enemy has that item.
04:54 Cevety !pub AP
04:54 Trying to rehost as public game [AP].
05:07 Rehost was successful on at least one realm!
06:00 [Did you know?] Please donate to our Patreon so we can pay for the server, huh?
06:10 uglygod has joined the game.
06:11 Spoof check accepted for [uglygod :].
06:11 Spoof check accepted for [uglygod :].
06:18 Ceoss1 !f
06:20 uglygod !sd
06:27 Cevety !f
06:27 Light674: (PL), Cevety: (US), Ceoss1: (US), uglygod: (KG)
06:31 Cevety !Pub AP
06:31 Trying to rehost as public game [AP].
06:43 Rehost was successful on at least one realm!
08:00 [Did you know?] Who would win in a 1v1 fantasy match? grga_man vs TooShade
08:56 Cevety !pub AP
08:56 Trying to rehost as public game [AP].
09:16 Rehost was successful on at least one realm!
09:26 aassddf has joined the game.
09:27 Spoof check accepted for [aassddf :].
09:27 Spoof check accepted for [aassddf :].
10:00 [Did you know?] Switching Power Treads to Agility while healing allows your health and mana to restore slightly faster. Just don't forget to switch them back!
10:02 iLoVeDruGs has joined the game.
10:02 Spoof check accepted for [iLoVeDruGs :].
10:02 Spoof check accepted for [iLoVeDruGs :].
10:24 Cevety !sd ssd
10:24 [aassddf] PSR: 1592 games: 13 W/L: 8/3
10:24 H. K/D/A 9.00/5.73/10.73 C. K/D/N 180.45/6.00/66.73
10:25 Cevety !f
10:25 Light674: (PL), Cevety: (US), Ceoss1: (US), uglygod: (KG), aassddf: (KZ), iLoVeDruGs: (MK)
11:21 iLoVeDruGs !sd
12:00 [Did you know?] Purchase and use Town Portal Scrolls to move around the map quickly.
12:10 TheON. has joined the game.
12:10 Spoof check accepted for [TheON. :].
12:10 Spoof check accepted for [TheON. :].
12:37 Kasman has joined the game.
12:37 Spoof check accepted for [Kasman :].
12:37 Spoof check accepted for [Kasman :].
12:44 Kasman has left the game.
13:27 Cevety !pub AP
13:27 Trying to rehost as public game [AP].
13:43 Rehost was successful on at least one realm!
13:54 levola2 has joined the game.
13:54 Spoof check accepted for [levola2 :].
13:54 Spoof check accepted for [levola2 :].
14:00 [Did you know?] Switching Power Treads to Agility while healing allows your health and mana to restore slightly faster. Just don't forget to switch them back!
14:01 levola2 has left the game.
16:00 [Did you know?] Flaming a staff member is the easiest way to get banned.
16:09 Titanes has joined the game.
16:10 Spoof check accepted for [Titanes :].
16:10 Spoof check accepted for [Titanes :].
16:18 Titanes !sd god
16:26 Cevety !Pub ap last 2 slots
16:26 Trying to rehost as public game [ap last 2 slots].
16:33 Rehost was successful on at least one realm!
16:35 Titanes !rall
16:54 TheON. v2
17:42 iErnesto94 has joined the game.
17:42 Spoof check accepted for [iErnesto94 :].
17:42 Spoof check accepted for [iErnesto94 :].
17:45 uglygod 5 1 together
17:50 iErnesto94 !p
17:55 Titanes !Sd aas
18:00 [Did you know?] 4x bloodstone better than 3x bloodstone.
18:01 Titanes !owner
18:14 Titanes has left the game.
18:23 iErnesto94 has left the game.
18:46 TheON. has left the game.
18:48 iLoVeDruGs has left the game.
20:00 [Did you know?] Being top 10 on the ladder confirms that you have become a pro player.
20:43 Gage^ has joined the game.
20:43 Spoof check accepted for [Gage^ :].
20:43 Spoof check accepted for [Gage^ :].
20:46 Gage^ has left the game.
20:51 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL has joined the game.
20:52 Spoof check accepted for [oLD.^-^.Sch0oL :].
20:52 Spoof check accepted for [oLD.^-^.Sch0oL :].
20:55 tempaccount has joined the game.
20:55 Spoof check accepted for [tempaccount :].
20:55 Spoof check accepted for [tempaccount :].
21:00 tempaccount !owner
21:00 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL has left the game.
21:14 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL has joined the game.
21:14 Spoof check accepted for [oLD.^-^.Sch0oL :].
21:14 Spoof check accepted for [oLD.^-^.Sch0oL :].
21:31 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL !f
21:34 Cevety !Pub AP
21:34 Trying to rehost as public game [AP].
21:35 DjuradjKastriot has joined the game.
21:36 Spoof check accepted for [DjuradjKastriot :].
21:36 Spoof check accepted for [DjuradjKastriot :].
21:39 Cevety !sd kas
21:39 [DjuradjKastriot] PSR: 1709 games: 393 W/L: 136/115
21:39 H. K/D/A 11.65/7.42/15.35 C. K/D/N 185.32/11.54/56.65
21:40 Gage^ has joined the game.
21:40 Spoof check accepted for [Gage^ :].
21:40 Spoof check accepted for [Gage^ :].
21:43 Cevety !Pub AP last 2 slts
21:43 Trying to rehost as public game [AP last 2 slts].
21:43 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL 5 top
21:44 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL ?
21:46 Cevety nope
21:53 tempaccount had fun jurjaja kukaraja
21:55 Cevety !pub ap last slot
21:55 Trying to rehost as public game [ap last slot].
21:58 Gage^ gde si oldara...
21:59 tempaccount imagine this kovo was zeus
21:59 uglygod !F
22:00 [Did you know?] Hero choices matter. Many heroes are strong counters to other heroes, and many hero pairings are far more powerful and useful than any hero is alone.
22:02 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL zz
22:03 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL gage
22:04 uglygod а блять
22:05 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL
22:07 uglygod я испугался
22:08 tempaccount that would end even faster
22:09 Gage^ kakva je situacija ?
22:13 tempaccount kogo O_O
22:13 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL kako mislis
22:14 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL ?
22:14 Rehost was successful on at least one realm!
22:14 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL :D
22:15 DjuradjKastriot lol i forgot you are kukaraca
22:15 tempaccount zachem
22:17 Gage^ ahhaha
22:17 tempaccount pochemu
22:19 Gage^ kakav si
22:21 tempaccount :D
22:21 Gage^ na to mislim ..
22:22 Gage^ hahah
22:24 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL a evo,nije lose
22:25 tempaccount y
22:26 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL radilo se i danas
22:27 DjuradjKastriot what hero
22:28 tempaccount kukaraja everywhere
22:29 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL kao i svake subote
22:30 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL :D
22:31 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL i tako
22:35 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL chillex sad malo
22:35 Gage^ masalaaaa
22:36 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL odmorio
22:37 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL sad kafica
22:40 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL i jebiga
22:44 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL kasnije buxna
22:44 Gage^ isti slucaj i kod mene..
22:45 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL jedna
22:48 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL i boli mi kura
22:50 Gage^ hahahah
22:50 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL za sve
22:54 Gage^ za opsutanje..
22:54 Gage^ ahhaha
23:00 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL pa da,sta cu
23:00 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL xd
23:09 Gage^ ma samo jasi svi smo nasii..
23:11 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL ma de,jesi l0o0od
23:11 tempaccount 2v5 game
23:14 tempaccount 2 games in a row
23:15 tempaccount 2v4
23:16 FakeID has joined the game.
23:16 Spoof check accepted for [FakeID :].
23:16 Spoof check accepted for [FakeID :].
23:16 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL radim fizicki posao
23:18 tempaccount and 2v5
23:19 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL proizvodnja paleta
23:20 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL :D
23:20 Cevety !Balance
23:20 Sentinel avg. PSR: 1582 (53% to win, avg WR=52%), Scourge avg. PSR: 1582 (47% to win, avg WR=52%)
23:22 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL i jos vezbam
23:23 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL eJ
23:23 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL xd
23:24 Gage^ ja mesar !
23:26 Gage^ auu
23:27 DjuradjKastriot nice tinker
23:29 Cevety !swap 4 8
23:29 Cevety !rs
23:29 Sentinel avg. PSR: 1569(39% to win, WR=51%), Scourge avg. PSR: 1595(61% to win, WR=53%)
23:30 Gage^ muero combo !!!
23:30 tempaccount ty
23:32 Cevety sec
23:35 aassddf i witn ugly
23:35 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL Si sennorita
23:36 uglygod im with 7
23:39 Cevety !swap 1 9
23:40 Cevety !rs
23:40 Sentinel avg. PSR: 1560(33% to win, WR=54%), Scourge avg. PSR: 1604(67% to win, WR=50%)
23:41 uglygod ty
23:43 Cevety 7 9
23:45 Cevety together guys
23:46 Cevety !rall
23:46 DjuradjKastriot (1709), tempaccount (1644), Ceoss1 (1613), Light674 (1599), aassddf (1592), uglygod (1590), oLD.^-^.Sch0oL (1546), Gage^ (1529), Cevety (1502), FakeID (1494)
23:46 tempaccount with 4 I think he means
23:49 tempaccount 4 9
23:50 Cevety !swap 5 6
23:50 Cevety !rs
23:50 Sentinel avg. PSR: 1581(47% to win, WR=55%), Scourge avg. PSR: 1583(53% to win, WR=49%)
23:52 Cevety ok all?
23:52 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL a lol
23:54 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL :D|
23:56 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL w/e
23:57 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL go
23:58 uglygod go
23:58 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL u stackers
24:00 [Did you know?] After Roshan has been killed, he will respawn at a random time between 8 and 11 minutes.
24:00 tempaccount 9 and 4
24:02 Gage^ !owner
24:06 tempaccount toogeze
24:07 Gage^ ocemo zajedno /
24:10 uglygod блять
24:11 tempaccount ae zaedno
24:13 tempaccount cho
24:19 Cevety !sd temp
24:19 [tempaccount] PSR: 1644 games: 284 W/L: 76/76
24:19 H. K/D/A 6.21/10.18/12.09 C. K/D/N 170.36/14.54/57.70
24:22 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL cevety
24:22 Cevety !swap 4 8
24:22 tempaccount gde kazah
24:22 Cevety !rs
24:22 Sentinel avg. PSR: 1594(61% to win, WR=56%), Scourge avg. PSR: 1570(39% to win, WR=48%)
24:23 aassddf может написать, что мы пуссечки
24:26 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL can u give us gagee top?
24:26 Cevety well this is max then
24:27 tempaccount :D
24:28 Cevety if 3 down
24:28 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL swap 5 10
24:28 uglygod пиши
24:32 Cevety !swap 5 10
24:32 Cevety !rs
24:32 Sentinel avg. PSR: 1580(51% to win, WR=53%), Scourge avg. PSR: 1584(49% to win, WR=51%)
24:34 tempaccount skazal
24:35 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL see
24:36 uglygod go
24:36 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL cool
24:37 Gage^ swap me with old school
24:37 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL go
24:37 Gage^ !sd
24:38 tempaccount svapnul vrode
24:40 tempaccount hzshki
24:42 tempaccount !rs
24:43 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL go go
24:43 Cevety !swap 5 1
24:43 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL ye
24:44 Cevety !start
24:44 Game is starting, game mode is set to [ap].
24:44 10. . .
24:45 9. . .
24:45 8. . .
24:46 7. . .
24:46 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL xD
24:46 6. . .
24:47 5. . .
24:48 4. . .
24:48 3. . .
24:49 2. . .
24:49 1. . .
Game log
Time From Message
00:00 [All] This game is being hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
00:00 [All] Lagabuse Game ID: 874
00:00 [All] If you leave before the tree/throne is destroyed you risk getting autobanned, type !autoban for more info.
00:00 tempaccount [Allies] -cam 2500
00:00 tempaccount [Allies] -minimap 3
00:00 tempaccount [Allies] -water green
00:00 tempaccount [Allies] -weather off
00:00 tempaccount [Allies] -clear
00:04 Gage^ [Allies] -clear
00:05 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [Allies] -cam 1.8
00:06 uglygod [Allies] -cam 3500
00:06 Gage^ [Allies] -cam 2000
00:06 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [Allies] -minimap 3
00:07 uglygod [Allies] БЛЯТЬ
00:07 FakeID [Allies] -cam 2200
00:10 FakeID [Allies] -betterfps
00:11 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [Allies] go mid anyone
00:11 uglygod [Allies] ЕБУЧИЙ СПОТИФАЙ ПРЕМИУМ
00:11 aassddf [Allies] ?
00:13 Cevety [Allies] !muteall
00:13 [All] Global chat muted (allied and private chat is unaffected).
00:13 aassddf [Allies] ок
00:14 Cevety [Allies] -cam 1500
00:14 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [Allies] can i go carry bottomm
00:15 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [Allies] please
00:21 Light674 [Allies] -cam 2600
00:25 Ceoss1 [Allies] well i guess i will wood
00:29 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [Allies] Oky
00:34 DjuradjKastriot [Allies] -cam 2300
00:39 aassddf [Allies] мб сикера пикнуть и стиля раздать...
00:47 uglygod [Allies] я 1
00:48 uglygod [Allies] мне похуй
00:52 aassddf [Allies] а ок
00:58 tempaccount [Allies] -random
01:02 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [Allies] pick
01:28 uglygod [Allies] оцени закуп
01:32 aassddf [Allies] нахуй тебе стик в акса
01:37 tempaccount [Allies] no tank no fun
01:39 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [Allies] I go carry ogre
01:44 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [Allies] just to know,ty
01:50 uglygod [Allies] вс шторма
01:52 uglygod [Allies] !sd ceve
01:52 DjuradjKastriot [Allies] !f
01:53 tempaccount [Allies] suka
01:53 uglygod [Allies] -rf
01:54 DjuradjKastriot [Allies] !sd cave
01:56 uglygod [Allies] -clear
01:57 DjuradjKastriot [Allies] !sd cev
01:57 tempaccount [Allies] shtorma vzyal
02:05 tempaccount [Allies] -cam 3000
02:16 uglygod [Allies] ну это проёб
02:17 uglygod [Allies] пацаны
02:20 tempaccount [Allies] +
02:24 uglygod [Allies] трипла на топе
02:25 tempaccount [Allies] odnoznachno
02:25 uglygod [Allies] щас пофармим
02:27 uglygod [Allies] с морфом
02:28 uglygod [Allies] да?
02:30 uglygod [Allies] ну я ливану
02:30 tempaccount [Allies] :D
02:30 uglygod [Allies] хули
02:32 uglygod [Allies] мне похуй
02:33 aassddf [Allies] сука
02:34 uglygod [Allies] у меня
02:35 aassddf [Allies] не ливай
02:35 aassddf [Allies] нахуй
02:36 uglygod [Allies] акков дохуя
02:37 aassddf [Allies] гандон
02:37 uglygod [Allies] мне поебать
02:42 uglygod [Allies] проёбаную
02:43 uglygod [Allies] игру
02:43 uglygod [Allies] сидеть
02:44 tempaccount [Allies] kolbasa on
02:45 uglygod [Allies] дрочить
02:46 tempaccount [Allies] livernaya
02:46 uglygod [Allies] динаху
02:48 aassddf [Allies] я в соло
02:50 Gage^ [Allies] -clear
02:50 aassddf [Allies] цыц нахуй
02:54 uglygod [Allies] ок
02:55 uglygod [Allies] ты в соло
03:01 [All] [FakeID]-- Creeps Spawned --
04:31 tempaccount [Allies] -csa
05:05 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [Allies] >> Morphling is missing!
05:05 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [Allies] >> Morphling is missing!
05:22 [All] [FakeID]DjuradjKastriot killed uglygod
06:23 aassddf [Allies] >> Storm Spirit is missing!
07:04 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [Allies] ss2
07:25 Cevety [Allies] re
07:25 oLD.^-^.Sch0oL [Allies] care
07:28 uglygod [Allies] афк уёбище
07:29 uglygod [Allies] на миране
07:53 [All] [FakeID]aassddf killed Cevety
08:03 [All] [FakeID]Gage^ killed uglygod
08:04 [All] uglygod has left the game voluntarily, uglygod was autobanned.
08:04 [All] This game won't affect your ladder stats, game result will be a draw.
08:04 [All] Autoban is OFF, you can now leave or continue playing for fun.
08:06 DjuradjKastriot [Allies] ccc
08:07 Gage^ [Allies] xDDDDDDDDDDDDD
08:11 [All] Cevety has left the game voluntarily.
08:11 [All] Ceoss1 has left the game voluntarily.
08:12 Gage^ [Allies] -cl;ear
08:13 [All] Gage^ has left the game voluntarily.
08:14 [All] oLD.^-^.Sch0oL has left the game voluntarily.
08:15 [All] DjuradjKastriot has left the game voluntarily.
08:16 [All] FakeID has left the game voluntarily.
08:16 [All] [Light674]The World Tree is now at 75% HP
08:16 [All] Light674 has left the game voluntarily.
08:17 [All] [aassddf]The World Tree is now at 50% HP
08:17 [All] [aassddf]The World Tree is now at 25% HP
08:18 [All] [aassddf]The World Tree is now at 10% HP
08:18 [All] This game was hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
08:18 [All] This game was hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
08:19 tempaccount [Allies] !autoban
08:20 [All] tempaccount has left the game voluntarily.
08:31 [All] aassddf has left the game voluntarily.