Game: AP 9/10

Game Name: AP 9/10 Game Type: Ladder DotA Game
Game State: PUB Creator: berekettu
Date: 18-05-2024 19:54:17 Replay: Download replay
Lobby duration: 10:21 Game duration: 54:57
Map: maps\download\DotA_Allstars_7.04c7.w3x
Mode: ap Winner: Scourge
Player Hero L PSR After K D A CK CD NK T Items Left at Reason
Centaur Warchief 241599 | -4 2 14 21 172 19 66 1 Blade Mail Kelen's Dagger Tranquil Boots Hood of Defiance Messerschmidt's Reaver Vanguard (melee)54:53 has left the game voluntarily
Gorgon 221616 | -4 4 12 9 123 10 16 0 Aghanim's Scepter Maelstrom Hyperstone Kaya Soul Booster Boots of Speed54:57 has left the game voluntarily
Shadow Fiend 301548 | -6 28 11 11 340 27 130 3 Silver Edge empty Satanic Active) Linken's Sphere Power Treads (Agility)54:54 has left the game voluntarily
Skywrath Mage 201607 | -4 6 17 11 59 1 9 2 Arcane Boots Energy Booster Observer Wards Gleipnir empty empty54:54 has left the game voluntarily
Witch Doctor 161577 | -5 2 17 11 88 2 6 0 Aghanim's Scepter (Witch Doctor) Power Treads (Strength) Soul Booster empty empty empty54:56 has left the game voluntarily
Doom Bringer 261680 | +3 9 11 15 377 8 152 2 Echo Sabre Blade Mail Manta Style Boots of Travel On) Bloodstone54:55 has left the game voluntarily
Demon Witch 291771 | +1 26 5 12 134 31 22 1 Ethereal Blade Lothar's Edge Gem of True Sight Aghanim's Scepter (Lion) Tranquil Boots Aeon Disk54:55 has left the game voluntarily
Tormented Soul 291704 | +3 17 11 30 185 7 38 0 Kelen's Dagger Eul's Scepter of Divinity Aghanim's Scepter (Leshrac) Boots of Travel Linken's Sphere Aeon Disk54:54 has left the game voluntarily
Nerubian Weaver 281551 | +7 12 8 25 182 15 106 2 Boots of Travel empty Linken's Sphere Stygian Desolator Buriza-do Kyanon empty54:55 has left the game voluntarily
Lord of Olympus 231566 | +7 7 9 23 172 1 9 2 Octarine Core Aether Lens Boots of Speed Aghanim's Scepter (Zeus) Refresher Orb empty54:57 has left the game voluntarily
Lobby log
Time From Message
00:07 berekettu has joined the game.
00:07 Spoof check accepted for [berekettu :].
00:07 Spoof check accepted for [berekettu :].
01:22 TheON. has joined the game.
01:22 Spoof check accepted for [TheON. :].
01:22 Spoof check accepted for [TheON. :].
01:28 TheON. has left the game.
02:00 [Did you know?] In All Pick, players who have not chosen a Hero before the timer expires will begin to lose their starting gold.
02:14 Kasman has joined the game.
02:14 Spoof check accepted for [Kasman :].
02:14 Spoof check accepted for [Kasman :].
02:17 semtex06 has joined the game.
02:17 Spoof check accepted for [semtex06 :].
02:17 Spoof check accepted for [semtex06 :].
02:26 Thesnn has joined the game.
02:26 Spoof check accepted for [Thesnn :].
02:26 Spoof check accepted for [Thesnn :].
02:35 berekettu !rall
02:35 Kasman (1620), Thesnn (1611), berekettu (1603), semtex06 (1554)
02:38 berekettu !sd kasmanm
02:40 berekettu !sd kasman
02:40 [Kasman] PSR: 1620 games: 1034 W/L: 23/14
02:40 H. K/D/A 9.08/7.32/14.38 C. K/D/N 178.54/10.14/58.14
03:30 levola2 has joined the game.
03:30 Spoof check accepted for [levola2 :].
03:30 Spoof check accepted for [levola2 :].
04:00 [Did you know?] Be aware of your position when attacking creeps. You may wind up pushing your team's creeps, and yourself, into a dangerous location.
04:09 berekettu !PUB AP 5/10
04:09 Trying to rehost as public game [AP 5/10].
04:11 berekettu !RS
04:11 Sentinel avg. PSR: 1594(100% to win, WR=62%), Scourge avg. PSR: -nan(0% to win, WR=0%)
04:19 Rehost was successful on at least one realm!
04:24 berekettu !rall
04:24 Kasman (1620), Thesnn (1611), berekettu (1603), levola2 (1582), semtex06 (1554)
05:06 berekettu !sd
05:06 [berekettu] PSR: 1603 games: 215 W/L: 15/5
05:06 H. K/D/A 11.00/7.10/16.90 C. K/D/N 169.90/10.55/51.55
05:08 berekettu !sd
05:08 [berekettu] PSR: 1603 games: 215 W/L: 15/5
05:08 H. K/D/A 11.00/7.10/16.90 C. K/D/N 169.90/10.55/51.55
05:09 berekettu !rall
05:09 Kasman (1620), Thesnn (1611), berekettu (1603), levola2 (1582), semtex06 (1554)
05:12 Titanes has joined the game.
05:12 Spoof check accepted for [Titanes :].
05:12 Spoof check accepted for [Titanes :].
05:14 berekettu !rall
05:14 Titanes (1677), Kasman (1620), Thesnn (1611), berekettu (1603), levola2 (1582), semtex06 (1554)
05:19 berekettu !PUB AP 6/10
05:19 Trying to rehost as public game [AP 6/10].
05:25 berekettu !SD titanes
05:25 [Titanes] PSR: 1677 games: 147 W/L: 33/19
05:25 H. K/D/A 8.02/7.13/12.77 C. K/D/N 205.63/8.56/76.77
05:26 Titanes has left the game.
05:32 Rehost was successful on at least one realm!
06:00 [Did you know?] Being top 10 on the ladder confirms that you have become a pro player.
06:30 Kasman -ma
06:34 berekettu -ma
06:35 Kasman !sd
07:45 Titanes has joined the game.
07:45 Spoof check accepted for [Titanes :].
07:45 Spoof check accepted for [Titanes :].
08:00 [Did you know?] The Secret Shop is not actually a secret.
08:02 iErnesto94 has joined the game.
08:02 Spoof check accepted for [iErnesto94 :].
08:02 Spoof check accepted for [iErnesto94 :].
08:18 TheON. has joined the game.
08:18 Spoof check accepted for [TheON. :].
08:18 Spoof check accepted for [TheON. :].
08:19 iLoVeDruGs has joined the game.
08:19 Spoof check accepted for [iLoVeDruGs :].
08:19 Spoof check accepted for [iLoVeDruGs :].
09:08 berekettu !rs
09:08 Sentinel avg. PSR: 1594(38% to win, WR=62%), Scourge avg. PSR: 1673(62% to win, WR=61%)
09:09 berekettu !rall
09:09 iErnesto94 (1770), TheON. (1701), Titanes (1677), Kasman (1620), Thesnn (1611), berekettu (1603), levola2 (1582), semtex06 (1554), iLoVeDruGs (1544)
09:14 berekettu !PUB AP 9/10
09:14 Trying to rehost as public game [AP 9/10].
09:35 Rehost was successful on at least one realm!
09:52 berekettu !RS
09:52 Sentinel avg. PSR: 1594(38% to win, WR=62%), Scourge avg. PSR: 1673(62% to win, WR=61%)
09:53 berekettu !RS
09:53 Sentinel avg. PSR: 1594(38% to win, WR=62%), Scourge avg. PSR: 1673(62% to win, WR=61%)
10:00 [Did you know?] Who would win in a 1v1 fantasy match? grga_man vs TooShade
10:01 -timetothink has joined the game.
10:01 Spoof check accepted for [-timetothink :].
10:01 Spoof check accepted for [-timetothink :].
10:02 berekettu !RS
10:02 Sentinel avg. PSR: 1594(26% to win, WR=62%), Scourge avg. PSR: 1647(74% to win, WR=58%)
10:03 berekettu !RALL
10:03 iErnesto94 (1770), TheON. (1701), Titanes (1677), Kasman (1620), Thesnn (1611), berekettu (1603), levola2 (1582), semtex06 (1554), iLoVeDruGs (1544), -timetothink (1543)
10:05 berekettu !SYNC 250
10:05 Setting sync limit to the maximum of 250 packets.
10:06 berekettu !SC
10:07 berekettu !RALL
10:07 iErnesto94 (1770), TheON. (1701), Titanes (1677), Kasman (1620), Thesnn (1611), berekettu (1603), levola2 (1582), semtex06 (1554), iLoVeDruGs (1544), -timetothink (1543)
10:09 berekettu !HCL AP
10:09 berekettu !SC
10:10 berekettu !START
10:10 Players not yet pinged 3 times: -timetothink
10:12 berekettu !START
10:12 Players not yet pinged 3 times: -timetothink
10:14 berekettu !SC
10:16 berekettu !START
10:16 Game is starting, game mode is set to [ap].
10:16 10. . .
10:16 9. . .
10:17 8. . .
10:17 7. . .
10:18 6. . .
10:18 5. . .
10:19 iErnesto94 !sd time
10:19 4. . .
10:19 3. . .
10:20 iErnesto94 !r
10:20 2. . .
10:20 1. . .
10:20 iErnesto94 !sd
Game log
Time From Message
00:00 [All] This game is being hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
00:00 [All] Lagabuse Game ID: 663
00:00 [All] If you leave before the tree/throne is destroyed you risk getting autobanned, type !autoban for more info.
00:03 TheON. [Allies] !f
00:05 levola2 [Allies] -cam 3000
00:06 levola2 [Allies] -aoe
00:07 TheON. [Allies] tr stakers
00:07 -timetothink [Allies] -cam 2997
00:07 Thesnn [Allies] -cam 2600
00:08 TheON. [Allies] -cam 2
00:09 levola2 [Allies] -betterfps
00:10 berekettu [Allies] -CAM 2650
00:11 Thesnn [Allies] -minimap 3
00:12 Kasman [Allies] -cam 2599
00:15 berekettu [Allies] -minimap 3
00:15 iLoVeDruGs [Allies] -minimap 3
00:16 TheON. [Allies] hiding under fake accounts
00:16 berekettu [Allies] -light 6
00:19 TheON. [Allies] -minimap 3
00:19 iLoVeDruGs [Allies] !rs
00:21 TheON. [Allies] -betterfps
00:23 TheON. [Allies] -cam 2.3e
00:23 iLoVeDruGs [Allies] rip
00:25 Kasman [Allies] -minimap 3
00:28 iLoVeDruGs [Allies] !r
00:29 Titanes [Allies] we gut team
00:30 -timetothink [Allies] !rs
00:33 semtex06 [Allies] -minimap 1
00:37 semtex06 [Allies] -light 6
00:44 iErnesto94 [Allies] mid
00:46 iLoVeDruGs [Allies] i trust in erneso to win it :D
00:50 iErnesto94 [Allies] :)
00:53 TheON. [Allies] only him
00:56 TheON. [Allies] ok
00:58 TheON. [Allies] im afk :D
01:01 Titanes [Allies] me top
01:02 iErnesto94 [Allies] pick
01:14 berekettu [Allies] !sd theon.
01:14 [All] [TheON.] PSR: 1701 games: 1490 W/L: 55/32
01:14 [All] H. K/D/A 11.54/8.51/16.13 C. K/D/N 140.33/6.69/37.10
01:22 TheON. [Allies] doom go woods
01:24 iErnesto94 [Allies] midu
01:24 TheON. [Allies] let me solo
01:49 TheON. [Allies] !sd kas
01:57 TheON. [Allies] !sd lov
02:05 TheON. [Allies] why 2 int after me
02:06 iErnesto94 [Allies] -cam 2600
02:07 iLoVeDruGs [Allies] !sd
02:12 TheON. [Allies] if i knew youll go int
02:15 TheON. [Allies] ill take cary
02:16 TheON. [Allies] or tank
02:26 Titanes [Allies] u carry anyway
02:35 TheON. [Allies] yea if im mid
02:35 iLoVeDruGs [Allies] ernesto beltrayed me
02:37 TheON. [Allies] with this hero
02:37 iLoVeDruGs [Allies] pick int
02:44 iErnesto94 [Allies] come
02:54 Titanes [Allies] -cam 2500
03:01 [All] [levola2]-- Creeps Spawned --
03:55 iLoVeDruGs [Allies] kill 2
03:56 iLoVeDruGs [Allies] sky
04:41 Kasman [Allies] >> Tormented Soul is missing!
05:33 [All] [levola2]Titanes killed Kasman
05:35 [All] [levola2]iErnesto94 killed semtex06
06:36 Titanes [Allies] spam them
06:49 [All] [levola2]levola2 killed iLoVeDruGs
06:57 [All] [levola2]iLoVeDruGs killed levola2
07:37 [All] [levola2]-timetothink killed Thesnn
07:41 iLoVeDruGs [Allies] gg
07:43 [All] [levola2]levola2 killed -timetothink
07:57 [All] [levola2]Titanes killed Kasman
07:59 iLoVeDruGs [Allies] go win zeus
08:04 iLoVeDruGs [Allies] ks creps ks kill
08:05 -timetothink [Allies] ???????
08:08 -timetothink [Allies] lol
08:17 -timetothink [Allies] not normal you are
08:38 iLoVeDruGs [Allies] why hit it 1hp
08:42 iLoVeDruGs [Allies] gready
08:51 -timetothink [Allies] i wasdeawth
09:50 iLoVeDruGs [Allies] g
10:16 iErnesto94 [Allies] ss
10:28 Titanes [Allies] >> Devour [3] > On cooldown ( 00:12 )
11:03 TheON. [Allies] focus on one
11:30 Titanes [Allies] >> War Stomp [F] > is ready
11:40 [All] [levola2]iErnesto94 killed semtex06
11:48 [All] [levola2]Titanes killed Kasman
12:30 TheON. [Allies] oom
12:32 [All] [levola2]iErnesto94 killed berekettu
12:33 [All] [levola2]iLoVeDruGs killed Thesnn
12:41 TheON. [Allies] brb
13:47 [All] [levola2]Kasman killed Titanes
13:50 Titanes [Allies] omg
13:52 Titanes [Allies] stun
14:38 [All] [levola2]iErnesto94 killed semtex06
14:42 iLoVeDruGs [Allies] ss
15:02 iLoVeDruGs [Allies] >> -timetothink (Zeus) has a > Lightning Bolt [2]
15:12 iLoVeDruGs [Allies] ward
15:56 iLoVeDruGs [Allies] ss
16:25 semtex06 [Allies] !?P
17:41 [All] [levola2]semtex06 killed TheON.
17:44 TheON. [Allies] cent
17:45 TheON. [Allies] wtgf
17:49 TheON. [Allies] doom
17:52 TheON. [Allies] afking
17:55 [All] [levola2]iErnesto94 killed berekettu
18:02 TheON. [Allies] i died to save you
18:03 TheON. [Allies] no more
18:06 TheON. [Allies] doom
18:30 [All] [levola2]TheON. killed levola2
18:31 [All] [levola2]Thesnn killed TheON.
18:36 [All] [levola2]iErnesto94 killed Kasman
18:52 Thesnn [Allies] -ms
19:14 TheON. [Allies] sf lvl 12
19:15 TheON. [Allies] lets kill
19:56 [All] [levola2]TheON. killed Thesnn
20:14 iErnesto94 [Allies] >> TheON. (Leshrac) has a > Diabolic Edict [3]
20:17 [All] [levola2]semtex06 killed TheON.
20:21 semtex06 [All] ?
20:22 [All] [levola2]The Sentinel destroyed the top level 1 Scourge tower
20:33 TheON. [All] lol ok
20:45 [All] [levola2]iErnesto94 killed levola2
20:52 [All] [levola2]semtex06 killed -timetothink
21:12 [All] [levola2]Thesnn killed Titanes
22:38 [All] [levola2]semtex06 killed -timetothink
23:21 [All] [levola2]iLoVeDruGs killed Thesnn
23:33 [All] [levola2]iLoVeDruGs killed levola2
23:36 [All] [levola2]iErnesto94 killed berekettu
23:40 [All] [levola2]Titanes killed Kasman
23:42 [All] [levola2]semtex06 killed iErnesto94
23:57 [All] [levola2]semtex06 killed TheON.
24:00 iErnesto94 [Allies] zzzzzzz
24:02 [All] [levola2]semtex06 killed iLoVeDruGs
24:04 [All] [levola2]Titanes killed semtex06
24:11 iErnesto94 [Allies] >> Titanes (Lucifer) has a > Scorched Earth [4]
24:11 iErnesto94 [Allies] >> Titanes (Lucifer) has a > Scorched Earth [4]
24:15 [All] [levola2]Thesnn killed Titanes
24:19 iErnesto94 [Allies] why no heal :(
24:31 [All] [levola2]levola2 denied the bottom level 1 Sentinel tower
25:39 [All] [levola2]Thesnn killed -timetothink
25:47 [All] [levola2]semtex06 killed iErnesto94
25:53 [All] [levola2]semtex06 killed iLoVeDruGs
25:55 iLoVeDruGs [Allies] -gg
26:13 [All] [levola2]Titanes killed berekettu
26:24 [All] [levola2]semtex06 destroyed the bottom level 1 Scourge tower
26:27 [All] [levola2]Titanes destroyed the top level 1 Sentinel tower
27:04 [All] [levola2]Thesnn killed iLoVeDruGs
27:04 [All] [levola2]TheON. killed levola2
27:11 [All] [levola2]Kasman killed TheON.
27:12 [All] [levola2]iErnesto94 killed Thesnn
27:15 iLoVeDruGs [Allies] no team here
27:31 Titanes [Allies] no ward here
27:38 [All] [levola2]semtex06 killed -timetothink
27:50 TheON. [Allies] he is lotarh
27:58 [All] [levola2]berekettu destroyed the bottom level 2 Scourge tower
28:18 [All] [levola2]Titanes killed levola2
28:19 [All] [levola2]semtex06 killed TheON.
28:22 [All] [levola2]The Scourge destroyed the mid level 1 Sentinel tower
28:29 TheON. [Allies] and sf always there
28:43 [All] [levola2]Thesnn killed Titanes
28:49 [All] [levola2]semtex06 killed iErnesto94
29:00 [All] [levola2]iLoVeDruGs killed Thesnn
29:00 [All] [levola2]semtex06 killed Titanes
29:06 Titanes [Allies] >> iLoVeDruGs (Weaver) has a > Linken's Sphere
29:06 Titanes [Allies] >> iLoVeDruGs (Weaver) has a > Linken's Sphere
29:06 Titanes [Allies] >> iLoVeDruGs (Weaver) has a > Linken's Sphere
29:09 [All] [levola2]semtex06 destroyed the mid level 1 Scourge tower
29:47 [All] [levola2]semtex06 killed -timetothink
29:50 [All] [levola2]iLoVeDruGs killed levola2
29:52 [All] [levola2]TheON. killed berekettu
29:52 [All] [levola2]iErnesto94 killed semtex06
29:58 Titanes [Allies] weaver why focus CENT ? ? ? ?? ? ?
29:59 iLoVeDruGs [Allies] tnx g00d
31:41 [All] [levola2]iErnesto94 killed Thesnn
31:41 [All] [levola2]berekettu killed iErnesto94
31:46 iErnesto94 [Allies] b
31:48 iErnesto94 [Allies] b
32:05 [All] [levola2]semtex06 killed -timetothink
32:05 iErnesto94 [Allies] >> Titanes (Lucifer) has a > Doom [3]
32:08 [All] [levola2]Kasman killed TheON.
32:09 [All] [levola2]Titanes killed levola2
32:09 [All] [levola2]semtex06 killed iLoVeDruGs
32:17 iErnesto94 [Allies] told u b....
32:48 TheON. [Allies] we needed another tank
32:53 TheON. [Allies] this moron pickes zevs
32:59 TheON. [Allies] as last
33:21 [All] [levola2]semtex06 killed Titanes
34:24 iErnesto94 [Allies] b
34:25 iErnesto94 [Allies] luci need
34:39 [All] [levola2]iErnesto94 killed Thesnn
35:03 [All] [levola2]TheON. killed Kasman
35:05 [All] [levola2]TheON. killed levola2
35:12 [All] [levola2]-timetothink killed berekettu
35:15 [All] [levola2]semtex06 killed iErnesto94
35:31 iLoVeDruGs [Allies] >> I have 32% HP and 87% Mana
35:43 [All] [levola2]semtex06 killed TheON.
35:43 [All] [levola2]-timetothink killed semtex06
35:47 TheON. [Allies] atavck
35:48 TheON. [Allies] idiots
35:49 TheON. [Allies] atack
35:50 TheON. [Allies] weaver
35:51 TheON. [Allies] stupid
35:51 iLoVeDruGs [Allies] 20hp
35:52 TheON. [Allies] zero
35:54 TheON. [Allies] atack
35:54 iLoVeDruGs [Allies] ulted
35:55 TheON. [Allies] morpon
35:56 iLoVeDruGs [Allies] are you blind
35:59 TheON. [Allies] stup[id cary
36:00 iLoVeDruGs [Allies] >> Time Lapse [3] > On cooldown ( 00:20 )
36:01 TheON. [Allies] idiot
36:04 TheON. [Allies] !igjore lov
36:05 iLoVeDruGs [Allies] go fuck off
36:06 TheON. [Allies] !ignore lov
36:07 TheON. [Allies] dog
36:08 TheON. [Allies] zero
36:09 TheON. [Allies] player
36:14 iLoVeDruGs [Allies] ur good
36:15 iLoVeDruGs [Allies] trash
36:17 TheON. [Allies] play tetris
36:18 TheON. [Allies] idiot
36:23 TheON. [Allies] usles items
36:23 iLoVeDruGs [Allies] i play ur mom
36:25 iLoVeDruGs [Allies] stupid moron
36:26 TheON. [Allies] on weaver
36:27 TheON. [Allies] nice
36:28 iLoVeDruGs [Allies] !ignore the
36:30 TheON. [Allies] !sd love
36:33 TheON. [Allies] !votekick love
36:33 [All] [TheON.] voted to kick [iLoVeDruGs] [1/6]
36:33 [All] RULE: !votekick command may only be used against game ruiners (intentional feed, obstructing gameplay..). Vote accordingly.
36:33 [All] Type !yes to vote.
36:37 iLoVeDruGs [Allies] !ignore theon
36:37 TheON. [Allies] trash
36:38 TheON. [Allies] dog
36:43 TheON. [Allies] miss warms
36:48 TheON. [Allies] wont hit
37:04 [All] [levola2]iErnesto94 killed Thesnn
37:33 [All] A votekick against player [iLoVeDruGs] has expired.
37:49 [All] [levola2]iErnesto94 killed berekettu
37:50 [All] [levola2]semtex06 killed -timetothink
37:52 [All] [levola2]TheON. killed levola2
37:57 [All] [levola2]iErnesto94 killed Kasman
38:12 TheON. [All] ? where sf
38:13 [All] [levola2]semtex06 killed iLoVeDruGs
38:16 iLoVeDruGs [Allies] !ff
38:16 [All] [iLoVeDruGs] voted to forfeit [1/5 Scourge]
38:36 -timetothink [Allies] luci maybe blade mail
38:50 iErnesto94 [Allies] zeus
38:55 iErnesto94 [Allies] u need to deward with ur spell
38:59 iErnesto94 [Allies] i spent 2k in sentries..
39:05 [All] [levola2]semtex06 killed Titanes
39:11 [All] [levola2]TheON. killed semtex06
39:41 [All] [levola2]iErnesto94 killed berekettu
39:41 [All] [levola2]iErnesto94 killed Thesnn
39:45 TheON. [Allies] gj
39:50 iErnesto94 [Allies] u too
39:52 TheON. [Allies] im b
41:15 [All] [levola2]semtex06 killed Titanes
41:17 Titanes [Allies] >> iErnesto94 (Lion) has a > Impale [4]
41:18 Titanes [Allies] >> iErnesto94 (Lion) has a > Voodoo [4]
41:40 [All] [levola2]iErnesto94 killed semtex06
41:41 [All] [levola2]TheON. killed Thesnn
41:42 [All] [levola2]berekettu killed TheON.
41:43 [All] [levola2]iLoVeDruGs killed berekettu
41:55 [All] [levola2]-timetothink killed Kasman
41:57 [All] [levola2]iLoVeDruGs killed levola2
42:45 [All] [levola2]iLoVeDruGs destroyed the top level 2 Sentinel tower
42:51 [All] [levola2]TheON. killed Thesnn
43:00 [All] [levola2]-timetothink destroyed the mid level 2 Sentinel tower
43:13 iErnesto94 [Allies] b
44:09 [All] [levola2]TheON. killed Thesnn
44:14 [All] [levola2]iErnesto94 killed berekettu
44:14 [All] [levola2]iErnesto94 killed levola2
44:42 [All] [levola2]semtex06 killed Titanes
44:44 [All] [levola2]iErnesto94 killed semtex06
44:49 Titanes [Allies] wow lion :D
44:49 [All] [levola2]TheON. killed Kasman
44:55 [All] [levola2]iLoVeDruGs killed berekettu
44:59 [All] [levola2]The Sentinel killed iLoVeDruGs
45:03 TheON. [All] ? sf
45:03 iErnesto94 [Allies] ?
45:05 semtex06 [All] ?
45:12 [All] [levola2]-timetothink destroyed the mid level 3 Sentinel tower
45:15 [All] [levola2]-timetothink killed levola2
45:25 [All] [levola2]iErnesto94 killed Thesnn
45:33 Titanes [Allies] PUSH ALL DEAD
46:04 [All] [levola2]The Scourge destroyed the mid Sentinel ranged rax
46:18 [All] [levola2]TheON. killed levola2
46:26 [All] [levola2]The Scourge destroyed the mid Sentinel melee rax
46:28 [All] [levola2]TheON. killed Kasman
46:32 [All] [levola2]semtex06 killed TheON.
46:56 iErnesto94 [Allies] save for bb
47:07 [All] [levola2]semtex06 killed -timetothink
47:26 iErnesto94 [Allies] b
47:30 [All] [levola2]Thesnn destroyed the mid level 2 Scourge tower
47:38 iErnesto94 [Allies] Doom Bringer >> Scroll of TP: 3 charges, ready
47:39 iErnesto94 [Allies] Doom Bringer >> Scroll of TP: 3 charges, ready
47:45 berekettu [Allies] >> Enemy Tormented Soul will respawn in 51 seconds!
48:06 [All] [levola2]iErnesto94 killed berekettu
48:13 [All] [levola2]semtex06 destroyed the mid level 3 Scourge tower
48:13 [All] [levola2]iLoVeDruGs killed levola2
48:18 [All] [levola2]iLoVeDruGs killed Thesnn
48:19 [All] [levola2]The Sentinel killed iLoVeDruGs
48:23 [All] [levola2]Kasman killed Titanes
48:44 semtex06 [Allies] Buyback >> Ready
49:26 iErnesto94 [Allies] b
49:29 iErnesto94 [Allies] b
50:29 [All] [levola2]semtex06 killed Titanes
50:55 iErnesto94 [Allies] care
51:27 iErnesto94 [Allies] let top
51:32 [All] [levola2]Thesnn destroyed the top level 2 Scourge tower
51:49 [All] [levola2]TheON. killed berekettu
51:58 [All] [levola2]TheON. killed semtex06
51:59 [All] [levola2]iErnesto94 destroyed the bottom level 2 Sentinel tower
52:02 [All] [levola2]-timetothink killed Kasman
52:17 [All] [levola2]iErnesto94 killed Thesnn
52:53 Kasman [Allies] Buyback >> On Cooldown ( 0:37 seconds remains )
53:28 [All] [levola2]-timetothink killed berekettu
53:43 [All] [levola2]TheON. killed levola2
53:44 [All] [levola2]semtex06 killed TheON.
53:46 [All] [levola2]Titanes destroyed the bottom level 3 Sentinel tower
53:58 [All] [levola2]iErnesto94 killed semtex06
54:01 [All] [levola2]iLoVeDruGs killed Thesnn
54:06 [All] [levola2]Titanes destroyed the bottom Sentinel ranged rax
54:13 [All] [levola2]The Scourge destroyed the bottom Sentinel melee rax
54:22 iErnesto94 [All] gg
54:30 [All] [levola2]iLoVeDruGs destroyed the bottom level 4 Sentinel tower
54:31 iLoVeDruGs [All] gg lesch idiot and noob
54:36 [All] [levola2]The Scourge destroyed the mid level 4 Sentinel tower
54:37 iErnesto94 [Allies] lol
54:38 [All] [levola2]The Scourge destroyed the top level 3 Sentinel tower
54:39 [All] [levola2]The World Tree is now at 75% HP
54:40 iErnesto94 [Allies] lesh was very good
54:41 [All] [levola2]The World Tree is now at 50% HP
54:41 Titanes [Allies] kick aever
54:43 [All] [levola2]The World Tree is now at 25% HP
54:48 [All] [levola2]Titanes killed Kasman
54:48 [All] [levola2]iErnesto94 killed levola2
54:52 [All] [levola2]The World Tree is now at 10% HP
54:52 [All] This game was hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
54:52 [All] This game was hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
54:52 [All] This game was hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
54:52 [All] This game was hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
54:52 [All] This game was hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
54:52 [All] This game was hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
54:52 [All] This game was hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
54:52 [All] This game was hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
54:52 [All] This game was hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
54:52 [All] This game was hosted by lagabuse bot, visit for the rules, ban/unban requests and more.
54:53 [All] berekettu has left the game voluntarily.
54:54 [All] Thesnn has left the game voluntarily.
54:54 [All] semtex06 has left the game voluntarily.
54:54 [All] TheON. has left the game voluntarily.
54:55 [All] Titanes has left the game voluntarily.
54:55 [All] iLoVeDruGs has left the game voluntarily.
54:55 [All] iErnesto94 has left the game voluntarily.
54:56 [All] levola2 has left the game voluntarily.
54:57 [All] Kasman has left the game voluntarily.
54:57 [All] -timetothink has left the game voluntarily.